
时间:2022年08月18日 18:06:47 中财网


Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.
2022 Semi-annual Report

August, 2022

Section Ⅰ. Important Notice, Table of Contents, and Definitions The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and the Directors, members of the Supervisory Committee and senior management of the Company guarantee that there are no misrepresentations or misleading statements, or material omission in this report, and individually and collectively accept full responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the information contained in this report. Huo Gang, Legal representative, Jiang Xiaoyu, Chief financial officer, and Sun Yanbin, Chief accountant, (the person in charge of the accounting), make the pledge for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the attached financial statements. All the members of the Board of Directors attended the board meeting on which this report was examined.
The prospective statements contained in this annual report do not constitute any substantial commitment to the investors. Investors should pay attention to the risks attached to investment decisions. This report is prepared in both of Chinese and English. The Chinese version shall prevail when there are any controversial statements in the two versions.
The company has described the existing risks and countermeasures in detail in this report. Please refer to Section III-10 “Risks faced by the company and Countermeasures”. “China Securities Journal”, “Securities Times”, “Hong Kong Commercial Daily” and Juchao Information Network (www.cninfo.com.cn) are the company's selected information disclosure media. All information of the company is based on the information published in the above-mentioned designated media. Investors are advised to pay attention to investment risks. The company does not have any significant risks that require investors’ attention. There exists no plan for the company to distribute profit ,bonus stocks or convert capital reserve into share capital.

Table of Contents

SECTION Ⅰ. IMPORTANT NOTICE, TABLE OF CONTENTS, AND DEFINITIONS ............. 2 SECTION II. COMPANY PROFILE AND MAIN FINANCIAL INDEX ................................ 3 SECTION III. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS ....................................... 6 SECTION Ⅳ. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE .............................................................. 24 SECTION V. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY .................................. 26 SECTION VI. IMPORTANT EVENTS ......................................................................... 31
SECTIONⅦ. STATUS OF SHARE CAPITAL CHANGES AND SHAREHOLDERS.............. 63 SECTION Ⅷ. STATUS OF PREFERRED SHARES ..................................................... 67 SECTION Ⅸ. STATUS OF CONVERTIBLE CORPORATE BONDS .................................. 69 SECTION Ⅹ. FINANCIAL REPORT ........................................................................... 73

Reference File Directory
1. Financial statements signed and sealed by Legal representative, Chief financial officer, Chief accountant (the person in charge of the accounting).
2. The originals of all company documents and announcements publicly disclosed during the reporting period.
3. Semi-annual reports published in other securities markets.


Terms to be definedRefers toDefinition
Bengang Bancai, Bengang Steel, the Company, the Listed CompanyRefers toBengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.
Ansteel GroupRefers toAnsteel Group Co., Ltd.
Bensteel GroupRefers toBensteel Group Co., Ltd.
Benxi Steel & Iron CO., Bengang Co.Refers toBenxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.
Liaoning Provincial State-asset AdministrationRefers toLiaoning State-owned Asset Supervisory and Management Committee
SSERefers toShenzhen Stock Exchange
Bengang PuxiangRefers toBengang Puxiang Cool Rolling Steel Sheet Co., Ltd.

Section II. Company Profile and Main Financial Index
I. Company Information

Stock abbreviationBengang Bancai, Bengangban BStock Code000761, 200761
Stock exchange for listingShenzhen Stock Exchange  
Company name in Chinese本钢板材股份有限公司  
Abbreviation of Company name in Chinese本钢板材  
Company name in English (If any)BENGANG STEEL PLATES CO., LTD.  
Abbreviation of Company name in English (If any)BSP  
Legal representativeHuo Gang  
II. Contact Information

 Secretary of Board of DirectorsRepresentative of Securities Affairs
NameJiang Xiaoyu 
AddressNo.16, Renmin Road, Pingshan District, Benxi City, Liaoning Province 
Email[email protected] 
III.Other Information
1. Contract information
Changes of registration address, office address, mail code, Company website and E-mail address of Company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There exists no changes in registration address, office address, mail code, Company website and E-mail address of Company during
the reporting period. Investors are advised to refer to Annual Report 2021 for detail information. 2. Information Disclosure and Place for Consulting
Changes of information disclosure and place for consulting. □ Applicable √ Not applicable
There exists no changes in Press media for information disclosure,Web address for the Semi-annual report as assigned by CSRC and
the place for consulting.Investors are advised to refer to Annual Report 2021 for detail information.
3. Other relevant Information
Changes of other relevant information.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
IV. Main Accounting Data and Financial Index
Whether the company needs to retrospectively adjust or restate accounting data for previous years □ Yes √ No

