
时间:2023年08月21日 18:11:28 中财网



August 2023

Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Interpretation
Board of Directors, Board of Supervisory, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of Weifu High-Technology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of the whole contents.
Wang Xiaodong, Principal of the Company, and Rong Bin, person in charge of accounting works, as well as Wu Junfei, person in charge of accounting organ (accounting principal) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of this Semi-Annual Report is authentic, accurate and complete.
All directors have attended the Meeting for the Report deliberation. The forward-looking statements with future plans involved in the Report do not constitute a substantial commitment for investors. Investors and related parties should maintain sufficient risk awareness and investors are advised to exercise caution of investment risks.
The Company may face main risks in future operation and countermeasures are describes in the “Management Discussion and Analysis”, and the investors are advised to check them out.
The Company has no plan of cash dividend distributed, no cash bonus and capitalizing of common reserves either carried out.

The Report is prepared in Chinese and English respectively. In the event of any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. Content
Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Interpretation ............................................................. 2
Section II. Company Profile and Main Financial Indexes ............................................................. 6
Section III. Management Discussion and Analysis ......................................................................... 9
Section IV. Corporate Governance ................................................................................................. 22
Section V. Environmental and Social Responsibility .................................................................... 24
Section VI. Important Matters ....................................................................................................... 29
Section VII. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders ......................................... 39
Section VIII. Preferred Stock ......................................................................................................... 45
Section IX. Corporate Bonds .......................................................................................................... 46
Section X. Financial Report ............................................................................................................ 47

Documents Available for Reference
I. Financial statement carrying the signatures and seals of person in charge of the company, principal of the
accounting works and person in charge of accounting organ (accounting Supervisor); II. Original documents of the Company and manuscripts of public notices that disclosed in the website designated
by CSRC during the reporting period;
III. The Semi-Annual report summary is published on China Securities Journal and Securities Times during the
IV. Place for preparation: Office of the BOD of the Company.Interpretation

ItemsRefers toContents
Weifu GroupRefers toWuxi Weifu Group Co., Ltd.
Wuxi Industry GroupRefers toWuxi Industry Development Group Co., Ltd.
Robert Bosch, Robert Bosch CompanyRefers toRobert Bosch Co., Ltd, ROBERT BOSCH GMBH
RBCDRefers toRobert Bosch Powertrain Ltd.
SPVRefers toWeifu Holding ApS
IRDRefers toIRD Fuel Cells A/S
BoritRefers toBorit NV
WFQLRefers toWuxi Weifu Qinglong Power Technology Co., Ltd.
VHIORefers toVHIT S.p.A. Società Unipersonale
VHWXRefers toVHIT Automotive Systems(Wuxi) Co.Ltd
Lezhuo BoweiRefers toLezhuo Bowei Hydraulic Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
WFECRefers toWuxi WFEC Catalysts. Co., Ltd.
WFPMRefers toWuxi Weifu Precision Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Zhonglian ElectronicsRefers toZhonglian Automobile Electronics Co., Ltd.
Guokai MetalRefers toWuxi Guokai Metal Resources Co., Ltd.
CSRCRefers toChina Securities Regulatory Commission
SZSERefers toShenzhen Stock Exchange
The reporting periodRefers toFrom January 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023

Section II. Company Profile and Main Financial Indexes
I. Company information

Short form of the stockWFHT, Su Weifu-BStock code000581.200581
Stock exchange for listingShenzhen Stock Exchange  
Name of the Company (in Chinese)无锡威孚高科技集团股份有限公司  
Short form of the Company (in Chinese)威孚高科  
Foreign name of the Company (if applicable)WEIFU HIGH-TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO.,LTD.  
Short form of foreign name of the Company (if applicable)WFHT  
Legal representativeWang Xiaodong  
II. Person/Way to contact

