
时间:2023年05月22日 17:57:54 中财网


Stock Abbr: Oppein Home Group Stock Code: 603833 Oppein Home Group Inc. 2022 Annual Report Important Statements
I. The board of directors, the board of supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior managers of the Company
guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents of the annual report, and there are no
false records, misleading statements or major omissions, and bear individual and joint legal liabilities.
II. All directors of the Company attend the meeting of the board of directors. III. Huaxing Certified Public Accounts LLP (Special General Partnership) has issued a standard unqualified audit
report for the Company.
IV. Yao Liangsong, the person in charge of the Company, Yao Liangsong, the person in charge of accounting, and
Wang Huan, the person in charge of accounting institutions (Accounting Supervisor), declare that the
financial report in the annual report is true, accurate and complete. V. Profit distribution plan or provident fund conversion into share capital plan approved by the board of directors
during the reporting period
The Company intends to distribute a total cash dividend of CNY 1.075 billion (tax inclusive) to all shareholders
based on the total share capital on the registration date of equity distribution less the number of shares in the Company's
share repurchase account, accounting for 40% of the net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company in 2022.
If the total share capital of the Company changes before the equity registration date for the implementation of equity
distribution, the Company intends to maintain the total profit distribution unchanged and adjust the profit distribution
ratio per share accordingly.
VI. Risk statements for forward-looking statements
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
The forward-looking statements such as the company's future plans and development strategies involved in this
report do not constitute the company's substantial commitment to investors, and investors are advised to emphasize
investment risks.
VII. Is there any non-operating occupation of funds by controlling shareholders and other related parties
VIII. Is there any violation of the prescribed decision-making procedures to provide guarantees to the outside
IX. Whether more than half of the directors can not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the
annual report disclosed by the Company
X. Major risk warning
For details, see "VI. Discussion and analysis of the Company's future development (IV) possible risks" in "Section
III Management Discussion and Analysis" of this report.
XI. Other
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Section I Definitions ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Section II Company profile and key financial indicators ................................................................................... 4
Section III Management discussion and analysis .................................................................................................. 9
Section IV Corporate governance ........................................................................................................................ 45
Section V Environmental and social responsibility........................................................................................... 64
Section VI Important matters .............................................................................................................................. 68
Section VII Changes in shares and shareholders ................................................................................................. 96
Section VIII Preferred shares ................................................................................................................................ 102
Section IX Bonds ................................................................................................................................................. 102
Section X Financial Reports .............................................................................................................................. 104

List of documents for future reference1. Accounting statements bearing the signatures and seals of the person in charge of the Company, the person in charge of accounting work and the person in charge of accounting institutions.
 2. During the reporting period, the originals of all company documents and announcements publicly disclosed on the information disclosure carrier designated by the CSRC.
 3. The original audit report bearing the seal of the accounting firm and the signature and seal of the certified public accountant.

Section I Definitions
I. Definitions
In this report, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words have the following meanings:

Definition of common words  
The Company, company, the joint stock company, Oppein Group, Group, Oppein Home, Oppein, Oppein Home GroupmeansOppein Home Group Inc.
Oppein IntegrationmeansGuangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd.
Oppein SanitarymeansGuangzhou Oppein Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd.
Tianjin OppeinmeansTianjin Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd.
Wuxi OppeinmeansWuxi (Jiangsu) Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd.
Qingyuan OppeinmeansQingyuan Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd.
Chengdu OppeinmeansChengdu Oppein Smart Home Co., Ltd.
OppoliameansGuangzhou Oppolia Smart Home Co., Ltd.
OubonimeansGuangzhou Ouboni Integration Home Co., Ltd.
OwellmeansGuangzhou Owell Decoration Material Co., Ltd.
Company LawmeansCompany Law of the People's Republic of China
Securities LawmeansSecurities Law of the People's Republic of China
Articles of AssociationmeansArticles of Association of Oppein Home Group Inc.
Rules of Procedure of the Board of DirectorsmeansRules of Procedure of the Board of Directors of Oppein Home Group Inc.
Rules of Procedure of the Board of SupervisorsmeansRules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors of Oppein Home Group Inc.
Rules of Procedure of General Meetings of ShareholdersmeansRules of Procedure of General Meetings of the Shareholders of Oppein Home Group Inc.
ProspectusmeansProspectus of Oppein Home Group Inc. for Public Offering of Convertible Company Bond
CSRCmeansChina Securities Regulatory Commission
Guotai Junan SecuritiesmeansGuotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd.
Accountant, Huaxing, Huaxing Certified Public Accounts LLPmeansHuaxing Certified Public Accounts LLP (Special General Partnership)
SSEmeansShanghai Stock Exchange
CSDCmeansChina Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch
Convertible bondsmeansConvertible corporation bonds
Current reporting period, current period and current yearmeansJanuary 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022
Previous periodmeansJanuary 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021

