
时间:2022年03月25日 22:06:58 中财网


Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

Annual Report 2021

March, 2022

Ⅰ. Important Notice, Table of Contents, and Definitions

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and the Directors, members of the
Supervisory Committee and senior management of the Company guarantee that there
are no misrepresentations or misleading statements, or material omission in this report,
and individually and collectively accept full responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy
and integrity of the information contained in this report.

Huo Gang, Legal representative, Wang Donghui, Chief financial officer, and Li
Xiaowei, Chief accountant, (the person in charge of the accounting), make the pledge
for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the attached financial statements.

All the members of the Board of Directors attended the board meeting on which this
report was examined.

The prospective statements contained in this annual report do not constitute any
substantial commitment to the investors. Investors should pay attention to the risks
attached to investment decisions. This report is prepared in both of Chinese and English.
The Chinese version shall prevail when there are any controversial statements in the
two versions.

The company has described the existing risks and countermeasures in detail in this
report. Please refer to Section 3-11 “Prospects for the Future Development of the
Company”. “China Securities Journal”, “Securities Times”, “Hong Kong Commercial
Daily” and Juchao Information Network (www.cninfo.com.cn) are the company's
selected information disclosure media. All information of the company is based on the
information published in the above-mentioned designated media. Investors are advised
to pay attention to investment risks.

The company’s profit distribution plan is approved by the board of directors. Taking
4,108,191,379 shares as the base, a cash dividend of 6.0 yuan (tax included) will be
distributed to all shareholders for every 10 shares, and stock dividend is 0 (tax included).
The capital reserve will not be converted into share capital.

Table of Contents


Reference File Directory

1. Financial statements signed and sealed by Legal representative, Chief financial
officer, Chief accountant, (the person in charge of the accounting.

2. The original audit report with the seal of the accounting firm and the signature and
seal of the certified public accountant.

3. The originals of all company documents and announcements publicly disclosed
during the reporting period.

4. Annual reports published in other securities markets.


Terms to be defined

Refers to


Bengang Bancai, Bengang Steel, the Company, the
Listed Company

Refers to

Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.

Ansteel Group

Refers to

Ansteel Group Co., Ltd.

Bengang Group

Refers to

Bengang Group Co., Ltd.

Benxi Steel & Iron CO., Bengang Co.

Refers to

Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.

Liaoning Provincial State-asset Administration

Refers to

Liaoning State-owned Asset Supervisory and Management Committee


Refers to

Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Bengang Puxiang

Refers to

Bengang Puxiang Cool Rolling Steel Sheet Co., Ltd.

II. Company Profile and Main Financial Index

I. Company Information

Stock abbreviation

Bengang Bancai, Bengangban B

Stock Code

000761, 200761

Stock exchange for listing

Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Company name in Chinese


Abbreviation of Company name in


Company name in English (If any)


Abbreviation of Company name in
English (If any)


Legal representative

Huo Gang

Registration Address

No.16, Renmin Road, Pingshan District, Benxi City, Liaoning Province

Post Code of registration Address


Changes in the company's registered
address history


Office address

No.16, Renmin Road, Pingshan District, Benxi City, Liaoning Province

Post Code of office address


Web Address



[email protected]

II. Contact Information

Secretary of Board of Directors

Representative of Securities Affairs


Gao Desheng

Chen Liwen


No.16, Renmin Road, Pingshan District,
Benxi City, Liaoning Province

No.16, Renmin Road, Pingshan District,
Benxi City, Liaoning Province








[email protected]

[email protected]

III. Information Disclosure and Place for Consulting

Press media for information disclosure

China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily

Web address for the annual report as
assigned by CSRC


Place for inquiry of the annual report

Secretary Office of the Board, Bengang Steel Plate Co., Ltd.

IV. Change of Business Registration

Organization Code


Changes of principal business
activities since listing (if any)

No change

Changes of the controlling
shareholder in the past (if any)

On August 20, 2021, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
Commission of the Liaoning Provincial People's Government which is the former
actual controller of the company, signed the “Free Transfer Agreement on the State-
owned Equity of Bengang Group Co., Ltd.” with Ansteel Group Co., Ltd. Liaoning

State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission transfered its 51%
stake of Bengang Group Co., Ltd. to Ansteel Group for free.

