
时间:2022年03月31日 19:35:45 中财网





Annual Report 2021

Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Interpretation

Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of Changhong
Meiling Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious
statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take all responsibilities,
individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of the whole contents.

Mr. Wu Dinggang, Chairman of the Company, Mr. Pang Haitao, person in charge of accounting work and Mr.
Yang Jun, person in charge of accounting organ (accountant in charge) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of
2021 Annual Report is authentic, accurate and complete.

The Company did not have directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company could not guarantee the
reality, accuracy and completion of the whole contents or have objections.

All the directors attended the board meeting to deliberating the Report by a combination of on-site and

Modified audit opinions notes

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants (LLP) issued standard unqualified Auditors’ Report for the Company’s
Financial Report of 2021.

Major defects in internal control

□ Applicable √Not applicable

The Company had no major defects in internal control in the reporting period.

Risk warning of concerning the forward-looking statements with future planning involved in annual report

√ Applicable □Not applicable

Concerning the forward-looking statements with future planning involved in the Report, they do not constitute a
substantial commitment for investors, investors and the person concerned should maintain adequate risk
awareness, furthermore, differences between the plans, forecast and commitments should be comprehended.
Investors are advised to exercise caution of investment risks.

Investors are advised to read the full text of annual report, and pay particular attention to the following risk factors:
More details about the possible risks and countermeasures in the operation of the Company are described in the
report “XI. Prospects for the future development of the company” of “Section III. Management Analysis and
Discussion”, investors are advised to read the relevant content.

Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao Website (Juchao Website
(www.cninfo.com.cn)) are the media for information disclosure for year of 2022 that appointed by the Company.
All public information under the name of the Company disclosed on the above said media and website shall
prevail, and investors are advised to exercise caution.

Does the Company need to comply with disclosure requirements of the special industry: no

Profit distribution pre-plan or capitalizing of common reserves pre-plan deliberated by the Board in the reporting

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Whether to increase the share capital with public reserve

□Yes √No

The profit distribution plan for year of 2021, that deliberated and approved by 16th session of the 10th BOD was:
take the total shares (on the registration date when implement the equity distribution plan for year of 2021) as the
base, distributed 0.5 yuan (tax included) bonus in cash for every 10-share hold by all shareholders, no share bonus
issued and no capitalizing of common reserves carried out.

The implementation of repurchase of domestically listed foreign shares (B share) was completed on February 18,
2022. And the cancellation of the repurchased shares are completed on March 2, 2022. Total share capital of the
Company comes to 1,029,923,715 shares after cancellation, and reduction of registration capital and amendment
of Article of Association still needs to be submitted for deliberation on Shareholders’ General Meeting.

Directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company respectively signed a Written Confirmation Opinions
for 2021 Annual Report.

Supervisory Committee of the Company formed Written Examination Opinions for 2021 Annual Report.

Documents Available for Reference

I.Financial statement carrying the signatures and seals of the Chairman, principal of the accounting works and
person in charge of accounting organ;

II. Original audit report carrying the seal of the CPA and signature & seal of the accountants;

III. Original documents of the Company and manuscripts of public notices that disclosed in the website designated
by CSRC in the report period;

The aforesaid documents are all available at headquarter of the Company. The Company would provide them
timely when CSRC and Shenzhen Stock Exchange require or the shareholders need consultation according to the
regulations and Articles of Association.


Section I Important Notice, Contents and Interpretation 1

Section II Company Profile and Main Financial Indexes 6

Section III Management Discussion and Analysis 13

Section IV Corporate Governance 58

Section V Enviornmental and Social Responsibility 93

Section VI Important Events 100

Section VII Changes in shares and particular about shareholders 155

Section VIII Preferred Stock 165

Section IX Bonds 166

Section X Financial Report 167



Refers to


Company, The Company, Changhong
Meiling or Meiling Electric

Refers to


Sichuan Changhong or controlling

Refers to

Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.

Changhong Group

Refers to

Sichuan Changhong Electronics Holding Group Co., Ltd.

Hong Kong Changhong

Refers to


Meiling Group

Refers to

Hefei Meiling Group Holdings Limited

Industry Investment Group

Refers to

Hefei Industry Investment Holding (Group) Co., Ltd.

Changhong Air-conditioner

Refers to

Sichuan Changhong Air-conditioner Co., Ltd.

