
时间:2023年05月29日 17:17:56 中财网


2022ANNUALREPORT 1 Lettertoshareholders,partnersandemployees Dearshareholders,partnersandemployees: The passing years never linger, yet our original aspirations endure. As seasons flow and anotheryeardawns,weareremindedthat'thereis nowinterthatcannotbesurpassed,andnospring that will not arrive.' Through arduous trials and overcoming countless obstacles, we have braved challengesand surmounted difficulties,once again reunitingamidstthisradiantspringtime. Inthepastyear,ournationandhomelandfacegreatchallengs.Geopoliticalcomplexities persist,globaleconomyremainssluggish,andexternalcircumstanceshavebeentempestuous, surpassinganticipatedrisksandchallenges.Guidedbythecentralleadershipunderthecoreof ComradeXiJinping,thePartyhassteeredthecourse,leadingtheentirenationtovigorously accomplishthedemandingtasksofreform,development,andstability,strivingtoturnthetide. Duringthisyear,HengliPetrochemicalhasalsoweatherednumeroustestsinitsoperations. Crude oil prices soared and fluctuated dramatically, while the end-market witnessed weak consumerdemandandinsufficientneeds.Theindustryasawholeenduredoperationalpressures arisingfromnarrowedpricedifferentialsandtheinabilitytoshiftcosts.Inthelatterhalfoftheyear, the company's operational performance declined alongside industry fluctuations, resulting in losses. Confronted with formidable challenges, we have cut through thickets and advanced towardthelight,steadfastlygrowingamidsttremendouschangesanduncertainty,resoluteinour forwardpursuit.2022ANNUALREPORT 2 enhancingnewproductdevelopment,andoptimizingproductstructure,resultinginimproved quantityandquality.Intermsofindustriallayout,wehavereliedontheintegratedindustrialsystem of"oil,coal,andchemicals"andleveragedtheaccumulatedresearchanddevelopmentin"new materials"indownstreamsectorssuchas"fiber,membrane,andplastics"toconsolidateourcore businessandstrengthenthefoundationsforfuturedevelopment.Intermsofcapitaloperation,we have excavated highlights, extracted value, and comprehensively and vigorously promoted investment and market value management through various channels and forms, yielding noticeableresults.Intermsofsafetyandenvironmentalprotection,wehaveremainedcommitted to green and low-carbon development, and our efforts have been recognized with multiple honors,includingbeingawardedthenational-level"GreenFactory"and"NationalLow-Carbon EnterpriseintheTextileIndustry". Withintherealmoflifeandtheworld,thepathislongandperilous.Standingatanother historicaljuncture,wefeelthehowlingwindsofacenturyofupheaval:Geopoliticalconflictsshow no signs of abating, inflation reaches historic highs in Europe and America, and the "triple pressure" of shrinking demand, supply shocks, and weakening expectations remains heavy. Tearingapartandintegrating,upheavalandreconstruction,allindicatethatthisyearmayyetbean extraordinary one. Undoubtedly, the recovery of demand cannot happen overnight, and the economicrevivalmaybealengthyhealingprocess. Withhopeinourheartsandstarsinoursights,despitetheimmenseuncertaintythatlies aheadandthepotentialforunexpectedfactorstodisrupt,we,unitedasonewithourcountryand homeland,willnavigatethroughtreacherouswatersandembarkonaneraofvastpossibilities withtremendousresilience.Wewillcontinuetoupholdthepatienceanddeterminationtofighta tough battle, with the resolve and conviction to achieve victory, and address the essential questionsthatbelongtoHenglipeople.2022ANNUALREPORT 3 breakthroughtoweringcliffs.Withanunwaveringcommitmenttoouroriginalaspirationsand unwaveringdetermination,inthenewyear,wewillcontinuetofocuson"onegoal,twostrategic implementations, three fundamental foundations, four key industries, and six comprehensive systems,"upholdingourcraftsmanshipspiritandstrivingforupwardadvancement. Afterenduringhardships,themountainsandriversregaintheirradiance.Eachtrialand tribulation,eachcallusandscarleftbehindfromcountlessstormsandtempests,isatestamentto ourgrowthandagiftfromtime.Recognizingourinadequacies,weforgeahead,gazingatdistant mountainswhiletakingdeterminedsteps.Wearemoreacutelyawarethatonlyby"puttingforth effortsthatarenolessthananyoneelse's"andcourageouslyadvancingcanwepersistamidstthe stormsandflourish. Catchingupwithagreatera,thegrandjourneyofChinese-stylemodernizationhasbegun. Achievinggrandvisionsandfar-reachinggoalsrequirespassingthroughobstaclestogetherwith millionsoflike-mindedindividualsandthediligentperseveranceofcountlessunsungheroes.Each oneofusisbothawitnessandaparticipant. "Withaheartreachingbeyondtheskyandabodycommittedtothepresent."Thestarswill notdisappointthosewhostriveforward.Webelievethatthejourneyweembarkonwillnotbein vain!Thewindsandwaveswillcarryusforward,andwewillmeetagaininthevastblueexpanse, fartherandwiderthaneverbefore! Chairman:Content
Chapter 1 Definitions ........................................................................................................ 5
Chapter 2 Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators ................................................ 9
Chapter 3 Management Discussion and Analysis .......................................................... 13
Chapter 4 Corporate Governance .................................................................................. 45
Chapter 5 Environmental and Social Responsibility ....................................................... 64
Chapter 6 Important events ............................................................................................ 78
Chapter 7 Share Changes and Shareholders ................................................................ 85
Chapter 8 Information of Bonds ..................................................................................... 93