On October 12, 2021, the industrial and commercial registration of change was
completed, and Ansteel Group Co., Ltd. became the indirect controlling shareholder
of the company. The direct controlling shareholder of the company remains
unchanged, which is still Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.

V. Other Information

Accountants’ firm engaged by the Company:

Name of the accountants’ firm

BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP

Address of the accountants’ firm

Address: 4/F 61 Nanjing Rd. East, Huangpu, Shanghai

Signing name of accountants

Li Yongjiang, Li Guiying

Sponsor engaged by the Company to conduct sustained supervision during the reporting period

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Name of the sponsor

Address of the sponsor

Name of the sponsor

Sustained supervision

Guotai Junan Securities
Co., Ltd.

No. 768, Nanjing West Road,
Jingan District, Shanghai

Yuan Yechen, Yang Keyi

August 5th, 2020 to
December 31st, 2021

Financial consultancy institution engaged by the Company to conduct sustained supervision during the reporting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Main Accounting Data and Financial Index

Whether the company needs to retrospectively adjust or restate accounting data for previous years

□ Yes √ No



Changes over
last year


Operating income(





Net profit attributable to the
shareholders of the listed





Net profit after deducting of
non-recurring gain/loss
attributable to the
shareholders of listed





Net Cash flow generated by
business operation(





Basic earnings per share





Diluted earnings per share





Weighted average net assets







Changes over
last year


Gross assets(





Net assets attributable to
shareholders of the listed





The lower of the company’s net profit before and after deduction of non-recurring gains and losses in the most recent
three fiscal years is negative, and the audit report of the most recent year shows that the company’s ability to continue
operations is uncertain

□ Yes √ No

The lower of the net profit before and after deducting
non-recurring gains and losses is negative

□ Yes √ No

VII. Differences between Domestic and Foreign Accounting Standards

1. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under IFRS
and Chinese accounting standards.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There are no differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under IFRS and Chinese
accounting standards during the reporting period.

2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under
overseas and Chinese accounting standards.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There are no differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and
Chinese accounting standards during the reporting period.

VIII. Main Financial Index by Quarters

Unit: Yuan

First quarter

Second quarter

Third quarter

Fourth quarter

Operation income





Net profit attributable to the
shareholders of the listed





Net profit after deducting
non-recurring gain/loss
attributable to the
shareholders of listed





Net cash flows generated
by operating activities





Whether significant variances exist between the above financial index or the index with its sum and the financial
index of the quarterly report as well as semi-annual report index disclosed by the Company

□ Yes √ No

IX. Items and Amount of Non-recurring Profits and Losses

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: Yuan






Gains and losses on disposal of non-current
assets (including the write off part of the




provision for impairment)

Government subsidy attributable to profit
and loss of current period (except such
government subsidy closely related to the
company's normal business operation,
meeting the regulation of national policy
and enjoyed constantly in certain quota or
quantity according to a certain standard)




Profit or loss from
to others




Gains and losses of debt restructuring



Profits excluded effective hedging business
related to the company's normal business
operations, from holding transactional
financial assets, derivative financial assets,
transactional financial liabilities, fair value
changes in derivative financial liabilities,
and disposal of transactional financial
assets and derivative financial assets,
financial liabilities held for trading,
derivative financial liabilities and other
debt investments



Other non-operating income and expenses
other than above




Other profit and loss items that meet the
definition of non-recurring gains and losses


Less: impact of income tax




impact of minority equity (after tax)









Other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit and loss:

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

There exists no situation of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit and loss.

Explanation on defining the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the "Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on
Information Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public - Non-recurring Profit and Loss" as recurring
profit and loss items.

□ Applicable√ Not applicable

The company does not define the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the "Explanatory Announcement No.
1 on Information Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public - Non-recurring Profit and Loss" as
recurring profit and loss items.

III. Management Discussion and Analysis

I. Industry situation of the company during the reporting period

The industry to which the company belongs is the steel industry. The steel industry is a significant basic industry of
country's national economy, a significant support for building a modern and powerful country, and a significant field
for realizing green and low-carbon development.

