南 玻B(200012):2022年半年度财务报告(英文版)

时间:2022年08月30日 20:08:39 中财网

原标题:南 玻B:2022年半年度财务报告(英文版)

Financial Report of Semi-annual Report 2022
I.Auditors’ Report
Whether the Semi-annual Report has been audited or not
□ Yes √ No
The Company's Semi-annual Report has not been audited.
II.Financial Statements
All figures in the Notes to the Financial Statements are in RMB. 1. Consolidated Balance Sheet
Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
June 30, 2022
Unit: RMB

ItemJune 30, 2022January 1, 2022
Current assets:  
Cash at bank and on hand2,870,042,5412,765,925,906
Trading financial assets1,209,000,000999,600,000
Notes receivable445,37519,220,984
Accounts receivable842,283,667730,525,687
Receivables financing582,328,808297,046,123
Advances to suppliers235,326,05976,097,276
Other receivables201,090,652183,696,711
Other current assets68,616,670140,705,298
Total current assets7,776,046,1716,306,623,510
Non-current assets  
Investment property383,084,500383,084,500
Fixed assets9,336,413,5298,566,515,026
Construction in progress2,809,337,6842,461,088,650
Right of use assets9,034,6329,911,935
Intangible assets1,209,525,0681,167,611,402
Development expenditure91,718,82272,019,362
Long-term prepaid expenses3,234,0213,013,721
Deferred tax assets196,661,447255,185,923
Other non-current assets525,974,043584,162,622
Total non-current assets14,695,131,60513,632,741,000
Total assets22,471,177,77619,939,364,510

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet (continued)
Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
June 30, 2022
Unit: RMB

Current liabilities :  
Short-term borrowings468,108,522180,770,000
Notes payable549,939,628400,662,713
Accounts payable1,796,932,5311,428,851,312
Contract liabilities413,885,125335,188,642
Employee benefits payable287,729,142426,212,979
Taxes payable154,652,150185,009,681
Other payables221,866,936289,440,477
Of which: interest payable36,640,54895,001,362
Non-current liabilities due within one year2,371,913,539503,820,548
Other current liabilities47,730,14240,099,309
Total current liabilities6,312,757,7153,790,055,661
Non-current liabilities  
Long-term borrowings3,161,136,4681,469,059,824
Bonds payable 1,996,587,330
lease liability 220,138
Long-term payables149,062,955168,258,062
Deferred income495,313,618564,129,128
Deferred tax liabilities91,256,65384,580,132
Total non-current liabilities3,896,769,6944,282,834,614
Total liabilities10,209,527,4098,072,890,275
Shareholders’ equity  
Share capital3,070,692,1073,070,692,107
Capital surplus596,997,085596,997,085
Other comprehensive income165,368,070159,200,530
Special reserves1,852,7037,296,397
Surplus reserve1,144,887,5101,144,887,510
Undistributed profits6,837,623,3946,450,587,417
Total equity attributable to shareholders of parent company11,817,420,86911,429,661,046
Minority shareholders' equity444,229,498436,813,189
Total shareholders' equity12,261,650,36711,866,474,235
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity22,471,177,77619,939,364,510
Legal Representative:Chen Lin Principal in charge of accounting: Wang Wenxin Principal of the financial department:
Wang Wenxin
2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company
Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
June 30, 2022
Unit: RMB

ItemJune 30, 2022January 1, 2022
Current assets  
Cash at bank and on hand2,017,872,1771,961,406,035
Trading financial assets1,209,000,000999,600,000
Accounts receivable1,996,267 
Receivables Financing15,299,671 
Advances to suppliers699,982639,164
Other receivables2,624,297,7232,899,091,405
Of which: dividends receivable250,000,000250,000,000
Other current assets1,226 
Total current assets5,869,167,0465,860,736,604
Non-current assets  
Long-term equity investments6,899,675,7096,262,391,694
Fixed assets9,002,99511,509,029
Intangible assets3,382,5122,102,548
Other non-current assets104,236,952104,109,111
Total non-current assets7,016,298,1686,380,112,382
Total assets12,885,465,21412,240,848,986

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company(continued)
Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
June 30, 2022
Unit: RMB

