
时间:2023年03月28日 20:02:03 中财网


Important Information Table of Contents
The Company’s Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors, and senior management hereby guarantee that the contents of the Annual Report are true, accurate, and Chapter 1 Important Information, Table of Contents and Definitions ........ 002complete, and that there are no misrepresentations, misleading statements, or material omissions, and shall assume individual and joint legal liabilities.
Chapter 2 Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators.................. 006Wang Wei, the Company’s legal representative, Ho Chit, Chief Financial Officer (the person in charge
of finance), and Hu Xiaofei, the accounting director, hereby declare and warrant that the financial
Chapter 3 Management Discussion and Analysis ....................... 014report contained herein is true, accurate, and complete.
All directors have attended the Board meeting at which the Annual Report was considered.Chapter 4 Corporate Governance ..................................073Forward-looking statements such as future development plans contained herein do not constitute any undertaking made by the Company to investors. Investors are advised to invest rationally and to take
Chapter 5 Environment and Social Responsibilities ...................... 097into account possible investment risks.
The Company is required to comply with the disclosure requirements about express delivery service Chapter 6 Significant Events ...................................... 100
industries presented in the Self-Regulatory Guidelines for Companies Listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 3 – Industrial Information Disclosure.
Chapter 7 Share Changes and Shareholder Details...................... 121In this Annual Report, the Company details the risk factors and countermeasures that may occur “ ” “
in the future. For more information, refer to Risk and Responses in Section XIII. Prospects of Chapter 8 Preferred Shares ....................................... 129” “ ”

the Company of Chapter 3. Management Discussion and Analysis . Investors shall refer to this information.
Chapter 9 Bonds............................................... 130The profit distribution proposal reviewed and approved by the Company’s Board of Directors is as follows: on the basis of the total share capital at the registration date on which the 2022 annual Chapter 10 Financial Statements ................................... 131profit distribution plan is to be implemented less the special shares repurchased by the Company, a
cash dividend of RMB2.50 (including tax) will be distributed for every 10 shares held. There will be no
bonus shares or conversion of equity reserve into share capital of the Company.List of Documents Available for Inspection Definitions
Term Description
(1) Financial statements signed and sealed by the legal representative, Chief Financial Officer and the accounting director of
Reporting period January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022
the Company.
The same period of
(2) The original copy of audit report containing the seal of the accounting firm and the signature and seal of the certified
January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021
previous year
public accountant.
The Company, the listed
(3) The original copies of all documents and announcements of the Company which have been publicly disclosed in newspapers
S.F. Holding Co., Ltd.
Company, SF Holding, SF
designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission during the Reporting Period.RMB Renminbi
(4) The original text of the 2022 annual report signed by the chairman of the Board of Directors.’
(5) The place where the above documents are maintained: the office of the Company’s Board of Directors. Ma anshan Dingtai Rare Earth and New Materials Co., Ltd., the predecessor of S.F. Holding Co., Ltd., was
Dingtai New Materials
renamed to S.F. Holding Co., Ltd. in February 2017.
Taisen Holding Shenzhen S.F. Taisen Holding (Group) Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of S.F. Holding Co., Ltd..