Reference File DirectoryFinancial statements signed and sealed by the legal representative, person in charge of accounting, and person in charge of the accounting organization (accounting supervisor).
 Original audit report sealed by the accounting firm and signed and sealed by a certified public accountant.
 Original copies of all company documents and announcements publicly disclosed during the reporting period.

Chapter 1 Definitions
I. Definition
In this report, the terms listed below are defined as follows, unless the context otherwise implies:

Definition of Frequently-Used Terms  
Reporting PeriodRefer toFrom 1/1/2022 to 31/12/2022
Company, the Company, or Hengli PetrochemicalRefer toHengli Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
CSRCRefer toChina Securities Regulatory Commission
Ministry of Industry and Information TechnologyRefer toMinistry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China
SSERefer toShanghai Stock Exchange
《Company Law》Refer to《Company Law of the People’s Republic of China》
《Securities Law》Refer to《Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China》
《Articles of Association》Refer to《Hengli Petrochemical Co., Ltd. Articles of Association》
Hengli GroupRefer toHengli Group Co., Ltd., controlling shareholder of the listed company
HailaideRefer toHailaide International Investment Ltd., person acting- inconcert with controlling shareholder of the listed company
Tak Shing LiRefer toTak Shing Li International Holdings Ltd., person acting- inconcert with controlling shareholder of the listed company
Hegao InvestmentRefer toJiangsu Hegao Investment Co., Ltd., person acting- inconcert with controlling shareholder of the listed company
Hengneng InvestmentRefer toHengneng Investment (Dalian) Co., Ltd., person acting- inconcert with controlling shareholder of the listed company
Hengfeng InvestmentRefer toHengfeng Investment (Dalian) Co., Ltd., person acting- inconcert with controlling shareholder of the listed company
Hengli Chemical FiberRefer toJiangsu Hengli Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd., subsidiary to the listed company
Susheng Thermal PowerRefer toSuzhou Susheng Thermal Power Co., Ltd., subsidiary to the Hengli Chemical Fiber, sub-subsidiary to the listed company
Hengke Advanced MaterialsRefer toJiangsu Hengke Advanced Materials Co. Ltd., subsidiary to the Hengli Chemical Fiber, sub-subsidiary to the listed company
Deli Chemical FiberRefer toJiangsu Deli Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd., subsidiary to the Hengli Chemical Fiber, sub-subsidiary to the listed company
Kanghui New MaterialRefer toKanghui New Material Technology Co., Ltd., subsidiary to the listed company
Hengli Petrochemical ChemicalRefer toHengli Petrochemical (Dalian) Chemical Co., Ltd., subsidiary to the listed company
Hengli InvestmentRefer toHengli Investment (Dalian) Co., Ltd., subsidiary to the listed company
Hengli Petrochemical (Dalian)Refer toHengli Petrochemical (Dalian) Co., Ltd., subsidiary to the Hengneng Investment, sub-subsidiary to the listed company
Hengli Petrochemical (Huizhou)Refer toHengli Petrochemical (Huizhou) Co., Ltd., subsidiary to the Hengneng Investment, sub-subsidiary to the listed company
Hengli Petrochemical RefiningRefer toHengli Petrochemical (Dalian) Refining Co., Ltd., subsidiary to the listed company
Crude OilRefer toCrude oil is petroleum directly exploited from an oil well without being processed, and is a dark-brown or dark- green viscous liquid or semisolid flammable substance that is composed of various hydrocarbons.
Aromatic HydrocarbonRefer toA hydrocarbon containing a benzene ring structure in its molecule.Aromatic hydrocarbons, mainly including benzene, methylbenzene, xylene, etc., are one of the most important basic raw materials for the production of petrochemicals.
EthyleneRefer toA compound consisting of two carbon atoms and four hydrogen atoms. It is the basic chemical raw material of synthetic fiber, synthetic rubber, synthetic plastic- (polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride), synthetic ethanol (alcohol), and also used in manufacturing chloroethylene, styrene, ethylene oxide, acetic acid, acetaldehyde, ethanol, and explosives, etc.
PolyethyleneRefer toA thermoplastic resin obtained by polymerization of Ethylene. Polyethylene is odorless, non-toxic, feels like wax, has excellent low temperature resistance, good chemical stability, and is resistant to most acids and alkalis.
POLYPROPYLENE (PP)Refer toA semi-crystalline synthetic resin material with strong acid and alkali resistance, excellent electrical insulation performance, harder and higher melting point than PE.
