
时间:2023年08月28日 11:47:08 中财网



【August 2023】
Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions
The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors, supervisors and senior management of ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) hereby guarantee the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this Report and its summary, and shall be jointly and severally liable for any misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions therein.
Tang Xiaoping, the Company’s General Manager, Wang Jianfei, the Company’s Chief Financial Officer, and Zhou Hongpu, head of the Company’s financial department (equivalent to financial manager) hereby guarantee that the Financial Statements carried in this Report are factual, accurate and complete.
All the Company’s directors have attended the Board meeting for the review of this Report and its summary.
Certain descriptions about the Company’s operating plans or work arrangements for the future mentioned in this Report and its summary, the implementation of which is subject to various factors, shall NOT be considered as promises to investors. Therefore, investors and interested parties are reminded to be sufficiently aware of the risks involved and understand the differences between plans, forecasts and promises.
The Company has no interim dividend plan, either in the form of cash or stock. This Report and its summary have been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese versions shall prevail.

Table of Contents
Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions ........................................................... 2
Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information ................................................... 6
Part III Management Discussion and Analysis ............................................................................... 9
Part IV Corporate Governance ...................................................................................................... 22
Part V Environmental and Social Responsibility .......................................................................... 23
Part VI Significant Events ............................................................................................................... 24
Part VII Share Changes and Shareholder Information ............................................................... 30
Part VIII Preferred Shares .............................................................................................................. 34
Part IX Bonds ................................................................................................................................... 35
Part X Financial Statements ........................................................................................................... 36

Documents Available for Reference
1. The financial statements with the personal signatures and stamps of the Company’s legal representative, Chief Financial Officer and head of the financial department; and 2. The originals of all the documents and announcements disclosed by the Company on Securities Times, China Securities Journal and Ta Kung Pao during the Reporting Period.

“Shenzhen SASAC” or the “Municipal SASAC”The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipal
SIHCShenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.
The “Company”, the “Group”, “SPG” or “we”ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries, except where the context otherwise requires
Shenzhen Property ManagementShenzhen Property Management Co., Ltd.
Petrel HotelShenzhen Petrel Hotel Co., Ltd.
Zhentong EngineeringShenzhen Zhentong Engineering Co., Ltd.
Huazhan Construction SupervisionShenzhen Huazhan Construction Supervision Co., Ltd.
Jianbang GroupGuangdong Jianbang Group (Huiyang) Industrial Co., Ltd.
Chuanqi Real Estate DevelopmentShenzhen SPG Chuanqi Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information I Corporate Information

Stock nameSPG, SPG-BStock code000029, 200029
Stock exchange for stock listingShenzhen Stock Exchange  
Company name in Chinese深圳经济特区房地产(集团)股份有限公司  
Abbr. (if any)深房集团  
Company name in English (if any)ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate&Properties (Group).co.,Ltd.  
Abbr. (if any)SPG  
Legal representativeTang Xiaoping  
II Contact Information

 Board SecretarySecurities Representative
NameLuo YiHong Lu
Address47/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.China47/F, SPG Plaza, Renmin South Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.China
Tel.(86 755)25108897(86 755)25108837
Fax(86 755)82294024(86 755)82294024
Email address[email protected][email protected]
III Other Information
1. Contact Information of the Company
Indicate by tick mark whether any change occurred to the registered address, office address and their zip codes, website address,
email address and other contact information of the Company in the Reporting Period. □ Applicable ? Not applicable
No change occurred to the said information in the Reporting Period, which can be found in the 2022 Annual Report.
2. Media for Information Disclosure and Place where this Report is Kept Indicate by tick mark whether any change occurred to the information disclosure media and the place for keeping the Company’s
periodic reports in the Reporting Period.
□ Applicable ? Not applicable
The website of the stock exchange, the media and other websites where the Company’s periodic reports are disclosed, as well as
the place for keeping such reports did not change in the Reporting Period. The said information can be found in the 2022 Annual
3. Other Information
Indicate by tick mark whether any change occurred to other information in the Reporting Period. □ Applicable ? Not applicable
IV Key Financial Information
Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below. □ Yes ? No

