
时间:2022年04月26日 23:56:27 中财网


Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
2021 Annual Report
April 2022
Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase
Board of Directors, Board of Supervisory, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as The Company) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious records, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of the whole contents.
Sun Xigang, principal of the Company, Wang Huilin, person in charger of accounting works and Tang Yiqiao, head of accounting organization (accounting principal) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of Annual Report 2021 is authentic, accurate and complete.
All directors are attend the Meeting for Report deliberation. The forward-looking statements such as operation programme involved in the annual report do not constitute a substantial commitment of the Company to investors. Investors and relevant persons should maintain sufficient risk awareness and understand the differences between programme, forecasts and commitments.
Possible risks that might be countered during the development have been analyzed in Section III. Management Discussion and Analysis in the Report, investors are kindly advised to check.
The Company has no plans of cash dividend distributed, no bonus shares and has no share converted from capital reserve either.
Section I Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase ......................................................................... 2
Section II Company Profile and Main Financial Indexes .................................................................... 6
Section III Management Discussion and Analysis ............................................................................. 12
Section IV Corporate Governance ..................................................................................................... 32
Section V Enviornmetnal and Social Responsibility ....................................................................... 55
Section VI Important Events .............................................................................................................. 57
Section VII Changes in shares and particular about shareholders ..................................................... 91
Section VIII Preferred Stock..............................................................................................................98
Section IX Corporate Bonds .............................................................................................................. 99
Section X Financial Report .............................................................................................................. 100
Documents Available for Reference
(i)The financial statement containing signature and seals of the person in charge of the Company, person in charge
of the accounting works and head of accounting organization (accounting principal); (ii)The original audit report containing the seals of accounting firm and signature and seals of the CPA;
(iii)Original copies of documents and announcements The Company released publicly during the reporting period.

ItemsRefers toContents
The Company, CompanyRefers toNanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
CETCRefers toChina Electronics Technology Group Corporation
Southern TelecomRefers toNanjing Southern Telecom Co., Ltd (controlling subsidiary of the Company)
Telege CompanyRefers toNanjing Putian Telege Intelligent Building Ltd (controlling subsidiary of the Company)
Nanman CompanyRefers toNanjing Nanman Electric Co., Ltd. (wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company)
Datang CompanyRefers toNanjing Putian Datang Information Electronic Co., Ltd (controlling subsidiary of the Company)
Section II Company Profile and Main FinancialIndexes
I Company information

Short form of the stockNJ TEL BStock code200468
Stock exchange for listingShenzhen Stock Exchange  
Name of the Company (in Chinese)南京普天通信股份有限公司  
Short form of the Company (in Chinese)南京普天  
Foreign name of the Company(if applicable)Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.  
Legal representativeSun Xigang  
Registrations add.No.8 Fenghui Avenue, Yuhua Economic Development Zone, Nanjing  
Code for registrations add210039  
Historical changes of registered addressRegistered address of the Company when established in 1997 was No.1 Block, west side of Ericsson, Jiangning Economic and Technological Development Zone, Nanjing; in 2003, registered address changed to No.58, Qinhuai Road, Jiangning Economic and Technological Development Zone, Nanjing; and in 2021 registered address changed as No.8 Fenghui Avenue, Yuhua Economic Development Zone, Nanjing  
Offices add.Putian Technology Pioneer Park, No.8 Fenghui Avenue, Yuhuatai District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province  
Codes for office add.210039  
Company’s Internet Web Sitewww.postel.com.cn  
E-mail[email protected]  
II. Person/Way to contact

 Secretary of the BoardRep. of security affairs
NameLi JingXiao Hong
Contact addressPutian Technology Pioneer Park, No.8 Fenghui Avenue, Yuhuatai District, Nanjing, Jiangsu ProvincePutian Technology Pioneer Park, No.8 Fenghui Avenue, Yuhuatai District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
E-mail[email protected][email protected]
III. Information disclosure and preparation place

Website of the Stock Exchange where the annual report of the Company disclosedShenzhen Stock Exchange (http://www.szse.cn)
Media and Website where the annual report of the Company disclosedSecurities Times; Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Preparation place for annual reportOffice of the BOD