In December 2016, all assets and liabilities (exchange-out assets) of the Companys predecessor, Dingtai
New Materials, were replaced with the equivalent 100% equity (exchange-in assets) of Taisen Holding
held by all shareholders of Taisen Holding as of December 31, 2015, the valuation benchmark date. The
Major asset restructuring
difference between the exchange-in assets and the exchange-out assets was purchased by Dingtai New Materials, the Company’s predecessor, from all shareholders of Taisen Holding, in the form of issuing
Mingde Holding Shenzhen Mingde Holding Development Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of S.F. Holding Co., Ltd..
Kerry Logistics Network Limited, a company listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
Kerry Logistics
Limited (00636.HK), is a holding subsidiary of S.F. Holding Co., Ltd..SF Intra-city, Intra-city Hangzhou SF Intra-city Industrial Co., Ltd., a company listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of
Industrial Hong Kong Limited (09699.HK) is a holding subsidiary of S.F. Holding Co., Ltd..SF Real Estate Investment Trust, listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
(02191.HK), is an associate of S.F. Holding Co., Ltd..
CSRC China Securities Regulatory Commission
SZSE Shenzhen Stock Exchange
HK Stock Exchange The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
HK SFC The Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong
Information Disclosure and Location of Annual Report
I. Company Information
Stock Exchange Website for the Annual Report Disclosed by
Shenzhen Stock Exchange
the Company
Company Information
Name and Website of Media for the Annual Report Securities Times, Shanghai Securities News, China Securities Journal,
Disclosed by the Company Securities Daily and CNINFO ( www.cninfo.com.cn)Stock Abbreviation SF Holding Stock Code 002352
Place Where the Annual Report is Available for Inspection Office of the BoardStock Exchange Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Chinese Name of the Company 顺丰控股股份有限公司
Chinese Name Abbreviation of the
Registration Changes
Organization Code 91340500150660397M
English Name of the Company (If Any) S.F. Holding Co., Ltd.
Changes in Main Business Since Listing of the Company
English Name Abbreviation of the
There was no change during the Reporting Period.
SF Holding
(If any)
Company (If Any)
Historical Changes in Controlling Shareholders (If any) There was no change during the Reporting Period.
Legal Representative of the Company Wang Wei
Registered address Room 101, Huaide Road No. 46, Huaide Community, Fuyong Street, Bao’an District, Shenzhen
Zip Code of Registered Address 518103 Other Relevant InformationIn January 2018, the registered address of the Company was changed from “Dangtu Industrial Accounting firm engaged by the Company
Park, Ma’anshan City, Anhui Province” to “Room 801, Floor 8, Wanfu Building, No. 303, Fuyong Historical Changes of the Registered Avenue, Bao’an District, ShenzhenAccounting Firm Name PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP
Address of the Company In February 2023, the registered address of the Company was changed from “Room 801, 8/F,
Floor 11, PricewaterhouseCoopers Center, Tower 2 of Link Reit Corporate Wanfu Building, No. 303 Fuyong Avenue, Bao’an District, Shenzhen” to “Room 101, No. 46 Office Address of the Accounting Firm
Plaza, No.202, Hubin Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, ChinaHuaide South Road, Huaide Community, Fuyong Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen”’
Signing Accountants Names Chen Anqiang, Liu Jingping
Block B, TK Chuangzhi Tiandi Building, Keji South 1st Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Office Address
Guangdong Province, China
Sponsor institution engaged by the Company to perform continuous supervision duties during the Reporting Period
Zip Code of Office Address 518057
Name of
Name of Sponsor Continuous
Company Website www.sf-express.com
Office Address of Sponsor Institution Sponsor
Institution Supervision Period
Email [email protected]
Huatai United Securities Co., Floor 27 and Floor 28, Fund Building, No. 5999, Yitian Long Wei, Ning November 19, 2021 to
Ltd. Road, Futian District, Shenzhen Xiaobo December 31, 2022China International Capital Floor 27 and Floor 28, China World Tower 2, No. 1, Tian Dan, Long November 19, 2021 to
Contacts and Contact Methods
Corporation Limited Jianguomenwai Avenue, Beijing Hai December 31, 2022Board Secretary Securities Affairs Representative
Financial adviser engaged by the Company to perform continuous supervision duties during the Reporting Period
Name Ling Gan Jing Zeng
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Block B, TK Chuangzhi Tiandi Building, Keji South Block B, TK Chuangzhi Tiandi Building, Keji South
Address 1st Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong 1st Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong
Province, China Province, China
Tel No. 0755-36395338 0755-36395338
Fax 0755-36646688 0755-36646688
Email [email protected] [email protected]
II. Key Operating and Financial Data
II. Key Operating and Financial Data

00 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022
20202020 20212021 20222022 20202020 20212021 20222022
The volume does neither include the volume of Kerry Logistics express The volume does neither include the volume of Kerry Logistics exprThe volume does neither include the volume of Kerry Logistics express ess
shipments, nor does it include the business volume of the Company's Net assets attributable to the parent
shipments, nor does it include the business volume of the Company's shipments, nor does it include the business volume of the Company's
international freight and agency, and supply chain
Net assets attributable to the parNet assets attributable to the parent ent 3
Gross pro?t
company interinternational frnational freight and agencyeight and agency, and supply chain, and supply chain