 Secretary of the BoardRep. of security affairs
NameLiu JinjunXu Kan
Contact add.No.5 Huashan Road, Xinwu District, WuxiNo.5 Huashan Road, Xinwu District, Wuxi
E-mail[email protected][email protected]
III. Other information
1. Company contact information
Whether registrations address, offices address and codes as well as website and email of the Company changed in reporting period
or not
□ Applicable ?Not applicable
The registered address, office address, postal code, website, and email address of the company remain unchanged during the
reporting period. Please refer to the 2022 Annual Report for details. 2. Information disclosure and location
Whether information disclosure and preparation place changed in reporting period or not □Applicable?Not applicable
The website and media name and website of the stock exchange where the company disclosed its semi-annual report, and the place
of placement of the company’s semi-annual report remain unchanged during the reporting period. Please refer to the 2022 Annual
Report for details.
3. Other relevant information
Whether other relevant information has changed in the reporting period or not □Applicable ?Not applicable
IV. Main accounting data and financial indexes
Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not □ Yes ? No

 Current periodLast periodYear-on-year increase(+)/decrease(-)
Operation income (RMB)6,129,649,047.407,137,172,857.97-14.12%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company(RMB)948,760,859.551,091,126,480.08-13.05%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting extraordinary gains and losses(RMB)830,878,251.371,127,408,939.53-26.30%
Net cash flows arising from operating activities (RMB)1,089,961,237.42-2,493,982,044.89143.70%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)0.981.10-10.91%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)0.981.10-10.91%
Weighted average ROE5.24%5.55%-0.31%
 Ending balance of current periodEnding balance of last periodYear-on-year increase(+)/decrease(-)
Total assets (RMB)28,352,668,665.5328,528,913,065.01-0.62%
Net assets attributable to shareholders of listed company (RMB)18,544,382,977.5617,696,679,170.724.79%
V. Difference of the accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China 1. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International
Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) □ Applicable ? Not applicable
The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either IAS (International
Accounting Standards) or Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the reporting period.
2. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accounting
rules and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) □ Applicable ?Not applicable
The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either foreign accounting rules or
Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the reporting period. VI. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses
?Applicable □Not applicable

Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the write-off that accrued for impairment of assets)124,868,984.10WFJN demolition compensation
Governmental grants reckoned into current gains/losses (except for those with normal operation business concerned, and conform to the national policies & regulations and are continuously enjoyed at a fixed or quantitative basis according to certain standards)40,157,408.73 
Except for the effective hedging operations related to normal business operation of the Company, the gains/losses of fair value changes from holding the trading financial assets and trading financial liabilities, and the investment earnings obtained from disposing the trading financial asset, trading financial liability and financial assets available for sale-14,788,631.85 
Reversal of provision for depreciation of account receivable which was singly taken depreciation test3,127,091.67 
Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the aforementioned items3,433,420.03 
Less: Impact on income tax18,140,350.17 
Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax)20,775,314.33 
Specific information on other items of gains and losses qualified the definition of extraordinary gains and losses
□Applicable ?Not applicable
The Company does not have other items of gains and losses qualified the definition of extraordinary gains and losses

Information on the definition of extraordinary gains and losses that listed in the Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Gains and Losses as the recurring gains/losses
□Applicable ?Not applicable
The Company does not have any extraordinary gains and losses listed under the Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Gains and Losses defined as recurring

