
时间:2022年08月26日 18:46:47 中财网


Ⅰ. Important Notes

This Abstract is extracted from Semi-Annual Report 2022. In order to have a full understanding of the
operating results, financial condition and future development planning of the Company, investors are
suggested to read the full report carefully on the media designated by the China Securities Regulatory
Commission (the “CSRC”). The Company’s 2022 Semi-Annual Report is prepared and published in Chinese
version, and the English version is for reference only. Should there be any inconsistency between the
Chinese version and English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.
All directors attended the Board Meeting in person for reviewing of this Semi-Annual Report.
Indicate by check mark if independent auditor issues non-standard unqualified opinion.
□Applicable √Not applicable

Indicate by check mark if there is a pre-arranged plan of profit distribution or transferring capital reserve into
common stock for the report period which has been reviewed by the Board of Directors.
□Applicable √Not applicable

The Company does not plan to issue cash or equity dividends, nor to convert equity reserve into share capital
of the Company in the mid 2022.

Indicate by check mark if preplan for preferred stocks profit distribution to shareholders for the report period
which has been reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.
□Applicable √Not applicable

II. Basic Situation of the Company

1. Company Profile

BoshiStock Code
Contact Person and Contact
Secretary of the Board Securities Affairs Representative

Chen Bo
9 Donghu Street, Concentration Zone of Yingbin Road, Harbin Development Zone, Heilongjiang province, China
[email protected]

In order to speed up the planning and implementation of the construction function of the Company’s
regional headquarters and provide convenience for value investment, the Company has set up a “Securities
and Investment Affairs Office” at No. 1102, Building 2, Huijin Building, No. 55, Shangxiang Road, Huaqiao
Economic Development Zone, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province. Welcome securities investors to inquire about the further information.

2. Key Financial Data and Financial Indicators

Does the Company need to make retroactive adjustment or restatement of the accounting data of the previous

□Yes √No

Increase/Decrease over the
2022 H1 2021 H1 same period of previous

8.69%10.56% End of previous year 4,901,945,419.82
End of the current Increase/Decrease over
End of previous year
reporting period previous year end


3. Number of Shareholders and Shareholding
Unit: Share

Total number of shareholders of Total number of shareholders of 22,259 0
common stocks at the end of the preferred stock with resumed voting reporting period right at the end of the reporting period
Top 10 shareholders
Pledged or frozen
Quantity of
Quantity of
Name Nature Ownership restricted
stocks held
Status Quantity

Domestic natural person9.41%   
Domestic natural person8.09%   
Domestic natural person5.61%   
Domestic state-owned corporate5.00%   
Domestic natural person4.96%   
Domestic natural person4.89%   
Domestic natural person1.51%   
Domestic natural person1.49%   

Note: During the reporting period, based on full confidence in the Company’s sustainable and healthy
development and full recognition of the Company’s intrinsic value, Mr. Deng Xijun, the chairman and
general manager of the Company, increased his holdings of the Company’s shares by 975,200 shares through centralized bidding.

4. Change of the controlling shareholder or the actual controller
Change of the controlling shareholder in the reporting period
□Applicable √Not applicable

The controlling shareholder did not change in the reporting period.
Change of the actual controller in the reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

The actual controller did not change in the reporting period.
5. Number of preference shareholders and shareholdings of top 10 of them
□Applicable √Not applicable

The Company had no preference shareholders in the reporting period.
6. Corporate bonds that existed on the date when this Report was authorized for issue
□Applicable √Not applicable
Ⅲ.Important Issues

Regarding the Company proposes to issue public convertible corporate bonds:
The Company held the fourteenth meeting of the fourth Board of Directors and the eleventh meeting of the
th th
fourth Board of Supervisors on April 13 , 2022, as well as the 2021 Annual General Meeting on May 6 ,
2022. The meeting above reviewed and approved Proposal on the Company’s Public Offering of Convertible
Corporate Bonds. The total amount of funds raised by the proposed public issuance of convertible corporate
bonds shall not exceed RMB 450 million.

