
时间:2023年04月24日 19:12:41 中财网


Stock Code: 000026; 200026 Abbreviation of the Stock: FIYTA; FIYTA B Announcement No.: 2023-023
FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
2023 First Quarter Report

The Company and all members of the Board of Directors ensure that the information disclosed is authentic, accurate and complete, and there are no false records, misleading statements or significant omissions.
Important Notice:
1. The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior executives hereby individually
and collectively accept responsibility for the correctness, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this Report
and confirm that there are neither material omissions nor errors which would render any statement misleading.

2. The Company leader, the chief financial officer, and the manager of the accounting department (treasurer) hereby
confirm the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the financial report enclosed in this Quarter Report.

3. Has the First Quarter Report been audited

I. Financial Highlights
(I) Summary of Accounting/Financial Data

Does the Company need to make retroactive adjustment or restatement of the accounting data of the previous year

 Reporting periodSame period of the previous yearYear-on-year increase/decrease in the reporting period over the same period of the previous year (%)
Revenue in CNY1,200,095,568.761,173,700,720.942.25%
Net profit attributable to the Company’s shareholders, in CNY103,189,489.2386,354,073.7619.50%
Net profit attributable to the Company’s shareholders less the non-recurring items, in CNY95,484,229.7984,104,404.0613.53%
Net cash flows arising from operating activities, in CNY80,169,964.0016,020,422.02400.42%
Basic earning per share (CNY/share)0.25050.208320.26%
Diluted earning per share (CNY/share)0.25050.208320.26%
Return on equity, weighted average3.23%2.84%0.39%
 End of the reporting periodEnd of the previous yearIncrease/decrease at the end of the year over the end of the previous year (%)
Total assets (in CNY)4,100,025,213.234,117,143,911.99-0.42%
Owner’s equity attributable to the Company’s shareholders, in CNY3,252,796,335.913,136,423,492.153.71%
(II) Non-recurring gain/loss items and the amounts involved
ItemsAmount in the reporting periodNotes
Gain/loss from disposal of non-current assets, including the part written-off with the provision for impairment of assets.-73,523.67 
The government subsidies included in the profits and losses of the current period ( (excluding government grants which are closely related to the Company’s normal business and conform with the national standard amount or quantity)2,825,263.25 
Reversal of provision for impairment of accounts receivable that has been separately tested for impairment968,041.01 
Other non-operating income and expenses with the aforesaid items exclusive259,239.00 
Other gains and losses in compliance with the definition of non- recurring gains and losses.5,904,091.45Offsetting of the equity incentive expense with the unlocking condition unsatisfied.
Less: Amount affected by the income tax2,177,851.60 

Details of other gains and losses in compliance with the definition of non-recurring gains and losses.

Explanation on defining the non-recurring gains and losses listed in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on
Information Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public as recurring gains and losses
(III) Statement of Change in the Major Accounting Data and Financial Indicators and the Causes

ItemsEnding balanceOpening balancePercentage of changeCause of the change
Advance payments12,511,922.878,039,794.9755.62%Mainly due to increase of the advance payment for purchase of drive units and raw materials during the reporting period.
Advance receipts10,651,706.8016,960,128.83-37.20%Mainly due to decrease in advance receipts from the property business.
Payroll payable to employees95,190,163.89136,587,939.38-30.31%Mainly due to the year-end bonus paid already during the reporting period.
ItemsAmount incurred in the reporting periodAmount incurred in the previous periodPercentage of changeCause of the change
Interest expenses2,990,967.605,184,394.84-42.31%Mainly due to a decrease in loan interest and amortization interest on lease liabilities.
Other income2,825,263.254,320,020.38-34.60%Mainly due to the decrease of government subsidies received.
II. Information of the Shareholders
(I) Total number of the common shareholders and preferred shareholders whose voting rights are restored
and shares held by the top 10 shareholders