Section II Company profile and key financial indicators
I. Company information

Chinese name of the CompanyOppein Home Group Inc.
Chinese abbreviation of the CompanyOppein Home
English name of the CompanyOppein Home Group Inc.
English abbreviation of the CompanyOPPEIN
Legal representative of the CompanyYao Liangsong
II. Contacts and contact information

 Secretary of the boardSecurities representative
NameOu YingyingOu Yingying
Contact addressNo. 366 Guanghua Third Road, Baiyun District, GuangzhouNo. 366 Guanghua Third Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou
E-mail[email protected][email protected]
III. Basic information

Registered address of the CompanyNo. 366 Guanghua Third Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou
Historical changes in the registered address of the CompanyNone
Office address of the CompanyNo. 366 Guanghua Third Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou
Postal code of office address of the Company510450
Company websitewww.oppein.com
E-mail[email protected]
IV. Disclosure and storage location

Media name and website of where the Company discloses its annual reportChina Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News, Securities Times and Securities Daily
Website of the stock exchange where the Company discloses its annual reportwww.sse.com.cn
Storage location of the Company's annual reportOffice of Securities Affairs Department of the Company
V. Company stock profile

Company stock profile    
Stock classStock listing exchangeStock abbreviationStock codeStock abbreviation before change
A sharesShanghai Stock ExchangeOppein Home603833N/A
VI. Other relevant information

Accounting firm hired by the Company (domestic)NameHuaxing Certified Public Accounts LLP (Special General Partnership)
 Office addressF/7-9, Tower B, Zhongshan Tower, No. 152 Hudong Road, Gulou District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province
 Name of signatory accountantFeng Jun, Fu Peng
Sponsor performing continuous supervision duties during the reporting periodNameGuotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd.
 Office addressF/43, New World Center, No. 6009 Yitian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
 Name of sponsor representative signingXia Qi, Li Ning
 Period of continuous supervisionSeptember 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023
VII. Main accounting data and financial indicators in the past three years (I) Key accounting data
Unit: CNY

Key accounting data20222021Increase or decrease in the current period over the same period last year (%)2020
Operating income22,479,503,474.5620,441,604,591.509.9714,739,690,238.09
Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies2,688,425,483.502,665,588,441.380.862,062,629,441.88
Net profit attributable to2,592,339,337.772,510,354,529.213.271,935,193,531.48
shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-recurring profits and losses    
Net cash flows from operating activities2,409,760,167.554,045,966,670.39-40.443,889,455,693.03
 At the end of 2022At the end of 2021Increase or decrease at the end of the period over the end of the same period last year (%)At the end of 2020
Net asset attributable to shareholders of listed companies16,508,147,251.7014,408,790,729.4014.5711,925,427,990.33
Total assets28,611,007,188.6123,392,733,365.2322.3118,843,631,132.18
(II) Key financial indicators

Key financial indicators20222021Increase or decrease in the current period over the same period last year (%)2020
Basic earnings per share (CNY/share)4.414.400.233.47
Diluted earnings per share (CNY/share)4.384.40-0.453.47
Basic earnings per share after deducting non-recurring profits and losses (CNY/share)
Weighted average return on net assets (%)17.3720.14Decrease by 2.77%19.26
Weighted average after deducting non- recurring profits and losses Return on equity (%)16.7518.97Decrease by 2.22%18.07
Description of main accounting data and financial indicators of the Company in the first three years at the end of the
reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
VIII. Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards (I) The difference between net profit and net assets attributable to shareholders of listed companies in financial
reports disclosed in accordance with International Accounting Standards and Chinese Accounting Standards
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
(II) The difference between net profit and net assets attributable to shareholders of listed companies in financial
reports disclosed in accordance with Overseas Accounting standards and Chinese Accounting Standards
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
(III) Explanation of differences between domestic and foreign accounting standards: □ Applicable √ Not applicable
IX. Main financial data by quarter in 2022
Unit: CNY