StyreneRefer toAn organic compound, usually a colorless, aromatic liquid, used primarily in the production of plastics, resins, and rubber.
ButadieneRefer toAn organic compound, a colorless gas with a special smell, the main raw material for the production of synthetic rubber.
PARAXYLENE (PX)Refer toA kind of Aromatic Hydrocarbon, a colorless transparent liquid, is one of the raw materials for the production of purified terephthalic acid (PTA), which is used to produce plastics, Polyester Fiber and films.
PURIFIED TEREPHTHALIC ACID (PTA)Refer toIt is white crystal or powder at normal temperature, non- toxic, flammable, if mixed with air within a certain limit, it will burn when exposed to fire.
METHYLENE GLYCOL (MEG OR EG)Refer toColorless, odorless, sweet, viscous liquid, mainly used in the production of Polyester Fiber, antifreeze, unsaturated polyester resin, lubricants, plasticizers, non-ionic surfactants and explosives.
BDO, 1, 4-ButanediolRefer toColorless oily liquid, flammable, miscible with water. Soluble in methanol, ethanol, acetone, slightly soluble in ether.
Acetic AcidRefer toOrganic compound, a colorless liquid with a pungent odor. It is the raw material for the manufacture of rayon, film, aspirin, etc.
Polyester, Polyester Chip or PETRefer toPolyethylene terephthalate (referred to as polyester) is a fiber-forming high polymer prepared from PTA and MEG as raw materials through transesterification or esterification and polycondensation reactions. Fiber-grade
  polyester chips are used to make polyester staple fiber and Polyester Filament Yarn (PFY), and film-grade chips are used to make various film products.
PBATRefer toPolybutylene terephthalate-adipate, a petrochemical- based biodegradable plastic, has excellent biodegradability. It is very active in the research of biodegradable plastics and one of the best degradable materials in the market.
PBSRefer toPolybutylene succinate, polymerized from succinic acid and 1, 4-butanediol (BDO), has good thermal performance and mechanical processing performance, and is easily destroyed by various microorganisms in nature or animals and plants. Enzyme decomposes, metabolizes, and finally decomposes into carbon dioxide and water, which is a typical fully biodegradable material.
Polyester FiberRefer toSynthetic fiber obtained by spinning polyester obtained by polycondensation of organic dibasic acid and dibasic alcohol. Industrialized mass-produced Polyester Fiber is made of polyethylene terephthalate, and the trade name in China is polyester. It is the largest variety of synthetic fibers at present.
Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT), PBTRefer toAlso known as polytetramethylene terephthalate, it is a condensation polymer of terephthalic acid and 1, 4- butanediol. It can be obtained by polycondensation through transesterification or direct esterification. Together, PBT and PET are known as thermoplastic polyesters.
Biaxially-Oriented Polyethylene Terephthalate (BOPET), BOPETRefer toBiaxially-Oriented Polyethylene Terephthalate (BOPET) has the characteristics of high strength, good rigidity, transparency, high gloss, excellent wear resistance, folding resistance, pinhole resistance and tear resistance, etc.; heat shrinkage is extremely small and has good antistatic properties.
Denier (D)Refer toA fiber of 9, 000 meters in length weighs 1 gram and is called 1 Denier (D).
Polyester Filament Yarn (PFY)Refer toFilament with a length of more than one kilometer, the filament is wound into a ball.
PFY for Civil Use, Textile YarnRefer toPolyester Filament Yarn (PFY) for apparel or home textiles.
PFY for Industrial Use, Industrial YarnRefer toIt is a polyester long fiber with high strength, high modulus and large denier used in industrial fields.
Differential FiberRefer toThrough chemical modification or physical deformation, mainly to improve the wearing performance, there are great innovations in technology or performance, or new fiber varieties with certain characteristics that are different from conventional varieties.
POYRefer toPolyester pre-oriented yarn, full name PRE-ORIENTED YARN or PARTIALLY ORIENTED YARN, is an incompletely drawn Polyester Filament Yarn (PFY) obtained by high-speed spinning with an orientation degree between the unoriented yarn and the drawn yarn.
DTYRefer toStretched textured yarn, also known as polyester stretched yarn, full name DRAW TEXTURED YARN, is made of POY as raw yarn, stretched and false twisted, and often has a certain degree of elasticity and shrinkage.
FDYRefer toFull drawn yarn, also known as polyester drawn yarn, full
  name FULL DRAWN YARN, is a synthetic fiber filament further prepared by spinning and drawing process. The fiber has been fully drawn and can be directly used for textile processing.

