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Auditor’s Report
Su Gong W【2023】No. A853
To the Shareholders of Weifu High-Technology Group Co., Ltd.: I. Auditing opinions
We have audited the financial statement under the name of Weifu High-Technology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as WFHT), including the consolidated and parent Company’s balance sheet of 31 December 2022 and profit statement, and cash flow statement, and statement on changes of shareholders’ equity for the year ended, and notes to the financial statements for the year ended.

In our opinion, the Company’s financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Enterprises Accounting Standards and Enterprises Accounting System, and they fairly present the financial status of the Company and of its parent company as of 31 December 2022 and its operation results and cash flows for the year ended.
II. Basis of opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with the Auditing Standards for Certified Public Accountants of China. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the “Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements” section of the auditor’s report. We are
independent of the Company in accordance with the Certified Public Accountants of China’s Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in
accordance with the Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion
III. Highlighted paragraphs
We remind users of financial statements to pay attention: As described in Note XIV-6 "Other important transactions and matters affecting investors' decisions", the security organs have launched
a criminal investigation on the case that WFTR was defrauded by contracts in its "platform trade" business. At present, the case is in the investigation stage, and the outcome of the case is uncertain
in the future.
This paragraph does not affect the published audit opinion. Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in
our audit of the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and
we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.
The key audit issues identified in our audit are as follows: (i) Accounting treatment of "platform trading" business and the related provision for expected credit losses
1. Matter description
As described in Note XVI-7 "Other important transactions and matters affecting investors' decisions", the security organs have launched a criminal investigation on the case that WFTR was defrauded by contracts in its "platform trade" business. Based on the "platform trade" business’s background, transaction chain, sales and purchase contract signing, transaction process, physical flow and so on, the Company carefully analyzed and made comprehensive judgment, finds that the probability of this business not belonging to normal trade business is extremely high. In terms of accounting treatment, the Company follows the principle of substance over form and does not treat it as normal trade business, but according to the receipt and payment of funds,prudently recognize
as claims and liabilities, respectively, purchases actually paid to "Suppliers" and sales collected
from "Customers". In the financial statements, the "platform trade" business is net reported to other
receivables in the form of the "platform trade" business portfolio, the amount is 2,741,499,100 yuan,
for which an expected credit loss of 1,644,068,300 yuan has been charged. The "platform trade" business involved significant amounts of money and was at the stage of criminal investigation, the judgment of the nature of the business, accounting treatment and the provision of expected credit losses are related to management's use of significant accounting estimates and judgments and have a significant impact on the financial statements. Therefore, we identified the accounting treatment
of the "platform trading" business and the provision of expected credit losses of portfolio claims of
"platform trading" business as key audit matters.
2. The solution to the matter in auditing
(1) Interview the management and relevant business personnel of WFTR to understand the business background, operation mode, contract signing method, pricing method, transaction and settlement process of its "platform trade" business;
(2) Evaluate and test the internal controls of the "platform trade" business, evaluate the design of
these controls, determine whether they are implemented, and test the operational effectiveness of the relevant internal controls;
(3) Obtain the standing book of purchase and sales contract, inspect the purchase and sales contract,
and verify the key terms of the subject matter, counterparty, contract price, delivery mode and so on involved in the purchase and sales contract, combine the contract signing time, pricing method, and interview records to further judge whether the relevant transaction has commercial substance; (4) Obtain the industrial and commercial information of "customers" and "suppliers" involved in the transaction process, check the business scope, registered address, equity structure, registered
capital, personnel size, telephone number and other information of the counterparty to judge whether
the business scope of the counterparty and its own scale match the transaction scale, check whether
there is correlation or suspected correlation between the upstream "supplier" and the downstream "customer", and evaluate the business logic and rationality of the existence of the upstream "supplier" and the downstream "customer" in the transaction chain at the same time; (5) Obtain detailed accounts and accounting documents involved in the "platform trade" business, check the original documents related to accounting processing, including but not limited to purchase
and sales contracts (orders, framework agreements), invoices, logistics documents, payment and payment bank documents, and ask relevant personnel about logistics documents, check their sources and ways of obtaining. Further judge whether there is real physical circulation in the transaction process;
(6) Send letters to the "customer" and "supplier", confirm the "transaction amount" and "settlement
balance" to the "customer" and "supplier", check the return letter, check the address of the return
letter, the seal, the amount of the return letter and other information, and take further verification
procedures for the return letter with doubts;