IV. Registration changes of the Company

Organization code91320000134878054G
Changes of main business since listing (if applicable)No change
Previous changes for controlling shareholders (if applicable)When the Company established in 1997, the controlling shareholder was China Post and Telecommunications Industry Corporation (later changed name to China Putian CorporationChina Putian Corporation). In 2005, the shares held by China Putian CorporationChina Putian Corporation are transferred to China Potevio Company Limited (China Potevio), the controlling shareholder of the Company comes to China Potevio.
V. Other relevant information
CPA engaged by the Company

Name of CPAPan-China Certified Public Accountants (LLP)
Offices add. for CPA17/F, Tower B, Beijing International Building, No. 18, Nandajie Jia, ZOL, Haidian District, Beijing
Signing accountantHe Jiangxing, Zhang Jinghui
Sponsor engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable
Financial adviser engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in reporting period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Financial adviserOffice address of the financial adviserFinancial adviser sponsorContinuous supervision period
CITIC Securities Co., Ltd.North Block, Time Square Excellence (Phase II), No.8 rd Zhongxin 3 Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong ProvinceYang Xiao, Yang Zhenrui2020.12.31-2021.12.31
VI. Main accounting data and financial indexes
Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not √Yes □No
Retroactive adjustment or reasons of re-statement
Correction of accounting errors

 20212020 Changes (+,-) compared with the previous year2019 
  Before adjustmentAfter adjustmentAfter adjustmentBefore adjustmentAfter adjustment
Operating revenue (RMB)917,129,674.491,025,243,815. 831,025,243,815. 83-10.55%1,338,284,194. 211,156,771,262. 94
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed Company (RMB)-138,766,373.7 021,964,552.8421,964,552.84-731.77%-169,088,516.6 9-169,088,516.6 9
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed Company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses (RMB)-141,603,716.8 2-154,393,042.7 6-154,393,042.7 68.28%-171,904,933.4 1-171,904,933.4 1
Net cash flow arising from operating activities (RMB)-61,717,528.7688,145,348.8788,145,348.87-170.02%22,686,114.9122,686,114.91
Basic earnings per share(RMB/Share)-0.650.10.1-750.00%-0.79-0.79
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)-0.650.10.1-750.00%-0.79-0.79
Weighted average ROE-105.00%12.29%12.29%-117.29%-66.55%-66.55%
 Year-end of2021Year-end of2020 Changes (+,-) compared with the year-end of previous yearYear-end of2019 
  Before adjustmentAfter adjustmentAfter adjustmentBefore adjustmentAfter adjustment
Total assets (RMB)993,571,982.441,167,608,410. 821,167,608,410. 82-14.91%1,652,005,519. 441,652,005,519. 44
Net assets attributable to shareholder of listed Company (RMB)65,187,412.69189,624,160.92189,624,160.92-65.62%169,543,106.29169,543,106.29
Reasons for changes in accounting policy and correction of accounting errors According to relevant requirement of the Decision on Taking Corrective Regulatory Measures Against Nanjing Putian
Telecommunications Co., Ltd (Administrative Supervisory Measures Decision Letter of Jiangsu Securities Regulatory Bureau [2022]
th th
No.10), and after deliberated and approved by 58 session of 7 BOD held on April 22, 2022, The Company adopted retrospective
restatement method to correct the accounting errors for the periodic reports of 2017, 2018 and 2019. For the impact with annual
operation results and financial status concerned, found more in the Notice on Correction of Prior Period Accounting Errors released
by the Company dated April 26, 2022 and ―15(1).Correction of Prior Period Accounting Errors‖ carried in Section X. of the Annual

The lower of the Company’s net profit before or after deduction of non-recurring profit (gain)/loss for the last three financial years is
negative, and the audit report for the latest year indicates that there is uncertainty about The Company’s ability to continue as a going
□Yes √No
The lower of the net profit before or after deduction of non-recurring profit (gain)/loss is negative
√Yes □No