1.7% 2.0%
Net pro?t attributable to the parent
1.7%1.7% 2.0%2.0%
Net prNet pro?t attributable to the paro?t attributable to the parent ent 1
Basic earnings per share
Economy express
Economy exprEconomy expressess 39.5%
2.4% 32.8%32.8%

RMBRMB6.176.17billionbillion 44.644.6%% RMBRMB1.271.27//shareshare 36.636.6%% IntrIntra-city on-demand deliva-city on-demand delivereryy
Supply chain and international business
Supply chain and intSupply chain and internaernational businesstional business13.2% Other non-logistics business
13.2%13.2% Other non-logisOther non-logistics businesstics business2.4%
Net pro?t attributable to the parent
Net prNet pro?t attributable to the paro?t attributable to the parent ent 3.2%3.2%
company after deducting non-recurring
12.3%12.3% 9.6%9.6%
company after deducting non-rcompany after deducting non-recurring ecurring 42
Return on net assets
pro?t or loss

1,057.0 1,057.0 989.6 989.6 989.6 800   
2000. 0.50.5%% 2 254.3 22% 2.32.3%% 2 272.9 279.2 279.2 55.5 22..9979.2 10.
255.5 255.5 254.3 254.3 010.410.4%% 78.0 86.186.1 88..00 5586.128.628.6%% 50.0 64.4 64.4 64.4 00..00 
00 Time-de?nite Economy express Freight Cold chain and Intra-city Supply chain and Other non-logistics
1. Net pro?t attributable to the parent refers to the net pro?t attributable to the shareholders of the listed company
TTime-de?nite ime-de?nite Economy expressEconomy express FFreightreight Cold chain and Cold chain and Intra-city Intra-city Supply chain andSupply chain and Other non-logisticsOther non-logistics
express pharmaceuticals on-demand delivery international business business1. 1. Net pro?t attributable to the parent refers to the net pro?t attributable to the shareholders of the listed companyNet pro?t attributable to the parent refers to the net pro?t attributable to the shareholders of the listed company
2. Pro?t attributable to the parent company after deducting non-recurring pro?t or loss refers to the net pro?t attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting non-recurring pro?t or loss
expressexpress pharmaceuticalspharmaceuticals on-demand deliveryon-demand delivery international business international business businessbusiness
2. 2. Pro?t attributable to the parent company after deducting non-recurring pro?t or loss refers to the net pro?t attributable to shPro?t attributable to the parent company after deducting non-recurring pro?t or loss refers to the net pro?t attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting non-recurring pro?t or loareholders of the listed company after deducting non-recurring pro?t or lossss
3. The net assets attributable to the parent refers to the net assets attributable to the shareholders of the listed company
3. 3. The net assets attributable to the parent refers to the net assets attributable to the shareholders of the listed companyThe net assets attributable to the parent refers to the net assets attributable to the shareholders of the listed company
4. Return on net assets represents weighted average return on net assets4. 4. Return on net assets represents weighted average return on net assetsReturn on net assets represents weighted average return on net assets
Financial summary
Gross pro?t Quarterly gross pro?t
Financial summary
Gross pro?t Quarterly gross pro?t

2020 2021 2022 First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth QuarterNet cash flow generated from operating activities 32,702,947 15,357,605 112.94% 11,323,919Note: The Company does not need to retrospectively adjust or restate the accounting data of previous years; the lowest annual net profit before and after the
deduction of non-recurring profit or loss in the most recent three fiscal years is positive, and the audit report of the most recent year shows that there is no
Net pro?t attributable to the parent company Quarterly net pro?t attributable to the parent uncertainty as to the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.
& Net pro?t attributable to the parent company company after deducting non-recurring pro?t after deducting non-recurring pro?t or loss or loss
Changes at this
Units: RMB100 million Units: RMB100 million
to the parent company company after deducting non-recurring company after deducting non-recurring parent company after deducting (RMB’000) End of 2022 End of 2021 compared with End of 2020pro?t or loss
pro?t or loss 2021 non-recurring pro?t or loss 2022
Net pro?t attributable to the parent
to the parent company company after deducting non-recurring company after deducting non-recurring
previous year

