
时间:2022年03月24日 18:46:31 中财网



Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

Annual Report 2021

March 2022

Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Interpretation

Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior
officers of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, the Company)
guarantee that the Annual Report contains no misrepresentations, misleading
statements or material omissions, and take all responsibilities, individual and/or
joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of the whole contents.

Principal of the Company- Chairman Li Xinwei, person in charger of
accounting works- Director and GM Chen Yuhui and person in charge of
accounting organ (chief accountants)- deputy GM Shang Ying(act for financial
works) guarantee that the Financial Report of the annual report disclosed is
truthful, accurate and complete.

All directors are attended the Board Meeting for annual report deliberation.

The Company plans to pay no cash dividends, send no bonus shares and not to
increase share capital by converting from public reserves this year.

Concerning the forward-looking statements with future planning involved in the
Annual Report, they do not constitute a substantial commitment for investors.
Investors are advised to exercise caution of investment risks.

The Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English, for any
discrepancies, the Chinese version shall prevail. Investors are advised to read the
full text of the Report carefully.


Section I Important Notice, Contents and Interpretation ...................................... 2

Section II Company Profile and Main Financial Indexes ...................................... 7

Section IIIManagement Discussion and Analysis ................................................. 12

Section IV Corporate Governance ........................................................................ 38

Section V Enviornmental and Social Reponsibility ............................................ 64

Section VI Important Matters ............................................................................. 67

Section VII Changes in Shares and Particular about Shareholders .................... 75

Section VIII Preferred Stock ............................................................................... 83

Section IX Bonds .................................................................................................... 84

Section X Finanacial Report ................................................................................ 85

Document Catalog for Review

I. Original Annual Report of 2021 carrying the signature of the legal representative of the Company

II. Financial statements with signature and seal of Person in charge of the Company, person in charge of accounting works and person
in charge of accounting organ(accountant in charge);

III. Original audit report seal with accounting firms and signature and seal from CPA;

IV. Text of notice and original draft that public on China Securities Journal, Securities Times and Hong Kong Commercial Daily
during the reporting period.

V. The place where the document placed: Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Office of Board of Directors of the Company.



Refers to


Company, the Company, Shen Nan Dian, The
listed company

Refers to

Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.


Refers to

China Securities Regulatory Commission

SASAC of Shenzhen Municipal

Refers to

State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of
the People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipal

Shenzhen Capital

Refers to

Shenzhen Capital Holdings Co., Ltd.

SZ Energy Group

Refers to

Shenzhen Energy Group Co., Ltd.

Liaoyuan Environmental Protection Liaoyuan
Environmental Protection

Refers to

Jiangsu Liaoyuan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhuozhi Fund

Refers to

Zhuhai Hengqin Zhuozhi Investment Partnership (Limited

Shen Nan Dian Zhongshan Company

Refers to

Shen Nan Dian (Zhongshan) Electric Power Co., Ltd.

Shen Nan Dian Engineering Company

Refers to

Shenzhen Shennandian Turbine Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.

Shen Nan Dian Environment Protection

Refers to

Shenzhen Shen Nan Dian Environment Protection Co., Ltd.

Server Company

Refers to

Shenzhen Server Petrochemical Supplying Co., Ltd

New Power Company

Refers to

Shenzhen New Power Industrial Co., Ltd.

Singapore Company

Refers to

Shen Nan Energy (Singapore) Co., Ltd.

Nanshan Power Factory

Refers to

Nanshan Power Factory of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

Zhongshan Nanlang Power Plant

Refers to

Zhongshan Nanlang Power Plant of Shen Nan Dian (Zhongshan)
Electric Power Co., Ltd.

Audit institution, LIXINZHONGLIAN,
accounting organ

Refers to


Company Law

Refers to

Company Law of the People’s Republic of China

Securities Law

Refers to

Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China

Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks

Refers to

Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Articles of Association

Refers to

Article of Association of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

Yuan, ten thousand Yuan, one hundred million

Refers to

Except the special description of the monetary unit, the rest of the
monetary unit is RMB Yuan, ten thousand Yuan,one hundred million

Reporting period

Refers to

1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021

Section II. Company Profile and Main Financial Indexes

I. Company information

Short form of the stock

Shen Nan Dian A , Shen Nan Dian B

Stock code

000037, 200037

Stock exchange for listing

Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Name of the Company (in


Short form of the Company
(in Chinese)


Foreign name of the Company
(if any)

Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

Legal representative


Registrations add.