Operating revenue (RMB)917,129,674.491,025,243,815.83-
Deduction amount from operating revenue (RMB)10,884,944.8110,262,253.21-
Amount after deduction (RMB)906,244,729.681,014,981,562.62-
VII. Difference of the accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China 1. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International
Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) □ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either IAS (International
Accounting Standards) or Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period. 2. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accounting
rules and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) □ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either foreign accounting rules or
Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period. VIII. Quarterly main financial index

 Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4
Operating revenue190,510,440.63261,368,169.80230,970,269.55234,280,794.51
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed Company-15,982,760.06-13,611,107.13-6,957,585.43-102,214,921.08
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed Company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses-16,485,198.74-13,381,259.75-6,972,945.34-104,764,312.99
Net cash flow arising from operating activities-81,930,160.48-34,792,112.6711,355,021.9443,649,722.45
Whether there are significant differences between the above-mentioned financial index or its total number and the relevant financial
index disclosed in The Company’s quarterly report and semi-annual report □Yes √ No
IX. Items and amounts of extraordinary profit (gains)/loss
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the write-off that accrued for impairment of assets)-134,892.35171,454,257.57119,033.08 
Governmental subsidy reckoned into current gains/losses (except for those with normal operation business concerned, and conform to the national policies & regulations and are continuously enjoyed at a fixed or quantitative basis according to certain standards)660,727.466,456,622.794,265,247.47 
Gains/losses from debt restructuring2,456,389.38   
Other non-operating revenue and expenditure except for the aforementioned items328,880.051,135,543.03-185,497.35 
Payable unable to paid  362,546.35 
Less: impact on income tax108,335.97122,246.44154,871.99 
Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax)365,425.452,566,581.351,590,040.84 
Specific information on other items of profits/losses that qualified the definition of non-recurring profit(gain)/loss
□Applicable √Not applicable

Information on the definition of non-recurring profit(gain)/loss that listed in theQ&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure
for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary (non-recurring) Profit(gain)/loss as the recurring
□Applicable √Not applicable
The Company does not have any non-recurring profit(gain)/loss listed under theQ&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure
for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary (non-recurring) Profit(gain)/lossdefined as recurring
Section III. Management Discussion and Analysis
I. Industry of the Company during the reporting period
According to the information released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in 2021, China’s communication
industry actively promoted the construction of a network powerful nation and Digital China, andfully acceleratedthe construction and
application of new information infrastructure such as 5G and gigabit optical networks, which provided strong supports for creating
new advantages in the digital economy and enhancing economic development. The development quality and growth level of the
industry were further improved, achieving a good start in the ―14th Five-Year Plan‖. The network infrastructure continued to evolve
and upgrade, the investment in fixed assets was basically the same as the previous year, and the investment in 5G accounted for
nearly half; the network infrastructure was optimized and upgraded, and the construction of all-optical networks was further
advanced; 5G network construction was accelerated, and network coverage continued to advance.
The communication equipment manufacturing industry is the upstream industry of the communication industry and an important
foundation of the communication industry. Driven by national policies, the communication equipment manufacturing industry is
generally facing good development opportunities; at the same time, the communication equipment manufacturing industry is a fully
competitive industry with many enterprises and fiercecompetition, and the overall profit level is declining.