Section III. Management Discussion and Analysis
I. Major business of the company within the reporting period (I) Main business engaged by the Company
The Company is engaged in R&D, production and sales of core automotive parts and components. During the reporting period, the
main products are diesel fuel injection system products, exhaust gas post-processing system products and air intake system
products. Meanwhile, the core components of the fuel cell products of the company have been produced and marketed in small
1. The diesel fuel injection system products are widely applied to diesel engines of all grades of power, to support various types of
trucks, buses, construction machinery, marine, agricultural machinery, generator sets, etc. The products can satisfy the National VI
and Off-road Stage IV emission regulations for vehicles, and are in the leading position within the industry in terms of product
variety, production scale, market share, etc. While making efforts to match with domestic main engines, some products have been
exported to America, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and other regions. 2. Exhaust gas post-processing system products can satisfy the National VI and Off-road Stage IV emission regulations for
vehicles. The products are in the leading position domestically in terms of technology level, market scale and production capacity,
and are widely used in the fields of passenger cars, commercial vehicles, off-road machinery, etc., which can provide strong
support for the product upgrading of main engine manufacturers. 3. Intake system products (superchargers), can satisfy the National VI and Off-road Stage IV emission regulations for vehicles, the
application range covers multiple fields such as commercial vehicles, passenger cars, construction machinery, agricultural
machinery and generator sets, providing support for major domestic OEMs and vehicle manufacturers.
4. The core components of fuel cells, including membrane electrode, graphite bipolar plate, metal bipolar plate and key BOP
components, are used for supporting domestic and overseas fuel cell reactor and system manufacturers.
(II) Business model of the Company
The Company follows the business philosophy of “Making Fine Products, Creating Famous Brands and Achieving Common Growth
in Values” and implements the business model of unified management by the parent company and decentralized production by the
subsidiaries. The parent company is responsible for formulating strategic development plans and business objectives, and providing
unified management, guidance and assessment to the subsidiaries in terms of finance, major personnel management, core raw
materials, quality control, technology development, etc. Subsidiaries arrange production based on the order management model of
the market, which not only enables the subsidiaries to maintain uniform product quality, but also facilitates timely understanding of
customer demands and saving logistics costs, so as to improve the economic efficiency of the Company by maintaining the
timeliness of product production and supply.
(III) Development of the industry
The industry of the Company is auto parts manufacturing industry, which is closely related to the development of the auto industry.
In the first half of 2023, Chinese economy maintained a sustained recovery trend, the accumulation of positive factors increased, and
the long-term trend to a good prospect was still stable. In this context, the overall development of auto industry maintained steady in
the first half of the year, the domestic market continued to recover, and the main economic indicators continued to improve. From
January to June 2023, automobile production and sales were 13.248 million and 13.239 million, respectively, with the year-on-year
1. Market of commercial vehicles
From January to June 2023, the production and sales of commercial vehicles were 1.967 million and 1.971 million, respectively, with
the year-on-year increase of 16.9% and 15.8%. The output and sales of freight cars were 1.74 million and 1.748 million, respectively,
with the year-on-year increase of 15.5% and 14.8%; the output and sales of passenger cars were 227,000 and 223,000, respectively,
with the year-on-year increase of 28.9% and 24.3%.
In the first half of 2023, along with gradual recovery of consumption, continuous investment in infrastructure and increasing demand
for logistics and transportation, sales of commercial vehicles such as engineering heavy trucks, transportation heavy trucks, and
urban logistics vehicles continued to grow, and the commercial vehicle market went up from bottom. 2. Market of passenger vehicles
From January to June 2023, the output and sales of passenger vehicles were 11.281 million and 11.268 million, respectively, with the
year-on-year increase of 8.1% and 8.8%. From the perspective of the performance of passenger vehicle market in the first half of the
year, the issuance of national and local sales promotion policies, the momentum of auto enterprises at the end of the quarter, and the
continuous growth of sales and exports of new energy vehicle have jointly promoted the growth of both the output and sales of the
passenger vehicle market in the first half of the year.
3. Market of new energy vehicles
From January to June 2023, the output and sales of new energy vehicles were 3.788 million and 3.747 million, respectively, with the
year-on-year increase of 42.4% and 44.1%, and market share of 28.3%. Among them, the sales of pure electric vehicles rose by 31.9%
YOY to 2.719 million; the sales of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles rose by 91.1% to 1.025 million; and the sales of fuel cell vehicles
rose by 73.5% YOY to 2,000. With enrichment of variety of new energy passenger vehicles, the marketing of a large number of new