No.2097 Yueliangwan Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province

Code for registrations add


Historical changes of
registered address


Offices add.

16/F-17/F, Hantang Building, OCT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province

Codes for office add.


Company’s Internet Web Site



[email protected]; [email protected]

II. Person/Way to contact

Secretary to the BOD

Rep. of security affairs


Zou Yi

Contact add.

16/F-17/F, Hantang Building, OCT,
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong






[email protected]

III. Information disclosure and preparation place

Website of the Stock Exchange where the annual

Shenzhen Stock Exchange- http://www.szse.cn/

report of the Company disclosed

Media and Website where the annual report of the
Company disclosed

China Securities Journal - https://www.cs.com.cn/, Securities Times -
http://www.stcn.com/, Hong Kong Commercial Daily - http://hkcd.com/,
Juchao Website: http://www.cninfo.com.cn/

Preparation place for annual report

Secretariat of the Board of Directors, 17/F, Hantang Building, OCT,
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province

IV. Registration changes of the Company

Organization code


Changes of main business since listing (if


Previous changes of controlling
shareholders (if applicable)

No controlling shareholder

V. Other relevant information

CPA engaged by the Company

Name of CPA


Offices add. for CPA

1-1-2205-11, North Zone, Financial and Trade Center, No. 6865, Asia Road, Pilot Free Trade
Zones (Dong-jiang Free Trade Port Zone), Tianjin

Signing Accountants

Cao Wei,Liu Xinfa,

Sponsor engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Financial consultant engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not

□ Yes √ No



Changes in the current
year over the previous
year (+,-)


Operating revenue (RMB)





Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed Company





Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed Company





after deducting non-recurring gains
and losses (RMB)

Net cash flow arising from
operating activities (RMB)





Basic earnings per share





Diluted earnings per share





Weighted average ROE





Year-end of 2021

Year-end of 2020

Changes at end of the
current year compared
with the end of
previous year (+,-)

Year-end of 2019

Total assets (RMB)





Net assets attributable to
shareholder of listed Company





The lower one of net profit before and after deducting the non-recurring gains/losses in the last three fiscal years is negative, and the
audit report of last year shows that the ability to continue operating is uncertain

□Yes √No

The lower one of net profit before and after deducting the non-recurring gains/loses is negative

√Yes □No





Operating revenue (RMB)



Mainly the revenue from power

Amount deducted from
operating revenue (RMB)



Mainly the revenue from
housing rental

Operating revenue after
deduction (RMB)



Other operating revenue after
deduction of the housing rental

VII. Difference of the accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China

1. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International
Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either IAS (International
Accounting Standards) or Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period.

2. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accounting
rules and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either foreign accounting rules or
Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period.

VIII. Quarterly main financial index


Q 1

Q 2

Q 3

Q 4

Operating revenue





Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed Company





Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed Company
after deducting non-recurring gains
and losses





Net cash flow arising from
operating activities





Whether there are significant differences between the above-mentioned financial index or its total number and the relevant financial
index disclosed in the Company’s quarterly report and semi-annual report

□ Yes √ No

IX. Items and amounts of non-recurring (extraordinary) profit (gains)/loss

√Applicable □ Not applicable







Gains/losses from the disposal of
non-current asset (including the write-off
that accrued for impairment of assets)




Governmental subsidy calculated into
current gains and losses(while closely
related with the normal business of the
Company, the government subsidy that
accord with the provision of national
policies and are continuously enjoyed in line
with a certain standard quota or quantity are




Amortization of
government subsidy
related to assets and
receipt of the
subsidies for gas-
generation costs

Gains/losses on debt restructuring


Gains/losses arising from contingency that
without relation with the normal operation
business of the Company



Reversal of the
accrual liabilities

Gains/losses of fair value changes arising
from holding of the trading financial asset,
trading financial liability and investment
earnings obtained from disposing the trading
financial asset, trading financial liability,
and financial assets available for sale, except
for the effective hedging business related to
normal operation of the Company


The wealth
management income

Switch back of the impairment for
receivables that has impairment test


Other non-operating income and expenditure
except for the aforementioned items




Other gains/losses items that meets the
definition of non-recurring gains/losses


Less: impact on income tax



Impact on minority shareholders’
equity (post-tax)









Details of other gains/losses items that meets the definition of non-recurring gains/losses:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There are no other gains/losses items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains/losses in the Company.