(7) Visit the main "customers" and "suppliers", interview the transaction background, transaction content, contract signing, transaction mode, cargo logistics operation, capital settlement flow, whether there is a correlation between WFTR and the "customers" and "suppliers", verify the information formed in the transaction process with the "customers" and "suppliers". Verify the authenticity of the reply of "customer" and "supplier", and observe the business premises of "customer" and "supplier" to further judge whether the relevant transaction has commercial substance and commercial logic;
(8) Evaluate the reasonableness of that the management considers that the business has a high probability of not having commercial substance and business logic and does not conduct accounting treatment and presentation as normal trade business according to the principle of substance over form based on the information obtained in the audit process; (9) In combination with related transaction audit procedures, check whether there are related relationships, related transactions and funds occupied by related parties in the "platform trade" business;
(10) Obtain and check the supporting credentials for the actual collection of the "platform trade" business debt portfolio after the balance sheet date, visit the competent departments according to the sources from which the management makes estimates, and verify the authenticity and reliability of the sources;
(11) Check the information related to the "platform trade" business has been properly reported and disclosed in the financial statements.
(ii) Revenue recognition
1. Matter description
As described in Note V-32 “Revenue” and Note VII-44 “Operation revenue and operation cost” carried in the financial statement, WFHT achieved an operation revenue of 12.730 billion yuan for year of 2022. As one of the biggest source of profits for WFHT, operating revenue has a significant
effect on the general financial statement, in which there are certain of inherent risks existed for the
reason that the management manipulate the timing of recognition so as to achieve specific objectives
or anticipations. Therefore, we will take the Revenue recognition as the key auditing matter. 2. The solution to the matter in auditing
(1) Understand the key internal controls related to revenue recognition, evaluate the design of these
controls, determine whether they are implemented, and test the operational effectiveness of the relevant internal controls;
(2) Review sales contracts to understand main contract terms or conditions and evaluate the appropriateness of revenue recognition methods;
(3) Combining with status and data of the industry where WFHT is located, the Company should make a judgment on the rationality of fluctuation of the revenue composition; (4) The Company should carry out the procedure of account receivable and revenue letter of confirmation, and make a judgment on the rationality of the timing of revenue recognition; (5) Combining with the procedure of letter of confirmation, the Company should make a random inspection on sales contracts or orders, delivery lists, logistics bills, customs declaration, sales
invoices, signing-off sheet and other documents related to revenue to verify the authenticity of revenue;
(6) Referring to the recorded revenue before and after the Balance Sheet Date, the Company should select some samples and check out the supportive documents such as delivery lists, customs declaration and receipt forms to make a judgment on whether the income has been recorded at the appropriate accounting period.
IV. Other information
The management of WFHT is responsible for other information which includes the information covered in the Company’s 2021 annual report excluding the financial statement and our audit report.
Our audit opinions on the financial statements do not cover other information, and we do not issue any form of authentication conclusions on other information. In combination with our audit of the financial statements, it is our responsibility to read other information and, in the process, consider whether there is material inconsistency or material misstatement between the other information and the financial statements or what we learned during the audit.
Based on the work we have carried out, if we determine that there is a material misstatement of other information, we should report that fact and this regard we have noting to report.
V. Responsibilities of management and those charged with governance for the financial statements
The management is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Enterprise to secure a fair presentation, and for the design, establishment and maintenance of the internal control necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In preparing the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing matters related to going concern (if applicable)
and using the going concern assumption unless the management either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so. Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process.

VI. Responsibilities of the auditor for the financial statements Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole
are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an audit report that
includes our audit opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee
that an audit conducted in accordance with the CAS will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the financial statements. As part of an audit in accordance with the CAS, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
(1) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due
to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for audit opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error,
as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override
of internal control.
(2) Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances.
(3) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the management.
(4) Conclude on the appropriateness of the management’s use of the going concern assumption and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.
If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required by the CAS to draw users’ attention
in audit report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify audit opinion. Our conclusions are based on the information obtained up to the date of audit report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern.
(5) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, and whether
the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves
fair presentation.