models and the decline in prices of vehicle modes, compared with sales in the same period of last year, sales of A00 - grade vehicles
decreased significantly, while the sales of other grade vehicles rose to varying degree. 4. Market of non-road vehicles
In the first half of 2023, the domestic economy and society fully returned to normal, and the market got warm. However, affected by
the weakening demand for infrastructure, the real estate investment still in the deep adjustment period, and insufficient
commencement, construction machinery industry is still under greater pressure, while the agricultural machinery industry was
significantly improved due to the recovery of agricultural demand. From January to June 2023, the sales of diesel internal
combustion engines for construction machinery was 480,000, rising by 1.4% YOY; the sales of diesel internal combustion engines
for agricultural machinery was 860,000, rising by 14.6% YOY. (Note: The above industry data sources are from China Association of Automobile Manufacturers and China Internal Combustion
Engine Industry Association.)
(IV) Business of the company in reporting period
Since the beginning of this year, the Company has earnestly implemented the annual work objectives and plans, and actively
grasped and responded to the opportunities and challenges of the industry. During the reporting period, operation revenue from the
Company was 6.130 billion yuan, down by 14.12% YOY; the net profit attributable to shareholder of listed company amounted to
0.949 billion yuan, down by 13.05% YOY.
Main work carried out by the Company during the reporting period: 1. Strengthened collaborative marketing management and accelerated the expansion of new industry markets. Since the beginning
of this year, the Company has strengthened the collaborative marketing of existing business and emerging business, and
accelerated the expansion of key customer markets at home and abroad. Existing business: The market shares of post-processing
system purifier products kept rising, of which the year-on-year sales increase of gasoline purifier has exceeded 20%; batch
production of diesel purifier T4 has been achieved in multiple key customer projects in non-road vehicle market. Batch production
of gasoline supercharger has been achieved or PPAP has been completed in some customer projects; a number of new customer
projects have been obtained for six cylinder diesel supercharger products, and small batch supply of methanol supercharger to key
customers has been realized. The non-road vehicle market of distribution pump T4 was vigorously developed, and the installation
in 51 major agricultural machinery customers have been completed. The generator and loader markets were actively expanded; the
overseas export market of products such as in-line pumps grew rapidly. Emerging business: The sales of electric drive parts
maintained high growth, among which sales of motor shaft products rose by 2.6 times YOY; the first announced model of wheel
hub motor was released, and a number of new model customer projects were carried out simultaneously; the construction of
domestic production line, debugging or trial production of a number of hydrogen fuel cell products such as membrane electrode,
metal bipolar plate, alloy catalyst, electronic water pump, thermostat, hydrogen circulation pump and exhaust vent valve have been
completed, and domestic and foreign customer projects are successfully expanded. The OTS engineering recognition documents
for electronic oil pump products have been submitted to the head customers, and the products have been designated for a number
of customer projects. The tripartite strategic cooperation has been reached with KargoBot and Arbe for 4D imaging radar products,
and the first round of sample delivery and road testing have been completed; strategic cooperation has been reached with Shanxi
Anshu Intelligent Technology to jointly promote the research and development and commercial application in the smart mine
industry; testing and verification are actively carried out with a number of Oems customers. 2. Strengthened technology R&D, and accelerated the development of new products. Existing business: Successfully carried out
the product reliability test of electronic fuel injection system 2200bar platform; Completed the sample functional verification and
batch production manufacturing planning of dual-fuel direct injection product; Smoothly proceeded the development of low-
carbon alternative fuel injection system. Completed the development and mass production of post-processing system platforms for
light diesel vehicles, heavy diesel vehicles and non-road mobile machinery; Completed the development of post-processing
systems for several plug-in hybrid vehicle models; Carried out the technical pre-research on products that meet national VII
emission standard and alternative fuel post-processing products. The development of diesel and natural gas supercharger projects
that meet national VI emission standard was stably in progress. Completed the small batch verification of several key customer
projects; Completed the development and small batch supply of gasoline supercharger in the hybrid models of head new energy
vehicle customers, which was in the ramp stage of mass production; Actively promoted the use of 48V electric supercharger in
customer pre-research projects. Emerging business: Completed the production consistency verification of the pile core materials
such as platinum-carbon catalyst and alloy catalyst production lines, as well as the commissioning and trial production of 1.1
million pieces/year membrane electrode domestic production line; Achieved stable production of hydrogen ejector, hydrogen
isolation valve and hydrogen safety valve; Completed production preparation for hydrogen exhaust valve, electronic water pump
and proportional three-way valve for batch production; Completed partial reliability tests for key BoP components such as 35/70
