
时间:2021年08月22日 16:25:45 中财网


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S.F. Holding Co., Ltd.

2021 Semi-
Annual Report

August 2021

Chapter 1 Important Information, Table of Contents, and Definitions

The Company’s Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors, and senior management
hereby guarantee that the contents of the Semi-
Annual Report are true, accurate, and complete, and that there are
no misrepresentations, misleading statements, or material omissions, and shall assume individual and joint legal

Wang Wei, the Company’s responsible person, Chen Fei, the person in charge of accounting work, and Hu
Xiaofei, the person in charge of the accounting department (accounting officer), hereby declare and warrant that
the financial report within the Semi-
Annual Report is true, accurate, and complete.

All directors have attended the Board meeting approving the Semi-
Annual Report.

The Company is required to comply with the disclosure requirements presented in the Shenzhen Stock
Exchange for Industrial Information Disclosure No.9 –
Listed Companies Engaged in the Express Delivery
Services Business.

In this Semi-
Annual Report, the Company details the possible risk factors and countermeasures that may
occur in the future. For more information, refer to “Section X. Possible Risks and Countermeasures” in “Chapter 3.
Management Discussion and Analysis.” Investors shall refer to this information.

The Company does not plan to issue cash or equity dividends, nor to convert equity reserve into share capital
of the Company.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Important Information, Table of Contents, and Definitions
Chapter 2 Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators
Chapter 3 Management Discussion and Analysis
Chapter 4. Corporate Governance
Chapter 5. Environmental and Social Responsibilities
Chapter 6. Significant Events
Chapter 7 Share Changes & Shareholder Details I. Changes in Shares
Chapter 8 Preferred Shares
Chapter 9 Bonds
Chapter 10 Financial Statements

List of Documents Available for Inspection

(1) Financial statements signed and sealed by the legal representative, the person in charge of finance and the person in charge of the
accounting department of the Company.

(2) The original copies of all documents and announcements of the Company which have been publicly disclosed in newspapers
designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission during the reporting period.

(3) The original text of the 2021 Semi-Annual report signed by the chairman of the Board of Directors.

(4) The place where the above documents are maintained: the office of the Company’s Board of Directors.




Reporting period

January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021

The same period of
previous year

January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020

The Company, The listed
Company, SF Holding, SF

S.F. Holding Co., Ltd.


Renminbi yuan

Mingde Holding

Shenzhen Mingde Holding Development Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of S.F.
Holding Co., Ltd.

Taisen Holding

Shenzhen S.F. Taisen Holding (Group) Co., Ltd., a wholly-
owned subsidiary of S.F.
Holding Co., Ltd.

Hive Box Technology

Shenzhen Hive Box Technology Co., Ltd., a commonly controlled entity of S.F.
Holding Co., Ltd.

SF Intra-
city, Intra-

Hangzhou SF Intra-
city Industrial Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of S.F. Holdings Co., Ltd.


China Securities Regulatory Commission

HK Stock Exchange

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited


The Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong

Kerry Logistics

Kerry Logistics Network Limited,a company listed on the Main Board of The Stock
Exchange of Hong Kong Limite. Stock abbreviation: Kerry Logistics; Stock code:


SF Real Estate Investment Trust,a joint venture of S.F. Holding Co., Ltd. The SF REIT
has been listed on the Main Board of the HK Stock Exchange since May 17, 2021,
with the stock code of “2191.HK” and the stock abbreviation of “SF REIT”.

Chapter 2 Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators

I. Company Profile

Stock Abbreviation

SF Holding

Stock Code


Listed Stock Exchange

Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Chinese Name of the Company


Chinese Name Abbreviation of the Company


English Name of the Company

S.F. Holding Co., Ltd.

English Name Abbreviation of the Company

SF Holding

Legal Representative of the Company

Wang Wei

II. Contacts and Contact Methods

Board Secretary

Securities Affairs Representative


Ling Gan

Jing Zeng


Block B,TK Chuangzhi Tiandi Building, Keji South
1st Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong
Province, P.R.China

Block B,TK Chuangzhi Tiandi Building, Keji South
1st Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong
Province, P.R.China

Tel No.