ItemJune 30, 2022January 1, 2022
Current liabilities  
Short-term borrowings300,000,000100,000,000
Bills payable13,523,441 
Accounts payable464,790315,684
Contract liabilities3,339,466 
Employee benefits payable31,843,27568,534,315
Taxes payable15,815,7438,316,132
Other payables2,075,266,3312,067,472,879
Of which: interest payable34,012,99593,596,328
Non-current liabilities due within one year2,232,931,024400,000,000
Other current liabilities434,130 
Total current liabilities4,673,618,2002,644,639,010
Non-current liabilities  
Long-term borrowings1,245,000,000690,000,000
Bonds payable 1,996,587,330
Deferred income172,312,500172,500,000
Total non-current liabilities1,417,312,5002,859,087,330
Total liabilities6,090,930,7005,503,726,340
Shareholders’ equity  
Share capital3,070,692,1073,070,692,107
Capital surplus741,824,399741,824,399
Surplus reserve1,159,432,8701,159,432,870
Undistributed profits1,822,585,1381,765,173,270
Total shareholders' equity6,794,534,5146,737,122,646
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity12,885,465,21412,240,848,986
Legal Representative:Chen Lin Principal in charge of accounting: Wang Wenxin Principal of the financial department:
Wang Wenxin

3. Consolidated Income Statement
Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
Unit: RMB

ItemHalf year of 2022Half year of 2021
I. Total revenue6,519,216,6766,614,802,538
Of which:Business income6,519,216,6766,614,802,538
II. Total business cost5,480,144,2954,992,720,799
Of which:Business cost4,637,645,9274,126,627,145
Tax and surcharge61,280,62273,966,054
Sales expenses133,906,652125,326,015
Administrative expenses318,635,812354,914,704
R&D expenses265,877,930224,886,882
Financial expenses62,797,35286,999,999
Of which: interest expense91,984,604101,970,419
Interest income30,756,70420,024,847
Plus: Other income99,302,55236,553,804
Investment income (“- “for loss)16,413,6953,672,330
Credit impairment loss (“- “for loss)-1,492,222-2,524,048
Asset impairment loss (“- “for loss)1,456-26,753,082
Income on disposal assets (“- “for loss)12,745,461137,638
III. Operational profit (“- “for loss)1,166,043,3231,633,168,381
Plus: non-operational income15,132,9787,551,798
Less: non-operational expenditure3,660,07016,461,985
IV. Total profit (“- “for loss)1,177,516,2311,624,258,194
Less: Income tax expenses168,925,524255,280,290
V. Net profit (“- “for net loss)1,008,590,7071,368,977,904
(I) Classification by business continuity  
1. Net profit from continuing operations (“-” for net loss)1,008,590,7071,368,977,904
2. Net profit from discontinued operations (“-” for net loss)  
(II) Classification by ownership  
1. Equity attributable to shareholders of parent company1,001,174,3981,352,517,465
2.Minority shareholder gains and losses7,416,30916,460,439
VI. Other comprehensive income net after tax6,167,5401,322,491
Other comprehensive income net after tax attributable to shareholders of parent company6,167,5401,322,491
(I) Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into profit and loss  
(II) Other comprehensive income reclassified to profit or loss6,167,5401,322,491
1.Differences on translation of foreign currency financial statements6,167,5401,322,491
Other comprehensive income, net of tax attributable to minority shareholders  
VII. Total comprehensive income1,014,758,2471,370,300,395
Total comprehensive income attributable to shareholders of parent company1,007,341,9381,353,839,956
Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders7,416,30916,460,439
VIII. Earnings per share:  
(I) Basic earnings per share0.330.44
(II) Diluted earnings per share0.330.44
Legal Representative:Chen Lin Principal in charge of accounting: Wang Wenxin Principal of the financial department:
Wang Wenxin
4. Income Statement of the Parent Company
Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
Unit: RMB