 Current periodPrevious periodChanges over previous period
Operating income(RMB)35,015,177,304.9838,588,128,212.14-9.26%
Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company(RMB)561,735,377.412,208,798,167.91-74.57%
Net profit after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss attributable to the shareholders of listed company(RMB)522,219,426.932,199,142,563.30-76.25%
Net Cash flow generated by business operation(RMB)227,451,842.211,524,916,220.03-85.08%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)0.140.57-75.44%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)0.140.57-75.44%
Weighted average net assets yield2.60%9.98%-7.38%
 30 June 202231 December 2021Changes over 31 December 2021
Gross assets(RMB)47,017,104,048.8855,147,123,275.30-14.74%
Net assets attributable to shareholders of the listed company(RMB)20,629,004,438.0722,500,969,014.30-8.32%
V. Differences between Domestic and Foreign Accounting Standards 1. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under IFRS and Chinese
accounting standards.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There are no differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under IFRS and Chinese accounting
standards during the reporting period.

2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and
Chinese accounting standards.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There are no differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and Chinese accounting
standards during the reporting period.
VI. Items and Amount of Non-recurring Profits and Losses
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: Yuan

Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assets (including the write off part of the provision for impairment)3,648,546.62 
Government subsidy attributable to profit and loss of current period (except such government subsidy closely related to the company's normal business operation, meeting the regulation of national policy and enjoyed constantly in certain quota or quantity according to a certain standard)30,655,542.92 
Other non-operating income and expenses other than above19,806,941.56 
Less: impact of income tax13,527,757.78 
impact of minority equity (after tax)1,067,322.84 
Other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit and loss: □ Applicable√ Not applicable
There exists no situation of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit and loss.
Explanation on defining the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the "Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public - Non-recurring Profit and Loss" as recurring profit and loss items.
□ Applicable√ Not applicable
The company does not define the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the "Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public - Non-recurring Profit and Loss" as recurring profit and loss items.