 First quarterSecond quarterThird quarterFourth quarter
Operating income4,144,232,594.925,549,128,458.836,575,349,522.576,210,792,898.24
Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies253,132,676.23765,145,238.65972,190,528.01697,957,040.61
Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non- recurring profits and losses233,509,316.79747,526,059.30939,524,185.96671,779,775.72
Net cash flows from operating activities-323,902,855.051,266,097,134.701,021,443,443.69446,122,444.21
Explanation of differences between quarterly data and disclosed periodic report data □ Applicable √ Not applicable
X. Items and amounts of non-recurring profits and losses
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: CNY

Non-recurring profits and lossesAmount in 2022Notes (if applicable)Amount in 2021Amount in 2020
Profits and losses on disposal of non- current assets-267,179.73/-6,782,217.9487,230.83
Ultra vires examination and approval, or no formal approval documents, or occasional tax return, reduction and exemption /  
Government subsidies included in the current profits and losses, except those closely related to the normal business of the Company, which are in line with national policies and regulations and continue to be enjoyed in accordance with certain standards or quotas106,255,630.20/85,902,420.4579,335,865.73
Capital occupancy fees charged to non- financial enterprises included in current profits and losses /  
The investment cost of subsidiaries, associates and associated enterprise obtained by the enterprise is less than the income from the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the investee at the time of obtaining the investment /  
Profits and losses on non-monetary asset exchange /  
Profits and losses from entrusting others to invest or manage assets /  
Provision for impairment of assets due to force majeure, such as natural disasters /  
Profits and losses on debt restructuring /  
Enterprise restructuring costs, such as expenses for resettling employees and integration costs /  
Profits and losses exceeding fair value arising from transactions with significantly unfair transaction prices /  
Current net profits and losses of /  
subsidiaries arising from business merger under the same control from the beginning of the period to the merger date    
Profits and losses arising from contingencies unrelated to the normal business operation of the Company /  
In addition to the effective hedging business related to the normal business of the Company, the profits and losses from changes in fair value arising from the holding of trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, trading financial liabilities and derivative financial liabilities, as well as the investment income from the disposal of trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, trading financial liabilities, derivative financial liabilities and other creditor's rights investments-15,064,653.29/77,026,005.7161,144,309.96
Reversal of provision for impairment of receivables and contract assets subject to independent impairment test /  
Profits and losses from entrusted loans /  
Profits and losses arising from changes in the fair value of investment real estate measured subsequently using the fair value model /  
The impact of one-time adjustment of current profits and losses on current profits and losses according to the requirements of tax, accounting and other laws and regulations /  
Custody fee income from entrusted operation /  
Other non-operating income and expenses other than the above items11,468,590.83/14,929,914.655,345,460.23
Other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profits and losses19,781,431.38/5,339,654.997,190,026.21
Less: income tax impact26,077,389.56/21,181,865.7025,666,982.56
Minority shareholders' equity impact (after tax)10,284.10/  
The reasons shall be explained for the non-recurring profits and losses defined by the Company in accordance with the
definition of Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public No.1
- Non-recurring Profits and Losses, and the non-recurring profits and losses listed in Explanatory Announcement on
Information Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public No.1 - Non-recurring Profits and Losses as
recurring profits and losses.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
XI. Items measured at fair value
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: CNY