Zhongke Meiling

Refers to

Zhongke Meiling Cryogenic Technology Co., Ltd.

Mianyang Meiling

Refers to

Mianyang Meiling Refrigeration Co., Ltd.

Jiangxi Meiling

Refers to

Jiangxi Meiling Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.

Ridian Technology

Refers to

Changhong Meiling Ridian Technology Co., Ltd.

Wulian Technology

Refers to

Hefei Meiling Wulian Technology Co., Ltd

Zhongshan Changhong

Refers to

Zhongshan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.

Meiling Life Appliances

Refers to

Hefei Changhong Meiling Life Appliances Co., Ltd.

Changhong Huayi

Refers to

Changhong Huayi Compressor Co., Ltd.

Zhiyijia Company

Refers to

Sichuan Zhiyijia Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Shine Wing

Refers to

Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants (LLP)


Refers to

China Securities Regulatory Commission

Anhui Securities Bureau

Refers to

China Securities Regulatory Commission, Anhui Province Securities
Regulatory Bureau


Refers to

Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Section II Company Profile and Main Financial Indexes

I. Company information

Short form of the stock

Changhong Meiling,

Hongmeiling B

Stock code

000521, 200521

Short form of the Stock after changed
(if applicable)


Stock exchange for listing

Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Name of the Company (in Chinese)


Short form of the Company (in


Foreign name of the Company (if


Abbr. of English name of the
Company (if applicable)


Legal representative

Wu Dinggang

Registrations add.

No. 2163, Lianhua Road, Economic and Technology Development Zone, Hefei

Code for registrations add


Historical changes on the registration

The Company was registered in the Hefei Administration for Industry and Commerce on
November 25, 1992 with the address registered as Linquan Road, Hefei City (Meiling
Economic Development Zone); on March 13, 1997, registered address changed to No.48
Wuhu Road, Hefei instead of Linquan Road, Hefei City (Meiling Economic Development
Zone); on May 19, 2008, the address changed to No. 2163, Lianhua Road, Economic and
Technology Development Zone, Hefei from No.48 Wuhu Road, Hefei. Registered address
of the Company has not changed during the reporting period.

Offices add.

No. 2163, Lianhua Road, Economic and Technology Development Zone, Hefei

Codes for office add.





[email protected]

II. Person/Way to contact

Secretary of the Board

Rep. of security affairs


Li Xia

Pan Haiyun

Contact add.

No. 2163, Lianhua Road, Economic and Technology

No. 2163, Lianhua Road, Economic and

Development Zone, Hefei

Technology Development Zone, Hefei








[email protected]

[email protected]

III. Information disclosure and preparation place

Website of the Stock Exchange where the annual
report of the Company disclosed

Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Hong Kong Commercial Daily

Media and Website where the annual report of the
Company disclosed

Juchao website: http://www.cninfo.com.cn

Preparation place for annual report

Room of secretary of the Board, 2/F , administrative center, Office building
of the Company

IV. Registration changes of the Company

Organization code

Uniform social credit code: 9134000014918555XK

Changes of main business since listing (if applicable)

No changes

shareholders (if

1. In October 1993, after initial listing, controlling shareholder of the Company-- Hefei Meiling Industrial Corp. (renamed
as Hefei Meiling Group Co., dated 23 May 1994), executing controlling rights of the Company and management right of
the state-owned assets on behalf of Hefei State-owned Assets Management Office, named at that time;

2. From November 1997 to May 2003, controlling shareholder of the Company was Hefei Meiling Group Holding Co.,
Ltd. (established base on former Meiling Group Co.,, “Meiling Group” for short), an enterprise solely owned by the State;
mainly operating the state-owned capital in authorized from State-owned Assets Management Commission of Hefei City,
ensuring the maintenance and appreciation of state-owned assets;

3. On 29 May 2003, Meiling Group entered into “Equity Transfer Agreement” with Shunde GreenKel Enterprise
Development Co., ltd. (“GreenKel”), the 82,852,683 state-owned shares held by the Company was transfer to GreenKel.
After transferring, GreenKel comes to the first largest shareholder of the Company.

