
时间:2022年08月24日 20:17:37 中财网





Part I Important Notes
This Report is based on the full Semi-annual Report of Hainan Jingliang Holdings Co., Ltd. (together with its
consolidated subsidiaries, the “Company”, except where the context otherwise requires). In order for a full
understanding of the Company’s operating results, financial condition and future development plans, investors
should carefully read the aforesaid full text, which has been disclosed together with this Report on the media
designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (the “CSRC”). All the Company’s Directors have attended the Board meeting for the review of this Report. This Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancies or misunderstandings
between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. Independent auditor’s modified opinion:
□ Applicable ? Not applicable
Board-approved interim cash and/or stock dividend plan for ordinary shareholders: □ Applicable ? Not applicable
The Company has no interim dividend plan, either in the form of cash or stock. Board-approved interim cash and/or stock dividend plan for preferred shareholders: □ Applicable ? Not applicable
Part II Key Corporate Information
1. Stock Profile

Stock nameJLKG, JL-BStock code000505, 200505
Stock exchange for stock listingShenzhen Stock Exchange  
Contact informationBoard SecretarySecurities Representative 
NameGuan YingGao Deqiu 
Office address15/F, Jing Liang Building, NO. 16 East Third Ring Middle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing15/F, Jing Liang Building, NO. 16 East Third Ring Middle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 
E-mail address[email protected][email protected] 
2. Key Financial Information
Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below. □ Yes ? No

 H1 2022H1 2021Change (%)
Operating revenue (RMB)5,512,781,270.325,328,246,835.833.46%
Net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders (RMB)72,908,330.1588,328,197.91-17.46%
Net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders before exceptional gains and losses (RMB)71,265,739.4783,273,337.40-14.42%
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities (RMB)-174,610,409.43277,850,445.45-162.84%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)0.100.12-16.67%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)0.100.12-16.67%
Weighted average return on equity (%)2.47%3.21%-0.74%
 30 June 202231 December 2021Change (%)
Total assets (RMB)6,983,489,964.466,046,600,058.9015.49%
Equity attributable to the listed company’s shareholders (RMB)2,989,382,153.382,915,802,291.052.52%
3. Shareholders and Their Shares at Period-End
Unit: share

Number of ordinary shareholders74,129Number of preferred shareholders with resumed voting rights (if any)0   
Top 10 shareholders      
Name of shareholderNature of shareholderShareholding percentageNumber of sharesRestricted sharesPledged, marked or frozen shares 
BEIJING GRAIN GROUP CO., LTD.State-owned legal person39.68%288,439,5610  
WANG YUECHENGDomestic natural person5.66%41,159,88741,159,887  
LISHERYNZHANMI NGForeign natural person0.47%3,397,4000  
MEI JIANYINGDomestic natural person0.36%2,604,2030  
WANG ZHIQIANGDomestic natural person0.30%2,193,3230  
ZHANG XIAOXIADomestic natural person0.27%1,949,2500  
LIU XINDomestic natural person0.25%1,806,8000  
WANG XIAOXINGDomestic natural person0.23%1,679,2000  
YANG WENLIDomestic natural person0.17%1,270,0000  
Connected or acting-in-concert parties among shareholders above① Beijing State-Owned Capital Operation and Management Company Limited owns 100% of Beijing Grain Group Co., Ltd., and Beijing Grain Group Co., Ltd. is the controlling shareholder of the Company (a 39.68% holding). ② Wang Yuecheng is a Deputy General Manager of the Company. Apart from that, the Company does not know whether there are any other related parties or acting-in-concert parties among the top 10 shareholders.     
Shareholders conducting margin trading (if any)Shareholder Wang Xiaoxing holds 1,679,200 shares in the Company through his account of collateral securities for margin trading in Soochow Securities Co., Ltd.     
4. Change of Controlling Shareholder or Actual Controller in Reporting Period Change of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period: □ Applicable ? Not applicable
The controlling shareholder remained the same in the Reporting Period. Change of the actual controller in the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable ? Not applicable
The actual controller remained the same in the Reporting Period. 5. Numbers of Preferred Shareholders and Shareholdings of Top 10 of Them No preferred shareholders in the Reporting Period.
6. Outstanding Bonds at the Date when this Report Was Authorized for Issue □ Applicable ? Not applicable
Part III Significant Events
1. The Company and Beijing Capital Agriculture Group have signed the Conditionally Effective Share Subscription Agreement, and the Supplementary Agreement to the Conditionally Effective Share Subscription
Agreement. As such, the Company intends to carry out a private placement of A-stock shares to Beijing Capital
Agriculture Group to raise no more than RMB523.67 million (inclusive) (including issuance costs). Having been
approved by the Company’s Board of Directors and general meeting of shareholders, the non-public offering shares
and related-party transaction is subject to final approval by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.
2. In order to establish and refine its long-term incentive mechanism, attract and retain talent, and fully mobilize
key employees, the Company disclosed on 23 March 2022 the 2022 Restricted Share Incentive Plan (Draft) and Its
Report of Hainan Jingliang Holdings Co., Ltd. There are 7.21 million restricted shares (approximately 0.99% of the
Company’s total share capital) to be issued. They will be granted to no more than 45 awardees for the first grant.
This plan is subject to approval by State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of People’s
Government of Beijing Municipality and the Company’s general meeting of shareholders. 3. On 1 July 2022, the Company signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Yangpu Economic Development Zone Administration Commission, Sinograin (Hainan) Co., Ltd., and SDIC Yangpu Port Co., Ltd. For details, see
the relevant announcement disclosed by the Company on 2 July 2022. Part VI Financial Statement