(6) Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities
or business activities within the Company to express audit opinion on the financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the group audit. We remain solely
responsible for audit opinion.
We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies
in internal control that we identify during our audit.
We also provide the governance with a statement of our compliance with the ethical requirements relating to our independence and communicate with the governance on all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be considered to affect our independence, as well we the relevant precautions (if applicable).
From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are
therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in the auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in the auditor’s report because of the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.
Jiangsu Gongzheng Tianye CPA Chinese CPA: Gu Zhi
(Special General Partnership) (Engagement partner)
Wuxi China Chinese CPA: Zhang Qianqian

26 April, 2023

II. Financial Statement
Statement in Financial Notes are carried Unit: RMB/CNY
1. Consolidated Balance Sheet
Prepared by Weifu High-Technology Group Co., Ltd.
December 31, 2022

ItemDecember 31, 2022January 1, 2022
Current assets:  
Monetary funds2,389,551,930.761,896,063,265.69
Settlement provisions  
Capital lent  
Trading financial assets2,718,820,654.876,076,436,069.42
Derivative financial assets  
Note receivable135,559,024.271,116,550,186.21
Account receivable3,127,490,177.252,053,800,293.77
Receivable financing1,918,368,845.21713,017,014.50
Accounts paid in advance94,323,853.87178,059,249.99
Insurance receivable  
Reinsurance receivables  
Contract reserve of reinsurance receivable  
Other account receivable1,264,507,456.4717,908,078.54
Including: Interest receivable  
Dividend receivable147,000,000.00 
Buying back the sale of financial assets  
Contract assets  
Assets held for sale  
Non-current asset due within one year  
Other current assets430,547,201.24220,320,922.50
Total current assets14,362,288,800.2115,717,551,455.71
Non-current assets:  
Loans and payments on behalf  
Debt investment  
Other debt investment  
Long-term account receivable  
Long-term equity investment6,282,818,108.965,717,944,788.12
Investment in other equity instrument677,790,690.00285,048,000.00
Other non-current financial assets1,326,608,914.001,690,795,178.00
Investment real estate49,296,869.7319,387,746.56
Fixed assets3,769,984,185.942,932,210,452.51
Construction in progress509,105,587.49387,429,933.08
Productive biological asset  
Oil and gas asset  
Right-of-use assets41,865,100.3823,148,405.58
Intangible assets487,627,987.92440,593,119.82
Expense on Research and Development  
Long-term expenses to be apportioned28,586,235.8415,304,783.57
Deferred income tax asset275,627,772.45242,248,194.57
Other non-current asset479,630,436.37267,941,354.57
Total non-current asset14,166,624,264.8012,253,306,972.13
Total assets28,528,913,065.0127,970,858,427.84
Current liabilities:  
Short-term loans3,604,376,527.821,437,958,206.55
Loan from central bank  
Capital borrowed  
Trading financial liability  
Derivative financial liability747,115.75 
Note payable1,411,089,606.001,760,032,216.30
Account payable3,454,601,023.603,206,653,702.59
Accounts received in advance3,633,878.332,854,518.96
Contractual liability94,850,083.23136,427,636.39
Selling financial asset of repurchase  
Absorbing deposit and interbank deposit  
Security trading of agency  
Security sales of agency  
Wage payable317,434,386.24339,888,502.70
Taxes payable54,586,315.5340,105,648.88
Other account payable198,990,948.23359,905,317.46
Including: Interest payable 6,184.14
Dividend payable 25,671,100.00
Commission charge and commission payable  
Reinsurance payable  
Liability held for sale  
Non-current liabilities due within one year14,285,348.9034,088,773.68
Other current liabilities211,763,779.77212,969,271.55
Total current liabilities9,366,359,013.407,530,883,795.06
Non-current liabilities:  
Insurance contract reserve  
Long-term loans238,000,000.00 
Bonds payable  
Including: Preferred stock  
Perpetual capital securities  
Lease liability31,589,277.2015,795,469.25
Long-term account payable30,785,082.1132,015,082.11