Chapter 2 Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators
I. Company information

Company's Chinese Name恒力石化股份有限公司
Abbreviation of Chinese Name恒力石化
Legal representative of the CompanyFan Hongwei

II. Contacts and contact information

 Secretary of the BoardSecurities Affairs Representative
NameLi FengWang Shan, Duan Mengyuan
Contact addressFloor 31, Building B, Victoria Plaza, No. 52 Gangxing Road, Renmin Road Street, Zhongshan District, Dalian City, Liaoning ProvinceFloor 31, Building B, Victoria Plaza, No. 52 Gangxing Road, Renmin Road Street, Zhongshan District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province
E-mail[email protected][email protected] [email protected]

III. Basic information

Registered addressOSBL Project-Public Office Building, No. 298, Changsong Road, Lingang Industrial Zone, Changxing Island, Dalian City, Liaoning Province
Company office addressFloor 31, Building B, Victoria Plaza, No. 52 Gangxing Road, Renmin Road Street, Zhongshan District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province
Postal code of the Company's business address116001
Company websitehengliinc.com
E-mail[email protected]

IV. Information disclosure and location

Media name and website of the Company’s annual report disclosureChina Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News, Securities Times, Securities Daily
Website of the stock exchange where the company discloses the annual reportwww.sse.com.cn
The place where the Company's annual report is ready for inspectionOffice of the Company's board of directors

V. Company stock profile

Company stock profile    
Stock categoryStock exchangeStock abbreviationStock codeStock abbreviation before change
A sharesShanghai Stock ExchangeHengli Petrochemical600346Hengli Stock

VI. Other relevant information

Accounting firm engaged by the Company (Domestic)NameZhonghui Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership)
 Office addressRoom 601, Building A, Hualian Times Building, No. 8 Xinye Road, Jianggan District, Hangzhou
 Name of signing accountantHan Jian, Fang Sai

VII. Key accounting data and financial indicators in the past three years (I) Key Accounting Data
Unit: ten thousand yuan Currency: RMB

Key Accounting Data20222021Increase/decre ase (%)2020
Revenue from operations22, 232, 358.4019, 797, 034.4912.3015, 237, 339.57
Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company231, 830.321, 553, 107.67-85.071, 346, 178.57
Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company after deduction of non- recurring gains and losses104, 528.511, 452, 069.80-92.801, 287, 432.41
Net cash flows from operating activities2, 595, 397.081, 867, 017.3739.012, 414, 288.13
Net assets attributable to shareholders of listed company5, 286, 254.365, 723, 138.30-7.634, 690, 507.69
Total assets24, 143, 047.4621, 029, 622.5614.8019, 102, 872.66