ItemBeginning balanceEnding balanceCurrent changesAmount of impact on current profits
Trading financial assets1,677,354,882.08803,050,958.90-874,303,923.1811,627,612.42
Investment in other equity instruments310,310,218.60369,234,888.0558,924,669.456,251,775.00
Other non- current financial assets60,339,938.2318,968,837.07-41,371,101.16-36,815,234.41
XII. Other
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Section III Management discussion and analysis
I. Business discussion and analysis
2022 was an extremely difficult year. During the reporting period, the downward pressure on the national real estate
market was unprecedented. Although the central and local governments continued to release positive signals to stabilize
the real estate market, favorable policies were introduced, and the housing credit environment was continuously optimized,
the policy effect was not yet appeared in the short term; faced with the interweaving impact of multiple external
unexpected adverse factors such as the continuous downturn of the real estate industry and the slowdown of economic
growth, the expectations and sentiment of home buyers were constantly suppressed; consumer online shopping habits had
been strengthened in the past three years, a new home appliances and services retail format of attracting clients online,
experiencing the product and placing the order offline is forming accelerately. Faced with the business environment of real estate development risk spillover and in-depth adjustment, intensified
competition in the home industry, fluctuations in raw material supply, economic downturn and diversification of home
channels, Oppein still shows strong combat effectiveness, and strives for steady progress through the effective
implementation of large home furnishing business model innovation, intelligent manufacturing and organizational
structure optimization throughout the year. During the reporting period, the Company realized business income of CNY
22.480 billion, an increase of 9.97% over the same period last year, and realized net profit of CNY 2.688 billion, an
increase of 0.86% over the same period last year.
(I) During the reporting period, the marketing system was not afraid of the storm, guarding the existing
market, grabbing new market share and increasing average client purchase value, and made every effort to break
the ice under the background of the overall cold of real estate. The Company's operating income achieved a rare
year-on-year nearly double-digit positive growth
1. The leading position of the whole house marketing business (wardrobe) industry is more prominent and
stable, which is the main engine driving the growth of the Company's operating income in the current period:
First, the breakthrough upgrading of net aldehyde 3.0, realizing the transformation from net aldehyde in the whole
wardrobe to net aldehyde in space (wardrobe door wall integration), building a more environmentally friendly living
space, and starting a wave of health and environmental protection upgrading; second, creatively putting forward the 2.0
strategy of whole home customization, customizing the overall solutions of the six spaces of the whole house for users,
and leading the industry to upgrade from whole house customization to the era of whole house customization; third,
sensitively capturing the market consumption trend, providing consumers with more diversified product package upgrade
series, and breaking through the whole single value ceiling; fourth, constantly exploring the innovation of integrated
marketing model, and continuously carrying out online and offline linkage sales activities throughout the year to drive
terminal sales; fifth, multi-dimensional development of new channels and new models, bag check/home decoration/whole
house decoration/new retail/online cloud stores etc., enabling terminals to broaden the traffic acquisition entrance.
2. Kitchen marketing business fought with challenges, and achieved the annual internal management objectives in a hard way:
First, the channel layout is multipronged to enhance market share, including 440+ new decoration stores in retail
channels, 4,000+ cooperative decoration enterprises in retail system, 170+ new stores in integrated kitchen business model,
and 100+ cities with supermarket large home furnishing; second, deeply cultivate the field of cabinet specialization,
develop space solutions for like living room and dining room, transform old kitchens, and deepen kitchen supply chain
cooperation; third, promote the process of large home furnishing, integrate kitchen and bathroom marketing and pan large
home furnishing business, and create the second growth curve; fourth, create products that meet the needs of consumers,
such as "Healthy Kitchen 3.0" and "Oppein Changeable Western Kitchen", to lead the high-quality development of
people's living standards.
3. The whole house decoration & furnishing business is flying, and the annual performance is growing rapidly:
the Company's leading position in the whole decoration track, and opens up a new blue ocean of growth; second, we will
continue to promote the innovation of V8 operation system and "operation 1+8" system, comprehensively help decoration
enterprises innovate traffic acquisition methods, model tactics and operation capabilities, enable decoration enterprises to
reduce costs and increase efficiency, and enhance market competitiveness; third, we will continue to promote the core of
Oppein/Baunis whole house decoration & furnishing customization products + supply chain product integration + two
leading enterprises alliance product upgrading, meet the needs of users for "decorating a home", and build a moat of