Total common shareholders at the end of the reporting period34,163Total preference shareholders with the voting power recovered at the end of the reporting period (if any)0   
Shareholding by top 10 shareholders      
Names of the ShareholdersNature of the shareholderShareholdin g proportion (%)Number of shares heldNumber of the restricted shares heldPledging, marking or freezing 
     Status of the sharesQuantity
AVIC International Holding LimitedState corporate39.02%162,977,3270.00  
# Wu JilinDomestic natural person3.99%16,657,9760.00  
Xu GuoliangDomestic natural person1.04%4,333,6680.00  
Qiu HongDomestic natural person0.59%2,470,0000.00  
Guoxin Investment Co., Ltd.State legal entity0.58%2,441,5000.00  
China Merchants Securities (HK) Co., LimitedForeign legal entity0.31%1,294,8170.00  
# Qu YongjieDomestic natural person0.30%1,266,8000.00  
#Zhu RuiDomestic natural person0.29%1,229,7000.00  
Chen HaoDomestic natural person0.26%1,079,2430.00  
# Zhang MingrongDomestic natural person0.24%1,022,2000.00  
Shares held by top 10 shareholders of unrestricted shares      
Names of the ShareholdersQuantity of unrestricted shares heldShare type    
  Share typeQuantity   
AVIC International Holding Limited162,977,327CNY ordinary shares162,977,327   
# Wu Jilin16,657,976CNY ordinary shares16,657,976   
Xu Guoliang4,333,668CNY ordinary shares4,333,668   
Qiu Hong2,470,000CNY ordinary shares2,470,000   
Guoxin Investment Co., Ltd.2,441,500CNY ordinary shares2,441,500   
China Merchants Securities (HK) Co., Limited1,294,817Domestic listed foreign investment shares1,294,817   
# Qu Yongjie1,266,800CNY ordinary shares1,266,800   
#Zhu Rui1,229,700CNY ordinary shares1,229,700   
Chen Hao1,079,243CNY ordinary shares1,079,243   
# Zhang Mingrong1,022,200CNY ordinary shares1,022,200   
Explanation on associated relationship or consistent action of the above shareholdersThe Company has no idea on whether the above 10 shareholders are associated or are acting in concert.     
Note to the top 10 shareholders involved in margin financing & securities lending (if any)1. In addition to the 9,825,624 shares held through the ordinary securities account, Wu Jilin, one of the shareholders of the Company, also holds 6,832,352 shares through the credit transaction guarantee securities account. Therefore, Wu Jilin is actually holding 16,657,976 shares; 2. In addition to the 22,800 shares held through the ordinary securities account, Qu Yongjie, one of the shareholders of the Company, also holds 1,244,000 shares through the credit transaction guarantee securities account. Therefore, Qu Yongjie is actually holding 1,266,800 shares;     

 3. In addition to the 92,000 shares held through the ordinary securities account, Zhu Rui, one of the shareholders of the Company, also holds 1,137,700 shares through the credit transaction guarantee securities account. Therefore, Zhu Rui is actually holding 1,229,700 shares; 4. In addition to the 0 shares held through the ordinary securities account, Zhang Mingrong, one of the shareholders of the Company, also holds 1,022,200 shares through the credit transaction guarantee securities account. Therefore, Zhang Mingrong is actually holding 1,022,200 shares;
(II) Total Preference Shareholders and the Shareholding by the Top 10 Preference Shareholders Inapplicable
III. Note to other significant events
1. Matters in Connection with 2018 Restricted A-Share Incentive Scheme (Phase I) Reviewed and approved at the 10th session of the Tenth Board of Directors, the Company satisfied the conditions for
releasing the trading restriction in the third trading restriction release period of the Company's 2018 Restricted Stock
Incentive Scheme (Phase I) and the 1.16232 million restricted A-shares involved were listed for trading on January 31,
2023. For the details, please refer to the "Indicative Announcement on the Listing of the Restricted Shares for Trading
of the Third Trading Restriction Release Period in the 2018 A-Share Restricted Stock Incentive Scheme (Phase I)
2023-002” disclosed in http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