(II) Key Financial Indicators

Key Accounting Data20222021Increase/decrease (%)2020
Basic earnings per share (Yuan/Share)0.332.21-85.071.92
Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/Share)0.332.21-85.071.92
Basic earnings per share after deducting non-recurring gains and losses (Yuan/Share)0.152.07-92.751.83
Weighted average return on equity (%)4.3030.07Reduced by 25.77 percentage points32.55
Weighted average return on equity after deducting non- recurring gains and losses (%)1.9428.11Reduced by 26.17 percentage points31.13

Note of the key accounting data and financial indicators of the company in the prior three years at the end of the reporting period
During the Reporting Period, the prices of crude oil and other major raw materials rose rapidly and oscillated at high levels and in a wide range. The prices of products near crude oil also rose sharply due to the impact of crude oil prices. At the same time, the traditional demand for the company's main products such as chemicals, functional films, civilian yarns, and industrial yarns related to terminal consumption and infrastructure real estate is at a low market level. The weak recovery of market demand in the industry, the delayed transmission of upstream and downstream product prices, and the company's double operating squeeze of historically high operating costs and low industry demand are the main reasons for the company's revenue from operations growth but profit decline. Secondly, the company implemented a refinery overhaul in the second half of 2022, which affected the overall load rate and processing cost level of the refining and chemical integration unit, and in accordance with the requirements of accounting standards, the inventory loss caused by the periodic decline in the international crude oil price has been accounted for, which has further affected the company's annual profitability.

VIII. Main financial data by quarter in 2022
Unit: ten thousand yuan Currency: RMB

 First quarter (January to March)Second Quarter (April- June)Third quarter (July- September)Fourth quarter (October- December)
Revenue from operations5, 339, 665.196, 575, 862.875, 120, 188.765, 196, 641.58
Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company422, 268.92380, 346.92-193, 946.96-376, 838.56
Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses411, 359.48330, 324.85-262, 602.68-374, 553.14
Net cash flows from operating activities1, 061, 775.26601, 761.03583, 868.05347, 992.74

IX. Non-recurring gains and losses items and amount
Unit: yuan Currency: RMB

Item of non-recurring gains and losses202220212020
Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets-8, 794, 093.171, 788, 290.01-2, 353, 388.34
Government subsidies included in the current profit and loss, except for government subsidies that are closely related to the company's normal business operations, comply with national policies and regulations, and are continuously enjoyed in accordance with certain standards or quantities1, 594, 250, 334.30760, 570, 495.82937, 331, 851.91
Gain on investment costs in acquisition of subsidiaries, associates and joint venture less than the fair value of identifiable net assets of the investees79, 415, 493.16  
Except for the effective hedging business related to the Company's normal business operations, income from the holding of trading financial assets, Derivative financial assets, Trading financial liabilities, and derivative financial-46, 001, 895.50375, 366, 888.97-158, 168, 853.40
liabilities generates changes in fair value gains and losses, and the disposal of Trading financial assets, Derivative financial assets, Trading Investment income from financial liabilities, derivative financial liabilities and other debt investments   
Other non-operating income/(expenses), net10, 695, 487.35-5, 096, 728.57-11, 127, 746.48
Other gain or loss items met the definition of non- recurring item3, 692, 791.9045, 080, 477.291, 561, 440.57
Less: Impact on income tax360, 240, 063.26183, 394, 674.73200, 533, 876.52
Impact on minority interests (after tax)--16, 064, 003.29-20, 752, 079.27
Total1, 273, 018, 054.781, 010, 378, 752.08587, 461, 507.01

X. Items measured at fair value
Unit: ten thousand yuan Currency: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceClosing balanceChanges in the periodImpact on profit for the current period
Derivative financial assets69, 643.3149, 043.06-20, 600.2545, 675.63
Derivative financial liabilities29, 681.7034, 602.074, 920.37-50, 022.39
Wealth management products and structured deposits2, 000.006, 500.004, 500.00243.05
Receivable financing341, 995.77228, 727.12-113, 268.65-
Fund trust and asset management products9, 793.854, 698.39-5, 095.46-150.78
Treasury bond reverse repurchase16, 499.001, 734.90-14, 764.1059.41
Total469, 613.63325, 305.54-144, 308.09-4, 195.08