2020 2021 2022 First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth QuarterChanges in this
(RMB) 2022 2021 year over the 2020
Assets Net cash ?ow
previous year
Units: RMB100 million
Units: RMB100 million 2021 2022 Basic earnings per share 1.27 0.93 36.56% 1.64to the parent company
Diluted earnings per share 1.27 0.93 36.56% 1.64

Major financial data by quarter Non-recurring profit or loss items and amounts(RMB’000) First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter (RMB’000) 2022 2021 2020 Description
Revenue 62,984,185 67,079,948 69,083,218 68,343,063 Please refer to Note 5(2) of Chapter 10
Investment income from disposal of subsidiaries 32,314 1,808,638 443,625Cost of revenue 55,263,558 58,514,752 60,637,225 59,656,825
Financial Statements
for details.
Gross profit 7,720,627 8,565,196 8,445,993 8,686,238
It mainly represents
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company 1,022,140 1,490,257 1,959,559 1,701,808
Non-current asset disposal gains and losses (including the
374,595 105,502 -52,899 the gains arising from
write-off part of the provision for impairment of assets)
disposal of associates.
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company 911,818 1,236,038 1,715,549 1,473,519
after deducting non-recurring profit or loss
It mainly represents
government subsidies
Net cash flow generated from operating activities 4,807,300 11,905,514 7,663,876 8,326,257Government subsidies included in the current profit and arising from fiscal loss (except for government subsidies that are closely appropriation, tax There is no difference between the above-mentioned financial indicators or their total amount and the relevant financial indicators in the
related to the Company’s normal business operations, 826,447 857,458 1,032,230 refund, grants quarterly and interim reports disclosed by the Company.
and are in line with national policies and are continuously for employment granted on a certain standard or quantitative basis) stabilization, and transportation capacity
Major financial data of operating segments
subsidies, etc.
External income
Gain arises when the investment cost of an enterprise to
obtain subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures is less
(RMB’000) 2022 2021 Year-on-year change
– 2,375 –
than the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets Express segment 138,410,580 132,319,106 4.60% when it obtains the investmentFreight segment 31,354,280 28,356,404 10.57% In addition to the effective hedging business related to
the Company’s normal business operations, the profit or
Intra-city segment 6,567,057 5,117,905 28.32%
loss from fair value changes in holding held-for-trading
financial assets and held-for-trading financial liabilities, as 47,500 151,606 139,467Supply chain and international segment 89,916,599 39,979,632 124.91%well as the investment income from the disposal of held-
for-trading financial assets and held-for-trading financial Undistributed units 1,241,898 1,413,600 -12.15%
Total 267,490,414 207,186,647 29.11%
Reversal of provisions for impairment of accounts
receivable that have been separately tested for 94,297 46,264 –impairment
Net profit
Other non-operating income and expenses other than the
-73,330 -136,453 -153,227

(RMB 000) 2022 2021 Year-on-year change above
Express segment 5,459,146 3,832,187 42.46% Less: Income tax impact 235,481 381,549 196,455Freight segment 27,677 -582,308 104.75% Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (after tax) 229,502 18,942 18,999
Intra-city segment -286,903 -898,851 68.08% Total 836,840 2,434,899 1,193,742Supply chain and international segment 1,945,862 615,252 216.27%Note: The Company does not have other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit or loss; the Company does not define the non-
recurring profit or loss listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public Non-
Undistributed units -122,737 965,462 -112.71% recurring Profit or Loss as recurring profit or loss.Inter-segment elimination -19,425 -12,529 -55.04%
Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standardsTotal 7,003,620 3,919,213 78.70%
1. Difference in the net profit and net assets in the financial reports disclosed in accordance with the International Accounting Standards
and the Chinese Accounting Standards:
(1) The Company carried out multi-network coordination continuously so that the large parcel (generally those are heavier than 20KG with restricted flow
direction and distance) business of time-definite express and economy express business (which are under operation by express segment) were included in the
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
responsibility of the freight organization step by step. Therefore, the data on “large parcel express” was included in the segment data of freight.
2. Difference in the net profit and net assets in the financial reports disclosed in accordance with overseas accounting standards and in
(2) The corresponding relationship between the operating segments and the Company’s principal business segments was: the express segment included time-
definite express and economy express businesses other than large parcel express business included in the responsibility of the large parcel organization
accordance with the Chinese Accounting Standards:
mentioned in item (1), as well as cold shipping and pharmaceutical businesses; the freight segment included the large parcel express business, and freight
business; the intra-city segment was mainly intra-city on-demand delivery business; the supply chain and international segment mainly was international
of a long-term and stable relation between production and of the express delivery market as well as the legitimate rights
I. Industry Review in 2022
marketing, expanding the networks of cold chain logistics in rural and interests of couriers. The “price war” trend of the express
areas and promoting the construction of the infrastructure for delivery market was promptly curbed. (2) In terms of market
the warehousing and storage in the growing areas of different demand, the consumer market growth was slowing down, while
agricultural products, preservation and cold chain logistics in the marketing channels and traffic were more diversified. As
1. Environment and Growth of the Logistics 2. Industry planning and policy directionscounties. (2) In terms of connecting with manufacturers, the new e-commerce platforms (e.g., live streaming and short
I) Chinese government is dedicated to expanding domestic
the State Post Bureau carried out the “5312” project program video clips) were rapidly emerging in the last two years, the
demand and promote economic development, which is
of serving the advanced manufacturing industry with express large platforms and corporate customers paid more attention