nd th th
On August 22 , 2022, the 94 working meeting of the 18 Issuance Examination Committee of the China Securities Regulatory Commission in 2022 reviewed the Company’s application for public issuance of
convertible corporate bonds. According to the review results of the meeting, the Company’s application for
the public issuance of convertible corporate bonds has been approved by the China Securities Regulatory

Ⅳ. Operating Performance Discussion and Analysis 1. Company Main Businesses during the Reporting Period (1) Main businesses and industry development status Company Business and Industry Development Status According to the proportion of revenue during the reporting period, the Company’s main businesses in its industry are shown in the following figure:
The Company has been cultivating in the field of intelligent equipment for a long time, and the high-end
intelligent equipment with independent intellectual property rights has been continuously upgrading for
Chinese Manufacturing. Replacing imported equipment or being the first set of innovative applications,
promote the technological progress of related industries. The Company’s intelligent manufacturing equipments are applied in petrochemical, chemical, grain, building materials, new energy, food, medicine,
port, fodder in the post-processing intelligent manufacturing field, as well as loading and transferring
scenarios for finished products in many industries, to provide customers with efficient intelligent
manufacturing equipment and intelligent factory overall solutions. The Company’s technology and product
of intelligent equipment are in the leading position in the domestic application field, there is no competitor of
the same scale; The Company products and technology application are in the worldwide leading position in
some fields.

Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment:

“Manufacturing is the main body of the national economy, the foundation of building the country, the
instrument of rejuvenating the country and the foundation of strengthening the country.” Made in China
2025 points out that China’s manufacturing industry has an obvious gap in independent innovation ability,
resource utilization efficiency, industrial structure level, informatization degree, quality and efficiency, and
the task of transformation, upgrading and leapfrog development is urgent and arduous. The State attaches
great importance to the development of high-end equipment manufacturing industry from the strategic height,
and the development of intelligent manufacturing is a strategic task of long-term persistence, which will
technology and take intelligent manufacturing as the main direction of the in-depth integration of informatization and industrialization. China plans that by 2035, digitalization and networking will be
popularized in all manufacturing enterprises above designated size, and key enterprises in key industries will
basically become intelligent. The overall strength of the robot industry has reached the international leading
level, and robots have become an important part of economic development, people’s lives and social

The Company’s intelligent manufacturing equipment mainly covers post-processing intelligent manufacturing equipment for solid materials, post-processing intelligent manufacturing equipment for
rubbers, robot and complete system equipment, intelligent logistics and warehousing system, etc., which can
provide customers from single equipment, complete equipment to intelligent manufacturing overall solutions
and can provide customers with continuous intelligent equipment upgrading services, help more manufacturing enterprises to digital and intelligent transformation and upgrading and towards high-quality

In the face of the historic opportunities of Made in China 2025, 2035 and the urgent demand for intelligent
equipment and intelligent factories in the post-pandemic era, the Company will concentrate on advantages,
integrate resources, accumulate competitiveness, with rich product lines and intelligent manufacturing
overall solutions, to respond and guide market demand, strive to achieve better and rapid development and
bring continuous returns to shareholders.