Explain the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A
Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There are no items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A
Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss

Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

I. Industry of the Company during the reporting period

The Company shall comply with the relevant disclosure requirement for electricity-related industries of Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Self-Regulatory Guidelines for Listed Companies No.3 - Disclosure of Industry Information

In 2021, the economic situation of the whole country and Guangdong continued to improve, and the demand for electricity further
increased. According to the data of Guangdong Power Exchange Center, by the end of 2021, the installed capacity of unified
dispatching of power grids in Guangdong was 159 million kW, with a year-on-year growth of 12.6%, among them, the installed
capacity of provincial-level dispatching was 127 million kW, and that of prefecture-level dispatching was 32 million kW. The
installed capacity of gas generator set was 30.546 million kW, increased by 14.0% on a year-on-year basis, and the installed capacity
accounted for 19.3%. In 2021, the total electricity consumption of Guangdong province throughout the year was 786.663 billion kWh,
with a year-on-year growth of 13.6%. The maximum load of unified dispatching of the whole province was 135.13 million kW, a
year-on-year increase of 6.5%. The total electricity consumption in Shenzhen reached 110.34 billion kWh, breaking through the 100
billion mark for the first time, with a year-on-year increase of 12.2%. In 2021, the cumulative transaction of electricity in Guangdong
power market was 295.17 billion kWh, with a year-on-year increase of 18%, cumulatively saving electricity costs for users by 10.05
billion yuan, saving coal consumption for power generation by 2.584 million tons, reducing carbon dioxide emission by 6.872
million tons, reducing sulfur dioxide emission by 5 tons, and reducing social power generation cost by 2.07 billion yuan. In 2021,
215.03 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity were negotiated in bilateral transactions, with a year-on-year increase of 1.9%, and with
an average price difference of -53.6 li/kWh. In 2021, monthly transactions totaled 63.81 billion kWh, an increase of 85.2% on a
year-on-year basis, and with an average price difference of -21.5 li/kWh. Among them, the turnover of coal-fired generating units
was 49.43 billion kWh, with an average price difference of -21.5 li/kWh; the the turnover of gas generating units was 14.38 billion
kWh, with an average price difference of -21.9 li/kWh. From January to December in 2021, monthly power generation contract
transfer transactions totaled 14.88 billion kWh of electricity, with an average transaction price of 405.4 li/kWh. Among them, the
turnover of coal-fired generating units was 11.5 billion kWh, with an average transaction price of 378.3 li/kWh; the the turnover of
gas generating units was 3.38 billion kWh, with an average transaction price of 501.0 li/kWh.

In the meantime, with the deepening reform of Guangdong's electricity market , the electricity spot market in Southern China
(starting from Guangdong) carried out the trial operation of settlement in May and November to December in 2021, steadily
promoting the transition from "monthly" to "uninterrupted" longer billing cycle, and establishing a temporary mechanism for
directing market price to end users. Since November, the spot market has achieved major breakthroughs of "running while

In 2021, although the demand for electricity increased significantly, the price of natural gas rose all the way and remained high in the
same period, the on-grid price seriously dropped away form the fuel price, resulting in serious loss of power generation to gas power
generation enterprises. Therefore, Guangdong Province and Shenzhen Municipal government, on the one hand, required all power
generation enterprises to do their best to ensure electric power supply, and on the other hand, issued a series of policies and measures
to encourage the majority of power generation enterprises to implement electric power supply guarantee, including an increase of 0.1
yuan/kWh in electricity charges for gas-fired power generation enterprises during peak periods in August and September, since
October 1, the on-grid electricity price of 9E gas turbine power plants in Guangdong province has increased by 0.05 yuan/kWh, and
the Shenzhen municipal government issued a fiscal subsidy of 0.1 yuan/kWh for the electricity generated by Shenzhen local gas

turbine power plants in August and September, which alleviated the operating dilemma faced by 9E gas turbine power plants to a
certain extent, but has little impact on reversing the serious loss of power generation.

II. Main business of the Company during the reporting period

The Company shall comply with the relevant disclosure requirement for electricity-related industries of Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Self-Regulatory Guidelines for Listed Companies No.3 - Disclosure of Industry Information

The Company is specialized in power and thermal supply, as well as providing technical consulting and technical services for power
stations. At the end of reporting period, the Company holds two wholly-owned and holding gas turbine plants, which equipped with
five sets of 9E gas steam combined cycle power generating units, with total installed capacity up to 900,000 KW (Nanshan Power
Factory: 3×180000KW, Zhongshan Nanlang Power Plant: 2×180000KW).The two gas turbine plants are located in the power-load
center of the Pearl River Delta, and it is the main peak-regulating power supply in the region which is currently in normal production
and operation state.