I) Chinas macro-economy has achieved a steady growth,
conducive to the recovery of the logistics industry. In
delivery service and the typical project of in-depth integration of to consumer service experience than ever before, and therefore
and its economic operation is more resilient than ever
December 2022, the Central Economic Work Conference made
national express delivery service and the advanced manufacturing asked for shorter delivery time and better service quality. Express
before. In the era of VUCA, the external environment is
clear that “putting forth effort to expand domestic demand and industry. The State Post Bureau was taking the establishment delivery enterprises were given impetus to change the ways
increasingly uncertain. Inflation in Europe and the United States, ”

recover and expand consumption should be prioritized for the and development of pilot zones to a higher level. The following how they compete from “same quality with a lower price” to
rising energy prices, the sluggish consumer spending, geopolitical macro-control of 2023. According to the Outline of the Strategic “ ”actions shall be taken: improving the coverage of express delivery diversities in quality and customer bases . (3) In terms of the
risks, and other factors are affecting the normal development of Plan to Expand Domestic Demand (2022-2035)* (《扩大内需战
facilities and services in manufacturing parks; establishing direct supply of the logistics industry, “the Matthew effect” remained.
global economy and trade. Even though being confronted with 略规划纲要(2022-2035 年)》) issued by the Central Committee links between production and marketing for key express delivery According to the data published by the State Post Bureau, the
numerous difficulties, China’s economic operation is generally of the Chinese Community Party and the State Council and the enterprises and key manufacturers to establish mutually beneficial, CR8 of express delivery service brands of 2022 was 84.5%, higher
stable, highlighting its development resilience. According to Implementation Plan for Expanding Domestic Demand During the all win, long-term and stable strategic cooperative relations. than 80.5% of 2021, and the concentration ratio was further
the data published by National Bureau of Statistics, the annual “14th Five-Year Plan” Period* 《( “十四五”扩大内需战略实施方案》) (3) In terms of going overseas, express delivery enterprises improved. However, in the context of the slowdown of upstream
GDP of China totaled RMB121.02 trillion in 2022, representing issued by the National Development and Reform Commission,
and advanced manufacturers are encouraged to cooperate with incremental demand and the limited space for cutting costs,
an increase of 3.0% over the previous year at constant prices. expanding domestic demand has become an important part
each other to set up an independent, controllable, safe and the competition among leading express delivery enterprises was
China has the world’s second largest economy by GDP. China’s ’
of China s policies. Expanding domestic demand will bring
reliable international postal and delivery logistics supply chain, intensifying. Express delivery enterprises actively promoted service
total import & export values totaled RMB42.07 trillion in 2022, opportunities to the development of the logistics industry as support express delivery enterprises to actively develop overseas and products stratification, enhanced networks capabilities, and
representing an increase of 7.7% over the previous year. The total consumption and manufacturing recover.
businesses, improve the capacity of domestic and international improved outlets service. The competition in the logistics industry
value of exports showed a year-on-year increase of 10.5%.
postal and delivery hubs, develop multi-modal transport featuring has gradually shifted from the price war to the competition for
II) China vigorously promotes the construction of modern
land transport, water transport and air transport, improve the service quality, differentiation and diversities in services and the
II) The size of the consumer market in 2022 was flat
logistics. In May 2022, the State Council issued the Plan for international comprehensive transport capacity, and enhance the stability of networks.compared to that in 2021, and online shopping penetration
Modern Logistics Development During the “14th Five-Year Plan” stability of the industrial chain.
rate increased in 2022. The demands for domestic consumer
Period, which is the first national five-year plan in the field of II) Industry integration through mergers and acquisitions
market are yet to recover. According to the data published by the modern logistics, making clear that promoting the modernization IV) The logistics industry development focuses on intelligent continued in China. Concentration ratio of express delivery
National Bureau of Statistics, the total retail sales of consumer of the logistics industry has national strategic significance. and green logistics. (1) According to the Plan for Modern industry remained high in 2022, whereas that of other logistics
goods of 2022 was RMB43.97 trillion, representing a decrease of (1) The logistics infrastructure has been comprehensively
Logistics Development During the “14th Five-Year Plan” Period, sectors in China (e.g., less-than-truck-load transport, cold chains,
0.2% over the previous year. The retail sales of goods increased improved, and China will vigorously support the construction the following actions shall be taken: accelerating the digital integrated logistics and cross-border logistics) were still low.
by 0.5%, and the catering revenue decreased by 6.3%. The online of national logistics hubs, international transit hubs, air cargo