From the segmentationof the Company’s main products, in terms of integrated wiring products, with the implementation of cloud
computing and big data, the construction of domestic data centers has been steadily advanced, and the network architecture of the
military, government, and rail transit industries has been transformed and upgraded,as the data center infrastructure, integrated wiring
has been driven by them; in terms of video conferencing products, with the intensification of Sino-US trade frictions, the product
competitiveness of domestic brands in the industry has continued to increase; interms of low-voltage distribution products, the
market has formed a competition pattern with product technology, service ability and sales channel as the core, and the market
competition is fierce. The target market of wiring products mainly includes the private network markets such as operators, tower
companies, and governments, of which the product differentiation is small, and price competition is the main feature of the industrial
competition pattern of this product.
II. Main businesses of the Companyduring the reporting period As one of the important product and solution providers in the domestic information and communication field, The Company adheres
to the "product + solution + service" strategy, and continuously accelerates product innovation, industrial structure adjustment,
transformation and upgrading. The main business of the Company and its subsidiaries involves optical communication networks,
wireless communication networks, data applications, industrial electric and other fields, including optical distribution networks and
communication supporting overall solutions (ODN overall solutions, optical network intelligent solutions, energy-saving data centre
solutions), multimedia communication and application solutions, building intelligent integrated solutions, industrial intelligent power
distribution systems, solar street light control systems, etc. Customers include domestic telecom operators, China Tower and industry
customers in government,finance, power, medical and other fields.
The Company’s optical distribution network and communication supporting overall solutions can be used for domestic
communication network construction, broadcasting and television network transformation, high-speed rail communication
construction projects of operators, internet and other enterprises; the subsidiary Nanjing Southern Telecom Co., Ltd. can provide
multimedia communication and application solutions for the large and medium-sized industry customers in the fields of government,
finance, medical care, and education, and so on; the subsidiary Nanjing Putian Telege Intelligent Building Ltd. mainly provides
customers with mid-to-high-end integrated wiring and building intelligent system solutions; subsidiary Nanjing Nanman Electric Co.,
Ltd. is oriented towards rail transit, airports, ports and other industrial sites and provides industrial intelligent power distribution
products; the subsidiary Nanjing Putian Datang Information Electronic Co., Ltd. mainly provides customers with solar street lamp
controllers and Internet of Things street lamp monitoring systems, etc.
The Company mainly obtains business opportunities by participating in project bidding, designs plans, produces or purchases
equipment required by customers according to project requirements, and is responsible for installation and debugging, and realizes
profits after deducting costs in accordance with the contract price. The Company's operating results are mainly affected by factors
such as capital expenditures by telecom operators and industry customers, information input and bidding results, fluctuations in raw
material prices and other cost changes.

During the reporting period, The Company granted 14 new patents (including 4 patents for inventions and 10 utility models) , and
participated in the formulation of multiple industry standards such as Standards of the PoE System Engineering Technical for
Ethernet; Southern Telecom obtained the Information Technology Service Management System Certification and the participation of
building the ―isolation area remote visiting system‖ of Second Hospital of Shandong University won the 5G+Smart Medical
Innovation Application Awards; Telege Company obtained the certification of first batch ―Power Over Ethernet (PoE) Products‖ in
III. Core Competitiveness Analysis
1. Marketing ability
The Company has mature market networks, servesthe operators and industry customers in the government, rail transit, finance,
medical, power, internet companies and others over a long period of time, and has rich industry experience.

2. Product competitiveness
The Company insists on being market-oriented, strengthening and optimizing its leading products, actively developing new products,
and constantly improving its innovation capabilities.
The Company has high technology and product advantages in wiring products. It has developed a series of optical network
connection products that have obtained a number of national invention patents, and is a supplier of strong brand influence in the field
of domestic optical fiber communication network connection products. Prefabricated steel structure data center products can quickly
build data center modules for use in the construction of data center computer rooms, and perform on-site integration of various
equipment in the production area to achieve integrated delivery. Access products have good performance in wired access networks,
optical transmission networks, wireless access networks, etc., and are ranked among the "Top Ten Most Competitive Enterprises in
China's Optical Transmission and Network Access Equipment" throughout the year. Focusing on video communication applications
for more than 20 years, the subsidiarySouthern Telecom has accumulated rich market channels and client resources, as well as
differentiated products and conceptual design capabilities, the self-developed products have been recognized by large industry clients.
The complete set of electrical products of the subsidiary, Nanman Company, are widely used in airports, wharves, rail transit and
other industries, and has accumulated rich customer resources and industry experience, and can provide customers with complete sets
of products and solutions for individual needs. Telege Building is positioned in the high-end market for cabling system, and its
products serve the Beijing Winter Olympics, domestically produced large aircraft and other key projects, and it is actively developing