The national economy continued recovery in 2021, and provided a good environment for the development of the
steel industry. With the continuous improvement of the new development pattern of "dual circulation" at domestic
and abroad, the supply-side reform and demand-side management have formed a higher level of dynamic balance.
The steel industry actively responds to changes in domestic and foreign demand situations, strives to overcome the
impact of Various factors, such as a high price of raw materials and fuels, and a sharp rise in environmental protection
costs. The industry is generally operating well and in line with policy guidance and market expectations. In the first
half of the year, the steel industry worked hard to meet the strong demand for steel market brought about by the rapid
growth of downstream industries, fully released production capacity, and formed a booming situation in both of
production and sales. In the second half of the year, with the implementation of production restriction measures and
the slowdown in demand growth in downstream industries, the steel industry timely controlled production capacity.
Throughout the year, country's steel supply and demand were basically balanced and making outstanding
contributions to meeting the steel demand of downstream industries and ensuring the sustained recovery of the
national economy.

The year 2022 is a crucial year for the country to implement the "14th Five-Year Plan", and it is also a crucial year
for the steel industry to achieve high-quality development. From the perspective of the overall external environment,
at the end of 2021, the shock wave of the new coronavirus variant strain Omicron swept the world, adding more
variables to the world economic situation. Under the background of the national "dual carbon" goal, the steel industry
has entered a critical period of high-quality development. Green and low-carbon, intelligent manufacturing, etc. have
brought more severe challenges and disruptive changes, and market uncertainty has further increased. At the same
time, China's economy has a solid foundation and strong resilience, and will remain a long-term improvement
fundamental in the future. The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and
Information Technology issued the "Implementation Plan on Reinvigorating the Operation of the Industrial Economy
and Promoting the High-quality Development of the Industry", which proposed policies and measures such as
"vigorously increasing the effective supply of the bulk raw material market", "tapping the demand potential and
expanding the market space of the industrial economy", which is conducive to guiding Market expectations and
create new opportunities for the development of iron and steel enterprises.

Currently, China has entered a critical stage of comprehensive and high-quality development. The country has clearly
put forward the goal of striving to achieve carbon peaking by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060, which has put
forward new requirements for the development of the iron and steel industry, and has also stimulated new momentum
for the high-quality development of the steel industry. The steel industry is facing a series of changes in the domestic
steel demand structure, steel product supply structure, steel production process structure, and steel production
resource structure.

II. The main business of the company during the reporting period

1. Main business, main products and their uses

During the reporting period, the company’s main businesses include iron and steel smelting, rolling processing,
power generation, coal chemical industry, special steel profiles, railways, import and export trade, scientific research,
product sales, etc. The introduction of world advanced equipment and technology to implement equipment upgrades
for the main iron and steel industry and have built a high-quality steel base, formed more than 60 varieties, more
than 7,500 specifications of product series, the proportion of high value-added and high-tech products reached more
than 80%. The leading products for automotive surface panels, home appliance panels, petroleum pipeline steel,
container panels, shipboard, etc. are widely used in the fields of automobiles, home appliances, petrochemicals,
aerospace, machinery manufacturing, energy and transportation, building decoration and metal products, and are
exported to more than 60 countries and regions.

2. Business model

Procurement model: The company's procurement model includes domestic procurement and foreign procurement.
Domestic material procurement is carried out through centralized procurement, unified bidding, price comparison,

and consultation. The procurement of foreign materials is carried out through long-term cooperative procurement,
direct procurement, open and invitational bidding, inquiry and price comparison, competitive negotiation,
negotiation procurement, etc., which mainly act by Bengang Steel Group International Economic and Trade Co., Ltd.

Sales model: The company's sales are divided into domestic sales and export sales. Domestic sales mainly adopt the
direct sales model. The company sells directly to large customers, and other small and medium customers sell to
them through regional sales subsidiaries. Export sales mainly act through the strong marketing network accumulated
in international trade by Bengang Steel Group International Economic and Trade Co., Ltd., which act as agent of the
export sales and charge the agency fee.

3. Key drivers of performance

The company seized the favorable opportunity of the reorganization between Ansteel Group Co., Ltd. and Bengang
steel Group Co., Ltd., deeply carried out the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform and three system
reforms, with the goal of achieving "five promotions and two reductions", and earnestly implemented the "5+1"
work pattern and "1+4" important mission.