4. According to the spirit of “Bulletin of Treatment Opinions on GreenKel Company purchasing State-owned Assets
Shares of Listed Company” (GZFCQ[2006] No.: 44) jointly issued from SASAC and Ministry of Finance in April 2006,
Meiling Group took back the Meiling Electric 82,852,683 shares from GreenKel by procedures, which has been
transferred. In September 2006, relevant equity transfer agreement signed between the Meiling Group and GreenKel is
invalid, which was confirmed by the “Award” ((2006) HZZ No.: 104) issued from arbitration commission of Hefei; the
state-owned legal person’s 82,852,683 shares, held by GreenKel, should return to Meiling Electric, and relevant equity
consideration will pay to GreenKel by Meiling Group . On 29 December 2006, the 82,852,683 shares of Meiling Electric
were transfer to Meiling Group by GreenKel, and Meiling Group becomes the controlling shareholder of Meiling Electric

5. On 18 May 2006 and 11 January 2007, Meiling Group entered into “Equity Transfer Agreement of Meiling Electric”
and “Supplementary Agreement of Equity Transfer of Meiling Electric” respectively with Sichuan Changhong and
Changhong Group, among the 123,396,375 shares held by Meiling Group, 82,852,683 shares were transferred
respectively to Sichuan Changhong and Changhong Group according to the transfer way regulated in agreement; of this
transferring, 45,000,000 shares (10.88% of total share capital of the Company) were transferred to Sichuan Changhong,
the first largest shareholder of the Company while 37,852,683 shares (9.15% of total share capital of the Company) were

transferred to Changhong Group, the third largest shareholder of the Company.

6. On 29 October 2008, Changhong Group and Sichuan Changhong entered into “Equity Transfer Agreement of Hefei
Meiling Co., Ltd.”, the 32,078,846 restricted circulations A shares of Meiling Electric held by Changhong Group were
transferred by agreement to Sichuan Changhong. On 23 December 2008, the aforesaid equity transfer was approved by
“Reply on Matters of Equity held by State-owned Shareholders of Hefei Meiling Co., Ltd.” (GZCQ(2008) No.: 1413)
from SASAC; on 21 January 2009, the aforesaid transfer was registered for ownership transfer in Shenzhen Branch of
China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited.The first majority shareholder of the Company comes to
Sichuan Changhong.

7. From 12 November 2018 to 25 February 2019, Sichuan Changhong and its concerted action Hong Kong Changhong
totally buys 16,231,024 shares of the Company through the secondary market by bidding (including A-stock of
13,751,756 shares and B-stock of 2,479,268 shares), a 1.55% in total share capital of the Company. After stake enlarge,
Sichuan Changhong and its concerted action Hong Kong Changhong holds 281,832,434 shares of the Company in total, a
26.98% of the total share capital of the Company; of which, Sichuan Changhong directly holds 248,457,724 A-share of
the Company, a 23.79% in total share capital of the Company while Hong Kong Changhong holds circulation B-share of
the Company amounting as 33,374,710 shares, a 3.19% in total share capital of the Company.

8. Ended as 31 December 2021, Sichuan Changhong and its concerted action Hong Kong Changhong totally holds
281,832,434 shares of the Company, a 26.98% in total share capital of the Company; Sichuan Changhong directly holds
248,457,724 A-share of the Company, a 23.79% in total share capital of the Company while Hong Kong Changhong
holds circulation B-share of the Company amounting as 33,374,710 shares, a 3.19% in total share capital of the Company.

V. Other relevant information

(1) CPA engaged by the Company

Name of CPA

Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants (LLP)

Offices add. for CPA

8/F, Block A, Fu Hua Mansion No.8 Chao Yang Men Bei da jie, Dong Cheng District, Beijing,

Signing Accountants

Li Xifu, Wang Xiaodong

(2) Sponsor engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Financial consultant engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in
reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data

□ Yes √ No



Changes in the current
year over the previous
year (+,-)


Operating income (RMB)





Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company





Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company
after deducting non-recurring gains
and losses (RMB)





Net cash flow arising from
operating activities (RMB)





Basic earnings per share





Diluted earnings per share





Weighted average ROE



2.80 percentage points up


Year-end of 2021

Year-end of 2020

Changes at end of the
current year compared
with the end of
previous year (+,-)

Year-end of 2019

Total assets (RMB)





Net assets attributable to
shareholder of listed company





The cause of the accounting policy change and accounting error correction

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The lower one of net profit before and after deducting the non-recurring gains/losses in the last three fiscal years
is negative, and the audit report of last year shows that the ability to continue operating is uncertain