supporting capabilities for decoration enterprises; fourth, we will create, share, achieve win-win and co-evolute with
decoration enterprises, steadily promote the strategies of "strong business", "supporting new business" and "fine
investment" throughout the year, and constantly consolidate and expand the Company's leading advantages in the field of
whole decoration.
4. For bulk business, we will strictly control risks, be calm and down-to-earth, and good at balance to ensure
that the Company's overall revenue achieves quality growth: First, we will give full play to the advantages of multi-category R&D and large home furnishing supporting,
cooperate with high-quality strategic customers to upgrade from products to content, and actively promote the whole case
hardcover loading business; second, we will give full play to the advantages of large-scale non-standard manufacturing,
constantly broaden the width of product application scenarios, and extend from traditional hardcover housing to various
public construction projects such as schools, hospitals and industrial parks; third, we will continue to cultivate new bulk
projects such as talent housing, affordable housing and the transformation of old residential areas.
5. Oppolia's business closely follows the market trend, continues to give full play to its natural ability to
integrate categories into large home furnishing, and grows healthily: First, through live broadcasting, design of master IP live broadcasting activities, variety, high-quality KOL&KOC
recommendation matrix and so on, we can raise the strength of brand in an all-round way and continuously enhance the
brand's strength; second, we will actively lay out localization empowerment, and firefly plan and pilot plan to effectively
empower dealers to enhance their online customer acquisition and transformation capabilities; third, the e-commerce
channel is strongly enabled to distribute orders for terminals 300,000+ times, boosting the continuous improvement of
performance; fourth, we will continue to strengthen the design ability of the whole case, and the newly developed products
won many awards such as the 2022 Italian A'Design Award; fifth, during the reporting period, Oppolia opened 1,000
stores for the first time, reaching 1,054, and comprehensively optimized the layout and display, followed the trend of
whole decoration, developed projects such as bag check, 1,000 residential buildings and 100 orders, as well as 10 million
output value projects frequently, helping the steady growth of performance. 6. Ouboni leads the industry trend of door, wall and cabinet integration and achieves steady growth in
First, deepen the professional strength of products, first promote formaldehyde free wooden doors, set off the
environmental protection upgrading of doors and walls, continue to consolidate the six core functions of noise prevention,
fire prevention, moisture prevention, theft prevention and intelligence, and build a professional moat; second, expand the
category map horizontally, and complete the brand leap with "door and wall customization, overall home furnishing, new
luxury entry door"; third, marketing efforts, complete a number of Star Tour Live Broadcast and top anchor live
broadcasting with goods annually, establish TikTok self-broadcast system, to achieve online and offline reputation and
order performance transformation; fourth, continue to optimize the product structure, develop and produce wood wall
products suitable for the strategic layout of the Company's large home furnishing, help the business expansion of bulk
and integrated home decoration channels, continuously improve production efficiency, and achieve high-quality growth
of performance.
7. Oppein retail large home furnishing business sets sail against the trend and embarks on a new journey:
First, the Company's Large Home Furnishing Marketing Department has led the retail system to climb the new peak
of large home furnishing by transforming the whole decoration track through innovative store formats, standard displays,
sales model building and other enabling retail systems. By the end of 2022, Oppein retail system had started the
construction of 102 large home furnishing stores; second, the Company innovatively puts forward the "decoration
housekeeper" model, with the theme of "solving decoration pain points for end consumers and eliminating decoration
phobia", implementing policies according to the city and cooperating with manufacturers to build an "independent third-
party" platform supervision system with Oppein as the core. During the reporting period, the average net recommendation
value of large home furnishing store customers exceeded 9 points (out of 10 points); third, the original P9 decoration sales
system will gradually standardize the highly non-standard "home decoration design" and "construction organization", so
that retail dealers who "do not understand, do not want and do not dare to engage in decoration" can easily enter the whole
(II) During the reporting period, the manufacturing system improved production efficiency and effectively
intelligent manufacturing, large home furnishing and information strategy, met the increasingly stringent needs
of customers for quality, price and delivery time, and provided a strong guarantee for the realization of the
Company's performance objectives
1. Comprehensively build precise delivery of orders and professional enabling terminals: First, the promotion of direct delivery model has achieved remarkable results, greatly alleviating the shortage of base
resources and reducing operating costs, where: the direct delivery rate of integrated retail multi category (full set) is close