Implement the "General Plant System", continuously improve management efficiency and benefits, build a
technological innovation system, create innovative platforms such as "Liaoning Bengang Iron and Steel Industry
Industry-University-Research Alliance", and implement the "R&D personnel delisting system for scientific and
technological projects" to achieve precise incentives. Continuing to carry out in-depth benchmarking exchanges,
adhere to the direction of market-oriented reform, and continuously promote the high-quality development of
diversified industries, various tasks have achieved relatively gratifying business performance.

During the reporting period, the company's main business and business model remained unchanged.

III. Analysis on Core Competitiveness

The company adheres to the innovation-driven and "quality + service" development model, with the strategic goal
of building an internationally competitive high-quality plate base, a domestic first-class special steel base and a
comprehensive service provider, and exerts a strategic leading role, focusing on improving quality and efficiency, In
terms of product upgrades, technological innovation, green and intelligent manufacturing, we will innovate
management ideas, enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, and promote enterprises to achieve high-quality,
green and intelligent development.

1. Manufacturing capabilities. Innovate management ideas, strengthen professional management and control of the
entire chain, and continuously improve corporate management efficiency. All departments and units interact with
each other, continue to implement the concept of priority on output, adhere to the iron system as the core, focus on
the process connection of iron and steel, and rationally match the production line and resource production
organization principles of the steel post process, so that the production process and operation Continuously
standardize and refine, make every effort to maximize quality, efficiency and production scale, and promote the
entire production chain toward high-end manufacturing.

2. Equipment transformation and upgrading. In 2021, the company issued a fixed asset investment plan of 3.85
billion yuan. Implemented a new round of large-scale technological transformation and ultra-low emission
transformation projects represented by key projects such as special steel electric furnace upgrading, special steel
rolling mill renovation, CCPP power generation project, 220KVA substation project, Taizi River bridge renovation,
1700mm production line improvement, and coke oven flue gas desulfurization and denitrification. At present, the
1700mm production line has been improved, the CCPP power generation project and the 220KVA substation project
will be put into operation one after another. The special steel electric furnace upgrade and transformation project will
be commissioned and put a set of electric furnaces and supporting refining equipment, continuous casting equipment
into production at the end of August 2022.

3. New product development capabilities. So far, 49 grades have been developed. Except for the pre-researched cold-
rolled dual-phase steel DP1180, other new products have been sold in the market. Realized the full coverage of
strength grade series of hot-rolled automobile structural steel represented by "automobile beam" and "steel for box
body". Successfully developed dual-phase steel of 1180 strength level and hot-dip galvanized composite phase steel
CR980T/700Y-MP, which are leading domestically. Developed hot-rolled anti-oxidation coating-free hot-formed
steel CF-PHS1500 to achieve the world's first launch, reaching the international leading level.

4. Technological innovation ability. In terms of scientific and technological cooperation, to undertake meetings of
the Expert Committee of the Metals, establish the strategic docking between Bengang group and China Iron and
Steel Research Group, strengthen cooperation with Northeastern University and other universities and research
institutes, and invite national academicians and authoritative experts to discuss the latest technological progress and
industry development trends. , To direct and to promote the high-quality development of Benxi Iron and Steel Group.
In terms of scientific and technological achievements, it has won 4 metallurgical science and technology awards and
3 scientific and technological progress awards in Liaoning Province. Among them, "the research and development
of hot stamping steel with the highest strength and extra-thick specifications and its serial development" won the
first prize in the metallurgical industry. The industry's highest award. In terms of intellectual property rights, 3

national standards and 11 corporate standards were drafted; 211 patents were accepted by the National Bureau, a
year-on-year increase of 21.2%; 108 patents were authorized by the National Bureau, including 16 inventions and
92 utility models. Bengang Steel Plate Co., Ltd. won the Quality Award from the Governor of Liaoning Province
and was identified as "the first batch of high-value patent cultivation centers in Liaoning Province."

5. Green development capability. In combination with the steel industry and local ultra-low emission policy
requirements, the company has the courage to assume social responsibilities, relying on professional planning and
research institutions to prepare an environmental protection improvement plan and an annual implementation plan.
A total of more than 40 ultra-low emission projects have been teased out, all of which have been included in the
investment plan and are under construction or preliminary work. Through all-round green improvement such as
cleaner production level, three waste management, environmental protection management, the company achieve
community-based environmental quality, promote the integration of industry and city, strive to achieve ultra-low
emission by the end of 2023, and build the company into an "ecological steel" that develops harmoniously with the
city. At present, the two dust collectors of the second sintering product of the iron smelting plant have completed the
transformation to meet the emission standards. The CCPP power generation project using surplus gas is expected to
be completed and put into operation in the first quarter of 2022.

