
时间:2022年08月18日 18:27:10 中财网


Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
Semi-annual Report 2022

【Disclosure Date】
August 19, 2022
Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Interpretation
Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior officers of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, the Company) guarantee that the Semi-Annual Report contains no misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions, and take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of the whole contents.

Principal of the Company- Li Xinwei (Mr. Li Xinwei has resigned as the director and chairman of the Company on July 25, 2022), person in charger of accounting works- Chen Yuhui, CFO Zhang Xiaoyin and person in charge of accounting organ (chief accountants)-Lin Xiaojia guarantee that the Financial Report of the semi-annual report disclosed is truthful, accurate and complete.
All directors are attended the Board Meeting for report deliberation.
The Company plans to pay no cash dividends, send no bonus shares and not to increase share capital by converting from public reserves.
Concerning the forward-looking statements with future planning involved in the Semi-annual Report, they do not constitute a substantial commitment for investors. Investors are advised to exercise caution of investment risks.

Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Interpretation .......................................................................................... 1
Section II. Company Profile and Main Financial Indexes ......................................................................................... 5
Section III Management Discussion and Analysis..................................................................................................... 9
Section IV. Corporate Governance .......................................................................................................................... 22
Section V. Environmental and Social Responsibility ............................................................................................... 23
Section VI. Important Event .................................................................................................................................... 25
Section VII. Changes Unit: shares and Particulars about Shareholders ................................................................... 32
Section VIII. Preferred Stock................................................................................................................................... 37
Section IX. Corporate Bonds ................................................................................................................................... 38
Section X. Financial Report ..................................................................................................................................... 39

Document Available for Reference
I. Original Semi-Annual Report of 2022 carrying the signature of the legal representative of the Company
II. Financial statement with signature and seal of legal person, person in charge of accounting works (General
manager), CFO and person in charge of accounting organ(chief accountant); III. Text of notice and original draft that public on Securities Times, China Securities Journal and Hong Kong
Commercial Daily during the reporting period.
IV. The place where the document placed: Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Office of Board of Directors of the


ItemsRefers toContents
Company, the Company, Shen Nan Dian, The listed companyRefers toShenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
Shen Nan Dian Zhongshan CompanyRefers toShen Nan Dian (Zhongshan) Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Shen Nan Dian Engineering CompanyRefers toShenzhen Shennandian Turbine Engineering Technology Co., Ltd
Shen Nan Dian Environment Protection CompanyRefers toShenzhen Shen Nan Dian Environment Protection Co., Ltd.
Server CompanyRefers toShenzhen Server Petrochemical Supplying Co., Ltd
New Power CompanyRefers toShenzhen New Power Industrial Co., Ltd.
Singapore CompanyRefers toShen Nan Energy (Singapore) Co., Ltd.
Nanshan Power FactoryRefers toNanshan Power Factory of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
Zhongshan Nanlang Power PlantRefers toZhongshan Nanlang Power Plant of Shen Nan Dian (Zhongshan) Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Articles of AssociationRefers toArticle of Association of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
Yuan, ten thousand Yuan, one hundred millionRefers toExcept the special description of the monetary unit, the rest of the monetary unit is RMB Yuan, ten thousand Yuan,one hundred million Yuan
Reporting periodRefers to1 January 2022 to 30 June 2022

Section II. Company Profile and Main Financial Indexes
I. Company profile

Short form of the stockShen Nan Dian A , Shen Nan Dian BStock code000037, 200037
Stock exchange for listingShenzhen Stock Exchange  
Name of the Company (in Chinese)深圳南山热电股份有限公司  
Short form of the Company (in Chinese) (if applicable)深南电  
Foreign name of the Company (if applicable)Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.  
Legal representativeLi Xinwei  
II. Person/Way to contact

 Secretary to the BODRep. of security affairs
NameZou Yi 
Contact add.16/F-17/F, Hantang Building, OCT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province 
E-mail[email protected] 
III. Others
1. Way of contact
Whether registrations address, offices address and codes as well as website and email of the Company changed in reporting period or
□ Applicable √Not applicable
Registrations address, offices address and codes as well as website and email of the Company has no change in reporting period,
found more details in Annual Report 2021.
2. Information disclosure and preparation place
Whether information disclosure and preparation place changed in reporting period or not □ Applicable √ Not applicable
The newspaper appointed for information disclosure, website for semi-annual report publish appointed by CSRC and preparation
place for semi-annual report have no change in reporting period, found more details in Annual Report 2021.
3.Other relevant information
Whether other relevant information has changed during the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable
IV. Main accounting data and financial indexes
Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not
□ Yes √ No