During the reporting period, the company's main power business was confronted with many difficulties, such as repeated COVID-19
pandemic, continued high fuel prices, and a further increase in the proportion of electricity market transactions. In order to minimize
the negative impact of the external environment on the company's operating performance, the company implemented a series of
business layout and management changes with innovative thinking and tenacious perseverance, defined the annual business
objectives and guidelines, took major targeted measures, constantly strengthened the economic operations management on the basis
of continuously intensifying safety production management. Complying with the accelerating trend of electric power market reform
in Guangdong province, the company organized two subordinate power plants to actively participate in the electricity
market-oriented marketing competition and achieved good results, and made contributions to reduce losses.

During the reporting period, the company paid close attention to the operation and market expanding of relevant stock businesses,
and its subordinate Shen Nan Dian Engineering Company continuously expanded the technical consulting and technical service
business of domestic and foreign gas turbine power station construction projects. Shen Nan Dian Environment Protection Company
used the waste heat of gas turbine power generation to engage in the dry treatment business of wet sludge in sewage treatment plant,
realizing the reduction, harmless treatment and comprehensive utilization of resources of municipal sludge in Shenzhen. However,
due to various reasons, the output of Environmental Protection Company in the reporting period decreased significantly compared
with that of last year.

Main operation data


Current Period

Same Period Last Year

Gross installed capacity (10,000 KW)



Installed capacity of newly commissioned
units (10,000 KW)



Planned installed capacity of approved
projects (10,000 KW)



Planned installed capacity of projects
under construction (10,000 KW)



Generating capacity (100 million KWH)



On-grid electricity or electricity sales (100
million KWH)



Average rate of electricity consumption
from power station(%)



Utilization time from power station



Electricity sales business

√Applicable □Not applicable

In 2021, the company's two subordinate power plants completed a total of 1.144 billion kWh of on-grid energy, 608 million kWh of
marketing electric quantity in the month of price difference, and 675 million kWh of contract electric quantity in the spot month. The
electric quantity of the company's subordinate power plants were as follows: Nanshan Power Factory completed 977 million kWh of
on-grid energy, 332 million kWh of marketing electric quantity in the month of price difference, and 395 million kWh of contract
electric quantity in spot month; Zhongshan Nanlang Power Plant completed 167 million kWh of on-grid energy, 276 million kWh of
marketing electric quantity in the month of price difference, and 280 million kWh of contract electric quantity in spot month.

Reasons for major changes in relevant data

□Applicable √Not applicable

III. Core Competitiveness Analysis

In recent years, due to the impact of the macroeconomic situation and the common problems of gas turbine generating industry, the
Company’s main business has been facing increasing difficulties and challenges. However, the basic core competitiveness formed by
the operation and development for more than three decades and thanks to the strong support from major shareholders, and the
management innovations adopted by BOD and leading group, it has laid a necessary foundation for the Company to survive and
seeking transformation and development. During the reporting period the Company continued to increase the investment in R&D,
successfully passed the certification as a high-tech enterprise.Core competitiveness of the Company was further consolidated and
improved, and there were no other major changes that might affect the future operation of the Company.

1. A mature and completed governance structure & a rigorous and standardized risk-control mechanism. As a listed company with
over 20-year baptism in securities market on the main board, the Company has been strictly in accordance with the Company Law,
Securities Laws, Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks and relevant requirements of laws and regulations of the CSRC and
Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and continuously improved the corporate governance and regulated the operation. The “Three Meetings”
operation was normative and efficient, and the internal management was streamlined and orderly. Meanwhile, the Company
continuously reinforcing the supervision and auditing role on standard operation and internal control of the listed company played by
supervisory committee and auditing authority; effectively prevent and avoid the risks while improving the management and
decision-making efficiency.