Section III. Management Discussion and Analysis
I. The main business of the company during the reporting period 1. Industry development situation
In the first half of the year 2022,the macroeconomic situation in domestic and abroad is facing severe challenges.
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has led to a sharp rise in global energy prices, created more inflationary pressure,and the global supply chain was strongly impacted. Affected by the COVID-19
epidemic in the second quarter, domestic steel demand was sluggish.In addition, in the first half of this year, steel
mills began to increase production volume in a large scale. Under the background of strong supply and weak
demand, the basic surface of steel industry was deteriorating gradually, and therefore steel price ran in weak
section. In the first half of the year 2022, the steel market was in a state of "high cost" and "low profit" for a long
2. Main business, main products and their uses
During the reporting period, the company’s main businesses include iron and steel smelting, rolling processing,
power generation, coal chemical industry, special steel profiles, railways, import and export trade, scientific
research, product sales, etc. The introduction of world advanced equipment and technology to implement
equipment upgrades for the main iron and steel industry and have built a high-quality steel base, formed more than
60 varieties, more than 7,500 specifications of product series, the proportion of high value-added and high-tech
products reached more than 80%. The leading products for automotive surface panels, home appliance panels,
petroleum pipeline steel, container panels, shipboard, etc. are widely used in the fields of automobiles, home
appliances, petrochemicals, aerospace, machinery manufacturing, energy and transportation, building decoration
and metal products, and are exported to more than 60 countries and regions. There exists no changes in main
business during the reporting period.
3. Business model
Procurement model: The company's procurement model includes domestic procurement and foreign procurement.
Domestic material procurement is carried out through centralized procurement, unified bidding, price comparison,
and consultation. The procurement of foreign materials is carried out through long-term cooperative procurement,
direct procurement, open and invitational bidding, inquiry and price comparison, competitive negotiation,
negotiation procurement, etc., which mainly act by Bensteel Group International Economic and Trade Co., Ltd.
Sales model: The company's sales are divided into domestic sales and export sales. Domestic sales mainly adopt
the direct sales model. The company sells directly to large customers, and other small and medium customers sell
to them through regional sales subsidiaries. Export sales mainly act through the strong marketing network
accumulated in international trade by Bensteel Group International Economic and Trade Co., Ltd., who acts as
agent of the export sales and charges the agency fee.
4. Key drivers of performance
During the reporting period, the company obtained hard-won operating and reform achievement through series of
specific measures, and the level of corporate governance was significantly improved as well. These specific
measures were mainly guided by focusing on "7531" strategic objectives and "1357" work guidelines, changing
operating mind,self-pressurization,firmly grasping two main lines of benchmark and reform,sticking to taking
economic benefits as center,vigorously promoting the implementation of "1 + 2 + 3" key work.The company's
main business performance indicators have achieved steady growth,including:pig iron completed 4.95 million
tones, a year-on-year decrease of 4.07% which represents 0.2 million tones; crude steel completed 5.20million
tons,a year-on-year decrease of 6.60% which represents 0.37 million tons; hot-rolled plates completed 6.77 million
tons,a year-on-year decrease of 4.01% which represents 0.29 million tons; cold-rolled plates completed 2.30
million tons,a year-on-year decrease of 4.29% which represents 0.13 million tons; special steel products completed
0.28 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 27.99% which represents 0.11million tons. Reviewing the work of
the first half year, it was mainly carried out in the following aspects: (1) Anchoring two benefits and four ratios, the company's anti-risk ability was enhanced. In the first half of the year 2022, under the dual pressure of the year-on-year increase of the budget and the
year-on-year decrease of the industry, the sales profit margin achieved the target and ranked higher among the
steel enterprises. Even with a dividend distribution of 2.465 billion yuan, the asset liability ratio still declined,
better than the average level of the iron and steel industry, and the company achieved "double wins".
(2) Implementing the high-quality strategy and reaching a new high output of automobile panels. For purpose of making the automobile plate as a strategic fist product, the company vigorously promoted the
research and development of the third generation automobile steel and quality research, improved the consistent
manufacturing technology of automobile plate, and prepared the product plan of automobile plate, thus improved
company's benefit creation ability continuously.
(3) Taking the system as the starting point, and steadily improving the quality of real product. The company vigorously promoted the consistent quality management of the whole process, and furtherly refined
the quality control of the production process. The first-time pass rate of the original varieties in each process
continued to increase month on month. B170P phosphorized high-strength cold-rolled steel strip, cold-rolled
low-carbon steel sheet and strip won the gold-cup award for quality of metallurgical products of China Iron and
Steel Industry Association.
(4) Insisting on tapping potentialities through benchmarking, cost reduced significantly. By studying and making judgement on the market situation in both supply and demand sides, beginning with
reducing production costs, and declaring motivation orders and encouragement policies for all employees to
improve quality and reduce cost, the company obtained significant achievement in reducing cost and improving
economic benefits.
(5) Concentrating on advantages, the "star production line" achieved initial results. With the "star production line" as the guide, through the inclination of resources input, policies making and other
aspects, the production efficiency was greatly improved, and the key indicators continued to be improved on the
basis of operating the company economically.
(6) Breaking the traditional shackles and making new strides in enterprise reform. The company started pilot exploration in the reform of "authorization + common benefit" applicable to different
tracks such as docking market , similar business portfolio integration ,etc. , and the company achieved good results
during reporting period.
(7) In adherence to the innovation driven, creating the source of original technology. With taking the advantages of the restructuring of Ansteel and Bensteel Co,Ltd, the company completed the
revision of the "14th five year plan" that will guide the high-quality development of the company in a long way.
Hot rolled oxidation resistant coating free hot forming steel cf-phs1500 was launched in the world and reached the
international leading level. Substantial progress has been made in the development and application of raw pure
iron bgyt3. A historic breakthrough in the level of converter steel reached the domestic leading level.
II. Analysis on Core Competitiveness
The company adheres to the innovation-driven and "quality + service" development model, pursues for the
strategic goal of building an internationally competitive high-quality plate base, a domestic first-class special steel
base and a comprehensive service provider, and acting as a strategic leading role, focusing on improving quality
and efficiency, In terms of product upgrades, technological innovation, green and intelligent manufacturing, we
made efforts to innovate management ideas, enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, and promote
enterprises to achieve high-quality, green and intelligent development. 1. Manufacturing capabilities
Through the innovation of management mind, strengthening professional management and controlling capacity of
the entire chain, and continuously improving corporate management efficiency, all departments and units interact
with each other, continue to implement the concept of priority on output, adhere to the iron system as the core,
focus on the process connection of iron and steel, and rationally match the production line and resource production
organization principles of the steel post process, so that the production process and operation Continuously
standardize and refine, make every effort to maximize quality, efficiency and production scale, and promote the
entire production chain toward high-end manufacturing.
2. Equipment transformation and upgrading
In 2022, the company launched a fixed asset investment plan of 1.66 billion yuan. Implemented a new round of
large-scale technological transformation and ultra-low emission transformation projects represented by key
projects such as special steel electric furnace upgrading, special steel rolling mill renovation, CCPP power
generation project, coke oven flue gas desulfurization and denitrification, sintering gas desulfurization and
denitrification . At present, the CCPP power generation project has been put into operation. The special steel
electric furnace upgrade and transformation project will be commissioned and put a set of electric furnaces and
supporting refining equipment, continuous casting equipment into production in the second half of the year 2022.
Coke oven flue gas and sintering gas desulfurization and denitrification projects are expected to be constructed one
after another in this year.
3. New product development capabilities
The company plans to develop 35 grades of steel production. Until the end of the first half of the year 2022, 24
grades of steel production which represents 68.6% have been completed and launched in the market. With the
successful development of the hot rolled base material brq1 of oriented silicon steel, the company filled the blank
in the field of oriented silicon steel production.The steel 18crnimo7-6fph for construction machinery exported to
Belgium has been developed and the product meets the requirements of the German standard din50602 and the
American Standard astme381.The development of market unique limit width (2000mm) high-strength tank steel
550gt-th accessed is the first one developed in China.
4. Technological innovation ability
In the aspect of scientific and technological cooperation, as the promotion of scientific and technological
cooperation between Ansteel and Bensteel, the company transplanted and transformed mature technologies of
Ansteel gradually and signed 10 contracts. Also,the company carried out research on new products and
cutting-edge technologies relying on the platform of Liaoning industry university research innovation alliance and
signed 8 Industrial University research cooperation projects with Dalian University of technology, Northeast
University and Liaoning University of science and technology. In terms of intellectual property rights, 3 national
standards and 57 corporate standards were drafted; 127 patents were accepted by the National Bureau, and 55
patents were authorized by the National Bureau, including 9 inventions. In terms of scientific and technological
achievements,integrated innovation and practice of production technology of high-end environmental protection
and fingerprint resistant galvanizing products won the second prize of science and technology of Liaoning
Province; the development of steel for oil production well control equipment series, the research and development
and application of low-cost and high-performance cold rolled 590MPa grade dual phase steel, the research and
application of key preparation technology of non quenched and tempered ultra high strength structural steel for
construction machinery, and the key technology and application of coking coal price effect evaluation and
large-scale blast furnace coke quality adaptive optimization control all won the third prize of science and
technology of Liaoning Province; development of high-quality and economical Nb microalloyed automobile
galvanized dual phase steel series won the second prize of CITIC niobium steel technology progress.
5. Green development capability
In accordance with the steel industry and local ultra-low emission policy requirements, the company was
committed to social responsibilities. Relying on professional planning and research institutions, the company
prepared an environmental protection improvement plan and an annual implementation plan. A total of more than
40 ultra-low emission projects were checked, all of which have been included in the investment plan and are under
construction or preliminary work. Through comprehensive green improvement such as cleaner production level,
three waste management, environmental protection management,and AAA" scenic spot garden factory,the
company achieved community-based environmental quality, promoted the integration of industry and city, and is
striving to achieve ultra-low emission by the end of 2023, and build the company into an "ecological steel" that
develops harmoniously with the city.
6. Intelligent manufacturing capabilities
The company has vigorously promoted the construction of intelligent manufacturing related projects. In 2022, the
company has issued to carry out intelligent transformation strategy in such fields as the integration construction of
information system for the restructuring of Ansteel and Bensteel Co., Ltd., and the supporting system for the
overall improvement of iron and steel industry management and information technology. Learn the informatization
and intelligent construction experience of Bayuquan and Jilin Jianlong and apply the good modular system,
formulate the development plan of the plate company in the next 3-5 years, and improve the information
technology service application ability. Vigorously promote the construction of "digital Ansteel", break the
information island, set up 12 special groups to promote integration and supporting projects, actively integrate
Ansteel’s management mind, and comprehensively improve management efficiency and effectiveness. III. Management Discussion and Analysis
1. General
The investors are advised to refer to “I. The main business of the company during the reporting period” for details.
2. Significant Change of Main Accounting Data
Unit: Yuan