 H1 2023H1 2022Change (%)
Operating revenue (RMB)263,616,779.07366,184,498.90-28.01%
Net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders (RMB)-37,118,182.81145,128,330.14-125.58%
Net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders before exceptional gains and losses (RMB)-42,468,909.1517,139,162.56-347.79%
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities (RMB)-192,140,948.04-548,115,143.3464.95%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)-0.03670.1435-125.57%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)-0.03670.1435-125.57%
Weighted average return on equity (%)-0.94%3.66%-4.60%
 30 June 202331 December 2022Change (%)
Total assets (RMB)5,453,181,740.505,689,769,802.18-4.16%
Equity attributable to the listed company’s shareholders (RMB)3,903,638,382.724,004,240,547.70-2.51%
V Accounting Data Differences under Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Foreign Accounting Standards 1. Net Profit and Equity Differences under CAS and IFRS
? Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB

 Net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders Equity attributable to the listed company’s shareholders 
 H1 2023H1 2022Ending amountBeginning amount
Under CAS-37,118,182.81145,128,330.143,903,638,382.724,004,240,547.70
Adjusted as per IFRS    
Under IFRS-37,118,182.81145,128,330.143,903,638,382.724,004,240,547.70
2. Net Profit and Equity Differences under CAS and Foreign Accounting Standards □ Applicable ? Not applicable
No such differences for the Reporting Period.
3. Reasons for Accounting Data Differences Above
□ Applicable ? Not applicable
XI Exceptional Gains and Losses
? Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB

Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets (inclusive of impairment allowance write-offs)3,750.50 
Government subsidies charged to current profit or loss (exclusive of government subsidies consistently given in the Company’s ordinary course of business at fixed quotas or amounts as per government policies or standards)123,732.31Government grants received
Gain or loss on assets entrusted to other entities for investment or management3,638,607.35Change in fair value of monetary fund investments and return on investment
Gain or loss on contingencies unrelated to the Company's normal business operations1,644,822.69 
Non-operating income and expense other than the above-37,754.41 
Less: Income tax effects22,432.10 
Details of other gains and losses that meet the definition of exceptional gain/loss: □ Applicable ? Not applicable
No such cases for the Reporting Period.
Explanation of why the Company reclassifies as recurrent an exceptional gain/loss item listed in the Explanatory Announcement
No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Exceptional Gain/Loss Items:
□ Applicable ? Not applicable
No such cases for the Reporting Period.

Part III Management Discussion and Analysis
I Principal Activity of the Company in the Reporting Period (I) Industry review for the Reporting Period
In the first half of 2023, as the economy and society fully returned to normal operations, macro policies took
effect, and the national economy rebounded. The Central Government actively expressed support for the real
estate sector to guide its healthy development. Various regulatory policies were relaxed, financing channels for
real estate companies expanded, interest rate cuts supported residential mortgages, but the policy effects were
somewhat delayed, and market confidence is expected to further recover. (II) Review of the Company’s operations in the Reporting Period Facing an increasingly complex external context and tougher reform and development tasks in the Reporting
Period, the Company conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the State-owned Assets
Supervision and Administration Commission of the People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality (Municipal
SASAC) and Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. (SIHC). Under the leadership of the new leadership team,
SPG employees worked in unity, took concrete actions, demonstrated the Company’s resilience, and maintained
an upward development trend. The main achievements are as follows: 1. Stable and orderly operations in the core business. The Company focused on project planning, schedule, and
milestone management. Through BIM technology empowerment and adherence to high standards, we ensured
the schedule and quality of projects under construction like SPG Guangmingli. We made full efforts to promote
sales and marketing for projects. Since the opening in late April, the SPG Guangmingli project display centre
has hosted over 1,000 customers. The Donghu Mingyuan project cleared out remaining units. We strengthened
operations of our own properties, leveraged the development of “Buildings for Shenzhen-Hong Kong Specialty
Industry” to promote leasing and operations for SPG Plaza’s existing properties. In the first half of the year,
newly leased areas were 2,374 square meters, renewed leased areas were 10,690 square meters, and the
occupancy rate reached 74.21%. We intensified efforts to sell existing housing inventory. Properties like Floors
1-2 of Guoshang Mansion and Buildings 25 and 26 of Wenjin Garden were successfully listed on The Stock
Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
2. Made full efforts to tap potentials and expand. We thoroughly explored internal business potentials and
managed affiliated enterprises. The newly signed construction contracts worth RMB142 million for Zhentong
Engineering. We added RMB49.775 million in online signed sales for Shantou Branch, expanded supervision
projects by 2 for Huazhan Construction Supervision, and turned losses into profits for Petrel Hotel. We
vigorously activated internal stock resources, accelerated the land title confirmation for the “Xinfeng Building”
project, and signed a transaction agreement with the counterparty for the sale of commercial land in Los
Angeles, USA. We proactively promoted land investment, tracked real estate market conditions, closely
followed Shenzhen land auction dynamics, and continued land expansion research. 3. Accelerated exploration of future development. To implement high-quality development requirements, we
systematically and deeply investigated the Company’s current management status and external environment,
and examined and revised the Group’s “14th Five-Year” strategic plan from a higher perspective, clarifying
future guidelines and strategic tasks to form a framework for the “14th Five-Year” strategic plan revision. We
continued to strengthen tracking of the China Securities Regulatory Commission’s adjustments to optimise
equity financing policies for real estate enterprises, conducted research on future development accordingly, and
strove to achieve synergistic breakthroughs in the process of supporting the controlling shareholder’s
development strategy.
4. Continuously consolidated the internal control foundation. Nearly 50 new management systems were
formulated across the Company in the first half of the year. We optimized procurement and cost control systems,
managed project costs throughout the entire process, conducted in-depth risk control and internal audits on
capital usage and contract management, and continuously strengthened the internal control system foundation.
Adhering to bottom-line thinking, in view of the growing risks in the industry, we made forward-looking
assessments combining our project situations to effectively prevent and resolve operational risks and safeguard
state-owned assets. We strengthened financial coordination to guarantee project development and operating
capital needs, and persevered in production safety, petition management, public opinion monitoring and other
efforts to create a harmonious and stable environment for development. 5. Party building provided cohesive strength. We adhered to high-quality Party building to lead high-quality
development, giving full play to the Party organisation’s leadership role in “setting the direction, managing the
big picture, and ensuring implementation”. We gradually built an internal Party supervision-led “mega
supervision” system, with dedicated and business supervision mutually coordinated. We implemented responsibilities for Party management and governance, and continuously consolidated the Party building
foundation in basic organisations, systems, and teams. Combining practice, we carried out in-depth education,
focused strengths to solve problems and promote development, used “One Brand for One Enterprise” Party
building brand as a carrier to pool internal strengths, and advanced the integration of Party building with
business management.