transformation of logistics, promoting the transformation According to the list of Chinas Top 50 logistics Enterprises for
retail sales of physical goods of 2022 in China were RMB11.96 hubs, high-speed rail freight, cold chain logistics and other
and upgradation of logistics infrastructure by classification, the Year 2022*(2022 年度中国物流企业50强) published by
trillion, representing a year-on-year increase of 6.2%. The infrastructure. (2) Industry standards have been improved, and the
accelerating the construction of relevant facilities of the China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing, the total revenue
percentage of the online retail sales of physical goods in the total logistics standard specification system has been further improved.
internet of things (IoT), developing new logistics infrastructure of the top 50 logistics enterprises on the list for the year 2022
Standardized, containerized and modular logistics loading tools retail sales of consumer goods in 2022 was 27.2%, representing (e.g. intelligent logistics hubs, intelligent logistics parks, was RMB1.94 trillion, accounting for approximately 15% of the
and packaging basic modules have been widely used. (3) The
a year-on-year increase of 2.7%. The penetration rate of online intelligent warehouse logistics bases, intelligent ports and revenue of the entire logistics market, which indicated that the
innovation ability and competitiveness of enterprises have been shopping further increased. digital warehouses), expanding the commercial application concentration ratio of China’s logistics market was relatively low,
significantly enhanced, encouraging the digital transformation scenarios of intelligent logistics, promoting the application of thus huge potential for industry integration. International logistics
III) The logistics market was under short-term pressure, and of the logistics industry, promoting the integrated development automation, unmanned and intelligent logistics technologies and giants all expand through continuous mergers, acquisitions and
China’s express delivery sector was still growing. Logistics is of the logistics industry and manufacturing industry, cultivating equipment, automatic perception, automatic control, intelligent integration. The size of China’s logistics market has the potential
the weatherglass of the economy. In 2022, the domestic logistics backbone logistics enterprises and well-known service brands with decision-making technologies and other technologies. (2) Relevant to cultivate the world’s leading logistics players. With the
industry was under pressures from limited demand and rising international competitiveness, and supporting the development policies laid stress on the importance of green logistics. The State gradual macroeconomic recovery, it is expected that the logistics
costs, which disturbed both the demand and supply of the logistic of “specialized, proficient, special and new” modern logistics Post Bureau launched the “9917” program of green development, industry’s domestic and foreign investment and financing as well
supply chain, but the overall operation was stable. According to enterprises.
focusing on promoting logistics enterprises to strengthen green as the integration through M&As will become more active than
the data published by China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing, energy conservation and low-carbon management, strengthen ever before.“
III) Encouraging the express delivery enterprises to cover
the average Logistics Prosperity Index of 2022 was 48.5%,
the research and development and application of new green
rural areas, connect with manufacturers and go overseas”
III) Continuous transformation of logistics services towards down by 4.9 percentage points as compared to last year. The logistics technologies and equipment, promote the use of recycled has become the long-term development plan of the country
digital supply chains. The digital era features more diversified total cost of social logistics was RMB17.8 trillion, representing packaging, reduce excessive packaging and secondary packaging, for the express delivery industry. (1) In terms of covering business models and channels with less middlemen than ever
a year-on-year increase of 4.4%. The percentage of the total and accelerate the standardization of the logistics industry. The rural areas, some of the proposals of the Opinions on Effectively before. The production and supply model has shifted from
cost of social logistics in GDP was 14.7%. According to the data Company saw effective improvement in green express packaging Completing the Key Work of Comprehensively Promoting
producing on a large scale to a small scale and delivering
published by the State Post Bureau, 110.58 billion deliveries were in 2022. Nearly 15 million recyclable express boxes were placed, Rural Revitalization in 2022 (Document No. 1 of the Central in batches. Therefore, an increasing number of enterprise
made in China in 2022, representing a year-on-year increase of and 700 million corrugated boxes were recycled and reused
Government for 2022) are as follows: To speed up the network customers have begun to build a consumer-centric, flexible, 2.1%. In terms of parcel volume, China has ranked first in the respectively by delivery companies throughout the year.
development of express delivery service networks in rural areas, to agile and responsive digital supply chain system to adapt to world for nine years in a row. The revenue of China’s express carry out the program of “express delivery covering rural areas* the current market competition environment. Logistics players delivery business of 2022 was RMB1.06 trillion, representing a 3. Industry landscape, competition and
(快递进村)”, encouraging the development of integrated stations pay more attention to their own digital construction to improve year-on-year increase of 2.3%. The Average Selling Price (ASP) development
featuring passenger transport, freight transport and postal service service efficiency and network flexibility. The application of increased steadily, indicating that the express delivery industry in in villages and towns and integrated stations of postal and delivery advanced logistics technology and in-depth cooperation with China was heading for high-quality development. I) Express delivery industry focuses on service quality
enterprises and logistics enterprises in rural areas, promoting the industry customers help to promote the digital transformation competition. (1) In terms of industry supervision, the government unified delivery for counties, townships and villages, speeding up of customers’ supply chains, and reduce costs and increase strengthens the guidance and supervision of the express industry IV) Map out their global service networks and build stable officially in 2022, and SF Terminal Forwarding center* (顺丰枢纽
II. Business development of the Company
international supply chains. It is increasingly urgent to regain 转运中心) will go into operation officially in 2023 center, they will
“ ”