□Yes √ No

The lower one of net profit before and after deducting the non-recurring gains/losses is negative

√Yes □No





Operating income (RMB)



Amount deducted from
operating income (RMB)



It mainly refers to the income
from house rental, waste sales,
labor services, warehousing
services and maintenance
services in the current period

Operating income after
deduction (RMB)



VII. Accounting data difference under domestic and foreign accounting standards

(1) Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International
Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS
(International Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in reporting

(2) Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accounting rules and
Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

√ Applicable □ Not applicable


Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed

Net assets attributable to shareholders of listed

Current period

Previous period

Ending amount

Opening amount

Chinese GAAP





Items and amount adjusted by foreign accounting rules

Foreign accounting rules





The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either foreign
accounting rules or Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period.

(3) Reasons for the differences of accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

The “Notice of Relevant Issues of Audit for Company with Domestically Foreign Shares Offering” was issued
from CSRC dated 12 September 2007, since the day issuing, cancel the previous “dual audit” requirement for
companies who offering domestically listed foreign shares (B-share enterprise) while engaging securities practice
qualification CPA for auditing. The Company did not compile financial report under foreign accounting rules
since 2007, the financial report of the Company is complying on the “Accounting Standard for Business
Enterprise” in China, and therefore, there are no differences of accounting data under accounting rules in and out
of China at period-end.

VIII. Quarterly main financial index


Q 1

Q 2

Q 3

Q 4

Operating income





Net profit attributable to shareholders
of the listed company





Net profit attributable to shareholders
of the listed company after deducting
non-recurring gains and losses





Net cash flow arising from operating





Whether there are significant differences between the above-mentioned financial index or its total number and the
relevant financial index disclosed in the company’s quarterly report and semi-annual report

□Yes √ No

IX. Items and amounts of non-recurring profit (gains)/losses

√ Applicable □ Not applicable







Gains/losses from the disposal of
non-current asset (including the write-off
that accrued for impairment of assets)




Found more in
“Income from assets
income &

Governmental subsidy calculated into
current gains and losses(while closely
related with the normal business of the
Company, the government subsidy that
accord with the provision of national
policies and are continuously enjoyed in line
with a certain standard quota or quantity are




Found more in “Other

Gains/losses of fair value changes arising
from holding of the trading financial asset,
trading financial liability and investment
earnings obtained from disposing the trading
financial asset, trading financial liability,
and financial assets available for sale, except
for the effective hedging business related to
normal operation of the Company




”Found more in
“Income of fair value
changes”, “Investment

Switch back of the impairment for
receivables that has impairment test




Found more in
account receivable”

Other non-operating income and expenses
other than the above




Found more in
income &

Less: impact on income tax




Impact on minority shareholders’
equity (post-tax)








Details of other gains/losses items that meets the definition of non-recurring gains/losses:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There are no other gains/losses items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains/losses in the Company.

Explain the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A
Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There are no items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A
Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss

Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

I. Industry of the Company during the reporting period

1. Refrigerator industry

The refrigerator industry is one of the mature home appliance industries, and the active brands in the market are
relatively stable. From the overall data, 2021 was a satisfactory year for China's refrigerator market. In the face of
unfavorable factors such as repeated global pandemics and insufficient transportation capacity, in 2021, China's
refrigerator manufacturing industry has overcome multiple difficulties such as sharp fluctuations in raw material
prices, increased supply chain pressure, weak domestic demand, and declining product profit margins, and
increased the added value of products by optimizing product structure and cost and deeply digging the market, so
that the industry development had a steady rise. According to industry online data, China's refrigerator production
in 2021 was 86.096 million units, a year-on-year increase of 2.0%; total sales volume was 86.433 million units, a
year-on-year increase of 2.3%. It is worth noting that export is still the main driving force for the growth of the
refrigerator industry. In 2021, the export volume of China's refrigerator industry was 43.786 million units, a
year-on-year increase of 4.8%, effectively driving the growth of the industry's overall sales.