to 50%, the on-time rate is nearly 98%, the project direct delivery rate is more than 96%, and the on-time rate is more
than 93%; second, the deepening of dry warehouse distribution model and the promotion and application of TIMS have
achieved new phased results: The national network service capacity has exceeded 50%; TIMS system has completed the
full coverage of dry warehouse distribution business; third, the market-oriented service model and engineering gold nanny
service have been unanimously praised by dealers.
2. R&D and design lead the industry leading level:
First, the Company won 9 domestic and foreign design awards, such as "Guangzhou High-level Enterprise Research
Institute" and Muse Design Gold Award in the United States, A'desig in Italy and IF in Germany; second, the Company
has successfully completed the research and development of 600+ new products in 2023, while reducing the R&D cycle
of new products; third, the Company establishes a new track for door, wall and cabinet integration, builds standards,
builds systems, and helps new products take off; fourth, the product system has been upgraded in an all-round way, greatly
integrated and streamlined, and the proportion of product series and material color reduction exceeds double digits.
3. Significant improvement effect of manufacturing management: First, new breakthroughs have been made in the standardization of the whole single level and cabinet level of kitchen
cabinets, which greatly improves the cost and shortens the delivery time; second, the wardrobe has been upgraded to the
whole cabinet net aldehyde and space net aldehyde, comprehensively promoting product standardization, greatly
shortening the launch cycle of new products, and the project of door, wall and cabinet integration has achieved remarkable
results to achieve the full integration of wardrobe and wood door; third, the level of door panel powder spraying and UV
manufacturing has been continuously improved, and new technologies such as laser engraving, "industrialization" and
"flexible" printing have been developed and mass-produced; fourth, the operation improvement of major bases has
achieved remarkable results.
4. Continue to promote automation and intelligent upgrading and transformation, improve efficiency and
reduce costs:
First, the wardrobe has completed the automation improvement of robot electronic cutting saw, edge sealing wiring,
automatic loading and unloading wiring of row drill, automatic sorting and packaging line of cabinet body, and back plate
suit cut, so as to further promote the specialized production model of cabinet body, door plate and back plate; second,
kitchen cabinets and bathrooms have completed the promotion, upgrading and transformation of the automation of edge
sealing and drilling lines, and kitchen appliances have achieved the industry's first laser automatic welding, grinding free
and single piece continuous production process; third, the rhythm of wood door paint free automation production line has
been improved by double digits, some base paint free 3.0 automation workshops have been put into operation, and the
automation level of door and wall production has been significantly improved; fourth, in terms of door panels, blister
upgrades one-driven-three processing centers, spray glue connection automation process, spray powder investment in the
flexible processing technology of double powder rooms in the accumulation chain, solving the industry problems of color
change difficulties.
5. Fruitful achievements in information construction:
First, achieve the opening of design and production of the whole category, helping to promote the implementation
of large home furnishing strategy; second, the efficiency of order circulation has been greatly improved, with the first
pass rate of design exceeding 95% and the exemption rate exceeding 85%; third, the background service is pre-positioned
to vigorously improve the design quality and break through the bottleneck of terminal empowerment; fourth, fully realize
the delivery of orders in the whole chain and online collaboration of capital settlement; fifth, new breakthroughs have
been made in the benchmarking of PLM/MRP/MPCS projects, large versions of the basic framework of core systems
such as BPM/MSCS have been upgraded, and 100 billion scale information infrastructure support capacity building has
been planned.
6. Won the 7 Guangdong Provincial Government Quality Award
The Company has been consumer centered to improve products and services, build an integrated quality assurance
system, make breakthroughs in self-developed informatization, patent application and localization of testing technology,
lead environmental protection upgrading, compile industry standards, upgrade supply chains, and promote the quality
improvement of customized product chains. During the reporting period, the review expert group of "Guangdong