Chapter 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

I. Business discussion and analysis
In 2022, under the impact of complex geopolitical conflicts, deep adjustments in global supply chains, and frequent major climate disasters, prices of commodities such as energy, industrial metals, and food continued to rise, leading to a global surge in inflation. Weaker global economic fundamentals further intensified financial market volatility, prompting central banks in developed economies to swiftly and significantly tighten monetary policies, resulting in a phase of capital outflows. The central banks of some emerging markets and developing economies took a more aggressive stance in raising interest rates, greatly weighing down their economic growth. The global economic growth rate significantly declined in 2022, and the divergence in the recovery became more pronounced. As geopolitical influences deepen, the subsequent effects of rapid interest rate hikes by major central banks, and inflationary pressures, the world economy may face even greater challenges in its recovery in 2023. The International Monetary Fund predicts a global economic growth rate of only 2.9% in 2023.
From a domestic perspective, "China's economy maintains strong resilience, has great potential, and remains vibrant, with the long-term positive fundamentals unchanged." Faced with a complex and challenging situation, China adheres to the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, efficiently coordinates economic and social development, and has achieved positive results, stabilizing the overall macroeconomic situation. In 2022, China's gross domestic product (GDP) reached 121.02 trillion yuan, an increase of 3.0% compared to the previous year. It outpaced the growth rates of other major economies in the world, maintaining a continuous expansion of the overall economic size and solidifying its development foundation. However, despite this, the international situation remains complex and challenging, and the Chinese economy still faces significant "contractions in demand, supply shocks, and weakened expectations, " with a fragile foundation for economic recovery. In 2023, the Central Economic Work Conference made it clear that it will adhere to the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, vigorously boost market confidence, emphasize stable growth, employment, and prices, promote overall improvement in economic performance, and strive for qualitative and quantitative improvements. "Placing the restoration and expansion of consumption in a prioritized position, " adopting multiple measures to promote stable consumption growth, enhance residents' consumption capacity, improve the consumption environment, and cultivate new drivers of consumption growth. "Persisting in making the focus of economic development on the real economy and promoting new industrialization." Cultivating and expanding emerging industries, continuously focusing on key areas such as 5G, artificial intelligence, biomanufacturing, industrial internet, intelligent connected vehicles, green and low-carbon sectors, and constantly enriching and expanding new application scenarios. In our industry, in 2022, affected by the slowdown in macroeconomic growth, rising energy prices, weak terminal consumption, and a continued decline in the real estate sector, the industry as a whole faced the dual pressures of high costs and insufficient demand, resulting in a general decline in profitability. From the cost side, the high prices of major energy sources such as crude oil and natural gas have increased production costs for enterprises. International crude oil prices experienced fluctuations after an initial increase. According to monitoring data from the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, in 2022, the average spot price of Brent crude oil was $101.2 per barrel, a year-on-year increase of 43.0%, and the average spot price of WTI crude oil was $94.5 per barrel, a year-on-year increase of 39.1%. From the demand side, insufficient terminal consumer demand and ineffective price transmission between upstream and downstream products have led to lower product price increases compared to upstream raw materials, further squeezing enterprise profit margins. In the aromatics-PTA-polyester fiber industry chain, downstream textile and apparel are important terminal consumer markets. In 2022, due to factors such as slowing growth in household income and slow recovery of consumption scenarios, the domestic consumer market faced pressure, and domestic demand for textile and apparel products was insufficient. Although export volumes reached new highs, export growth rates declined month by month in the second half of the year. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the retail sales of apparel, shoes, hats, and textiles above the quota nationwide decreased by 6.5% compared to the previous year, and the growth rate has remained negative since March. Insufficient downstream demand for textile and apparel products led to a general decline in the operating rates of major industries in the chemical fiber downstream, compared to the same period in 2021. In the olefin chemical industry chain, real estate and infrastructure, as important terminal consumer markets, bear enormous consumption volumes. Due to multiple factors, the deep adjustment trend in the real estate market continued in 2022. Data from the National Bureau of Statistics shows that nationwide real estate development investment decreased by 10.0% compared to the previous year.
Against the backdrop of high and volatile crude oil and natural gas prices, prices of products closer to crude oil have also risen significantly, influenced by crude oil prices. On the other hand, the prices of chemical products closer to the consumer end depend more on their own supply and demand dynamics. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the profits of the upstream oil and gas sector increased by 1.15 times year-on-year, while the profits of the downstream refining and chemical sectors experienced negative growth. In the face of a turbulent external environment, the integrated operation of high value-added and multi-variety industrial chains and the supply composition of products highlight the industry's prominent risk resistance and profit capturing capabilities in the face of high oil price volatility and market fluctuations.