Long-term wages payable154,093,044.28108,311,923.19
Accrued liability10,106,268.87 
Deferred income223,123,978.78298,052,867.56
Deferred income tax liabilities40,149,550.9923,097,535.20
Other non-current liabilities  
Total non-current liabilities727,847,202.23477,272,877.31
Total liabilities10,094,206,215.638,008,156,672.37
Owner’s equity:  
Share capital1,008,603,293.001,008,659,570.00
Other equity instrument  
Including: Preferred stock  
Perpetual capital securities  
Capital public reserve3,398,368,567.633,371,344,172.82
Less: Inventory shares541,623,002.63270,249,797.74
Other comprehensive income-911,310.13-36,746,344.60
Reasonable reserve2,119,800.95712,215.31
Surplus public reserve510,100,496.00510,100,496.00
Provision of general risk  
Retained profit13,320,021,325.9014,814,787,377.86
Total owner’ s equity attributable to parent company17,696,679,170.7219,398,607,689.65
Minority interests738,027,678.66564,094,065.82
Total owner’ s equity18,434,706,849.3819,962,701,755.47
Total liabilities and owner’ s equity28,528,913,065.0127,970,858,427.84
Legal Representative: Wang Xiaodong
Person in charge of accounting works: Ou Jianbin
Person in charge of accounting institute: Ou Jianbin
2. Balance Sheet of Parent Company

ItemDecember 31, 2022January 1, 2022
Current assets:  
Monetary funds823,574,329.531,002,808,546.46
Trading financial assets2,693,150,975.205,493,703,374.82
Derivative financial assets  
Note receivable29,575,852.04303,726,372.69
Account receivable906,808,283.22536,957,890.22
Receivable financing216,462,262.44 
Accounts paid in advance56,037,892.6893,419,268.82
Other account receivable1,472,102,439.27204,125,517.63
Including: Interest receivable206,325.34113,055.56
Dividend receivable 26,718,900.00
Contract assets  
Assets held for sale  
Non-current assets maturing within one year  
Other current assets107,462,112.82149,352,872.77
Total current assets6,876,745,579.158,860,188,565.56
Non-current assets:  
Debt investment  
Other debt investment  
Long-term receivables  
Long-term equity investments8,369,843,351.106,867,282,228.56
Investment in other equity instrument601,850,690.00209,108,000.00
Other non-current financial assets1,326,608,914.001,690,795,178.00
Investment real estate35,584,279.11 
Fixed assets2,251,495,050.801,786,089,596.76
Construction in progress251,304,655.41239,183,999.25
Productive biological assets  
Oil and natural gas assets  
Right-of-use assets6,061,693.751,240,879.96
Intangible assets209,246,490.17209,952,168.75
Research and development costs  
Long-term deferred expenses6,895,352.43348,970.34
Deferred income tax assets109,624,761.5085,012,991.24
Other non-current assets168,744,695.04185,646,711.53
Total non-current assets13,337,259,933.3111,274,660,724.39
Total assets20,214,005,512.4620,134,849,289.95
Current liabilities  
Short-term borrowings2,121,354,415.53272,578,883.63
Trading financial liability  
Derivative financial liability737,424.50 
Notes payable251,867,652.05569,405,391.94
Account payable1,048,268,519.521,012,390,712.80
Accounts received in advance  
Contract liability6,564,332.937,879,319.15
Wage payable166,314,985.33220,719,432.58
Taxes payable6,048,505.3012,427,327.61
Other accounts payable926,276,130.15392,455,373.80
Including: Interest payable835,069.83117,777.78
Dividend payable  
Liability held for sale  
Non-current liabilities due within one year4,306,935.71462,484.41
Other current liabilities102,322,311.03143,935,332.78
Total current liabilities4,634,061,212.052,632,254,258.70
Non-current liabilities:  
Long-term loans  
Bonds payable  
Including: preferred stock  
Perpetual capital securities  
Lease liability2,690,812.431,003,106.55
Long-term account payable  
Long term employee compensation payable121,683,760.89103,482,333.50
Accrued liabilities13,750.00 
Deferred income198,149,511.20265,509,545.34
Deferred income tax liabilities  
Other non-current liabilities  
Total non-current liabilities322,537,834.52369,994,985.39
Total liabilities4,956,599,046.573,002,249,244.09
Owners’ equity:  
Share capital1,008,603,293.001,008,659,570.00
Other equity instrument  
Including: preferred stock  
Perpetual capital securities  
Capital public reserve3,515,005,861.233,487,154,855.59
Less: Inventory shares541,623,002.63270,249,797.74
Other comprehensive income  
Special reserve  