the vitality of taking the place of Made in China on the become an important strategic infrastructure for the Company
international market. The global networks and operation capacity to follow the dual circulation strategy, build a central land-sea
SF Holding is the largest integrated logistics service provider in China and the fourth largest in the world. Focusing on the logistics
of logistics industry give strong backing to the establishment corridor and an air transport corridor, and help the Company
ecosystem, the Company has consistently built on its service capabilities, and has diversified into eight segments, namely time-definite
“ ” “
of the external (international) circulation . As the Made in develop logistics networks with international competitiveness,
express, economy express, freight, cold chain and pharmaceutical, intra-city on-demand delivery, supply chain and international business

China and Chinese brands are embedded in the global value connecting China with the rest of the world.
(including international express, international freight and freight forwarding, and supply chain), which can provide customers with domestic
chains with increasingly prominent positions, and they need II) The Company stays ahead of its competitors in multiple
and international end-to-end one-stop supply chain services. Meanwhile, leveraging our leading technology research and development
to be supported by services of logistics networks with a global logistics segments. Relying on the fast, punctual and safe
capabilities, we will strive to create a digital supply chain ecosystem, and become a front runner in the global smart supply chain.
coverage. Cross-border e-commerce has developed rapidly, and door-to-door service capability, the Company’s time-definite its potentialities are further brought into play. According to the express business holds a safe lead in the domestic market. After Business Segments
data published by the National Bureau of Statistics, the import years of incubation and M&A integration, the Company also