 Current periodSame period last yearChanges in the current reporting period compared with the same period of the previous year (+,-)
Operating revenue (RMB)229,243,542.07376,602,393.38-39.13%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed Company (RMB)-94,098,149.091,456,269.68-6,561.59%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed Company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses (RMB)-127,505,554.48-19,517,615.51-553.28%
Net cash flow arising from operating activities (RMB)200,588,083.3068,920,712.99191.04%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)-0.15610.0024-6,604.17%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)-0.15610.0024-6,604.17%
Weighted average ROE-6.00%0.07%6.07 percentage points down
 End of current periodEnd of last yearChanges at the end of the reporting period compared with the end of the previous year (+,-)
Total assets (RMB)2,998,519,336.412,790,002,824.417.47%
Net assets attributable to shareholder of listed Company (RMB)1,521,194,986.421,615,293,135.51-5.83%
V. Difference of the accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China 1. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International
Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) □ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either IAS (International
Accounting Standards) or Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period. 2. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accounting
rules and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) □ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either foreign accounting rules or
Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period. VI. Items and amounts of non-recurring (extraordinary) profit (gains)/loss √Applicable □ Not applicable

Governmental subsidy calculated into current gains and losses(while closely related with the normal business of the Company, the government subsidy that accord with the provision of national policies and are continuously enjoyed in line with a certain standard quota or quantity are excluded)4,440,645.78The government subsidy related to assets are being amortized
Gains/losses of fair value changes arising from holding of the trading financial asset, trading financial liability and investment earnings obtained from disposing the trading financial asset, trading financial liability, and financial assets available for sale, except for the effective hedging business related to normal operation of the Company29,212,829.84Income from wealth management
Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the aforementioned items-228,495.85 
Less: Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax)17,574.38 
Details of other gains/losses items that meets the definition of non-recurring gains/losses: □ Applicable √ Not applicable
There are no other gains/losses items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains/losses in the Company.

Explain the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A
Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There are no items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A
Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss

Section III Management Discussion and Analysis
I. Main businesses of the Company in the reporting period
In the first half of 2022, the national electricity consumption of the whole society was 4,100 billion kWh, a
year-on-year increase of 2.9%. In the first and second quarters, the total electricity consumption of the whole
society increased by 5.0% and 0.8% on a year-on-year basis respectively. In the second quarter, the growth rate
dropped significantly mainly due to the influence of the pandemic situation in some areas in April and May, and
the total electricity consumption of the whole society recorded negative growth for two consecutive months. In
June, as the pandemic eased, the effects of economic stabilization policies were gradually implemented, and with
the addition of high-temperature weather factors in many places, the electricity consumption of the whole society
in the month increased by 4.7% on a year-on-year basis, 6.0 percentage points higher than the growth rate in May.
The apparent rebound in the growth rate of electricity consumption in June reflected to a certain extent that the
current resumption of work and production and the resumption of business and markets have achieved positive
results. According to the main statistical indicators of Guangdong in the first half of 2022 released by the
Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Statistics, the total electricity consumption in Guangdong Province in the first
half of the year was 355.608 billion kWh, a year-on-year decrease of 2.4%; the industrial electricity consumption
was 212.082 billion kWh, a year-on-year decrease of 3.4%; the electricity consumption of the manufacturing
industry was 174.914 billion kWh, a year-on-year decrease of 4.3%. It is expected that during the peak summer
period, the national power supply and demand will be in a tight balance overall. The power supply and demand in
some provinces in East China, Central China, and South China will be tight during peak hours, and the power
supply and demand in North China, Northeast China, and Northwest China will be basically balanced. During the
peak winter period, the national power supply and demand shall be generally in a tight balance. The power supply
and demand in some provinces in East China, Central China, South China, and Northwest China shall be tight
during peak hours, and the power supply and demand in North China and Northeast China shall be basically

The company is specialized in power and thermal supply, as well as providing technical consulting and technical
services for power stations. At the end of reporting period, the Company holds two wholly-owned and holding gas
turbine plants, which equipped with five sets of 9E gas steam combined cycle power generating units, with total
installed capacity up to 900,000 KW (Nanshan Power Factory: 3×180000KW, Zhongshan Nanlang Power Plant:
2×180000KW).The two gas turbine plants are located in the power-load center of the Pearl River Delta, and it is
the main peak-regulating power supply in the region which is currently in normal production and operation state.