Industrial Service Rooted in the Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment:
On March 16 , 2021, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the like totaling thirteen departments
jointly issued the Opinions on Accelerating the High-quality Development of the Manufacturing Service
Industry, pointing out, “ Improve the efficiency of the manufacturing industry, make use of new generation
information technologies, such as 5G, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and Blockchain,
vigorously to develop intelligent manufacturing, achieve accurate and efficient matching between supply and
demand and promote the fundamental reform of the manufacturing development model and the reform of enterprise forms.” Manufacturing service industry “is an important support for improving the competitiveness and comprehensive strength of manufacturing products, promoting the transformation and
upgrading of manufacturing industry and high-quality development. At present, China’s manufacturing
service industry supply quality is not high, the degree of specialization and socialization is not enough, the
role of leading the manufacturing value chain is not obvious, and there is still a gap between the requirements of building a modern economic system and realizing high-quality economic development.” “By
2025, the role of the manufacturing service industry will be significantly enhanced in improving the quality
and efficiency, innovation capacity, and efficiency of resource allocation, and play a more prominent role in
supporting and leading the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry” to “realize the coupling
and integration of the manufacturing industry and the manufacturing service industry”.
The production and operation management service of the Company’s intelligent equipment includes integrated industrial services for equipment operation, repair, maintenance, finished products outbound &
inbound, transfer, truck loading and so on. The professional work presents a trend of outsourcing. The
promote the strategy of product and service integration. The professional, economic, high-quality and
efficient service has been recognized and praised by users, and will help customers reduce costs and increase
efficiency and improve production efficiency. The Company’s industrial service revenue has increased year
after year. During the reporting period, the overall revenue of industrial services accounted for nearly 30% of
the Company’s total revenue.

Based on the Company’s outstanding achievements in the integrated development of intelligent manufacturing equipment and industrial services, the Company was identified as “Pilot Unit of Advanced
Manufacturing and Modern Service Industry” in August 2021 by the National Development and Reform Commission. The Company’s industrial services of intelligent equipment, on the one hand, will maintain a
steady growth with the growth of product sales and equipment implement stock. On the other hand, this will
give an active response to the customer’s deep service demand, after the Company undertakes new production and operation industrial service projects, the service scale is expected to continue to step up. This
will enhance the Company’s ability to resist risks and become an important source of revenue and profit for
the Company.

Environmental Protection Process and Equipment:

The 14 Five-Year Plan takes “achieving new progress in ecological civilization construction” as one of the
main goals. Continuing to improve environmental quality and promoting the all-round green transformation
of economic and social development provides important development opportunities for the field of environmental protection. Current climate change that seriously threatens human survival and development
is mainly caused by carbon dioxide emissions from human activities since the industrial revolution. At the
75 United Nations General Assembly in 2020, China announced that it will strive to achieve “Carbon Peak”
by 2030 and strive to achieve “Carbon Neutrality” by 2060, in the Government Work Report of the Fourth
Session of the 13 National People’s Congress, it is clearly proposed to “Do a solid job in Carbon Peak and
Carbon Neutrality”, and relevant industries are facing major opportunities.
Industrial waste acid and acidic gas treatment and recycling project, implemented by Harbin Boao Environmental Technology Co., Ltd, the holding subsidiary of the Company, can collect and treat industrial
waste sulfuric acid and sulfur-containing acid gases in chemical production to produce high-purity sulfuric
acid for recycling production, and to recycle and reuse the heat energy released in the process to achieve
energy saving, emission reduction, recycling, environmental protection and economic results, that it will
contribute customers to achieve “Carbon Peak” , “Carbon Neutrality” emission reduction targets.
(2) Company Main Businesses during the Reporting Period ①Main businesses, products, services composition and market application level of the Company Overall Solution for Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment and Intelligent Factory Post-processing Intelligent Manufacturing Post-processing Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment for Solid Material Equipment for Rubber Robot and Complete System Intelligent Logistics,Warehousing Systems

②Business mode Industrial Services——Operation and After-sales type Industrial Services

