
时间:2023年04月24日 19:43:09 中财网

Stock Code: 000553(200553) Stock Abbreviation: ADAMA A(B) Announcement No. 2023-19 The Company and all members of its board of directors hereby confirm that all information disclosed herein is true, accurate and complete with no false or misleading statement or material omission.

ADAMA Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) is a global leader in crop protection, providing solutions to farmers across the world to combat weeds, insects and disease. ADAMA has one of the widest and most diverse portfolios of active ingredients in the world, state-of-the art R&D, manufacturing and formulation facilities, together with a culture that empowers our people in markets around the world to listen to farmers and ideate from the field. This uniquely positions ADAMA to offer a vast array of distinctive mixtures, formulations and high-quality differentiated products, delivering solutions that meet local farmer and customer needs in over 100 countries globally.
Please see important additional information and further details included in the Annex.
April 2023
Important Notice
The Company’s Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior managers confirm that the content of the Report is true, accurate and complete and contains no false statements, misleading presentations or material omissions, and assume joint and several legal liability arising therefrom. Ignacio Dominguez, the person leading the Company (President and Chief Executive Officer) as well as its legal representative, and Efrat Nagar, the person leading the accounting function and the accounting body (Chief Financial Officer), hereby assert and confirm the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the Financial Report. The First Quarter Report has not been audited.
This Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. I. Main Financial Data
1. Main accounting and financial results
Whether the Company performs any retroactive adjustments to, or restatements of, its accounting data
of last year
□ Yes √ No

January - March 2023January - March 2022
End of Reporting PeriodEnd of last year

2. Non-Recurring profit/loss
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB’000

January-March 2023

Explanation of other profit or loss that meets the definition of non-recurring profit or loss □ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases during the Reporting Period.

Explanation of why the Company classified an item as non-recurring profit/loss according to the definition
in the First Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities
to the Public. Non-recurring Profit and Loss, and reclassified any non-recurring profit/loss item given as
an example in the said explanatory announcement to recurrent profit/loss □ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases during the Reporting Period.

3. Changes in main accounting statement items and financial indicators in the Reporting Period, as well as reasons for the changes
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

General Crop Protection Market Environment
In Q1 2023 commodity crop prices continued to decline as the result of a slowing global economy and better than expected
production in some regions. However, crop prices remain elevated above the 10-yr average as crop inventories remain
low, supporting positive grower margins.
While Q1 2022 was characterized by early purchases as a result of concerns about product availability and supply
shortages, in Q1 2023 the channel and farmers were much more cautious regarding input purchases. An improved supply
and logistics situation, relatively high channel inventories as well as the deflationary environment of AI prices in China have
led customers to adopt a “wait-and-see” approach regarding some crop protection purchases.

Q1 2023 (000’RMB)Same period last year (000’RMB)+/-%Q1 2023 (000’USD)Same period last year (000’USD)
Q1 2023 (000’RMB)Same period last year (000’RMB)+/-%Q1 2023 (000’USD)Same period last year (000’USD)

Note: Since the functional currency of main overseas subsidiaries is the USD, and the Company’s management review of
the Company’s performance is based on the USD results, following explanations and analysis are based on USD-
denominated numbers as listed above.
In this table and all tables in this report numbers may not sum due to rounding.
Analysis of Financial Highlights
(1) Revenues
Revenues in the first quarter declined by approximately 11% (-4% in RMB terms; -7% in CER terms) to $1,259 million,
reflecting an increase of 1% in prices and a decrease of 8% in volumes mainly due to high channel inventory in the market
and declining raw material prices supporting a "wait and see" approach across the board that impacted volumes and prices
in the first quarter in 2023.