In the first half of 2022, domestic pandemics had frequent and sporadic outbreaks, and the international
environment became more complex and severe. In the face of extremely complex and difficult situations, the
company conscientiously implemented the relevant requirements of competent government departments at all
levels on the security and supply of energy and electricity, took strong and effective measures, and went all out to
ensure the safety and reliability of electricity production, provided a strong power guarantee for pandemic
prevention and control and economic and social development. From January to June 2022, two subordinate power
generation enterprises of the company completed a total of 275 million kWh of actual grid electricity and 634
million kWh of financial settlement electricity. The completion of electricity of each subsidiary of the company
was as follows: Nanshan Power Factory completed the actual grid electricity of 264.5 million kWh and the
financial settlement electricity of 412 million kWh. Zhongshan Nanlang Power Plant completed the actual grid
electricity of 10.5 million kWh and the financial settlement electricity of 223 million kWh. While the overall
electricity consumption of the whole province declined, due to the fact that the price of natural gas remained high,
the company's actual on-grid electricity dropped significantly on a year-on-year basis.
During the reporting period, the domestic and foreign pandemics, macro economy, fuel supply, temperature, as
well as continuous large-scale losses of coal and power companies were intertwined and superimposed, the
company’s main power business faced many challenges, such as repeated COVID-19 pandemics, persistently high
fuel prices, trial operation of the spot market settlement of electric power, and the continued shortage of electricity
supply and demand in the southern region where it locates. The company not only had to fulfill the social
responsibility of ensuring electricity supply, but bear the huge operating pressure caused by the sharp rise in fuel
prices, facing extremely severe business situation. In order to minimize the negative impact of the external
environment on the company's business performance, the company implemented a series of business layout and
management changes with innovative thinking and tenacity, clarified the annual business goals and guidelines,
and took targeted major measures. While focusing on safe production, strengthening internal management, and
continuously improving the operation and management level and management efficiency of the company's stock
assets, actively promoted the withdrawal of backward production capacity, we went all out to promote the
demonstration and implementation of new production capacity and new projects. While striving to adapt to the
accelerating trend of the reform process of electricity marketization in Guangdong Province, we strived to achieve
transformation and development as soon as possible.

II. Core Competitiveness Analysis
In recent years, due to the impact of the macroeconomic situation and the common problems of gas turbine
generating industry, the Company’s main business has been facing increasing difficulties and challenges. However,
the basic core competitiveness formed by the operation and development for more than three decades and thanks
to the strong support from major shareholders, and the management innovations adopted by the Board and leading
group, it has laid a necessary foundation for the Company to survive and seeking transformation and development.
During the reporting period, the company's core competitiveness has been further consolidated and improved, and
there have been no major changes that may affect the company's future operations. (core competitiveness analysis
found more in the Annual Report 2021)

III. Main business analysis
Found more in”I. Main businesses of the Company in the reporting period” Y-o-y changes of main financial data

 Current periodSame period of last yearY-o-y increase/decrease (+,-)Reasons for changes
Operating revenue229,243,542.07376,602,393.38-39.13%The revenue from electricity settlement declined for the dropping of generating capacity
Operating costs282,486,432.21351,210,223.91-19.57%Cost of natural gas reduced for the dropping of generating capacity
Sales expenses 696,436.80-100.00%Affected by macro economy policy, Shen Nan Dian Environment Protection Company need to carry out transformation and eliminating on the sludge drying facilities, the sales expenses was 0 yuan
Administrative expenses43,777,644.6840,014,168.559.41% 
Finance expenses16,729,716.112,835,034.71490.11%The volume of credit increased
R&D investment17,072,589.133,360,629.60408.02%New expenses of R&D increased from parent company
Net cash flow arising from operating activities200,588,083.3068,920,712.99191.04%The VAT credit refund received
Net cash flow arising from investment activities-730,434,844.43-442,542,660.44-65.05%More expenses on procurement of wealth management products
Net cash flow arising from financing activities309,964,533.0460,903,494.60408.94%Soaring in bank loans
Net increase of cash and cash equivalent-219,586,524.40-312,778,014.74-29.79%On a y-o-y basis, the net increase in cash from operating and financing activities was greater than the net
    decrease in cash from investment activities

No changes on profit composition or profit resources in reporting period
Constitution of operating revenue