III. Other Information

1. Corporate Contact Information

Were there any changes to the Company’s registered address, office address or postal code, company website, or to the email address
during the reporting period?

□ Yes √No

There were no changes to the Company’s registered address, office address or postal code, company website and the email address
during the reporting period. Refer to the Company’s 2020 Annual report for details.

2. Information Disclosure and Location of Report

Were there any changes to information disclosure and location during the reporting period?

□ Yes √No

There were no changes to the name of the newspaper designated for information disclosure, to the address of website designated by
the China Securities Regulatory Commission for semi-
annual report publication, nor to the storage location of company’s
Annual report during the reporting period. Refer to the Company’s 2020 Annual report for details.

3. Other Relevant Information

Were there any changes to other relevant information during the reporting period?

□ Yes √No

IV. Key Accounting Information and Financial Indicators

Does the Company need to adjust its financial information retrospectively or restate its previous year accounting information?

□Yes √No

Current reporting period

The same period of previous

Increase/Decrease over the
same period of previous

Revenue (RMB)




Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the parent company (RMB)




Net profit after deducting non-
profit or loss attributable to shareholders of
the parent company (RMB)




Net cash flow from operating activities




Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)




Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)




Weighted average return on net assets



A decrease of 7.17
percentage points

End of the current reporting

End of previous year

Increase/Decrease over
previous year end

Total assets (RMB)




Total equity attributable to shareholders of

the parent company (RMB)




V Differences Arising from Chinese and the International Accounting Standards

1. Differences between net profits and net assets disclosed in the financial reports in accordance with
international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□Applicable √Not applicable

There is no difference between the net profits and net assets disclosed in financial reports in accordance with international accounting
standards and those disclosed in accordance with Chinese accounting standards in the reporting period.

2. Differences between net profit and net assets disclosed in the financial reports in accordance with
overseas accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□Applicable √Not applicable

There is no difference between the net profits and net assets disclosed in the financial reports in accordance with overseas accounting
standards and those disclosed in accordance with Chinese accounting standards in the reporting period.

VI Non-Recurring Profit or Loss

√Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: RMB




Investment income from disposal of subsidiaries


It mainly represents gains from
disposal of subsidiaries to SF
REIT, for details, please refer to
Note 5(2) of Chapter 10 Financial

Gains or losses on disposals of non-
current assets (including
offsetting amount for the provision of impairment of assets)


Government grants recognized in profit or loss for the current
period (excluding government grants that are closely related to
the Company’s business operations, with fixed quotas or amounts
in accordance with national uniform standards)


It mainly represents fiscal
approportion, transportation
capacity subsidies, tax refunds
and employment stabilization
subsidies, etc.

Gains generated where investment costs of acquisition of
subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures by the Company are
less than the Company’s share of the fair value of the investee's
identifiable net assets


Gains or losses from changes in fair value of financial assets held
for trading, derivative financial assets, financial liabilities held for
trading and derivative financial liabilities, and investment gains or
losses arising from the disposal of financial assets held for
trading, derivative financial assets, financial liabilities held for
trading, derivative financial liabilities and other debt investments,
excluding hedging activities related to the normal business
operations of the Company


Reversal of provision for impairment of receivables and contract
assets that have been assessed for impairment individually


Net amount of other non-
operating income and expenses


Less: Income tax effect


Profit or loss attributable to minority shareholders (after tax)





Provide explanations for classifying non-
recurring profit or loss items defined in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 for Public
Company Information Disclosures –
recurring profit or loss, and for classifying non-
recurring profit or loss items listed in the
Explanatory Announcement No. 1 for Public Company Information Disclosures –
recurring profit or loss as recurring profit or
loss items.

□Applicable √Not applicable

The Company has not classified non-
recurring profit or loss items defined or listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 for
Public Company Information Disclosures –
recurring profit or loss as recurring profit or loss items in the reporting period.

Chapter 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

I. Primary business of the Company during the reporting period

Is the Company required to comply with disclosure requirement of a particular industry?