Mpa pressure relief valve and bottle valve, hydrogen circulating pump and air bearing. Achieved the demonstration operation for
electrolytic water hydrogen production system, and launched the development of platform product. Completed sample review and
trial production of scatter radar and in-cabin radar C; Continuously promoted the customer project development and
industrialization capacity building for 4D imaging radar products. 3. Improved the operation quality of the strategic system, and promoted the investment layout of new business. Completed the
review and evaluation of business strategic planning and strengthened the thermal management business and VH business
capability planning, completed the strategic resource audit of hydraulic business, launched and promoted the strategic thematic
studies on catalysts, coating technology and chassis; Acquired the land of hydrogen energy industrial park, and completed the
preliminary design scheme and land application. Implemented the construction and investment of three global bases for hydrogen
energy business, completed R&D and capacity expansion investment to graphite bipolar plate in IRD Europe and North America
base and the metal bipolar plate in Borit Europe base, and accelerated the localization capacity building of Asia-Pacific base Weifu
Qinglong joint venture; Finished the integration and collaboration after VH business acquisition; Carried out the research and
wheel hub motor business. Jointly carried out market research with strategic partners, and actively promoted the research on
technical path of PEM water-electrolytic hydrogen production business. Established post-investment management system and
regulated the post-investment governance of subsidiaries.
4. Strengthened intelligent quality management, and steadily promoted engineering construction. Launched FMS tooling
management system and pilot implemented the phase I of WMS warehouse management system; Developed and tested MOM
phase I manufacturing operation system; Completed the preliminary research on the iteration of TMS tool management system,
EMS energy management system and PMS equipment management system; Deployed IoT platform in the pilot units to achieve
full connectivity of equipment interconnection. Completed the process planning of new platform products of the technology center,
promoted the standardization of process modules and launched phase II PLM development. Implemented Q11 quality criteria and
continuously improve the development quality management capability; Deepened the quality improvement review mechanism,
audited core products and estimated the hierarchical evaluation of all elements of the process on a regular basis. Constructed R&D
building according to the milestone, finished the project planning and foundation construction of plant and station building on the
lot 103, and proceeded the construction of the hydrogen energy industrial park as planned. 5. Strengthened operation quality, and improved operation efficiency. Improved the standardized management of tax-related terms
of contracts is improved promoted the tax early warning analysis in an orderly manner, and optimized accounting process to
improve operation efficiency; Strengthened business risk prevention, refine business data analysis, optimized product and
improved profitability. Improved and optimized the existing systems and processes, invited external risk control experts for
evaluation and training, continuously improved the risk control and management ability, and strengthened the risk detection and
control at all levels of the Company. Improved business monitoring and analysis of lines and divisions, intensified deviation
management and corrective action tracking; Set up overseas project offices and investigated on overseas subsidiary management
and control mode; Developed and applied the phase II process operation analysis platform and document control platform.
Evaluated status of procurement business, identified core problems and formulated optimization measures; Completed the basic
development of warehouse standardization system of the Group. Optimized the talent structure, implement internal transfer and
improved and the suitability of talents; Promoted the establishment of talent sharing mechanism with high-skilled positions as a
pilot; Explored the international talent work exchange mechanism and business ability training program to build a sound
international talent teams.
II. Analysis on core competitiveness
1. Industry and brand advantages. Established in 1958, with more than sixty years of development, the Company has become a
renowned manufacturer of auto parts in China and has established long-term and stable cooperation with major domestic OEMs
and vehicle manufacturers. The existing core auto parts products such as automotive fuel injection system, exhaust gas post-
processing system, air intake system and core parts of hydrogen fuel cell have strong market competitiveness and high market
shares. The Company is a leading enterprise in the internal combustion engine industry in China as well as a Top 30 Enterprise in
the auto parts industry in China.
2. Technology and product advantages. The Company is a national high-tech enterprise with scientific research platforms such as
National Enterprise Technology Center, National High Technology Research and Development Program Achievement
Industrialization Base, Postdoctoral Research Station, Jiangsu Provincial Postgraduate Workstation, as well as several provincial
engineering technology research centers, provincial engineering laboratories and other R&D institutions, which mainly focus on
fuel injection system for vehicles, exhaust gas post-processing system, air intake system, hydrogen fuel cell, intelligent network,
thermal management system and other businesses for technological innovation and product development. The Company has