 Current period Same period of last year Y-o-y changes (+,-)
 AmountRatio in operating revenueAmountRatio in operating revenue 
Total operating revenue229,243,542.07100%376,602,393.38100%-39.13%
According to industries     
Energy industry205,738,094.2789.75%356,995,223.9794.79%-42.37%
Engineering labor22,901,068.569.99%15,650,905.644.16%46.32%
Sludge drying  3,388,263.750.90%-100.00%
According to products     
Electricity sales205,738,094.2789.75%356,995,223.9794.79%-42.37%
Engineering labor22,901,068.569.99%15,650,905.644.16%46.32%
Sludge drying  3,388,263.750.90%-100.00%
According to region     
The industries, products, or regions accounting for over 10% of the Company’s operating revenue or operating profit
√Applicable □ Not applicable

 Operating revenueOperating costsGross profit ratio(+,-)Increase/de crease of operating revenue y-o-y(+,-)Increase/de crease of operating cost y-o-y(+,-)Increase/de crease of gross profit ratio y-o-y
According to industries      
Energy industry205,738,094.27268,797,532.96-30.65%-42.37%-19.60%-37.00%
Engineeri ng labor22,901,068.5613,594,750.2640.64%46.32%49.02%-1.07%
According to products      
Electricity sales205,738,094.27268,797,532.96-30.65%-42.37%-19.60%-37.00%
Engineeri ng labor22,901,068.5613,594,750.2640.64%46.32%49.02%-1.07%
According to region      
Zhongsha n16,508,874.5427,756,267.42-68.13%-76.43%-61.01%-66.52%
Under circumstances of adjustment in reporting period for statistic scope of main business data, adjusted main business based on
latest one year’s scope of period-end
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Reasons for y-o-y relevant data with over 30% changes
√Applicable □ Not applicable
1.Revenue from electricity sales drops 42.37% from a year earlier, mainly because the revenue from electricity settlement declined
for the dropping of generating capacity; gross profit ratio reduced on a y-o-y basis mainly due to the soaring costs of
natural gas.
2. Revenue from engineering labor rose 46.32% from a year earlier, mainly due to the increase in revenue settlement of engineering
labor from aboard; operating costs increased 49.02% on a y-o-y basis, mainly because the business of engineering labor growth leads
to a corresponding growth in costs.
3. Revenue from sludge drying decreases 100% from a year earlier, mainly because affected by macro economy policy, Shen Nan
Dian Environment Protection Company need to carry out transformation and eliminating on the sludge drying facilities
IV. Analysis of the non-main business
√Applicable □ Not applicable

 AmountRatio in total profitNoteWhether be sustainable (Y/N)
Investment income27,741,227.07-27.26%The income from wealth managementN
Non-operating expenditure228,495.85-0.22% N
V. Analysis of assets and liability
1. Major changes of assets composition

 End of the current Period End of last year Ratio changes (+,-)Notes of major changes
 AmountRatio in total assetsAmountRatio in total assets  
Monetary fund470,018,109.1915.68%689,604,633.5924.72%-9.04%Purchasing more wealth management products
Account receivable136,622,627.234.56%73,610,161.022.64%1.92% 
Contractual assets0.000.00%1,040,0000.000.04%-0.04% 
Investment real estate1,917,733.000.06%2,009,051.800.07%-0.01% 
Long-term equity investment5,515,052.420.18%6,986,655.190.25%-0.07% 
Fixed assets616,207,380.4320.55%643,256,398.3023.06%-2.51% 
Construction in process5,609,774.200.19%6,088,768.510.22%-0.03% 
Short-term loans1,334,338,596.6544.50%858,444,163.2530.77%13.73%Increase in bank loans
Trading financial assets1,280,776,513.2242.71%632,874,406.3922.68%20.03%Increase in wealth management products
Other current assets8,925,003.960.30%331,868,661.6211.89%-11.59%The VAT credit refund received
Note payable  135,025,883.274.84%-4.84%Return of the payable bank notes on maturity
2.Main foreign assets
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
3. Assets and liability measured by fair value
√Applicable □Not applicable