ItemHalf year of 2022Half year of 2021
I. Revenue230,198,41242,342,857
Less: Business cost15,015,892 
Tax and surcharge1,508,969674,374
Sales expenses1,500,585 
Administrative expenses158,605,93991,345,095
R & D expenses 616,965
Financial expenses54,002,08376,018,822
Of which: interest expense84,259,99994,186,512
Interest income28,380,77117,977,849
Plus: Other income5,677,3132,018,355
Investment income(“- “for loss)665,374,823718,475,642
Credit impairment loss (“- “for loss)-85,084-9,473
Income on disposal assets (“- “for loss)2,477,8766,893,580
II. Operating profit673,009,872601,065,705
Add: Non-operating income 29,967
Less: Non-operating expenses1,459,58315,026,836
III. Total profit (“- “for loss)671,550,289586,068,836
Less: Income tax expenses  
IV. Net profit (“- “for loss)671,550,289586,068,836
(I) Net profit for continuing operations(“- “for loss)671,550,289586,068,836
(II) Net profit from discontinued operations(“- “for loss)  
VI. Total comprehensive income671,550,289586,068,836
VII. Earnings per share  
Legal Representative:Chen Lin Principal in charge of accounting: Wang Wenxin Principal of the financial department:
Wang Wenxin

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
Unit: RMB

ItemHalf year of 2022Half year of 2021
I. Cash flows from operating activities  
Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services6,933,269,6697,148,379,280
Refund of taxes and surcharges209,272,04933,207,751
Cash received relating to other operating activities87,236,568178,825,175
Subtotal of cash inflow from operating activities7,229,778,2867,360,412,206
Cash paid for goods and services4,720,858,6263,907,366,000
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees967,549,535888,450,173
Payments of taxes and surcharges434,697,790619,574,024
Cash payments relating to other operating activities203,869,214246,776,634
Subtotal of cash outflow from operating activities6,326,975,1655,662,166,831
Net cash flows from/(used in) operating activities902,803,1211,698,245,375
II. Cash flows from investing activities  
Cash received from investment recovery1,988,760,0001,182,000,000
Cash received from investment income15,609,9963,559,719
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets13,563,172777,451
Cash received relating to other investing activities 32,136,351
Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities2,017,933,1681,218,473,521
Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets1,632,778,700738,492,345
Cash paid for investment2,198,160,0001,644,000,000
Cash paid relating to other investing activities19,138,1026,911,853
Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities3,850,076,8022,389,404,198
Net cash flows (used in)/from investing activities-1,832,143,634-1,170,930,677
III. Cash flows from financing activities  
Cash received from borrowings2,277,155,766605,996,933
Cash received relating to other financing activities206,753 
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities2,277,362,519605,996,933
Cash repayments of borrowings428,340,5211,099,975,831
Cash payments for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or profits791,223,957508,082,947
Cash payments relating to other financing activities24,165,012390,507
Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities1,243,729,4901,608,449,285
Net cash flows (used in)/from financing activities1,033,633,029-1,002,452,352
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents3,195,681-1,217,711
V. Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents107,488,197-476,355,365
Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of current period2,756,477,5722,124,028,196
VI. Cash and cash equivalents at end of current period2,863,965,7691,647,672,831
Legal Representative:Chen Lin Principal in charge of accounting: Wang Wenxin Principal of the financial department:
6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company
Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
Unit: RMB

ItemHalf year of 2022Half year of 2021
I. Cash flows from operating activities  
Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services191,082,575 
Cash received relating to other operating activities39,349,24129,031,997
Subtotal of cash inflow from operating activities230,431,81629,031,997
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees179,110,65277,605,388
Payments of taxes and surcharges7,463,56611,908,472
Cash paid relating to other operating activities16,953,90931,121,887
Sub-total of cash outflows203,528,127120,635,747
Net cash flows from/(used in) operating activities26,903,689-91,603,750
II. Cash flows from investing activities  
Cash received from investment recovery1,988,760,0001,090,000,000
Cash received from investment income664,571,124967,450,288
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets2,477,876101,560
Sub-total of cash inflows2,655,809,0002,057,551,848
Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets3,611,8332,669,478
Cash paid for investing activities2,835,444,0151,839,799,000
Sub-total of cash outflows2,839,055,8481,842,468,478
Net cash flows (used in)/from investing activities-183,246,848215,083,370
III. Cash flows from financing activities  
Cash received from borrowings900,000,000314,000,000
Cash received relating to other financing activities379,666,653143,736,716
Sub-total of cash inflows1,279,666,653457,736,716
Cash repayments of borrowings310,000,000857,300,000
Cash payments for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or profits756,638,060497,947,983
Cash payments relating to other financing activities1,017,256 
Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities1,067,655,3161,355,247,983
Net cash flows (used in)/from financing activities212,011,337-897,511,267
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents1,808,472372,354
V.Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents57,476,650-773,659,293
Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of current period1,960,395,5271,071,200,364
VI. Cash and cash equivalents at end of current period2,017,872,177297,541,071
Legal Representative:Chen Lin Principal in charge of accounting: Wang Wenxin Principal of the financial department:
Wang Wenxin
7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity
Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
Amount of the current period
Unit: RMB