2. Matters in Connection with 2018 Restricted A-Share Incentive Scheme (Phase II) Reviewed and approved at the 10th session of the Tenth Board of Directors, the Company satisfied the conditions for
releasing the trading restriction in the first trading restriction release period of the Company's 2018 A-Share Restricted
Stock Incentive Scheme (Phase II) and the 2.27439 million restricted A-shares involved were listed for trading on
January 31, 2023. For the details, please refer to the "Indicative Announcement on the Listing of the Restricted Shares
for Trading of the First Trading Restriction Release Period in the 2018 A-Share Restricted Stock Incentive Scheme
(Phase II) 2023-001” disclosed in http://www.cninfo.com.cn.
Reviewed and approved at the 11th session of the Tenth Board of Directors, as four of the incentive grantees in the
incentive scheme left their offices, the Company intended to repurchase and cancel a total of 146,740 restricted A-
shares in their hands which had been granted to them but had not been released from the trading restrictions; as the
conditions for releasing the trading restriction in the second trading restriction release period of the Incentive Scheme
had not yet been satisfied, the Company intended to handle the repurchase and cancellation of the shares with the
conditions for releasing the trading restriction unsatisfied held by 120 incentive grantees with a total of 2,201,130
shares involved. The above matter still need to be submitted to 2022 Annual General Meeting for review and approval.
For the details, please refer to the "Indicative Announcement on Repurchase and Cancellation of Partial Restricted
Shares in the 2018 A-Share Restricted Stock Incentive Scheme (Phase II) 2023-013” and the “Announcement on the
Conditions for Releasing the Trading Restriction of the Second Trading Restriction Release Period in the 2018 A-
Share Restricted Stock Incentive Scheme (Phase II) Unsatisfied and Repurchase and Cancellation of Partial
Restricted Shares 2023-014” disclosed in http://www.cninfo.com.cn.
3. Repurchase of Partial Domestically Listed Foreign Investment Shares (B-Shares) Reviewed and approved at the 11th session of the Tenth Board of Directors, the Company intended to use its own
funds of no less than CNY 50 million but no more than CNY 100 million to repurchase 6.66 million to 13.32 million B-
shares by means of the centralized bidding transaction for deregistration and reduction of the registered capital. This
matter still needs to be submitted to the 2022 Annual General Meeting for review and approval. For the detail, please
refer to the “Proposal for Repurchasing Partial Domestically Listed Foreign Investment Shares (B-Shares) as
Repurchased and the Change of the Company’s Shares 2023-015”disclosed in http://www.cninfo.com.cn on March 18,
IV. Quarterly Financial Statements
(I) Financial Statements
1. Consolidated Balance Sheet
Prepared by FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
March 31, 2023

ItemsEnding balanceOpening balance
Current assets:  
Monetary capital348,095,993.14313,747,463.64
Settlement reserve  
Inter-bank lending  
Transactional financial assets  
Derivative financial assets  
Notes receivable23,746,911.5132,214,912.10
Accounts receivable368,140,156.62305,290,959.68
Financing with accounts receivable  
Advance payment12,511,922.878,039,794.97
Receivable premium  
Reinsurance accounts receivable  
Reserve for reinsurance contract receivable  
Other receivables58,383,934.7656,918,019.48
Including: Interest receivable  
Dividends receivable  
Redemptory monetary capital for sale  
Contract assets  
Held-for-sale assets  
Non-current assets due within a year  
Other current assets51,062,882.8966,339,505.32
Total current assets2,952,117,065.212,923,871,028.86
Non-current assets:  
Loan issuing and advance in cash  
Equity investment  
Other equity investment  
Long term accounts receivable  
Long-term equity investments58,182,086.9058,182,086.90
Investment in other equity instruments85,000.0085,000.00
Other non-current financial assets  
Investment-oriented real estate371,059,873.30374,979,494.71
Fixed assets359,287,572.07364,628,765.17
Productive biological asset  
Oil and Gas Assets  
Use right assets92,504,408.52110,330,512.03
Intangible assets32,251,415.4033,200,218.63
Development expenses  
Long term expenses to be apportioned129,941,028.99144,488,452.18
Deferred income tax asset92,849,263.8295,784,611.94
Other non-current assets11,747,499.0211,593,741.57
Total non-current assets1,147,908,148.021,193,272,883.13
Total assets4,100,025,213.234,117,143,911.99
Current liabilities:  
Short term borrowings290,224,736.11290,237,111.11
Borrowings from the central bank  
Loans from other banks  
Transactional financial liabilities  
Derivative financial liabilities  
Notes payable2,000,600.002,000,600.00
Accounts payable124,137,573.10170,589,456.67
Advance receipts10,651,706.8016,960,128.83
Contract liabilities14,956,720.7116,844,437.47
Money from sale of the repurchased financial assets  
Deposits taking and interbank placement  
Acting trading securities  
Income from securities underwriting on commission  
Payroll payable to employees95,190,163.89136,587,939.38
Taxes payable64,283,879.1260,770,168.30
Other payables142,432,724.66165,060,122.58
Including: interest payable  
Dividends payable3,423,458.726,324,013.97
Service charge and commission payable  
Payable reinsurance  
Held-for-sale liabilities  
Non-current liabilities due within a year60,494,208.9771,546,316.16
Other current liabilities1,902,319.631,686,806.01
Total current liabilities806,274,632.99932,283,086.51
Non-current liabilities:  
Reserve for insurance contract  
Long-term borrowings  
Bonds payable  
Including: preferred shares  
Perpetual bond  
Lease liabilities34,335,209.1241,642,561.58
Long-term accounts payable  
Long term payroll payable to employees  
Estimated liabilities  
Deferred income1,295,926.801,295,926.80
Deferred income tax liability5,323,108.415,498,844.95
Other non-current liabilities  
Total non-current liabilities40,954,244.3348,437,333.33
Total liabilities847,228,877.32980,720,419.84
Owner’s equity:  
Capital stock417,627,960.00417,627,960.00
Other equity instruments  
Including: preferred shares  
Perpetual bond  
Capital reserve1,002,934,806.101,007,086,643.48
Less: shares in stock31,260,789.4550,759,806.16
Other comprehensive income3,250,523.125,739,589.89
Special reserve2,337,306.882,012,064.91
Surplus reserve275,010,401.50275,010,401.50
Reserve against general risks  
Retained earnings1,582,896,127.761,479,706,638.53
Total owners’ equity attributable to the parent company3,252,796,335.913,136,423,492.15
Minority shareholders’ equity  
Total owner’s equity3,252,796,335.913,136,423,492.15
Total liabilities and owners’ equity4,100,025,213.234,117,143,911.99
Legal representative: Zhang Xuhua Chief Financial Officer: Song Yaoming Person in charge of the Accounting
Department: Tian Hui
2. Consolidated Profit Statement