2. Hard-working and innovative management culture, and pragmatic and efficient operating mechanism. Combining its own actual
situation,the Company has broken the barriers of the original traditional business model, and greatly improved the decision-making
efficiency and work performance by establishing four major operation and management centers, including a power sales center, a
fuel center, a financial center, and an information center, innovating the management model of production coordination and safety

supervision, and effectively integrating business resources; the Company set up a capital (operation) center and set up an
accounting sharing center to comprehensively balance the improvement of production, operation and management efficiency; and
establish a science & technology innovation committee with purpose of stimulating the enthusiasm of majority of the employees to
study technology, improve themselves and innovate continuously, the supervision and management of production technology have
achieved a new step. While the Company built an efficient operating mechanism, the leadership team served as role models,
combined a series of effective management measures, such as deepening human resources reform and the "military order" assessment
mechanism, advocated and built the management culture of unity, hard work, innovation and enterprise throughout the Company,
which laid a good management foundation for the Company to deeply explore its internal potential and actively seek external

3. A loyal and dedicated management team & professional and progressive technical personnel. With more than 30 years of hard
work and the company’s influence in the gas turbine power generation industry and the Company’s pioneering and innovative spirit
and enterprising spirit, the Company has absorbed and trained a group of technical experts and professionals in the gas turbine
industry, accumulated rich experience in the construction and operation management of gas turbine power plants.In order to adapt to
the market situation of the further propulsion of the electricity trading market-oriented reform in Guangdong Province, the Company
formed a team of professionals to study the electricity trading strategy and build a mathematical model of electricity trading. It
accumulated rich experience in electricity marketing, which laid a solid foundation for the Company to actively respond to the
electricity market reform.Further more, Shen Nan Dian Engineering Company has provided professional services such as technical
consulting, commissioning and maintenance for dozens of domestic and international gas turbine power stations. The Company's
training center has successively undertaken the technician training business for tens of power plants at home and abroad, and has
become a renowned professional training base in the domestic gas turbine industry, and has established a good reputation and
professional brand image in the industry.The Company also has a group of management talents with innovative consciousness and
fighting spirit, based on the principle of being highly responsible to the Company, they lead all employees to make unremitting
efforts for the Company’s continuous operation and transformation development.

4. Advanced research ability, important part of strong power grid. The company has a number of independent utility model patents
and software copyrights, jointly draws up one national standard, and a number of patents for invention are under review by the China
National Intellectual Property Administration. On December 23, 2021, the company was identified as the second batch of high-tech
enterprises in 2021 by Shenzhen municipal administrative authority, the company's scientific research innovation work has been
unanimously affirmed. At the same time, in order to effectively improve the rapid recovery ability of power system, Nanshan
Thermal Power Plant fully responded to the construction planning of black-start power supply point, and completed the power grid
black-start power supply point project in the reporting period, which greatly enhanced the core competitiveness of Nanshan Thermal
Power Plant in the power grid.

IV. Main business analysis

1. Introduction

2021 was the first year of the 14th Five-Year Plan. At the historic juncture of the two Centenary Goals, faced with the complex and
volatile situation of COVID-19 and tight electricity supply and demand, the electricity market construction in Guangdong province
has made great progress, the electricity consumption in Guangdong province and Shenzhen continued to increase substantially. The
company actively implemented the work plan of the government departments at all levels, improved the political position,
conscientiously fulfilled the social responsibility with the greatest efforts, guaranteed that the generating units should be fully
operational, ensured safe and reliable power supply for the centennial anniversary of the founding of the Party and made outstanding

contributions for alleviating the severe power shortage in Guangdong province and Shenzhen. The company's subordinate Nanshan
Power Factory and Zhongshan Nanlang Power Plant actually completed 1.144 billion kWh of on-grid energy, a 30.89% rise on a
year-on-year basis. The annual average utilization time of the generating units of the two power plants was 1263 hours, and the
annual average service power consumption rate was 3.25%. During the reporting period, the 2021 bilateral contract signed by
Nanshan Power Factory and Zhongshan Nanlang Power Plant amounted to 1.165 billion kWh, and the transferred and settled
electricity of the two plants amounted to 490 million kWh. The company carried out the following main work during the reporting

1. As a state-owned enterprise, took responsibility and actively fulfilled corporate social responsibilities. The international fuel prices
have been fluctuating upward since the beginning of 2021 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, rising global inflation and
changes in oil supply and demand, and the domestic fuel prices for power generation, such as coal and natural gas, have also risen.
The high cost of power generation restricted the thermal power enterprises to generate power, and the domestic electric power supply
gap widened, "power shortage" reappeared, and some regions even carried out power rationing for a time. Under such
circumstances, although the on-grid price seriously dropped away from the cost of power generation, the company still firmly
adhered to its political stance, resolutely implemented the decisions and arrangements for ensuring electric power supply, overcame
all difficulties to ensure the safe production and stable supply of power, and actively implemented its corporate social responsibility.
During the period of no-break power in 2021, the company's two power plants generated a combined 933 million kWh, an increase of
255 million kWh on a year-on-year basis.