Express Delivery Service Industry

(I) Industry development

1. China logistics industry has large market size and broad market space, the potential for consolidation is vast

Despite of COVID-19’s continious uncertainties on the global economy, China has entered a “new normal” for pandemic
prevention control and economy recovered robustly. Driven by the steady growth of industrial logistics in China, growing import and
export momentum and the continuously rapid development of new drivers related to people’s livelihood and consumption, the
prosperity index of logistics industry in China was in a relatively high range. From 2010 to 2020, the total social logistics expenditure
in China increased from RMB7.1 trillion to RMB14.9 trillion, with a compound annual growth rate of 7.7%, In 2020, the total social
logistics expenditure accounted for 14.7% of GDP. Among them, the express delivery service industry was a key segment of the
gigantic logistics market. According to the data from the State Post Bureau, from 2010 to 2020, the business volume and income
from the express delivery service industry increased by 36.3 times and 15.3 times respectively, with shipments delivered totalling
49.39 billion in the first half of 2021, representing a year-on-year increase of 45.8%, the business income totalling RMB 484.21
billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 26.6%, and the average daily handling volume exceeding 300 million in June this year.
China’s express delivery market has been the world’s largest for many years, maintaining robust growth momentum.

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Despite of the broad logistics market in China, the market of the logistics industry in China is still very fragmented compared
with that in developed countries. According to the data released by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing in November
2020, the total revenue from logistics business of the comprehensively top 50 logistics companies in 2019 was RMB1.1 trillion, but
accounted only for 10.7% of China’s total revenue from logistics business of RMB10.3 trillion in 2019, with a low degree of
concentration and huge space for future integration. Along with the rapid growth of the express service industry in China in recent
years, express service enterprises diverged in terms of business volume, market share, business model and profitability and etc.

Leading express enterprises built up cost advantage with scale effect and further expanded their market share, resulting in the gradual
withdrawl of certain small and medium sized express enterprises and making the market more concentrated. Data from the State Post
Bureau shows that the brand concentration index, CR8, came in at 80.8 in the first half of 2021. Meanwhile, leading express
enterprises kept optimizing their services, explored diversified business and built new business lines, such as freight, cold chain and
supply chain leveraging on talent, technology and capital, in a bid to expand their network coverage both at home and abroad and
build end-
end integrated logistics service capabilities. Besides, they seek to enhance operation efficiency with technology and
developed the “scattered, chaotic and poor” logistics industry in a scaled, standardized and efficient manner. With the continuous
development of logistics industry, upgrading information technology brought new technologies for logistics and new business forms
sprung up, coupled with the upgrading supply chain, leading an increasingly concentrated logistics industry and making the market
divided by several leading large-
scale professional logistics companies.

2. The trend of empowering different industries to build digital, intelligent, efficient and flexible supply chains through
technology advancement is providing new opportunities for logistics companies

In recent years, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other technologies have been widely practiced in logistics
scenarios. Through the extensive application of RFID, sensors, GPS, cloud computing and other information technologies in logistics
transportation, warehousing, packaging, loading and unloading, and distribution processing , distribution, information service and
other links, the intelligentization, automation and visualization of the logistics system have been realized, which greatly improves the
logistics efficiency. The proportion of total social logistics costs to GDP is generally used to measure the level of social logistics
costs and modernization. The lower the proportion, the higher the overall social logistics efficiency and the higher the modernization
level of the logistics industry. From 2010 to 2020, the proportion of total social logistics costs to GDP in China dropped from 17.8%
to 14.7%, a decrease of 3.1 percentage points. The reason is that on the one hand, the logistics industry has moved from low
concentration and decentralized competition to intensification and scale by giving full play to the effect of large-scale operation; on
the other hand, the improvement of logistics technology and intelligent level has shortend the logistics operation time and labor
intensity, improved the overall transport quality and efficiency, and the logistics industry has achieved remarkable results in cost
reduction and efficiency enhancement. However, this proportion is still at a relatively high level compared with 6%~8% in developed
countries in Europe and the United States, and there is still much room for improvement in the overall operational efficiency of
China's logistics industry.