ItemsAmount incurred in the reporting periodAmount incurred in the previous period
I. Turnover1,200,095,568.761,173,700,720.94
Including: operating income1,200,095,568.761,173,700,720.94
Interest income  
Earned insurance premium  
Service charge and commission income  
II. Total operating costs1,070,094,479.271,065,454,948.14
Including: Operating costs767,722,882.96725,288,861.90
Interest payment  
Service charge and commission payment  
Surrender Value  
Compensation expenses, net  
Provision of reserve for insurance liabilities, net  
Payment of policy dividend  
Reinsurance expenses  
Taxes and surcharges7,087,405.976,623,183.80
Sales costs228,113,224.28257,444,571.92
Administrative expenses48,007,102.0355,399,290.60
R & D expenditures13,175,703.5912,984,545.64
Financial expenses5,988,160.447,714,494.28
Where: Interest cost2,990,967.605,184,394.84
Interest income873,024.53750,842.75
Plus: Other income2,825,263.254,320,020.38
Investment income (loss is stated with “-”)  
Including: return on investment in associate and joint venture  
Gain from the derecognition of the financial assets measured at amortised cost  
Exchange income (loss stated with “-“)  
Net exposure hedge income (loss stated with “-“)  
Income from change of fair value (loss is stated with “-”)  
Loss from impairment of credit (loss is stated with “-”)-240,194.8629,964.40
Loss from impairment of assets (loss is stated with “-”)  
Income from disposal of-73,523.67-729,742.09
assets (loss is stated with “-“)  
III. Operating Profit (loss is stated with “-”)132,512,634.21111,866,015.49
Plus: Non-operating income480,647.9873,317.70
Less: Non-operating expenses221,408.98769,784.25
IV. Total profit (total loss is stated with “-”)132,771,873.21111,169,548.94
Less: Income tax expense29,582,383.9824,815,475.18
V. Net Profit (net loss is stated with “- ”)103,189,489.2386,354,073.76
(I) Classification based on operation sustainability  
1. Net Profit from sustainable operation (net loss is stated with “-”)103,189,489.2386,354,073.76
2. Net Profit from termination of operation (net loss is stated with “-”)  
(II) Classification by ownership  
1. Net profit attributable to the parent company’s owner103,189,489.2386,354,073.76
2. Minority shareholders’ gain/loss  
VI. Net of other comprehensive income after tax-2,489,066.77-48,552.58
Net of other comprehensive income after tax attributable to the parent company’s owner-2,489,066.77-48,552.58
(I) Other comprehensive income which cannot be re-classified into gain and loss  
1. Remeasurement of the change amount in the defined benefit plan  
2. Other comprehensive income which cannot be converted into gain and loss based on the equity method  
3. Movement of the fair value of the investment in other equity instruments  
4. Movement of the fair value of the Company’s own credit risk  
5. Others  
(II) Other comprehensive income which shall be re-classified into gain and loss-2,489,066.77-48,552.58
1. Other comprehensive income which can be converted into gain and loss based on the equity method  
2. Movement of the fair value of other creditor’s right investment  
3. Amount of the reclassified financial assets counted to the other comprehensive income  
4. Provision for impairment of the credit of the other creditor's right investment  
5. Reserve for cash flow hedge  
6. Conversion difference in foreign currency statements-2,489,066.77-48,552.58
7. Others  
Net amount of other comprehensive income after tax attributable to minority shareholders  
VII. Total comprehensive income100,700,422.4686,305,521.18
Total comprehensive income attributable to the parent company’s owner100,700,422.4686,305,521.18
Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders  
VIII. Earnings per share:  
(I) Basic earnings per share0.25050.2083
(II) Diluted earnings per share0.25050.2083
Legal representative: Zhang Xuhua Chief Financial Officer: Song Yaoming Person in charge of the Accounting
Department: Tian Hui
3. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