Statement of Comprehensive Income  
Prepared by: Hainan Jingliang Holdings Co., Ltd.Semi-annual of 2022Monetary Unit: RMB Yuan
ItemsAmount for the current periodAmount for the prior period
I. Total operating income382,744.96295,530.28
Including: operating income382,744.96295,530.28
△Interest income  
△Earned premium  
△Fee and commission income  
II. Total operating cost- 500,690.013,096,153.08
Including: operating cost170,581.26170,581.26
△Interest expenses  
△Fee and commission expenses  
△Net claims paid  
△Net appropriation for insurance contracts reserves  
△Dividend expenses for policyholders  
△Reinsurance expenditures  
Tax and surcharges201,808.3898,713.86
Selling expenses  
Administration expenses2,692,234.132,825,749.10
Research and development expenses  
Financial expenses- 3,565,313.781,108.86
Including: interest expenses  
Interest income3,566,419.691,190.61
Add: Other income12,794.1037,431.93
Income from investment (Losses shall be filled in with “-”) - 28,691.03
Including: income from investment on joint venture and cooperative enterprise  
Income from derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost (Losses shall be filled in with “-”)  
△Income from exchange(Losses shall be filled in with “-”)--
Income from net exposure hedging(Losses shall be filled in with “-”)  
Income from changes in fair value (Losses shall be filled in with “-”)  
Credit impairment loss(Losses shall be filled in with “-”)- 600.00 
Income from assets impairment(Losses shall be filled in with “-”)- 
Income from asset disposal (Losses shall be filled in with “-”) - 31,898.67
III. Total profit (Total losses shall be filled in with “-”)895,629.07-2,823,780.57
Add: non-operating income  
Less: non-operating expenditure  
IV. Total profit (Total losses shall be filled in with “-”)895,629.07- 2,823,780.57
Less: income tax expense  
V. Net profit (Net loss shall be filled in with “-”)895,629.07- 2,823,780.57
(I) Net profit from continuing operations (Net loss shall be filled in with “-”)895,629.07- 2,823,780.57
(II) Net profit from discontinuing operations (Net loss shall be filled in with “-”)  
VI. Net of tax from other comprehensive income  
(I) Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified into the profit and loss  
(1)Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified into the profit and loss  
(2)Other comprehensive income that cannot be transferred to gains and losses under the equity method  
(3)Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments  
(4)Changes in the fair value of the company's own credit risk  
(II) Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into the profit and loss--
(1)Other comprehensive income that can be transferred to gains and losses under the equity method--
(2)Changes in fair value of other debt investments  
(3)Reclassification of financial assets included in other comprehensive income  
(4)Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments  
(5)Cash flow hedge reserve--
(6)Balance arising from the translation of foreign currency--
VII. Total comprehensive income895,629.07- 2,823,780.57
VIII. Earnings per share  
(I) Basic earnings per share  
(II) Diluted earnings per share  