On March 16, 2021, 13 departments including the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the "Opinions
on Accelerating the Promotion of High-Quality Development of Manufacturing Services (《关于加快推动制造服务业高质量发展
的意见》)" (Fa Gai Chan Ye [2021] No. 372), which proposed the need to accelerate the upgrading of professional and
comprehensive service capabilities for manufacturing industry and improve the overall quality and level of the manufacturing
industry chain; use 5G, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain and other new-generation information
technologies to vigorously develop intelligent manufacturing; develop a modern logistics service system, facilitate the integration
and sharing of information resources; promote the real-time collection and interconnection of information in upstream and
downstream links such as procurement, production and circulation, and improve the level of integrated operation of production,
manufacturing and logistics; promote the application of perception technology in key nodes of the manufacturing supply chain;
promote the intelligentization of supply chain system in key industries, and gradually realize the visualization of supply chain; with a
focus on the construction of “One Belt and One Road”, encourage professional services such as supply chain management to go out

in concert with manufacturing industry, and enhance the ability to allocate resources in the global service market, etc..

It can be seen that, at the critical stage of the gradual improvement of the new generation of information technology and
infrastructure, the vigorous development of intelligent manufacturing and the promotion of industrial upgrading in China, the
logistics industry in China is facing historic opportunities and key time windows to contribute to the promotion of manufacturing
value chain, drive digital visualization of supply chain, build modern logistics service standards, and enhance the global influence
and competitiveness of China's manufacturing supply chain. In particular, the epidemic has rapidly change the behavior of end
consumers to online consumption, and the online penetration rate of commodities has continued to increase with new forms of online
retail such as traditional e-commerce platforms, live streaming e-commerce, short video e-commerce and community group buying
emerging in an endless stream, and under the background of the significant increase of customer acquisition cost on online platforms,
brands are also paying more attention to private domain traffic. Therefore, the new business model with decentralized channel flow,
fragmented orders and online and offline integration will put forward higher requirements for brand owners' ability to perceive and
respond to market changes, be flexible and respond efficiently in the overall supply chain. How to achieve consumer insight, accurate
marketing forecasting, omnichannel operation, demand-matching production, fast inventory turnover, and establish a DTC (Direct to
Customer) flexible supply chain system with efficient response has become the key to win the market for brands. The entire supply
chain, from commodity supply to reaching consumers, will be reshaped: the production- and channel-centric "push" model is
evolving towards a consumer-centric "pull" model, and the planned, high-volume traditional logistics delivery model will shift to a
more flexible and agile approach. In this process, third-party logistics enterprises deeply cooperate with brand owners and penetrate
into every link of their supply chain services. With rich practical experience in logistics scenarios, combined with big data and
algorithm technology, AIoT, and software and hardware system integration capabilities, they help brand owners build digital, visual
and intelligent supply chain systems. The transformation of supply chain from the traditional cost center to the consumer-centric
enterprise value creation will be a new opportunity for third-party logistics enterprises and customers to work together to achieve
win-win results, upgrade their industries and services, and gain a broader market share in the future.

3. Under the guidance of government policies, express delivery industry is looking to move on from price war to a more
orderly market, and shifting from homogeneous competition to providing comprehensive logistics services

After many years of rapid development, China has grown into the world’s largest express delivery market by business volume.
According to the data from the State Post Bureau, from 2010 to 2020, shipments delivered by Chinese express delivery companies
increased to 83.36 billion from 2.34 billion, representing a CAGR of approximately 42.9%, and the business volume of express
delivery is expected to reach 95.5 billion in 2021. During the 13th Five-Year Plan, China’s parcel delivery volume has surpassed that
of the United States, Japan and Europe combined, and accounts for more than 50% of total global growth, making it the powerhouse
and stabilizer for the international post industry.

The Chinese express delivery industry is currently going through a transition from the growth stage toward the maturity phase,
and the concentration of the market is increasing. E-
commerce market remains the primary driving force of express industry growth,
but there exists severe homogeneous competition among e-
commerce delivery services –
most e-
commerce delivery businesses rely
heavily on price competition to grow market share. Meanwhile, with the entry of new entrants supported by the capital markets,
price strategy has become a main way to occupy the e-
commerce delivery market share rapidly for new entrants. To this end, the
original competitive landscape of e-
commerce delivery industry was hit hard, and the price war among the e-
commerce delivery
industry was increasingly intensified. This has resulted in a consistent decline of the overall express delivery price per shipment in

recent years –
from RMB24.60 per shipment in 2010 to RMB10.55 per shipment in 2020.