acquired a number of key core technologies, with the technical indicators of its main products at the leading level in the industry.
In recent years, the Company has made key strategic layout in the fields of green hydrogen energy and intelligent electric power,
established the Institute of New Energy and Netlink Technology, and formed product technology R&D capabilities in core parts of
hydrogen fuel cell, intelligent netlink, new energy thermal management system components, etc. 3. Management and manufacturing advantages. The Company features a perfect organizational structure, management system and
process, as well as a financial sharing platform, which can realize the effective migration and stable operation of organization and
personnel, business and accounting; The Company has built a human resource information system platform, so as to guarantee the
timely and accurate standardization of basic data of organization, personnel, salary and attendance; The Company has established
a procurement sharing system, which enables the interconnection of information between enterprises and suppliers that enables
closed-loop management of the procurement process; The Company has implemented the Weifu Production System (WPS) with
lean concept and established an overall process quality management system with relatively strong manufacturing, quality
assurance, cost control and product delivery capabilities. With the focus on smart manufacturing, the Company has continued to
build a smart factory with Weifu characteristics and promote the application of cloud computing and 5G network, which can
strongly support the future business development of the Company. 4. Marketing and service advantages. The Company features a stable, professional and experienced marketing team, which can
provide targeted support and services based on customer demands, as well as cordial customer relationships. With regard to long-
term strategic customers, the Company has established a four-in-one marketing coordination group consisting of responsible
leaders, key account managers, marketing departments and business divisions, and regular visits among the management of the
companies to promote communication and cooperation. The Company has a relatively complete after-sales service system, and has
built an after-sales service network, intelligent service platform, and set up special maintenance technical service stations
nationwide to regularly train end-users in the use of maintenance and fault analysis and judgment, so as to provide customers with
fast, timely and professional all-round after-sales services. 5. Talent team advantages. The management team of the Company has extensive experience in the auto parts industry with
excellent industry reputation. The Company attaches importance to the growth of employees as well as the development of core
talents. With years of accumulation, the Company has deposited a group of professional and high-quality management and
technical talents and established a reasonable talent echelon, which provides a strong guarantee of human resources for the long-
term and stable development of the Company. The human resource management system of the Company is relatively
comprehensive, and the continuously optimized human resource management system has provided a fair platform for career
development of employees to realize their values. The Company attaches importance to the service and care for employees, and
aims to enhance the service experience of employees through the construction of employee self-help platform to create a working
environment with warmth and a sense of belonging.
6. International cooperation advantages. The Company is committed to the core automotive parts industry and has long been
cooperating with strategic partners at home and abroad in depth. The Company has been cooperating with industry giant Robert
Bosch Company since 1984, and has established a long-term and stable cooperation relationship with Bosch and continuously
expanded cooperation in new business areas, and the cooperation model between the two sides has become an industry model.
Meanwhile, the Company has built joint ventures with Autocam in the United States and Schmidt in Germany, and cooperates
closely in the field of high-end precision manufacturing. By long-term cooperation with renowned enterprises in Europe and the
United States, the Company has cultivated a group of middle and senior management and technical personnel with international
communication abilities, international visions and familiarity with international standards, and has mastered R&D process design,
quality control and production management capabilities with international advanced levels, which has promoted favorable
development of the business of the Company as well as international business and market development.
7. Excellent corporate culture with the mission of “Better Life Powered by Quality and Intelligence” and the vision of “Centennial
Weifu Expert in Core Auto Parts Industry”, the Company has practiced the core values of “Focus, Innovation, Commitment and
Integration” while adopting the enterprise spirit of “Being Practical, Being Courageous, Being Cooperative and Being Pioneering”.
The Company has been building a culture system of “Quality and Intelligence”, with “Quality” and “Intelligence” as the twin
engines of the corporate culture, which reflect the adherence to the original intention and the pursuit of the future. The excellent
corporate culture has provided strong support for the continued operational excellence of the Company and its growth into a
trustworthy and respected industrial expert, thereby playing an active role in the achievement of the strategic goals of the
III. Analysis of the main businesses
Please refer to the relevant content of “I. Major business of the company within the reporting period”.
Year-on-year changes in major financial data