and export values of Chinas cross-border e-commerce totaled IV) Map out their global service networks and build stable officially in 2022, and SF Terminal Forwarding center* (顺丰枢纽
II. Business development of the Company
international supply chains. It is increasingly urgent to regain 转运中心) will go into operation officially in 2023 center, they will
“ ”

the vitality of taking the place of Made in China on the become an important strategic infrastructure for the Company
international market. The global networks and operation capacity to follow the dual circulation strategy, build a central land-sea
SF Holding is the largest integrated logistics service provider in China and the fourth largest in the world. Focusing on the logistics
of logistics industry give strong backing to the establishment corridor and an air transport corridor, and help the Company
ecosystem, the Company has consistently built on its service capabilities, and has diversified into eight segments, namely time-definite
“ ” “
of the external (international) circulation . As the Made in develop logistics networks with international competitiveness,
express, economy express, freight, cold chain and pharmaceutical, intra-city on-demand delivery, supply chain and international business

China and Chinese brands are embedded in the global value connecting China with the rest of the world.
(including international express, international freight and freight forwarding, and supply chain), which can provide customers with domestic
chains with increasingly prominent positions, and they need II) The Company stays ahead of its competitors in multiple
and international end-to-end one-stop supply chain services. Meanwhile, leveraging our leading technology research and development
to be supported by services of logistics networks with a global logistics segments. Relying on the fast, punctual and safe
capabilities, we will strive to create a digital supply chain ecosystem, and become a front runner in the global smart supply chain.
coverage. Cross-border e-commerce has developed rapidly, and door-to-door service capability, the Company’s time-definite its potentialities are further brought into play. According to the express business holds a safe lead in the domestic market. After Business Segments
data published by the National Bureau of Statistics, the import years of incubation and M&A integration, the Company also

and export values of Chinas cross-border e-commerce totaled
Provide cost-effective and quality-guaranteed delivery services mainly for e-commerce platforms and merchants “SF Express” operates a self-operated network to serve e-commerce platforms and merchants calling for excellent user experience and stable time efciency with door-to-door delivery; “Fengwang Express” has a franchise network to serve lower-tier e-commerce market players with affordable pricing adopted; Economy Express Integrated warehousing and distribution service to serve warehousing needs with several service and pricing levels, with nationwide sub-warehouses, smart cloud-based warehouses etc. 
FrMainly for customers in manufacturing and commercial distribution sectors with demand for large parcel distribution and bulk transport Large parcel by land: Provide large parcels for B2C e-commerce, with allocation from B2C store/ less-than-carload freight for large parcel/transportation in vehicles; Extended services: large parcel warehousing and distribution, moving, store distribution, delivery and installation integration, and other scenarios; eight SF Freight operates a self-operated network to serve high-end customers while SX Freight franchise network is oriented to lower-tier e-commerce markets.
Mainly for customers from three sectors: seasonal fresh food, frozen food and pharmaceutical Fresh food speedy distribution: Distribute over 4,000 types of farm produce across the country from place of origin to consumers; Cold chain food transport: Provide high-standard end-to-end temperature-controlled cold chain services in eluding multi-temperature section controlled storage, less-than-truck load/special truck transport, distribution to stores and consumers; Cold Chain and Pharmaceutical logistics: Serve clients throughout the pharmaceutical industrial chain, capable of conducting multi-temperature section control Pharmaceutical transportation (from -80°C to 25°), and GSP certied pharmaceutical cold storage service. 
 Ch rma
Provide on-demand distribution service mainly for restaurants, retail/e-commerce merchants, individuals and enterprises; Intra-City Provide exclusive, concessionary and value-added To B services, and To C product system integrating features of “Fetch for Me, Deliver for Me, Purchase for Me, Solve for Me” and city-wide on -demand delivery services within average 1 hour. On-demand Delivery Supply Chain and International Provide domestic and foreign manufacturers, trading enterprises, cross-border e-commerce merchants and consumers with international express delivery, overseas local express, cross-border e-commerce parcel and overseas warehouse services International express: High timeliness standard services that meet the needs of cross-border expedite delivery, including high-quality international International standard express and economical international special products; Express International e-commerce: Cost-effective and economical services that meet the needs of cross-border e-commerce, including efcient international e-commerce express and economical international small parcels; Overseas local express: covering Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries. 
the world. By adhering to long-term sustainable and healthy (未完)