3. Brand influence
The Company is an information and communication enterprise under the central state-owned enterprise, and communication products
have a strong brand influence in the field of domestic optical fiber communication network connection products. The integrated
cabling products of Telege Building are well-known brand products in Jiangsu Province, a famous trademark of the province, and
have been ranked among the top ten domestic cabling system brands for more than ten consecutive years. The video conferencing
product series of Southern Telecom have a high reputation in China.
IV. Main business analysis
During the reporting period, The Company adhered to the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, closely
focused on The Company’s annual business tasks, and continued to carry out industrial adjustment, deepen reform and innovation,
reduce redundant staff, and promote cost reduction and efficiency improvement under the enormous pressure from external shocks
such as the COVID-19 pandemic and rising raw material prices, as well as The Company’s cash flow and production cost.During the
reporting period, The Companyachieved an operating income of 917.13 million yuan, and net profit attributable to shareholders of
the listed company was -138.77 million yuan. The operating income decreased by 10.55% compared with the previous year, mainly
due to the intensifying market competition, repeated pandemics, industrial restructuring and other factors. The Company strived to
promote product transformation, reduce gross profit business, and improve sales order quality, thus the overall gross profit margin
increased, and the comprehensive gross profit margin increased by 3.83% on a year-on-year basis. The Company continued to
strengthen the control of general expenses, and expenses decreased by 28.65 million yuan compared with the previous year, however,
while the price of raw materials rose and the sales volume declined, The Company still needed to bear fixed costs and expenses, at
the same time, The Company made a provision for asset impairment of 107.32 million yuan in accordance with the accounting
standards this year, so the current net profit was negative.
Development situation of main business during the reporting period: Base on the strategic positioning of the―National Team of Internet Information Business‖ of CETC’s civil products, The Company
returned to the original intention of the industry, focused on key market development, continuously increased new product research
and development, tapped product production potential, innovated cost control methods, adhered to the industry, focused on the main
business, and strived to make solid, professional and refined industry .
In terms of traditional products, we focused on key industries, and continued to explore the transformation of traditional wiring
industry to data center business while stabilizing the existing industry position. In 2021, the wiring products won the bids for the
centralized procurement of Zhongnanhai Special Communication Bureau, and won the bids for Nanchang Metro Line 4, Nanjing
Metro Line 5 and other system integration projects; successfully signed thecontracts for Jiangsu Unicom future city project, China
Telecom Wuxi Branch custom cabinet supporting project, etc.. Completed the optical cable intelligent transformation projects of
Beijing Metro Line 1 and Batong Line. The Company actively participated in the construction of data centers and other projects, and
successfully supplied projects such as Suzhou Telecom Taihu data center channel, Jiangsu Mobile Jiangbei data center, Wuxi
Telecom Dafu data center micromodule, Huawei Changzhou Telecom micromodule, Suzhou Baidu cabinet. Completed the
implementation of Tencent Huailai Dongyuanphase III T-block project, the maintenance of Dongtai big data room project, and the
completion acceptance of Nanjing Telecom Jishan data center project. The basic processing department took advantage ofthe
information platform to improve and continuously improved the manufacturing level; strived to improve the efficiency of production

Southern Telecom successfully signed contracts for the renewal of insurance of the Postal Savings Bank of China and the upgrade
and expansion of the cloud videoconferencing platform of China Everbright Bank. In addition, The Company utilized its
accumulated resources in the videoconferencing industry to gradually integrate into the Huawei ecosystem, and Huaweibusiness
successfully won the bids for Minmetals, CCCC, PCOC and other large-scale projects. New businesses such as multimedia
integration and independent research and development continued to grow.
Telege Company became the first batch of manufacturers to obtain POE certification in China, and completed the supply of
integrated wiring products for many projects such as the weak current system engineering project of the Yanqing Winter Olympics
Village project, the Beijing Financial Court project, and the west district supporting project of Shanghai Hongqiao International
Airport. The Company actively dug deep into customers in medical, education and other industries, and supplied for the troops
stationed in Hong Kong and Macao, the National Defense University project, China Construction Bank Liaoning Branch and other

Nanman Company continued to deepen its development in the rail transitfield, and signed Beijing Metro Line 19, Hangzhou Metro
Line 9, Hefei Metro Airport Line, Shenzhen Urban Rail Transit Line 6 Branch Line and other projects, and maintained its leading
position in the industry. In terms of social projects, The Company signed Xiongan Pipe Gallery, Shenneng Environmental Protection
and other projects.