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In this year, regulatory authorities have promulgated a number of policies to rectify the chaos in express delivery industry. In
Yiwu, Zhejiang, where has huge express shipments and fierce price competition, the regulatory authorities have issued caution letters
to some express delivery companies, requiring them not to dump by reducing the price far below the cost, and related outlets have
been requested to suspend their operation. On April 22, in the 70th executive meeting of the Government of Zhejiang Province,
Zhejiang Express Delivery Industry Development Regulation (Draft) (《

) was approved, which
stipulates that express delivery operators shall not provide express delivery services at a price below the cost; e-
commerce platform
operators shall not use technologies and other means to impede the normal services provided by express delivery operators. On June
23, seven departments including the Ministry of Transport and the State Post Bureau jointly published the Opinions on the Protection
of the Legal Rights and Interests of the Couriers (《

), which proposes specific
measures against unfair market competition, differentiated regional delivery charges and other issues, and requires to ensure
reasonable remuneration for couriers and fulfill the responsibilities of express delivery companies. The gradual improvement of
relevant laws and regulations will facilitate the orderly operation and reasonable competition of the participants in express delivery
market, and the industry will head into a stage of high-
quality development.

Meanwhile, with the increasing business scenarios diversity and supply chain complexity, customers will have increasing needs
of the outsourcing service of overall supply chain management, and will be no longer satisfied with single delivery service of express
delivery companies. In line with the diversification trend of customer needs, leading companies in the domestic express delivery
industry also have started to actively expand diversified businesses to meet customers’ needs. In recent years, leading companies of
express delivery industry have been committed to expanding new tracks to march into new fields and tried to integrate new business

forms to offer services. With diversified first-
mover advantage, leading companies in the industry established competitive advantage
in comprehensive logistic service capability. It is expected that with the specialization and internationalization of the segregation of
duties in the industry, one-
stop comprehensive solution capabilities will be the core competitiveness of courier and logistics
companies in the future.

4. Due to strong demand for cross-border logistics services, Chinese corporates need to cooperate with Chinese
logistics players with international end-to-end supply chain services capabilities

Thanks to effective pandemic prevention and control measures, China took the lead in resuming work and production under the
global pandemic, highlighting its advantages in the complete manufacturing industry chain and boosting the import and export trade
volumes. According to statistics released by the General Administration of Customs in July this year, total value of China
exports and imports of goods in the first half of 2021 reached RMB18.07 trillion, representing a increase of 27.1% over the same
period last year, of which exports reached RMB9.85 trillion, representing a increase of 28.1%. Meanwhile, the pandemic also
accelerated the trend towards an online shift of global trade and consumption and promoted the rapid growth of cross-border
e-commerce industry. According to data from the General Administration of Customs, in the first half of 2021, China's imports and
exports from cross-border e-commerce companies developed with a good momentum, recording total value of RMB886.7 billion,
representing a year-on-year increase of 28.6%. The General Administration of Customs and other government departments have also
introduced a series of measures to deepen cross-border trade facilitation reform and optimize the business environment at ports. With
the benefits from the industry and policies, China's import and export is expected to maintain good growth.

With the booming cross-border trade and the continuous support of national policies such as“the Belt and Road” initiatives,
Chinese brands also leveraged on the historic opportunity to expand overseas markets and promote brands internationalisation.
However, they also faced risks of complex and volatile international environment and high uncertainties, which proposed great
challenges to the safe and stable operation of the industry chain and supply chain.This prompted brand owners to re-examine the
safety and reliability of their international supply chain layout, and the global industry chain will be restructured. Therefore, building
the foundations for an independent and controllable express logistics and supply chain will be the key to assisting the globalisation of
China`s industry chain, and the enhanced competitiveness and voice of brand owners will drive domestic cross-border logistics
companies to expand their business with brands, so as to accelerate the globalization of China's logistics supply chain and bring
enormous opportunities for the international supply chain business of China’s express logistics companies.