ItemsAmount incurred in the reporting periodAmount incurred in the previous period
I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:  
Cash received from sales of goods and supply of services1,268,572,542.491,341,476,147.74
Net increase of customers’ deposit and due from banks  
Net increase of borrowings from the central bank  
Net increase of borrowings from other financial institutions  
Cash received from the premium of the original insurance contract  
Net cash received from the reinsurance business  
Net increase of the reserve from policy holders and investment  
Cash received from interest, service charge and commission  
Net increase of loan from other banks  
Net increase of fund from repurchase business  
Net cash received from securities trading on commission  
Rebated taxes received612,797.28448,081.85
Other operation activity related cash receipts14,811,953.0413,508,738.54
Subtotal of cash flow in from operating activity1,283,997,292.811,355,432,968.13
Cash paid for purchase of goods and reception of labor services848,501,717.56950,732,002.36
Net increase of loans and advances to customers  
Net increase of due from central bank and due from other banks  
Cash from payment for settlement of the original insurance contract  
Net increase of the lending capital  
Cash paid for interest, service charge and commission  
Cash for payment of policy dividend  
Cash paid to and for staff197,287,320.08234,412,020.13
Taxes paid69,642,205.2369,645,546.92
Other business activity related88,396,085.9484,622,976.70
cash payments  
Subtotal of cash flow out from operating activity1,203,827,328.811,339,412,546.11
Net cash flows arising from operating activities80,169,964.0016,020,422.02
II. Cash flow arising from investment activities:  
Cash received from recovery of investment  
Cash received from investment income  
Net cash from disposal of fixed assets,intangible assets and recovery of other long term assets858.163,705.21
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other operating units  
Other investment activity related cash receipts  
Subtotal of cash flow in from investment activity858.163,705.21
Cash paid for construction/purchase of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long term assets13,729,006.7729,038,120.17
Cash paid for investment  
Net increase of the pledged loan  
Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other operation units  
Other investment activity related cash payments  
Subtotal of cash flow out from investment activity13,729,006.7729,038,120.17
Net cash flow arising from investment activities:-13,728,148.61-29,034,414.96
III. Cash flow arising from fund- raising activities:  
Cash received from absorbing investment  
Incl.: Cash received from the subsidiaries’ absorption of minority shareholders’ investment  
Cash received from loans150,000,000.00593,052,257.18
Other fund raising activity related cash receipts  
Subtotal of cash flow in from fund raising activity150,000,000.00593,052,257.18
Cash paid for debt repayment150,000,000.00500,000,000.00
Cash paid for dividend/profit distribution or repayment of interest4,779,458.024,471,210.32
Including: Dividend and profit paid by the subsidiaries to minority shareholders  
Other investment activity related cash payments26,933,476.3367,053,433.45
Sub-total cash flow paid for financing activities181,712,934.35571,524,643.77
Net cash flow arising from fund- raising activities-31,712,934.3521,527,613.41
IV. Change of exchange rate influencing the cash and cash equivalent-380,351.54-463,710.47
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents34,348,529.508,049,910.00
Plus: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents313,747,463.64210,254,737.14
VI. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents348,095,993.14218,304,647.14
Legal representative: Zhang Xuhua Chief Financial Officer: Song Yaoming Person in charge of the Accounting (未完)