 Current periodPrevious periodChange over previous periodNotes to significant change
Operating income35,015,177,304.9838,588,128,212.14-9.26%Due to the year-on-year decrease in steel price.
Operating Cost33,377,477,540.6334,592,825,792.72-3.51% 
Selling and distribution expenses67,430,875.1759,652,669.7213.04% 
General and administrative expenses352,304,684.10388,678,843.23-9.36% 
Financial expenses293,093,407.82336,355,698.84-12.86% 
Income tax expenses203,204,954.60746,977,590.45-72.80%Due to the year-on-year decrease in profit before tax
Research and Development Input963,465,760.00869,601,179.0010.79% 
Net cash flows from operating activities227,451,842.211,524,916,220.03-85.08%Due to the year-on-year decrease in profit before tax and payment of trading liabilities.
Net cash flows from investing activities-755,346,775.62-2,747,214,027.23-72.50%Due to the decreased investment in PPE, and the company did not carry out financial investment in the first half of 2022.
Net cash flows from financing activities-1,022,947,841.22-3,533,315,813.10-71.05%Due to the comprehensive effects of belows :
    ① the net repayment amount of financial liabilities decreased significantly;② the amount of dividends distributed increased significantly; ③the net recovery amount such as Bill margin increased significantly.
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents-1,548,625,764.97-4,771,963,480.21-67.55% 
Note: there exists no significant change in in profit composition or profit source during the reporting period.
3. Breakdown of Operating Income
Currency unit: Yuan