In addition, with the increasing penetration rate of global online consumption and the rapid growth of cross-border e-commerce,
cross-border logistics is shifted towards fragmented demand, increasing cargo volume and direct customer proportion and changing
industry services from partial process to door-to-door full process. However, cross-border logistics still has common pain points at
the current stage, such as slow timeframe, uncertain delivery time, various chain participants, opaque routing, low customs clearance
efficiency and price fluctuations. The instability of fulfillment services affects consumers' shopping experience and limits the
business expansion of cross-border e-commerce to some extent and increases the operational risks of enterprises. Therefore, brand
owners are urgently seeking for the cross-border logistics service providers with stable and efficient end-to-end international supply
chain solutions. In particular, with the shortage of logistics warehouse resources due to the pandemic, international express logistics
service enterprises that have stable international cargo air resources as well as strong localized operation capabilities of custom
clearance, overseas warehouses and landed distribution, and can provide efficient and agile one-stop fulfillment services will be more
competitive. With the globalization of China’s manufacturing supply chain and the rapid development of cross-border e-commerce,

comprehensive cross-border logistics service providers with strong international logistics network and core scarce resources will
continue to gain market share and gradually develop into leading players.

5. Green (environmental-
friendly) express services have evolved from conceptual ideas to actual implementation, and
are expected to develop further alongside the green supply chain to create additional "green value"

China at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly made it clear that "China will increase its nationally determined
contributions, adopt more forceful policies and measures, strive to peak its carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon
neutrality by 2060". Since the target was proposed, the intensity of carbon neutrality policies has increased significantly, with
ministries and commissions following up with detailed policies. In January 2021, the State Post Bureau proposed to accelerate the
green transformation of express packaging, and continuously improve the industry regulations, standards and policy system in line
with the concept of green development. It was also proposed to vigorously implement the "2582" Project in 2021, among others,
special treatment will be carried out for excessive packaging bags of heavy metals and certain substances. In March 2021, the
Measure on Express Mail Package Management promulgated by the Ministry of Transport was formally implemented. The Measure
specifies the unified management responsibility of delivery corporate headquarters, regulates that delivery enterprise shall strictly
implement the package management system, purchase and use packing materials approved by the national regulations, prefer to
adopt a reusable and easily recyclable packaging, optimize the express mail packaging, reduce the use of packaging and encourage
delivery companies to recycle packaging. In July 2021, the "Fourteenth Five-year Plan for Circular Economy Development" was
rolled out. By 2025, e-commerce express will basically realize non-secondary packaging, and the scale of recyclable express
packaging applications will reach 10 million.

It is foreseeable that we are moving forward to a sustainable future. The supply chain industry will definitely adapt to this huge
change of green industry, realize carbon emission management and accelerate the low-carbon transformation of warehousing,
packaging, transportation and delivery through scientific and technological means as well as advanced low-carbon technologies. We
will also further extend the green value to the supply chain, reduce customer carbon emissions, help customers to create green value,
and jointly step into the industry with science and technology, efficient, clean and green.

(II) Primary business, products and its use, operating models etc. of the Company

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SF Holding is the largest integrated logistics service provider in China, the fourth largest express enterprise worldwide in terms
of market capitalization, and is committed to becoming a data and technology-
driven company providing independent third party
solutions. It empowers customers with leading technology and provides customers with smart and integrated supply chain solutions
covering various industries and application scenarios.