6. Intelligent manufacturing capabilities. The company has vigorously promoted the construction of intelligent
manufacturing related projects such as informatization and intelligence. In 2021, investment has been made to carry
out centralized control and intelligent manufacturing of iron, burning, coke, special steel processes, raw material
management, energy management, etc. Carry out the improvement of the basic information platform, production and
manufacturing management, intelligent equipment for cold rolling areas, and the upgrading and transformation of
railway transportation dispatching and commanding information systems Intelligent transformation in other fields.
keep up with the pace of enterprise development in the era of big data, and achieve high-quality development.

IV. Management Discussion and Analysis

1. General

During the reporting period, the company has always adhered to the new development concept, promoted
efficient development, and fully implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions on
Northeast Revitalization and Liaoning Revitalization. It has carried out a series of fruitful work with the
core of "refining and strengthening listed companies, and promoting high-quality development",
overcoming the influence of unfavorable factors such as market shocks, and achieving a high starting
point for the "14th Five-Year Plan". The annual sales revenue was 77.912 billion yuan, a year-on-year
increase of 60%; the profit was 3.435 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 724%; pig iron completed
9.838 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 2.3%; crude steel completed 10.438 million tons, a year-
on-year increase of 1.24%; Plates completed 13.217 million tons, an increase of 8.02% year-on-year;
cold-rolled sheets completed 6.1078 million tons, an increase of 8.1% year-on-year; special steel products
completed 622,000 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 13.7%. Reviewing the work of the year, it is mainly
reflected in the following aspects:

1. Strengthen process linkage to make production operation more efficient

Among them, the steel plant has established a high-efficiency production model, and the monthly output
has exceeded 1 million tons, which is the best level in history. The hot continuous rolling mill has
continuously set new production records, and the production capacity has reached the level of 10 million
tons. The cold rolling plant took multiple measures to break through the "bottleneck" of production. Each
unit has set a record of 40 times of production capacity, and some units have exceeded the designed
capacity by 120%. The steel rolling output of special steel mills has shown a good trend of increasing
month by month, and the daily output has increased by 165 tons year-on-year. The scrap steel plant
recovered 63,000 tons of non-production scrap, ensuring high production and consumption reduction.

2. Strict process control and more precise cost control

Established the management and control concept of "low cost to win high efficiency", and various cost
reduction measures have achieved remarkable results. The financial system refines capital management
and saves interest expenses; the production system strictly controls the port transportation consumption
ratio to reduce the cost of raw material loss; the equipment system strengthens the repair of spare parts
by outsourcing, and reduces the purchase cost of new products; the energy system increases the
proportion of self-generated electricity and avoids peak production, direct purchase of electricity and
other measures to effectively reduce electricity costs.

3. Implement the innovation-driven strategy, and achieve new results in the field of scientific and

technological research and development

Adhere to the concept of "strengthening the enterprise with science and technology", carry out scientific
research and research and development of new products, make every effort to achieve technological
leadership, promote varieties and create benefits, and effectively improve the enterprise's ability to resist
risks. Throughout the year, 20 grades of cold series products, 15 grades of thermal series products and
14 grades of special steel products were developed. Successfully developed domestic leading 1180-
strength dual-phase steel and high-performance 50BW470 high-efficiency silicon steel for Ningde Tebo,
as well as ultra-deep-drawn electro-galvanized automotive outer panels for Iran's Saipa Automobile. For
the first time, it cooperated with foreign R&D institutions - General Automobile Research Institute of
North America and Northeastern University to develop "coating-free hot-formed steel", breaking through
barriers to technical cooperation, breaking through patent monopoly, and completing industrialization
tests. In the whole year, 100 scientific research projects were established, an increase of 69.5% year-on-
year, and the planned implementation rate reached over 90%. Successfully jointly applied for the "13th
Five-Year" National Key R&D Program "Genetic Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Design of
Aviation Key Materials" and was approved. The linkage of "sales, research and production" was achieved,
and 20 certification and delisting projects were completed throughout the year, with a total of 47 brands.
Mercedes-Benz certification has made a breakthrough. Users of pickling products have completed
stamping certification and assembly, and are conducting road tests in Germany and Turkey. At the same
time, it has passed the Japanese JIS certification, which provides a strong guarantee for the consolidation
of overseas markets.