Regional Sales Performance

Q1 2023 $mQ1 2022 $m
* 2022 denote proforma sales. As of 2023, the India, Middle East & Africa (IMA) region has been reorganized such that
the countries formerly included in this region are now included in the Europe region (renamed EAME) or in the Asia
Pacific region.
Europe, Africa & Middle East (EAME):
The sales in EAME increased in the first quarter in constant exchange rates, most notably in UK and Germany, despite
delayed rainfall, high channel inventories and continued drought in Southern Europe. North America:
The Consumer & Professional Solutions sales decreased in the first quarter, impacted by weather conditions as well
in the channel and expectation for price decreases.
Sales in the US Ag market decreased in the first quarter as the market is in a state of "wait and see" due to high channel
inventory and in anticipation of the spring season.
Sales in Canada increased in the first quarter as the Company expanded its product portfolio during 2022 and while the
Company's products' pricing held. This was achieved despite cold weather delaying spring product movement, creating
a backing up of inventory in the channel.
Latin America:
Sales in Brazil increased slightly in the first quarter, reflecting a "wait and see" approach in the market in light of declining
selling prices and competition to sell the high, expensive inventory accumulated throughout the channel.
In other LATAM countries slightly lower sales were achieved due to the negative impact of the weather in Argentina and
Ecuador as well as lower sales in Peru.
Asia Pacific:
During the first quarter the Company's sales decreased in the Asia Pacific region following a decline in the Company's
sales in China of raw material, intermediates and fine chemicals due to softening of demand, strong competition and an
overall decline in market prices.
The Company's sales of its branded portfolio in China increased in local currency following strong sales of differentiated
products and despite the decrease in market selling prices and high channel inventory. Sales in Pacific region in the first quarter were negatively impacted as the positive La Ni?a effect begins to pass, while
declining prices of AI from China and India encourage a "wait and see" approach. In India, the sales were impacted by
exchange rates and by reduced market demand following high Q4 2022 market sales. In the rest of Asia, Thailand and
South Korea presented strong performance in the first quarter.
(2) Cost of Goods and Gross Profit
The decline in gross profit in the first quarter was due to the decline in sales, as described above, exchange rates and
high-cost inventory. These impacts were slightly moderated by the improvement in the Company's sales mix of higher
margin products and lower transportation and logistics costs. (3) Operating Expenses
Operating expenses include Sales and Marketing, General and Administration and R&D. The Company recorded certain non-operational, mostly non-cash, charges within its reported operating expenses
amounting to RMB 65 million ($9.5 million) in Q1 2023 in comparison to RMB 36 million ($5.7 million) in Q1 2022, mainly
as follows:
(I) Non-cash amortization charges in respect of Transfer assets received and written-up related to the 2017 ChemChina-
Syngenta acquisition. The proceeds from the Divestment of crop protection products in connection with the approval by
the EU Commission of the acquisition of Syngenta by ChemChina, net of taxes and transaction expenses, were paid to
Syngenta in return for the transfer of a portfolio of products in Europe of similar nature and economic value. Since the
products acquired from Syngenta are of the same nature, and with the same net economic value as those divested, the
Divestment and Transfer transactions had no net impact on the underlying economic performance of the Company. These
additional amortization charges will continue until 2032 but at a reducing rate, yet will still be at a meaningful level until
2028; (ii) Charges related mainly to the non-cash amortization of intangible assets created as part of the Purchase Price
Allocation (PPA) on acquisitions, with no impact on the ongoing performance of the companies acquired, as well as other
M&A-related costs; (iii) Non-cash, share-based compensation (incentive plans). Excluding the impact of the abovementioned non-operational charges, the operating expenses in the first quarter of 2023
decreased, among others, mainly due to the positive impact of exchange rates. (4) Financial Expenses
“Financial Expenses” alone mainly reflect interest payments on corporate bonds and bank loans as well as foreign
exchange gains/losses on the bonds and other monetary assets and liabilities before the Company carries out any hedging.
The impact of Financial Expenses, net (before hedging) is RMB 207 million ($30 million) for Q1 2023, compared with
Financial Income, net of RMB 258 million ($41 million) for the corresponding periods in 2022. Given the global nature of its operational activities and the composition of its assets and liabilities, the Company, in the
ordinary course of its business, uses foreign currency derivatives (forwards and options) to hedge the cash flow risks
associated with existing monetary assets and liabilities that may be affected by exchange rate fluctuations. The impact of
the hedging transactions which is recorded in Gains/Losses from Changes in Fair Value is a net loss of RMB 352 million
($51 million) in Q1 2023, compared with RMB 597 million ($94 million) in the corresponding period in 2022.
The aggregate of Financial Expenses and Gains/Losses from Changes in Fair Value (hereinafter as “Total Net Financial
Expenses”), which more comprehensively reflects the financial expenses of the Company in supporting its main business
and protecting its monetary assets/liabilities, amounts to RMB 559 million ($82 million) in Q1 2023, compared with RMB
339 million ($53 million) in the corresponding period in 2022. The higher financial expenses were mainly driven by (i) higher
bank interest expenses due an increase in short-term loans as well as the sharp increase in interest rates, (ii) higher
hedging costs on exchange rates mainly due to volatility in the ILS/Dollar exchange rate and (iii) the net effect of the high
Israeli CPI on the ILS-denominated, CPI-linked bonds.