Industrial Services——Supplementary Industrial Services and Miscellaneous

③Key performance driving factors

Since 2017, the Company performance has grown well and rapidly, mainly due to the Company is facing the
strong demand for intelligent manufacturing equipment for the upgrading of China’s manufacturing industry.
The Company implements technology research and development and product innovation actively, as well as
realizes product category expansions. The sales growth of post-processing intelligent manufacturing
equipment for solid material is strong; Contracts from robots and complete system equipment quickly
occupies an important share; The growth of industrial services keeps steadily; Energy saving and environmental protection business brings beneficial supplement to the Company’s overall revenue.
During the reporting period, from the perspective of product delivery and revenue recognition, the revenue of
environmental protection process and equipment falls obviously year-on-year, because there is no equipment
revenue recognition, only the revenue of process design package and spare parts are recognized; Affected by
staged silent period and strict epidemic control measures, the Company’s supply chain, production organization and product delivery are impacted in different degrees. Product delivery of intelligent
manufacturing equipment business is lower than expected, whose revenue is slightly decreased, the gross
profit of this kind is basically equal to which of the same period of last year; Although the industrial service
business keeps on maintaining steady growth, the overall short-term performance is adjusted slightly; During
the reporting period, the demand for irregular material intelligent manufacturing equipment products
represented by the intelligent workshop of calcium carbide thermal furnace and new energy raw materials is
strong. From perspective of overall marketing work, the year-on-year growth rate and total volume are the
best in history, which deserves more expectations in the future.
Technological innovation and the continuous R&D, application and promotion of new products have realized
“the second curve” to promote the Company to extend growth period. The Company’s intelligent manufacturing equipment has experienced a continuous technological innovation and the expansion process
of continuous application of new technology and new products. At present, the company has made a progress
in switching from a single machine, automatic production line to the digital factory and intelligent factory in
the main product application field, which optimizing the business competition environment faced by the
Company, and improving comprehensive competitiveness continuously.
2.Core Competitiveness Analysis

As a technology-based enterprise, the Company adheres to a differentiated competitive strategy of leading
technology, and relies on a deep understanding of China’s industrial automation field and practical
experience in industrial applications to maintain a long-term competitive position in the field in which it is
engaged. The Company’s intelligent manufacturing equipment and industrial service businesses are effectively synergized and optimally linked, supplemented beneficially by environmental protection process
equipment. The business scale is growing rapidly, the profitability and the comprehensive competitiveness
continue to improve.

(1)Industry status

The Company has a solid competitive advantage in the field of intelligent manufacturing equipment, and its
application field, and has received a number of industry awards. Member?of? China?Robot? TOP10?Summit National?Pilot?unit?for? Integrated?Development? National?Enterprise? of?Advanced? Technology?Center? Manufacturing?and? Modern?service?industry(2)Leading competitiveness of products and technologies

Innovation is the first driving force to lead the development of an enterprise and technology-leading is an
important core competitiveness of the Company. The Company continuously improves its technology application level and technology reserve capacity, seizes new opportunities, and expands into new fields.
Through R&D investment, technology accumulation and technological innovation, outstanding technological
leadership advantage continues to enhance and be a competitive advantage position in the industry.
From the perspective of intelligent manufacturing equipment product line, the Company’s intelligent
equipment reaches high speed, high accuracy and stable operation, which is high-end equipments can a
replace imported equipments, suitable for the customer production environment with high efficiency and
safety production requirements, mainly for high-end equipment market demand. In the domestic product
application field, products and technology are at the leading level.
From the perspective of the overall solution of intelligent manufacturing, the Company integrates multi-category innovative products with the production scenario of manufacturing users, which can realize
the overall solution of solid materials post-processing intelligent manufacturing, help users realize the digital
and intelligent transformation of the factory, and realize intelligent manufacturing.
On March 24 , 2022, the Company received a notice from the High-tech Research and Development Center
of the Ministry of Science and Technology on the comprehensive performance evaluation conclusion of the
research and development and demonstration application project of sub-merged arc furnace robot system for
a recognition and incentive for the Company to develop the “Product and Service Integration” strategy
prospectively and actively implement this strategy for a long time. During the reporting period, the
Company’s industrial services achieved revenue of RMB 302 million, among which the operation and after-sales Industrial Services achieved revenue of RMB 255 million, 13.43% stable increase year-on-year.
“Intelligent equipment”+ “industrial services” constitute a performance-driven dual engine for the

(4)The overall solution of intelligent manufacturing accelerates the Company’s competitiveness
Throughout the Company’s technology, product development and industrialization process, the Company
enters new industries and new fields usually with key single unit equipment (“points”); after breakthrough
in solving industry pain points, quickly form an automated production line (“line”); With the accumulation
of technology and the in-depth understanding of the industry, the overall solution (“surface”) of intelligent
manufacturing is completed to help users realize the upgrade to digital and intelligent factories. This process
of technological progress from “point → line → surface” helps the Company to concentrate resources,
reduce technology development risks, open the ceiling for industry growth, and comprehensively enhance
the Company’s core competitiveness.