4. Consolidate the construction of the management system, and the level of enterprise management has
climbed to a new level

Based on the construction of six management systems of safety, quality, energy, environmental protection,
integration of industrialization and informatization, and measurement, we constantly improve various
management systems, so as to ensure that there is a basis for doing things, and there is evidence for
investigations, so as to achieve closed-loop management. Adhere to safety first and build a "red line"
awareness. Quickly implement the safety management requirements of "three managements and three
musts", "five cleanups and five eliminations" and "four cannot be relaxed for a moment", and
responsibilities are consolidated layer by layer. Vigorously promote consistent management and
strengthen process compliance. Carry out research on energy conservation and consumption reduction,
realize green and low-carbon operation, and make energy management more refined and professional.
The investment in metering equipment was increased, and the integration and commissioning of the
energy metering network was completed, laying the foundation for precise control of energy consumption.
Continue to explore new paths for legal management of environmental protection work, establish and
improve daily management and control and emergency management systems and measures, fully
promote the construction of key low-carbon energy conservation projects, and promote green and low-
carbon development of enterprises. Implement the new development concept and build a digital and
intelligent enterprise. Taking solving practical production problems as the focus, sticking to the main
direction of intelligence, taking the cold rolling production line with a high degree of automation as a
pilot, vigorously promoting the application of innovative technologies such as unmanned driving and
industrial robots, and effectively promoting the improvement of labor productivity.

5. Actively promote the deepening of reform, and make new progress in corporate governance

In accordance with the goal of "becoming better and stronger to promote the high-quality development
of listed companies", the key reform work has been determined, which has pointed out the direction for
deepening the reform of Bengang Bancai and solving the problems of enterprise development. Reshape
the organizational structure, achieve lean and efficient management, establish an authorization system,
improve decision-making efficiency, and control decision-making risks; strengthen performance
management, and promote precise incentives. In accordance with the principle of "complete undertaking,
comprehensive decomposition, step-by-step pressure, and differentiated design", the company's operator
performance and organizational performance indicators will be decomposed and implemented step by
step, giving full play to the motivational role of performance appraisal, realizing the company's benefits
and employees' benefits. Promote management innovation, improve management efficiency, establish a
management mechanism centered on efficiency and follow the principle of process compliance, and
continue to improve management effectiveness and efficiency.

6. Highlight the leading role of party building, and show new achievements in group organization work

Thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of
China and all previous plenary sessions of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,
as well as the spirit of the National Party Building Work Conference of State-owned Enterprises, give

full play to the fighting fortress of the party organization and the vanguard and exemplary role of party
members, strengthen cadre evaluation and echelon construction, and establish a leadership management
and evaluation system, by adopting a multi-dimensional work performance evaluation method, and
solidly carry out the selection and recruitment of leading cadres. Adhere to the tracking and training of
young cadres, build a platform for talent growth in multiple directions, and create conditions for
outstanding talents to stand out. Comprehensively and strictly manage the party to advance in depth, and
create a clean and upright business environment; implement the study of the party's history and solve the
people's worries, and actively do practical things and solve problems for the workers and the masses.

7. Multi-measures are taken at the same time and the organization is closely organized, and the epidemic
prevention and control has become normalized

Strictly implement the various epidemic prevention policies of Bengang Group, comprehensively
consolidate the foundation of epidemic prevention and control, and ensure that the thinking is not loose
and the standards are not lowered. Adhere to daily information control and supervision of epidemic
prevention measures, and do a solid job in the reception of foreign personnel and the management of
personnel going out, as well as disinfection and personal protection in public places. Establish an
emergency response liaison mechanism with the Municipal Health Commission and the hospital,
implement measures such as consultation on vaccination matters, and rapid response to emergencies. At
present, 9 batches of vaccines have been organized for centralized vaccination, and the vaccination ratio
has reached 98%, which has built a strong anti-epidemic barrier.

2. Income and Cost

(1) Breakdown of Operating Income

Unit: Yuan



Change over
last year





Total operating income






By industries







By products

Steel plate












By regions (未完)