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity               
Prepared by: Hainan Jingliang Holdings Co., Ltd.    Semi-annual of 2022    Monetary Unit: RMB Yuan     
ItemsCurrent Amount              
 Shareholder's Equity attributable to the Parent Company          Minority equityTotal shareholders' equities  
 Capital stock PrOther equity instruments  Capital reserveLess: treasury stockOther comprehensive incomeSpecial reserveSurplus reserve△General risk reserveUndistributed profitOthersSubtotal  
  referred stoc Pker petual bond Others           
I. Year-end balance of last year726,950,251.00   1,675,918,350.95 -682,282.22 122,122,436.98 391,493,534.34-2,915,802,291.05396,351,501.503,312,153,792.55
Add: changes in accounting policies-           - -
Correction of prior period errors-           - -
Merger of enterprises under the same control            - -
Other-           - -
II. Balance at beginning of current year726,950,251.00---1,675,918,350.95--682,282.22-122,122,436.98-391,493,534.34-2,915,802,291.05396,351,501.503,312,153,792.55
III. Increases and decreases of current year (Decrease shall be filled in with “-”)------671,532.18---72,908,330.15-73,579,862.3312,284,061.5485,863,923.87
(I) Total comprehensive income      671,532.18   72,908,330.15 73,579,862.3312,284,061.5485,863,923.87
(II) Investment of shareholders and capital reduction---- ----------
1. Common equity invested by shareholders            - -
2. Capital invested by other equity instruments holders            - -
3. The amount of shares recorded into the shareholder's equity            - -
4. Others            - -
(III) Distribution of profits------------- -
1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves            - -
2. Withdrawal of general risk reserve            - -
3. Distribution to shareholders            - -
4. Others            - -
(IV) Inner carrying-over of shareholders' equities---------------
1. Capital reserve converted into capital (or capital stock)            - -
2. Surplus public accumulation converted into capital (or capital stock)            - -
3. Surplus public accumulation loss remedy            - -
4. Change in defined benefit plan carried forward to retained earnings            - -
5.Other comprehensive income carried forward to retained earnings            - -
6. Others            - -
(V) Special reserve---------------
1. Withdrawal for current period            - -
2. Use for current period            - -
(VI) Others            - -
IV. Closing balance of current year726,950,251.00---1,675,918,350.95--10,750.04-122,122,436.98-464,401,864.49-2,989,382,153.38408,635,563.043,398,017,716.42
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity (Continued)               
Prepared by: Hainan Jingliang Holdings Co., Ltd.    Semi-annual of 2022    Monetary Unit: RMB Yuan     
ItemsAmount of Last Period              
 Shareholder's Equity attributable to the Parent Company          Minority equityTotal shareholders' equities  
 Capital stock PreOther equity instruments  Capital reserveLess: treasury stockOther comprehensive incomeSpecial reserveSurplus reserve△General risk reserveUndistributed profitOthersSubtotal  
  ferred sPteorcpek tual bon dO thers           
I. Year-end balance of last year726,950,251.00   1,674,828,350.95 -363,258.66 122,122,436.98 187,033,763.26-2,710,571,543.53388,601,959.833,099,173,503.36
Add: changes in accounting policies            - -
Correction of prior period errors            - -
Merger of enterprises under the same control            - -
Other            - -
II. Balance at beginning of current year726,950,251.00---1,674,828,350.95--363,258.66-122,122,436.98-187,033,763.26-2,710,571,543.53388,601,959.833,099,173,503.36
III. Increases and decreases of current year (Decrease shall be filled in with “-”)      -80,447.42-  88,328,197.91 88,247,750.4910,110,607.8298,358,358.31
(I) Total comprehensive income      -80,447.42   88,328,197.91 88,247,750.4910,110,607.8298,358,358.31
(II) Investment of shareholders and capital reduction     -------- -
1. Common equity invested by shareholders            - -
2. Capital invested by other equity instruments holders            - -
3. The amount of shares recorded into the shareholder's equity            - -
4. Others              -
(III) Distribution of profits------- ----- -
1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves            - -
2. Withdrawal of general risk reserve            - -
3. Distribution to shareholders            - -
4. Others            - -
(IV) Inner carrying-over of shareholders' equities---------------
1. Capital reserve converted into capital (or capital stock)            - -
2. Surplus public accumulation converted into capital (or capital stock)            - -
3. Surplus public accumulation loss remedy            - -
4. Change in defined benefit plan carried forward to retained earnings            - -
5.Other comprehensive income carried forward to retained earnings            - -
6. Others            - -
(V) Special reserve---------------
1. Withdrawal for current period            - -
2. Use for current period            - -
(VI) Others            - -
IV. Closing balance of current year726,950,251.00---1,674,828,350.95--443,706.08-122,122,436.98-275,361,961.17-2,798,819,294.02398,712,567.653,197,531,861.67