2. Strictly supervised and resolutely ensured the safety and environmental protection standards. The company paid close attention to
the implementation of the main responsibility of production safety, promoted the risk ranking management and control and the safety
construction of work groups, promoted the continuous improvement of work safety standardization, the three-year action of work
safety special rectification, and the safety culture construction. The company continued to maintain the safety target of "Five No" and
comprehensively completed the indicators for safety assessment. By December 31, 2021, we achieved 6,453 days of work safety.
During the reporting period, the company completed various pollution reduction tasks, and no environmental pollution accidents and
safety production accidents occurred.

3. Took the initiative to effectively improve the fund management level. At the same time, the company tried to reduce the loss,
revitalized the funds through many measures, and created benefits with funds management. To improve the use efficiency and
income level of its own funds, and reduce the financing cost, the company focused on the key points of funds, took benefits as the
center and low risk as the premise, strengthened the capital outflow into the two-way management, and used their own cash to the
fullest. Under the circumstance that foreign investment in new projects reduced cash, the company still actively developed the wealth
management opportunities of market through a variety of products and channels, strived for no idle cash in the account, and achieved
gratifying results in adversity.

4. Made overall planning and efficiently completed the black-start technical innovation project. In 2021, the company’s Nanshan
Power Factory fully responded to the construction planning of black-start power supply point. Starting from "helping relieve the huge
frequency modulation pressure faced by power dispatching every day and effectively improving the rapid recovery ability of
Shenzhen west power grid", strived for opportunities from China Southern Power Grid, Guangdong Power Grid, Shenzhen Power
Grid, and was finally selected as the black-start power supply point of the black-start critical path of the power grid. At present, the
project has been identified as "Shenzhen West Guaranteed Power Grid" and "Hong Kong Emergency Guaranteed Power Supply
Point" by the government department, has accepted the on-site safety assessment by the South China Energy Regulatory Office of
National Energy Administration as an important part of Shenzhen's local strong power grid, which greatly improved the core

competitiveness of Nanshan Power Factory in the power grid, created a good foundation and premise and won favorable time and
space for the company's next transformation and development.

5. Increased research and development, and successfully identified as the "National High-tech Enterprise". In order to further
enhance the core competitiveness, the company continued to strengthen the research and development, timely started the national
high-tech enterprise identification and application work, and was identified as the second batch of high-tech enterprises in 2021 by
Shenzhen municipal administrative authority on December 23, 2021, marking a complete success to the company's national high-tech
enterprise application work. After being identified as a national high-tech enterprise, the company can enjoy a preferential tax rate
of 15%, the government subsidies, additional deduction of R&D expenses, rewards and subsidies for high-level talents, government
targeted allocation of housing, and other incentive policies.

6. With transformation development, steadily took new steps in strategic transformation. In terms of transformation development, the
company, on the one hand, steadily promoted the landing of Zhuozhi Fund project, signed the equity subscription agreement, capital
increase agreement and shareholder agreement with Nanjing Zhongsheng Holdings Co., Ltd., and obtained 5.6% equity of Nanjing
Zhongsheng Holdings Co., Ltd.. On the other hand, the company timely started the investigation and survey of Liaoyuan
Environmental Protection, combined with various arguments, and considered that the project was in line with the company's future
strategic layout, and completed the purchase of part of the shares of Liaoyuan Environmental Protection step by step within the year,
receiving a total of 4.0485 million shares of Liaoyuan Environmental Protection, accounting for 9.93% of the total share capital of
Liaoyuan Environmental Protection.

In 2021, the Company has achieved a revenue in operation of 757 million Yuan, the net profit attributable to shareholder of listed
company amounted as -439.4487 million Yuan and basic EPS was -0.7291 Yuan.

2. Revenue and cost

(1) Constitute of operation revenue




y-o-y (+,-)


Ratio in operating


Ratio in operating

Total operating






Industry classification

Energy industry






Engineering service






Sludge drying












Product classification

Electricity sales






Engineering service






Sludge drying












Region classification







Sales model

Direct sales






(2) The industries, products, regions or sales model accounting for over 10% of the Company’s operating
revenue or operating profit

√Applicable □ Not applicable

The Company shall comply with the relevant disclosure requirement for electricity-related industries of Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Self-Regulatory Guidelines for Listed Companies No.3 - Disclosure of Industry Information



Operating cost

Gross margin

of operating
revenue y-o-y

of operating cost

of gross margin

Product classification

Electricity sales














Region classification


752,568,498.61 (未完)