 Current period Previous period Change over previous period
Total operating income35,015,177,304.98100%38,588,128,212.14100%-9.26%
By industries     
By products     
Steel plate33,109,977,666.9094.56%35,798,649,027.3992.77%-7.51%
By regions     
North China4,208,207,527.9712.02%4,282,969,762.6811.10%-1.75%
East China13,168,521,446.8037.61%15,059,297,569.7139.03%-12.56%
Central south1,323,870,974.233.78%1,475,476,779.533.82%-10.28%
4. Industry, Product and Regions Accounting for the Company’s Operating Income or Profit over 10%
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

ItemsOperating incomeOperating costsGrossOperating income changeOperating costs change overGross margin change over
   marginover previous periodprevious periodprevious period
By industries      
By products      
Steel plate33,109,977,666.9031,509,788,033.314.83%-7.51%-2.03%-5.33%
By regions      
North China4,208,207,527.974,002,005,359.104.90%-1.75%4.85%-5.98%
East China13,168,521,446.8012,544,333,530.224.74%-12.56%-7.03%-5.66%
Central south1,323,870,974.231,262,840,522.324.61%-10.28%-8.43%-1.92%
Operating data of recent one period according to adjusted statistics caliber at the period-end in the case that the
Company's main business statistics caliber has changed during the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable
Explanation of the reasons for the year-on-year change over 30% in relevant data □ Applicable √ Not applicable
IV. Analysis on Non-core Business
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

ItemsAmountProportion of total profitReason for formationWhether it is sustainable or not
Investment income115,842.840.01%Due to investment income from long term equity investment accounted by equity methodNo
Asset impairment loss-72,880,991.53-9.31%Due to the provision for inventory impairmentNo
Non-operating income30,572,281.353.90%Due to the clean up of the long-term unclaimed debt and and the debt belonging to cancelled customer accounts which are expected unable to be paid.No
Non-operating10,765,339.791.37%Due to loss on the retiredNo
expense  property and equipment 
Assets disposal gains3,648,546.620.47%Due to gains from disposal of fixed assetsNo
V. Analysis on Assets and Liabilities
1. Significant Change of Assets Components

 Ending balance of 2021 Opening balance of 2021 Proportion changeNotes to significant change
 AmountProportion in the total assets (%)AmountProportion in the total assets (%)  
Cash at bank and on hand4,805,370,697.7110.22%8,831,095,737.8516.01%-5.79%Due to distribution of dividend and payment of trading liabilities
Accounts receivable307,887,350.080.65%256,850,782.710.47%0.18% 
Long-term equity investment3,067,239.290.01%2,981,784.070.01%0.00% 
Fixed assets24,397,907,946.0251.89%25,480,674,048.9446.20%5.69%Due to the decline in total assets that leads a passive increase in the proportion of fixed assets
Construction in process3,012,446,289.296.41%2,434,182,101.134.41%2.00% 
Right-of-use assets1,410,177,981.093.00%1,440,365,248.312.61%0.39% 
Short-term loans3,349,342,280.007.12%4,053,088,140.007.35%-0.23% 
Contract liabilities3,977,011,514.558.46%4,708,188,093.788.54%-0.08% 
Long-term loans3,002,383,788.136.39%4,222,821,771.747.66%-1.27% 
Lease liabilities1,404,900,432.632.99%1,424,667,169.152.58%0.41% 
2. Main Assets Overseas
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
3. Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
4.Restricted Assets by the End of the Period

ItemsEnding balanceReason
Cash at bank and on hand54,897,399.20Deposit for notes
Accounts receivable financing101,670,000.00Deposit for notes
Fixed assets87,549,758.85Mortgage for fund borrowing
Intangible assets35,846,028.60M ortgage for fund borrowing
VI. Investment (未完)