to reports, consulting materials, on-site visits and on-site communication. With its outstanding performance in leadership, quality, innovation, brand and efficiency, the Company stands out among many manufacturing enterprises and won the th 7 Guangdong Provincial Government Quality Award, the highest honor in the provincial quality system. (III) During the reporting period, the Company's functional system has always maintained a sense of vigilance and worry, facing difficulties, firmly believing in moving forward, self-reflection, reform and innovation, and did not hesitate to seek all opportunities for development All departments of the functional system perform their respective duties and become a strong guarantee, support, energy storage and transmission base for the marketing and manufacturing system. First, optimize the total remuneration and compilation control rules, refine dynamic control, and effectively balance the relationship between human cost and personnel growth rate; second, establish a multi-dimensional and multi-perspective financial operation analysis system to help business reduce costs and save consumption, continue to build intelligent and automated financial management, and promote 20+ information projects as a whole; third, in extreme environments, ensure the supply of raw materials by multiple means, implement procurement cost control by multiple measures, and establish and optimize a number of key procurement systems and processes; fourth, innovate and establish a system process integration management model that fits the reality of Oppein, complete a comprehensive sorting of business process architecture, and clarify 200+ cross business domain process interfaces; fifth, strengthen institutional governance, legal management and regulatory verification functions, firmly abide by the bottom line of compliance, and strive to create a compliance culture with Oppein characteristics; sixth, improve and upgrade service software and hardware, introduce a number of innovative service projects, and provide high-quality service guarantee for 20,000+ employees of the Company. II. Industry situation of the Company during the reporting period (I) Basic situation of the industry 1. According to the Industrial Classification for National Economic Activities (GB/T4754-2017) issued by the National Bureau of Statistics in 2019, the Company is engaged in wood furniture manufacturing industry (C211) in furniture manufacturing industry (C21). 2. Affected by the pressure of economic growth, real estate sales and other factors, from January to December 2022, the total retail sales of furniture in China was CNY 163.5 billion, down 7.5% year-on-year, and the year-on-year growth rate of various categories of commodity retail temporarily ranked last. Meanwhile, the annual operating income of furniture manufacturing enterprises above designated size in 2022 was CNY 762.41 billion, down 8.1% year-on-year from 2021. With the transition of the furniture industry from a period of rapid development to a period of mature development, the overall growth rate of the industry has slowed down. Affected by the "three red lines" control of the early real estate financing policy, the new development investment of real estate on the supply side shows a downward trend. In 2022, the national real estate development investment was CNY 13,289.5 billion, down 10.0% from the same period last year; Among them, residential investment was CNY 10,064.6 billion, down 9.5% year-on-year; the completed 2 residential area was 625.39 million m , down 14.3% year-on-year. The real estate development boom index dropped from 100.28 in December 2021 to 94.35 in December 2022, showing a rapid decline in the early stage and a slow decline in the later stage. Affected by the slowdown in the growth of a number of real estate data, furniture companies have contracted and controlled their engineering business layout. Figure: Real Estate Development Boom Index Source: National Bureau of Statistics Customized home furnishing industry is moving from single category sales to multi-category integration. Non- standard customized wood furniture products, standardized building materials products and personalized soft decoration products penetrate each other, and the category melee has escalated again. With the youth of the main group of home decoration consumption and the frequent demand for decoration, it further promotes the transformation from simple product integration to more complex decoration service integration. Products and services are no longer a separate link in the whole chain of home decoration services, cross-border integration has become an industry trend, and the single value of customers and the flat efficiency of single stores have been improved to a certain extent. The category boundary of customized furniture industry is further blurred, showing category diversification and channel diversification, and the industry competition pattern is constantly changing and updating. 3. Online and offline integrated sales model has become a trend. From the perspective of BHI national building materials home terminal store prosperity index, affected by multiple factors such as economic downturn, real estate downturn and purchasing power decline, BHI showed a trend of "stability previously and decline later" in 2022. Customized home enterprises enhance the popularity of terminal stores through new retail formats of online promotion and traffic acquisition, offline experience and turnover of customer stores. (II) Industry characteristics 1. Cyclical and seasonal Customized furniture is optional consumer goods and is part of the home building material market. From the perspective of cyclical characteristics, the industry is affected by macroeconomic growth, industry policies, real estate related policies and investment and financing, changes in consumer ideas, intergenerational changes in the main consumption force, and life cycle differences in various categories of customized furniture. The growth rate of furniture retail sales is closely related to the growth of completed housing area, which has a strong periodicity. Figure: Relationship between the Year-On-Year Growth of Furniture Retail Sales and the Year-On-Year Growth of Completed House Construction Area cumulative year-on-year (%) cumulative year-on-year (%) (未完)