 Amount in current periodAmount in last periodYear-on-year increase(+)/decrease(-)Reason
Operation income6,129,649,047.407,137,172,857.97-14.12% 
Operation cost5,163,871,731.266,026,454,182.03-14.31% 
Sales expense103,031,481.4079,020,592.4330.39%Mainly due to the inclusion of newly acquired companies VHIO and VHWX in the consolidated
Administration expense299,195,729.59277,212,254.797.93% 
Financial expense38,462,182.4529,774,064.5729.18%Mainly due to increase in loan interest
Income tax expense29,332,279.7455,645,075.75-47.29%Mainly due to decrease in taxable income
R&D expense351,887,038.12289,631,376.5021.49% 
Net cash flows arising from operating activities1,089,961,237.42- 2,493,982,044.89143.70%Mainly due to cash outflow of platform trade during the same period last year
Net cash flows arising from investing activities244,240,067.481,556,579,998.88-84.31%Mainly due to decrease in the scale of financial management and a year-on-year decrease in the maturing amount
Net cash flows arising from financing activities-1,253,388,210.291,338,690,663.84-193.63%Mainly due to decrease in borrowing inflows and increase in repayment expenses; Simultaneously sharing dividends reduced expenses
Net increase of cash and cash equivalents110,347,069.15396,766,366.07-72.19% 
Significant changes in the composition or source of profits of the company during the reporting period
□ Applicable ?Not applicable
There have been no significant changes in the composition or source of profits of the company during the reporting period.
Composition of operation revenue

 Amount in current period Amount in last period Year-on- year increase(+ )/decrease (-)
 AmountRatio in operation revenueAmountRatio in operation revenue 
Total operation revenue6,129,649,047.40100%7,137,172,857.97100%-14.12%
By industry     
Automotive components6,052,163,689.7698.74%6,928,141,770.1397.07%-12.64%
Other business77,485,357.641.26%209,031,087.842.93%-62.93%
By product     
Automotive fuel management system3,071,891,040.1750.12%3,439,477,050.5748.19%-10.69%
Automotive post- processing system2,088,560,385.0234.07%3,228,708,237.8545.24%-35.31%
Air intake system281,223,149.824.59%259,956,481.713.64%8.18%
Other automotive components610,489,114.759.96%   
Other business77,485,357.641.26%209,031,087.842.93%-62.93%
By region     
The industries, products, regions or sales model accounting for over 10% of the Company’s operation revenue or operation profit (未完)