ItemOpening amountGain/loss of fair value changes in the PeriodCumulative change of fair value recorded into equityImpairm ent accrual in the PeriodAmount purchased in the PeriodAmount sold in the PeriodOther changesEnding amount
Financial assets        
Trading financial assets (derivative financial assets excluded)632,874,40 6.39   647,902,10 6.83  1,280,776,5 13.22
Other equity instrument investment200,615,00 0.00   100,000,00 0.00  300,615,00 0.00
Subtotal of financial assets833,489,40 6.39   747,902,10 6.83  1,581,391,5 13.22
Other changes
Whether there is a significant changes in the measurement attributes of the main assets during the period

□Yes √No
4. Assets right restriction till end of reporting period
VI. Investment analysis
1. Overall situation
√ Applicable □Not applicable

Investment amount in the Period (RMB)Investment amount at same period last year (RMB)Changes (+,-)
2. The major equity investment obtained in the reporting period □Applicable √ Not applicable
3. The major non-equity investment doing in the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable
4. Financial assets investment
(1) Securities investment
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no securities investment in the reporting period. (2) Derivative investment
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no derivatives investment in the reporting period. 5.Use of proceeds
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no use of proceeds in the reporting period. VII. Sales of major assets and equity
1. Sales of major assets
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no sales of major assets in the reporting period. 2. Sales of major equity
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
VIII. Analysis of main Holding Company and stock-jointly companies √Applicable □Not applicable

Particular about main subsidiaries and stock-jointly companies with an impact of 10% or more on the Company’s net profit

NameTypeMain businessRegister capitalTotal assetsNet assetsOperating revenueOperating profitNet profit
Shenzhen New Power Industrial Co., Ltd.Subsid iaryTechnology development regarding to application of remaining heat (excluding restricted items) and power generation with remaining heat. Add: power generation through burning machines.RMB 113.85 million826,794,32 9.2151,079,176. 2192,783,779. 73-44,309,21 4.37-44,309,21 4.37
Shenzhen Shen Nan Dian Environm ent Protection Co., Ltd.Subsid iarySludge drying; the design and operations management of sludge treatment and disposal facilities and engineering; the technology development, technology transfer, technical advice, technical services ofRMB 79 million64,627,630. 4347,389,061. 7524,000.00-4,678,870. 83-4,678,870. 83
  environmental pollution control and comprehensive utilization domain; (Except for the projects required to be approved before registration by laws, administrative regulations, or decisions and stipulation of the State Council, the restricted items must be approved before operating)      
Shenzhen Shennandi an Turbine Engineeri ng Technolog y Co., LtdSubsid iaryEngage in the technical advisory service for the construction projects of gas-steam combined cycle power plant (station), and undertake the maintenance and overhaul of the operation equipment of gas-steam combined cycle power plant (station). Import and export of goods and technologies (excluding distribution and state monopoly commodities)RMB 10 million70,151,088. 1041,065,930. 6522,901,068. 562,077,549.4 52,077,549.4 5
Shenzhen Server Petrochem ical Supplying Co., LtdSubsid iarySelf-supporting or import agent business of fuel oil; trade (excluding production and storage and transportation) in diesel, lubricating oil, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas, compressed gas and liquefied gas, chemical products (excluding dangerous chemicals); investment, construction and technical supports in liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas and related facilities; import and export businesses and domestic trade of goods and technologies (excluding franchise, exclusive control, and monopoly products); leasing business. Licensed projects: fuel oil warehousing business (except for refined oil); general freight transport, special transportation ofRMB 53.3 million97,796,694. 0680,270,360. 16546,857.12-3,205,367. 11-3,205,367. 11
  goods (containers), special transportation of goods (tank)      
Shen Nan Dian (Zhongsha n) Electric Power Co., Ltd.Subsid iaryGas turbine power generation, waste heat power generation, power supply and heating(heating pipe network excluded), leasing of wharf, oil depots and power equipment felicities (excluding refined oil, dangerous chemicals, or flammable and explosive goods); leasing of land-use right; non-residential real estate leasingRMB 746.8 million267,788,12 2.94-419,728,6 85.7116,508,874. 54-30,314,46 5.11-30,324,46 5.11
Shen Nan Energy (Singapor e) Co., Ltd.Subsid iaryAgent for oils trade and spare parts of gas turbineUS $ 0.9 million103,704,28 1.62101,163,02 5.700931,993.18931,993.18
Zhuhai Hengqin Zhuozhi Investmen t Partnershi p (Limited Partnershi p)Subsid iaryEquity investment, venture capitalRMB 140,918,00 0140,279,61 2.23140,279,61 2.230-10,538.00-10,538.00
Subsidiary disposes and acquired in the period (未完)