ItemHalf year of 2022        
 Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company      Minority shareholders ' equityTotal shareholders' equity
 Share capitalCapital surplusOther comprehensi ve incomeSpecial reservesSurplus reserveUndistributed profitsSubtotal  
I. Balance at the end of the previous year3,070,692,107596,997,085159,200,5307,296,3971,144,887,5106,450,587,41711,429,661,046436,813,18911,866,474,235
II. Balance at the beginning of current year3,070,692,107596,997,085159,200,5307,296,3971,144,887,5106,450,587,41711,429,661,046436,813,18911,866,474,235
III. Amount of change in current term(“- “for decrease)  6,167,540-5,443,694 387,035,977387,759,8237,416,309395,176,132
(I) Total amount of the comprehensive income  6,167,540  1,001,174,3981,007,341,9387,416,3091,014,758,247
(II) Capital paid in and reduced by owners         
(III) Profit distribution     -614,138,421-614,138,421 -614,138,421
1. Appropriations to owners (or shareholders)     -614,138,421-614,138,421 -614,138,421
(IV) Internal carry-forward of owners’ equity         
(V) Specific reserves   -5,443,694  -5,443,694 -5,443,694
1. Withdrawal in the period   4,853,948  4,853,948 4,853,948
2. Used in the period   10,297,642  10,297,642 10,297,642
(VI) Others         
IV. Balance at the end of the period3,070,692,107596,997,085165,368,0701,852,7031,144,887,5106,837,623,39411,817,420,869444,229,49812,261,650,367

7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity(continued) Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
Amount of the previous period
Unit: RMB

ItemHalf year of 2021        
 Owners’ Equity Attributable to the Parent Company      Minority shareholders' equityTotal shareholders' equity
 Share capitalCapital surplusOther comprehensi ve incomeSpecial reservesSurplus reserveUndistributed profitsSubtotal  
I. Balance at the end of the previous year3,070,692,10 7596,997,085161,816,81910,269,00 21,036,948,4225,336,266,41210,212,989,847402,894,03910,615,883,886
II. Balance at the beginning of current year3,070,692,10 7596,997,085161,816,81910,269,00 21,036,948,4225,336,266,41210,212,989,847402,894,03910,615,883,886
III. Amount of change in current term(“- “for decrease)  1,322,491-1,166,41 0 1,045,448,2541,045,604,33516,460,4391,062,064,774
(I) Total amount of the comprehensive income  1,322,491  1,352,517,4651,353,839,95616,460,4391,370,300,395
(II) Capital paid in and reduced by owners         
(III) Profit distribution     -307,069,211-307,069,211 -307,069,211
1. Appropriations to owners (or shareholders)     -307,069,211-307,069,211 -307,069,211
(IV) Internal carry-forward of owners’ equity         
(V) Specific reserves   -1,166,41 0  -1,166,410 -1,166,410
1. Withdrawal in the period         
2. Used in the period   1,166,410  1,166,410 1,166,410
(VI) Others         
IV. Balance at the end of the period3,070,692,10 7596,997,085163,139,3109,102,5921,036,948,4226,381,714,66611,258,594,182419,354,47811,677,948,660
Legal Representative:Chen Lin Principal in charge of accounting: Wang Wenxin Principal of the financial department:Wang Wenxin (未完)