As shown in the figure below:

Single unit sales (“point”), it is inevitable to face large competition, small market space, and the project
potential contract amount is limited;

The complete equipment sales (“line”), the competitive environment improves, the competitive pressure
decreases, the market space increases, and the potential contract amount is effectively enlarged;
The overall solution of intelligent manufacturing (“surface”), limited competitors, strong competitiveness,
market space and potential contract amount is expected to multiply.
Legend: Schematic diagram of the competitive environment and potential market opportunities of single unit
equipment, automation production line and overall solution of intelligent manufacturing
For example: in the field of sub-merged arc furnace, the urgent demand for safety production and replacing
labors for calcium carbide industry, based on the industrial robot technology, the Company successfully
developed and applied sub-merged (high temperature) arc furnace operation robot for calcium carbide
which has epoch-making significance to traditional production (“point”), and successively developed
ramming robot for calcium carbide, patrolling robot, intelligent pot transfer technology and other key
production system (“line”), until forming science and technology innovation ability of an intelligent
workshop overall solution that truly subverts the traditional production operations of the industry (“surface”),
realizing few men, unmanned factories and intelligent manufacturing. ?
th th
On April 7 and April 19 , 2022, the Company announced that the Company signed contracts with Inner carbide post-processing intelligent factory and calcium carbide intelligent workshop. The contract amount is
RMB 291.1432 million and RMB 69.628 million respectively, 360.7712 million in total. These two projects
are the overall intelligent factory projects of the Company’s high-temperature special robots as the main
equipment application in the field of calcium carbide production, and the market demand of robot and
intelligent factory industrialization projects is in the rise. The technology, product R&D and industrialization
process from “point”, “line” to “surface” have opened the ceiling of the industry growth, and truly realized
the historic leap from “0” to “1”. In this field, the Company is in the leading level in the application all over
the world.
With the Company’s leading technological advantage in the field of calcium carbide sub-merged arc furnace,
the Company continues to develop the application of high temperature special robots in the high temperature
furnace operation environment of industrial silicon furnace, silicon manganese, ferrosilicon, etc., committed
to multi-dimensional technological innovation and breakthrough, and has successively achieved phased

(5)Brand competitiveness

The Company builds brand with quality, seeks progress with technology, and wins trust with service.
Through high-quality products and efficient services, we strive to realize production automation and
intelligent manufacturing for customers and achieve win-win cooperation. The Company’s brand enjoys a
constant leading in popularity, high reputation and customer loyalty in the main domestic product application
fields. The Company pursues excellence, leads the development of intelligent equipment in the application
industry and builds up a stable, cooperative and win-win customer network for a long time. At the same time,
high-quality customer resources and huge potential demand for intelligent manufacturing equipment is the
source of the Company’s sustainable and rapid development.
(6)Achievements in intellectual property, proprietary technology and software copyright
During the reporting period, the Company obtained 16 patents approved by the State Intellectual Property
Office, including 5 invention patents and 11 utility model patents; 15 software copyrights are approved by
the National Copyright Administration. In addition to patent technology, the Company has a considerable
amount of core technical know-how that exists in the form of proprietary technology by relying on confidentiality measures. The patents, proprietary technology and software copyright owned and mastered by
the Company is the Company’s significant core competitiveness. (Note: The amount of intellectual property
acquired during the reporting period may have a slight deviation due to the limitation of statistical time
points, and is only for investors’ trend reference.)

(7)Social and economic benefits

The transformation of traditional industries with high technology is the responsibility and mission given to
technological innovation enterprises by the era. The Company’s automatic vehicle loading machine which is
widely used in the national economy field and (high temperature) overall solution of intelligent manufacturing in the calcium carbide industry have transformative impact on replacing manual operations in
high-risk or heavy manual working conditions to achieve safe production, improve production efficiency.
enterprise efficiency significantly, and support the early realization of the national double carbon goal.