2.Air-conditioning industry

Air-conditioning products are the household appliances that are the most affected by macro economy and weather
factors. In the past two years, due to the continuous downturn in the real estate market and the impact of the
pandemic, the scale of the air-conditioning industry has continued to decline. In 2021, affected by factors such as
the frequent outbreaks of pandemic at home, rising raw material prices, dual control of energy efficiency, and too
much rainfall in the peak season of air-conditioning sales, the air-conditioning industry experienced a
phenomenon of "low peak season", resulting in a "cold year" to the air-conditioning market in 2021. According to
industry online statistics, in 2021, the total sales volume of China's household air conditioning industry was 150
million units, a year-on-year increase of 7.9%, and a year-on-year increase of 1.3% compared with 2019; of which
the domestic sales volume was 80 million units, a year-on-year increase of 5.5%, but a year-on-year decrease of
8.1% compared with 2019; exported 70 million units, a year-on-year increase of 11.0%, and a year-on-year
increase of 16.1% compared with 2019. After years of rapid growth in the air-conditioning industry, the number of
household ownership was high, and the industry demand has entered a new cycle of stock replacement. However,
consumers' demand for replacement of air-conditioning products has been released slowly, and the overall sales
volume will tend to be relatively stable in the next few years.

3.Washing machine industry

In 2021, the washing machine market has generally recovered to the level before the pandemic. According to the

omni-channel aggregate data of All View Cloud (AVC), in 2021, omni-channel retail sales was 76.6 billion yuan, a
year-on-year increase of 7.3%, and retail sales volume was 37.18 million units, a year-on-year growth of 0.8%.
However, due to the pandemic, changes in consumer demand and consumption patterns, the major brands have
upgraded their products in terms of structure, attributes, form, function, price and demand. Integration of wash
and dry, large capacity, silent, sterilizing wash, and intelligent modules have become the main theme of upgrading
and innovation in subdivided tracks.

II.Main businesses of the company engaged in during the Period

The Company is one of China's major electric appliance manufacturers, possesses four major domestic
manufacturing bases in Hefei, Mianyang, Jingdezhen and Zhongshan, and two overseas manufacturing bases in
Indonesia and Pakistan. Currently, we have completed the industry layout of white electricity basically, covering
the full product line including refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner, kitchen and bath, small household
appliances and others, at the same time, the Company enters the new industrial fields as bio-medical and with
certain achievements made.

Over the past 30 years, the Company has always been adhering to the "independent innovation, created in China",
and always focus on refrigeration industry without stop, elaborately building the core competitiveness of
enterprises by technological innovation and product innovation. Relying on the cutting-edge R&D team and
advanced technology, Meiling continue to achieve breakthrough results in the variable frequency, intelligence,
refreshment, thin-wall, odourless, energy-saving, forced air cooling, deep cooling and other fields. The company
has set up the first RoHS public testing center in Anhui Province, the national enterprise technology center, the
national industrial design center, and the 5G industrial internet innovation application laboratory. The Company
has successively awarded several national honorary titles as the “Smart Refrigerator Intelligent Manufacturing
Pilot Demonstration Project”, the “National Green Factory”, the “National Industrial Design Center”, “2020 Top
10 Light Industry Technology Enterprises in China” and “National Leading Enterprises of Qualify in Home
Appliance Industry” etc. At the same time, many products of Meiling have repeatedly won a number of domestic
and international innovation awards, continuously demonstrating the capabilities and strength of Meiling's
intelligent manufacturing and Meiling brand intelligent innovation technology. At the 2021 AWE Award
Ceremony, "Very Clean" BCD-503WUP9BQ, the company's new high-end refrigerator won the AWE Excellent
Product Award for its excellent product design and innovative intelligent technology. In the China Refrigerator
Industry Symposium, 2021, Meiling refrigerator stood out, with its leading fresh-keeping technology and
excellent quality, "Very clean" BCD-503WUP9BQ won the "Fresh Clean Star", and "Star" refrigerator
BCD-532WPUCY won the "Outstanding Channel Performance Product Award". Furthermore, with its deep
cultivation and innovation in fresh-keeping technology, the company won the only "Annual Pioneer
Freshness-Preservation Brand" award of China refrigerator industry.