Year 2023 is the starting year for comprehensively implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and a crucial year for carrying forward the goals set in the 14th Five-Year Plan. "High-quality development is the primary task for building a socialist modern country." The new generation of information technology and new materials serve as the two fundamental technologies of the manufacturing industry, with new materials being the cornerstone of upgrading traditional industries and developing strategic emerging industries. The chemical new materials industry is an important basic material for strategic fields such as new energy, high-end equipment, green environmental protection, and biotechnology. In recent years, driven by the implementation of the domestic "dual carbon" strategy, the green transformation and upgrading of the national industry, and changes in consumption patterns, the demand for upstream chemical new materials has continued to grow. This has prompted industry enterprises to actively transition from "energy + chemicals" to "platformization + new materials" and from "scale economy dominance" to "green and circular-driven" business models. Leading industry players, such as Hengli Group, have implemented fully integrated development of the entire industry chain, relying on a rich portfolio of basic chemical raw materials from integrated refining and petrochemical projects. They have extended their presence into downstream new materials fields such as high-end polyolefins, lithium battery materials, engineering plastics, and petroleum-based degradable plastics. By increasing value-added and internally consuming intermediate products, these companies effectively buffer the intense homogenized competition and structural imbalances in high-end scarcity in the upstream sector, aiming to achieve secondary growth.
In recent years, the company has actively adapted to new situations, new developments, and new changes, closely focusing on the innovation chain based on national industrial strategic transformation deployments, and deploying the industrial chain based on the innovation chain. The company has focused on "supply chain enhancement and research and development innovation." Building upon the advantageous integration of "oil, coal, and chemicals" in the deep integration of the "large-scale chemical platform, " and relying on fine chemical park projects, the company has accelerated the development of a high-end fine chemical industry cluster. This aims to further expand the industry's support and development foundation for high-end chemical raw materials, solidify the role and operational efficiency of the upstream "large-scale chemical" platform. Targeting new directions and markets in downstream polyester and polyesters, as well as fine chemicals and specialty new materials in the olefin downstream sector, the company aims to consolidate its traditional market advantages, benchmark breakthroughs in key new materials areas, and focus on the development of PBS/PBAT degradable materials, functional polyester materials, high-performance resin materials, high-end fiber materials, and new energy materials. The company strategically positions itself in high-growth tracks with high technological barriers and high added value, actively constructing an ecological circle for the fine chemical and new materials industry chain in the "Dalian Changxing Island, " and striving to become a leading enterprise in the entire value chain of research, development, and manufacturing of platform-based chemical new materials. During the reporting period, the listed company faced the dual operational pressure of historically high operating costs and low industry demand in a challenging economic environment and a complex and volatile market situation. As a result, the company experienced a significant decline in profitability. The company achieved operating income of 222.324 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.30%, and a net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company of 2.318 billion yuan, a decrease of 85.07% compared to the same period last year. The decline in profit was mainly due to the rapid and volatile increase in prices of major raw materials such as crude oil, coupled with weak recovery in industry market demand. The company faced the dual operational squeeze of historically high operating costs and low industry demand. The company's main products, such as chemical products, functional films, civilian silk, industrial silk, and others related to traditional demand in end-consumption and infrastructure construction, were at a low level in the market, putting pressure on the company's profitability. In the second half of 2022, the company implemented a major overhaul of its refinery, which affected the overall load rate and processing cost level of its integrated refining and petrochemical units. The company also made provisions in accordance with accounting standards for inventory losses caused by the temporary downward trend in international crude oil prices, further impacting the company's annual profitability.
Despite the extremely challenging external environment in 2022, under the correct leadership of the Board of Directors, the company's management actively sought certainty amid uncertainty, maintained composure, and sought steady progress. Through overall coordination and actively eliminating environmental factors, the company efficiently and rapidly advanced key project construction, continuously expanded the industrial chain, improved scarce production capacity, and strengthened the development of new supports. The company solidified the foundation of safety and environmental protection, actively promoted green and low-carbon transformation, and achieved efficient operations with high standards, green practices, and environmental protection. The company also strengthened its risk control, refined management, and flexible operational capabilities, controlled costs while increasing efficiency, and maximized the stability and efficiency of production and operations. (未完)