(5) Income Tax Expenses
The tax income in the first quarter of 2023 was mainly due to the non-cash impact of the stronger BRL on the value of non-
monetary tax assets, the method of calculation of tax assets related to unrealized profits and low profit before tax.
The low effective tax rate in first quarter of 2022 was mainly due to the generation of profits by subsidiaries whose tax rates
are lower relative to the Company’s aggregate effective tax rate, as well as to the method of calculation of tax assets
related to unrealized profits and a tax income from the strengthening of the BRL.
Changes in main assets and liabilities
Unit: 000 RMB

End of Reporting PeriodEnd of last year+/- (%)

II. Information regarding Shareholders
1. Total number of ordinary shareholders and preference shareholders who had resumed their voting right and shareholdings of top 10 shareholders at the period-end Unit: share

42,965 (the number of ordinary A share shareholders is 29,721; the number of B share shareholders is 13,244)Total number of preference shareholders who had resumed their voting right at the end of the Reporting Period (if any)
Shareholdings of top 10 shareholders

Nature of shareholde rShareholding percentageNumber of shares heldNumber of restricted shares held 
State- owned legal person78.47%1,828,137,961----
State- owned legal person1.34%31,115,916----
Domestic Individual0.36%8,477,715----
Domestic Individual0.24%5,515,515----
Overseas legal person0.21%4,937,869----
Domestic Individual0.19%4,500,000----
Shareholdings of top 10 non-restricted shareholders

Number of non- restricted shares held at the period- end 
1,828,137,961RMB ordinary share
31,115,916RMB ordinary share
12,885,900RMB ordinary share
8,477,715RMB ordinary share
6,500,000RMB ordinary share
6,000,000RMB ordinary share
5,515,515RMB ordinary share
4,937,869RMB ordinary share
4,500,000RMB ordinary share
4,400,000RMB ordinary share

2. Total number of preference shareholders and shareholdings of the top 10 of such at the period-end
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Other Significant Events
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. Financial Statements
i. Financial statements
1. Consolidated balance sheet
Prepared by ADAMA Ltd.
31 March 2023
Unit: RMB’000

March 31, 2023December 31, 2022ItemMarch 31, 2023
  Current liabilities: 
3,529,2804,290,961Short-term loans6,713,822
1,7121,685Derivative financial liabilities494,020
210,947233,809Bills payable525,141
74,399112,297Accounts payable6,408,409
9,569,4699,018,375Contract liabilities1,554,491
98,29363,639Employee benefits payable1,236,838
377,674341,102Taxes payable599,951
1,660,6081,021,824Other payables1,711,473
17,264,56416,927,241Non-current liabilities due within one year2,353,337
1,213,9891,129,688Other current liabilities623,098
34,000,93533,140,621Total current liabilities22,220,580
  Non-current liabilities: 
54,96082,510Long-term loans3,520,806
26,57426,368Debentures payable7,141,510
157,361158,341Lease liabilities421,092
23,3723,168Long-term accounts payable103,886
9,225,2048,952,184Long-term employee benefits payables799,210
547,301555,889Deferred tax liabilities311,008
5,306,6065,342,754Other non-current liabilities1,271,258
4,856,3244,805,157Total non-current liabilities13,847,005
1,489,5881,347,263Total liabilities36,067,585
526,007604,833Shareholders’ equity: 
25,009,86924,839,868Share capital2,329,812
59,010,80457,980,489Capital reserves12,945,837
  Other comprehensive income870,474
  Special reserves15,413
  Surplus reserves242,498
  Retained earnings6,539,185
  Total equity attributed to the shareholders of the company22,943,219
  Non-controlling interests-
  Total equity22,943,219
  Total liabilities and equity59,010,804

Ignacio Dominguez Efrat Nagar Efrat Nagar
Legal representative Chief of the accounting work Chief of the accounting organ

2. Consolidated income statement
Unit: RMB’000

January-March, 2023

Ignacio Dominguez Efrat Nagar Efrat Nagar
Legal representative Chief of the accounting work Chief of the accounting organ
3. Consolidated cash flow statement
Unit: RMB’000

January-March, 2023

ii. Auditor’s report
Is this Report audited?
□ Yes √ No
This Report is unaudited.

ADAMA Ltd. Board of Directors
April 25, 2023