In recent years, driven by the industry transformation and upgrades and consumption upgrades, the Company
always adheres to the strategy of smart and variable frequency products, promoted the Company’s products to
transform and upgrade to become intelligent and high-end and comprehensively enhanced the competitiveness of

products in the industry by grasping the opportunities of refreshment, thin-wall, odourless, air cooling and energy
efficiency upgrades and effectively resolving the pain points of customers. Under the guidance of the “intelligent”
strategy, in recent year, the Company has released and listed a number of CHiQ series of smart refrigerators and
air-conditioning products, “M-Fresh” refrigerators, “M-Fresh” comprehensive thin series products and “very
clean” series of refrigerators, Meiling always leads the trend of the industry by solving the pain points of users
effectively. In April 2021, the company joined hands with Jingdong and launched the "Star" series of mother and
infant refrigerators equipped with LINF spectral plasma technology, which meets the rigid needs of infants &
moms in different stages of getting ready for pregnancy, pregnancy and parenting. In May 2021, the company
released a new generation of "very thin" direct-drive front-loading washing machines, using innovative
technology, i.e. magnetic levitation ultra-thin DD motor, to realize the product concept of "direct drive is cleaner
and quieter", and the main performance indicators such as noise and energy efficiency have reached the advanced
level at home and abroad. In July 2021, the second-generation series of "M Fresh" products using "zero shock"
and "soft freeze" preservation technologies were launched globally, breaking through the restricted area of
refrigeration and freezing technologies of traditional refrigerators, and opening a brand new competition track to
soft freeze preservation technology in the refrigerator industry. In November 2021, the company released the latest
gas-heating water heater. By combining the invention patent technology of "a segmented burner and wall-hung
boiler", it has the function of "bathing scene customization" by person and scene, which can provide different
bathing modes to meet the diverse hot water needs of users. In the same month, the third-generation dual-engine
variable-frequency M-Twindrive series ultra-low temperature freezer with unique advantages such as "dual
independent systems, extreme uniformity, frequency conversion and energy saving" were released to the public,
realizing the "intelligent storage" and "intelligent acquisition" of samples, providing guarantee for the storage
security of samples again, and providing users with new options. In January 2022, the shared air conditioner for
the living room and dining room using the far-to-near soft & comfortable wind technology was released for the
first time, bringing users a comfortable home system that can be used for both living room and dining room.

Facing the future, the Company will implement the management policy of “one goal and three main lines” and
further improve the home internet layout, accelerate the intelligentization of home appliances, form a dual-growth
engine of “hardware + services”, drive the transformation and upgrading of the Company’s profitability model,
investigate the new value-added service models for home appliance enterprises, meet new competition pattern in
the industry, and achieve its own sustainable and stable development under the guidance of the core values of
“professionalism and shared development”. Meanwhile, based on the “Smart Home Eco-system Project” and the
existing products, the company will enhance the R&D, manufacturing, sales and cooperative capabilities of
integrated white goods so as to provide users with a complete set of smart white goods system solutions.

During the reporting period, main income of the Company coming from refrigerator (freezer), air conditioner,
washing machine, small home appliances, kitchen & toilet products and biomedical etc., total amounting to
17.332 billion yuan, a 96.11% of the operating income.

III. Core Competitiveness Analysis

(1) Brand capacity

The Company is one of the famous home appliances manufacturers in China, owns several product lines such as
refrigerator, freezing box, air conditioner, washing machine, small household appliances and biomedical etc.
“Meiling” brand is listed as one of the most valuable brands in China. In recent years, the Company has create the
competitiveness of the brand by continuously reshaping its brand image, innovating core technology and
developing high-end intelligent products. In terms of reshaping brand image, in order to enhance the brand image
and further expand the market influence, the Company repositioning the brand. In October 2015, the Company
completely update the LOGO, and launching the new brand proposition of “Meiling, let the good comes”. Along
with the release of new LOGO, Meiling will also implement a brand strategy of "Good Trilogy", including the
direct sensory experience of “experience the good", the spirit soul enjoyment of “enjoy the good”, and the lifestyle
faith of “believe in the good”.

In terms of continuous innovation of core technologies, on the one hand, the company continuously promoted the
innovation of fresh-keeping, intelligent and frequency conversion technologies to maintain the leading position
in the industry in order to meet the needs of industry and market development. On the other hand, with the help of
consumption upgrades, in order to meet the personalized differentiation and diversified needs of consumers.In
terms of refrigerator products, the frozen preservation technology of “zero impact” and “micro-freezing”, the
independent research and development of core technologies such as water molecule activation preservation (未完)