The Company’s large-scale intelligent manufacturing equipment and intelligent factory technology can
provide one-stop solution to save more resources and realize safe and efficient production for the customers,
fundamentally solve the problem of structural labor gap for customers and promote the improvement of
social production efficiency. The application of these high-tech products not only achieves good social
benefits, but also brings considerable economic benefits to the Company at the same time.
3. Analysis of Main Business


During the reporting period, there is strong market demand in the application of the Company’s intelligent
manufacturing equipment, the Company’s marketing work has achieved best performance in both year-on-year growth and total volume in history. In which represented by irregular solid materials intelligent
manufacturing equipment in the field of polysilicon of new energy raw material, and robot and complete
system equipment in the field of sub-merged arc furnace intelligent factory, etc., continue to achieve major
market progress. During the reporting period, the Company’s total major contract amount announced in the
temporary announcement exceeded 900 million, which led the Company’s future performance growth. ?
During the reporting period, from the perspective of product delivery and revenue recognition, the revenue of
environmental protection process fell by nearly 70% year-on-year, because there was no equipment revenue
recognition, only the revenue of process design package and spare parts were recognized, which the year-on-year change decreased the Company’s overall gross profit by about 10% during the reporting period.
In addition, affected by staged silent period and strict epidemic control measures, the Company’s supply
chain, production organization and product delivery were impacted in different degrees. The supply chain
inventory of the Company from Shanghai and surrounding areas was in shortage, once 10% employees of the
headquarters were quarantined at home, theses reasons led to product delivery of intelligent manufacturing
equipment business was lower than expected, revenue is slightly decreased, but gross profit rate is increased,
the overall contribution of intelligent manufacturing equipment gross margin is basically the same as the
same period last year. The Company’s operation and after-sales industrial service revenue continues to
maintain a steady growth rate of 13.43%, and the gross profit rate is stable. The total revenue of “intelligent
manufacturing equipment” + “industrial services” decreased slightly year-on year, and the contribution gross
profit increased slightly, both fluctuated slightly within the range of about 1 %.
During the reporting period, the Company achieved revenue of RMB 1.028 billion, net profit attributable to
the parent company is RMB 264 million, decreases by 7.84% and 7.78% year-on-year respectively, the weighted average return on equity (ROE) is 8.69%. From the perspective of revenue distribution, the
Company’s revenue and contribution gross profit ratio structure of intelligent manufacturing equipment,
industrial services, environmental protection process equipment are shown in the figure below. ?
? Operating?Revenue??????????????????????????????Contribution?Gross?Profit (RMB?0.1?billion)???????????????????????????????????????????(RMB?0.1?billion)?Note: in the above figure, Contributing Gross profit= Operating revenue of corresponding business – Operating cost, the contribution
gross profit does not consider the impact of profit and loss of minority shareholders.?During the reporting period, the key accounting data and financial indicators are listed as follows:

Unit: RMB

2022 H1 1,028,107,177.932021 H1 1,115,555,107.33

Year-on-year changes to major financial data

Unit: RMB

2022 H1 2021 H1 over the same period Rationale
of previous year


Major changes to the profit structure or sources of the company in the reporting period:
□Applicable √ Not applicable

No such cases in the reporting period.

Breakdown of operating revenue:
Unit: RMB

2022H1 2021H1 Increase/Decrease
over the same

Proportion of Proportion of
period of previous
Amount Amount
revenue revenue

7,913,341.970.77%54,439,659.674.87% y revenue or ope

Industries, products, or regions accounting for more than 10% of company revenue or operating profit

Unit: RMB

Cost of sales
Operating Gross profit
increased or
revenue margin
Operating Gross profit
Cost of sales decreased over
increase/ increased or
revenue margin
the same period
decrease over decreased over
of previous year of previous year
Categorized by industry