Surplus reserve510,100,496.00510,100,496.00
Retained profit10,765,319,818.2912,396,934,922.01
Total owner’s equity15,257,406,465.8917,132,600,045.86
Total liabilities and owner’s equity20,214,005,512.4620,134,849,289.95

3. Consolidated Profit Statement

I. Total operating income12,729,634,917.0313,682,426,710.95
Including: Operating income12,729,634,917.0313,682,426,710.95
Interest income  
Insurance gained  
Commission charge and commission income  
II. Total operating cost12,526,691,966.3612,772,618,230.58
Including: Operating cost11,016,385,488.8011,220,367,713.57
Interest expense  
Commission charge and commission expense  
Cash surrender value  
Net amount of expense of compensation  
Net amount of withdrawal of insurance contract reserve  
Bonus expense of guarantee slip  
Reinsurance expense  
Tax and extras70,575,584.8960,256,733.73
Sales expense189,528,090.71264,651,432.56
Administrative expense586,386,474.32611,872,150.24
R&D expense581,488,711.88595,406,951.64
Financial expense82,327,615.7620,063,248.84
Including: Interest expenses107,737,432.7838,698,621.09
Interest income41,020,724.4841,478,845.32
Add: other income112,665,397.2771,276,971.68
Investment income (Loss is listed with “-”)1,849,145,500.501,954,523,836.59
Including: Investment income on affiliated company and joint venture1,636,986,684.961,632,117,748.78
The termination of income recognition for financial assets measured by amortized cost(Loss is listed with “-”) -959,296.18
Exchange income (Loss is listed with “-”)  
Net exposure hedging income (Loss is listed with “-”)  
Income from change of fair value (Loss is listed with “-”)-157,622,752.09-40,270,333.81
Loss of credit impairment (Loss is listed with “-”)-1,645,881,142.404,059,750.80
Losses of devaluation of asset (Loss is listed with “-”)-181,610,433.12-138,117,315.80
Income from assets disposal (Loss is listed with “-”)1,986,804.533,932,344.07
III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with “-”)181,626,325.362,765,213,733.90
Add: Non-operating income5,699,768.04656,202.07
Less: Non-operating expense7,711,660.0625,509,569.87
IV. Total profit (Loss is listed with “-”)179,614,433.342,740,360,366.10
Less: Income tax expense-11,331,574.9190,995,689.95
V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)190,946,008.252,649,364,676.15
(i) Classify by business continuity  
1.continuous operating net profit (net loss listed with ‘-”)190,946,008.252,649,364,676.15
2.termination of net profit (net loss listed with ‘-”)  
(ii) Classify by ownership  
1.Net profit attributable to owner’s of parent company118,819,836.302,575,371,419.80
2.Minority shareholders’ gains and losses72,126,171.9573,993,256.35
VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income35,835,034.47-50,662,087.73
Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent company35,835,034.47-50,662,964.07
(I) Other comprehensive income items which will not be reclassified subsequently to profit of loss-399,165.0616,008.80
1.Changes of the defined benefit plans that re-measured-399,165.06 
2.Other comprehensive income under equity method that cannot be transfer to gain/loss 16,008.80
3.Change of fair value of investment in other equity instrument  
4.Fair value change of enterprise's credit risk  
5. Other  
(ii) Other comprehensive income items which will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss36,234,199.53-50,678,972.87
1.Other comprehensive income under equity method that can transfer to gain/loss  
2.Change of fair value of other debt investment  
3.Amount of financial assets re-classify to other comprehensive income  
4.Credit impairment provision for other debt investment  
5.Cash flow hedging reserve  
6.Translation differences arising on translation of foreign currency financial statements36,234,199.53-50,678,972.87
Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to minority 876.34
VII. Total comprehensive income226,781,042.722,598,702,588.42
Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent Company154,654,870.772,524,708,455.73
Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders72,126,171.9573,994,132.69
VIII. Earnings per share:  
(i) Basic earnings per share0.092.57
(ii) Diluted earnings per share0.092.57
As for the enterprise combined under the same control, net profit of 0 yuan achieved by the merged party before (未完)