With a focus on the logistics ecosystem, the Company horizontally expands its diversified businesses while vertically deepens
its product stratification, so as to meet the needs of different market segments, and cover the complete supply chain of customers.
The main businesses and services provided include: Express delivery business, including high-
quality door-
door express delivery
products that meet the rapid delivery needs of individual and corporate customers, and cost-
effective economic express products that
serve the majority of merchants in the e-
commerce market, and provide professional integrated warehousing management and
warehousing allocation services; Freight business, including door-
door transportation and delivery services for large-
size parcels,
load (“LTL”), and large-
volume heavy cargo for the mid-
end market, as well as economical freight services
for the main market; Cold Chain and Pharmaceuticals business , including professional cold chain integrated services based on
storage, sorting, packaging, trunk transportation, urban distribution, and door-
door delivery with multi-
temperature controlled
storage for businesses in the fresh and frozen food industry, as well as the plarmaceutical logistics and transportation services that
serve various market entities such as manufacturers, distribution companies, disease control centers, hospitals, pharmacies, and
pharmaceutical e-
commerce companies; Intra-
city instant delivery business , including instant logistics and deliery services for
brand customers and small and medium-
sized businesses to provide catering takeaway, near-
field e-
commerce, local retail and other
scenarios, as well as providing local life services of help taking, help sending, help buying, and help handling affairs for individual
users; International business, including high-
efficiency standard express to meet the needs of cross-
border express delivery,
effective economic express to meet the needs of cross-
border e-
commerce, and integrated international supply chain services
covering LTL and overseas warehouses that serve customers' international operations; Supply chain business, driven by technology
and based on SF’s well-
established logistics network and product matrix, it integrates the advanced supply chain management
experience of SF DSC (formerly known as “SF DHL”) and New Havi, to provide customers with intelligent software and hardware
system integration services that help them realize digital supply chain transformation, as well as a complete set of supply chain
solutions for supply chain planning, layout optimization, operation execution and implementation.

After years of development, by virtue of the Company’s high penetrating delivery network covering China and major countries
and regions in the world, the Company has quickly extended to freight, cold chain, intra-
city delivery, supply chain and other fields
through internal incubation and merger and acquisition, so as to build a complete integrated comprehensive logistics service system.
We can not only provide end-
end quality logistics services, but also provide integrated supply chain solutions throughout the
procurement, production, distribution, sales and aftersales for customers. Based on the diverse needs of different industries,
customers and scenarios, SF Holding adheres to the “customer-
centric, demand-
driven and experience-
based” product design
philosophy that focuses on each industry’s unique characteristics, and starts from the application scenarios of customers to drill into
their requirements for different use cases within the end-
end whole process and other individual requirements of customers. Thus
SF Holding is able to design suitable products, services and solutions for customers while creating differentiated competitive
advantage, and such product design in turn drives internal resource allocation, optimizes the product mix and enables the
development of the solution capability.

In addition, SF Holding always attaches importance to research and development (R&D) of technology and adheres to the
looking layout. The Company has technology and practical application ability that stay ahead of peers in the cutting-
fields such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data, robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), logistics map and blockchain. Relying on the

diversified business development of the Company, its services have gradually penetrated into the end-
end value chain parts of the
whole process of manufacturing and commercial retail in all walks of life, therefore accumulating extensive logistics scenarios and
massive data. In combination with the R&D and application of continuously innovative logistics technology, we realise the
digitalized and efficient operation of the whole process within the Company, which assists to the growth of diversified businesses and
provide customers with high quality and accurate delivery services. Moreover, with the continuous accumulation of extensive
scientific and technological capabilities and experience, we conduct continuous iteration and upgrading to work out leading
technology products and smart logistics solutions. With science and technology as the entry point, we work with industry customers
to implement digital transformation of supply chain in addressing problems such as information silo, inventory fragmentation,
response lag, prediction error, low efficiency and so on under the traditional supply chain mode, and truly realise real-
information collection, interconnection and online visibility of the whole supply chain. We carry out front-
end procurement,
production, inventory and sales under the accurate prediction of direct to customer (DTC), establish flexible supply chain systems
capable of real-
time response, flexible and efficient, which not only to helps our clients achieve cost reduction and benefit increase,
but also promotes the transformation of customer supply chain from cost-
based to value-
based and becomes the key to core
competitiveness. At present, the Company has exported scientific and technological services and overall supply chain solutions in
FMCG, shoes and apparel, cosmetics, 3C, home furnishing, auto parts and other industries, which truly contributes to industrial
upgrading and high-
quality development.

SF Holding is also a smart logistics operator with network scale advantages, boasting an operating model with strong (未完)