Datang Company quickly responded to market changes, launched new products such as integrated lamp panels and cruise terminal
positioning management systems, and formed a certain sales.
At the same time, The Company insisted on independent research and development and increased technological innovation. Telege
Company seized the opportunity of localization of high-end wiring, and completed the research and development of new six types of
distribution frames, new modular distribution frames and automated production lines, B1/B2-class high flame retardant cables, and
the data acquisition of a new generation of electronic distribution frame systemlocalizationsmart jumpers and domestic solutions;
Nanman Company completed the research and development of the second-generation socket box and successfully put it on the
market; Southern Telecom completed the full-featured Ruijing 13.3-inch conference guide all-in-one machine, and completed the
schematic diagram of the core board and PCB designwork etc.. Datang Company completed the lamp board development of the new
CPU platform and successfully launched it into the market.

In terms of operation and management, while doing a good job in the pandemic prevention and control, The Company continued to
focus on the four key tasks of ―saving expenditure, opening source, innovation, and assessment‖, deepened internal reform and
adjustment, improved operation quality, strengthened internal control, solidly promoted the governance of loss-making enterprises,
continued to promote the cost reduction, continuously consolidatedThe Company’s operating foundation, and enhanced
2.Revenue and cost
(1)Composition of operating revenue

 20212020Y-o-y changes (+,-)

 AmountRatio in operating revenueAmountRatio in operating revenue 
Total operating revenue917,129,674.49100%1,025,243,815.83100%-10.55%
Communication industry814,698,901.2988.83%926,487,735.2390.37%-12.07%
Electrical industry102,430,773.2011.17%98,756,080.609.63%3.72%
Main business revenue-Video conferencing products293,267,591.7131.98%314,877,571.2630.71%-6.86%
Main business revenue-Integrated cabling products381,243,880.1341.57%357,130,844.3034.83%6.75%
Main business revenue-Low-voltag e distribution products100,939,986.7511.01%96,477,794.599.41%4.63%
Main business revenue-Wiring products and others153,488,446.1516.74%287,776,479.3628.07%-46.66%
Interior offset-32,454,210.31-3.54%-55,183,049.81-5.38%41.19%
Other business revenue20,643,980.062.25%24,164,176.132.36%-14.57%
Domestic area917,129,674.49100.00%1,025,243,815.83100.00%-10.55%
Sales model     
Direct sales450,874,262.3049.16%514,895,185.7150.22%-12.43%
(2) The industries, products,regions or sales model accounting for over 10% of the Company’s operating
revenue or operation profit
√Applicable □ Not applicable

 Operating revenueOperating costGross profit ratioIncrease/decrease of operatingIncrease/decrease of operating costIncrease/decrease of gross profit
    revenue y-o-yy-o-yratio y-o-y
Communication industry814,698,901.29645,422,053.1120.78%-12.07%-16.59%4.30%
Electrical industry102,430,773.2077,075,597.5724.75%3.72%5.41%-1.21%
Main business revenue-Video conferencing products293,267,591.71227,789,514.0322.33%-6.86%-12.66%5.16%
Main business revenue-Integrate d cabling products381,243,880.13291,804,222.0523.46%6.75%5.22%1.11%
Main business revenue-Low-volt age distribution products100,939,986.7576,275,464.3424.43%4.63%6.82%-1.56%
Main business revenue-Wiring products and others153,488,446.15141,952,065.677.52%-46.66%-47.17%0.89%
Interior offset-32,454,210.31-32,454,210.310.00%41.19%40.05%-1.89%
Other business revenue20,643,980.0617,130,594.9017.02%-14.57%-24.91%11.42%
Domestic area917,129,674.49722,497,650.6821.22%-10.55%-14.69%3.83%
Sales model      
Direct sales450,874,262.30363,456,227.6619.39%-12.43%-16.81%4.24%
Under circumstances of adjustment in reporting period for statistic scope of main business data, adjusted main business based on (未完)