The Company is subject to the information disclosure requirements for the real estate industry in the Disciplinary and
Regulatory Guideline No. 3 of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Listed Companies—Industry-specific Information
Cumulative land bank:

Name of project/areaSite area(0,000 ㎡)Floor area(0,000 ㎡)Floor area available for development(0,000 ㎡)
Xinfeng Building in Shantou0.592.662.66
Linxinyuan Phase II2.577.727.72
Linxinyuan Phase III4.319.579.57
Linxinyuan Phase IV3.236.456.45
Development status of major projects:

City/r egionName of projec tLocati onStatusThe Comp any’s intere stTime for comm encem ent of constr uction% devel oped% constr uctedSite area (㎡ )Plann ed floor area with plot ratio (㎡ )Floor area compl eted in the Curre nt Period (㎡ )Cumu lativel y compl eted floor area (㎡ )Expec ted total invest ment (RMB ’0,000 )Cumu lative invest ment (RMB ’0,000 )
Huizh ouLinxi nyuan Phase IHuiya ngFrame work in constr uction51.00 %11 June 202164%64.00 %64,27 8159,7 61  115,7 5074,58 4
Shenz henSPG Guan gming liGuan gming Distri ctFound ation pit being built100.0 0%19 Januar y 202274%74.00 %10,72 153,60 5  151,7 58112,4 37
Sales status of major projects:

City/re gionName of projectLocati onStatusThe Compa ny’s interes tFloor area with plot ratio (㎡ )Floor area availab le for sale (㎡ )Cumul atively pre- sold/so ld floor area (㎡ )Floor area pre- sold/so ld in the Curren t Period (㎡ )Pre- sale/sa les revenu e genera te in the Curren t Period (RMB’ 0,000)Cumul atively settled floor area (㎡)Floor area settled in the Curren t Period (㎡ )Pre- sale/sa les revenu e settled in the Curren t Period (RMB’ 0,000)
Shenz henChuan qi Dongh u Mingy uanLuohu Distric tReady for sale100.00 %55,72732,85732,8571941,48332,8571941,483
Shenz henCuilin yuanLongg ang Distric tReady for sale100.00 %60,11156,13752,884  52,884 2,469
Shanto uTianyu ewan Phase IChaoy ang Distric tReady for sale100.00 %153,47 0160,37 2117,73 42,8501,656105,47 33,8182,180
Shanto uTianyu ewan Phase IIChaoy ang Distric tReady for sale100.00 %127,77 0137,05 933,8935,6223,22131,9936,4813,672
Huizh ouLinxin yuan Phase IHuiya ng Distric tOn pre- sale51.00 %159,76 1159,76 12,7922,2362,558   
Rental status of major projects:

Name of projectLocationUseThe Company’s interestRentable area (㎡)Cumulative rented areaAverage occupancy rate
Real Estate MansionShenzhenCommercial100.00%3,413.883,413.88100.00%
North Tower of Guoshang MansionShenzhenCommercial100.00%4,819.714,819.71100.00%
Petrel BuildingShenzhenCommercial100.00%22,475.4722,475.47100.00%
SPG PlazaShenzhenOffice building100.00%60747.6932,333.0853.23%
Podium of SPG PlazaShenzhenCommercial100.00%19886.316,123.4981.08%
Wenjin GardenShenzhenCommercial100.00%3,531.603,531.60100.00%
Primary land development:
□ Applicable ? Not applicable
Financing channels:

Financing channelEnding balance of financingsFinancing cost range/average financing costMaturity structure   
   Within 1 year1-2 years2-3 yearsOver 3 years
Bank loans161,876,610.823.70%-4.20%19,983,173.2279,432,000.00 62,461,437.60
Total161,876,610.82 19,983,173.2279,432,000.00 62,461,437.60

Development strategy and operating plan for the coming year: In the second half of the year, the Company will anchor its annual key tasks and goals, focusing on completing
the clearance of existing housing inventory, the construction and sales of the Guangmingli project, advancing
the construction of “Buildings for Shenzhen-Hong Kong Specialty Industry”, and exploring new paths for
future development. We will exert all efforts to “maintain sales, reduce inventory, prevent fluctuations, expand
growth, improve quality, and enhance vitality”, effectively tackling the challenges of future development.
1. Prioritise “Sales Volume”. The Company will seize the market window, control marketing milestones, and
strengthen marketing’s coordination and guidance for project sales across its affiliated enterprises. Through a
multidimensional approach encompassing market analysis, product positioning, target audience identification,
channel integration, and atmosphere enhancement, we will diversify customer acquisition and conversion
methods. We are fully committed to achieving the annual sales target for the Guangmingli project and driving
sales for projects such as Tianyuewan by the Shantou Branch. 2. Focus on “Reducing Inventory”. The Company will align with market demand, leverage resources from
agency platforms, refine broad-based marketing incentives, explore self-developed customer channels, and
strive to achieve the annual sales target for legacy projects. We will strengthen intermediary channel
engagement and promotion, facilitating transactions for properties such as Guoshang, Yitai, and Wenjin Garden.
Benchmarking against the market, we will proactively enhance existing products, intensify self-owned property
leasing efforts, and endeavour to fulfill the overall annual task target. 3. Expand “Sales Growth”. The Company will consistently drive the activation of internal assets and unearth
operational potential, continually expanding resources and performance in the core business. Following the
annual task objectives set at the beginning of the year, we will focus on managing affiliated enterprise
activate legacy internal resources and bolster core business reserves. We will vigorously advance the revision
and development of the “14th Five-Year” strategic plan, guiding future corporate reform and development.
4. Enhance “Quality”. The Company will concentrate on elevating operational planning capabilities, centering
on high-efficiency coordination of projects, cycles, and expertise across the entire spectrum of our core business.
Operating plans will serve as the main thread, aiming for development progress and quality, focusing on key
milestones, optimizing project organisation, and controlling development timelines to improve operational
quality and efficiency. A comprehensive optimisation of the marketing system will be pursued from dimensions
such as market research, product positioning, customer analysis, and channel integration, continuously
enhancing marketing capabilities for new and existing projects. The construction of the organisational system
and supportive capacity will be reinforced, actively securing specialised talents for future development,
enhancing incentive and restraint mechanisms, and unlocking internal value creation. 5. Mitigate “Variable Risks”. The Company will thoroughly assess potential risks in investment and project
expansion, establish risk assessment and early warning mechanisms, and minimise future project risks. We will
proactively address and mitigate potential risks, explore financing channels, and ensure project funding
requirements are met.
6. Boost “Energy”. The Company will persistently uphold its Party building responsibilities, strengthen ethical
and clean governance, safeguard ideological positions, promote the deep integration of Party building and
operations, and harness the “red engine” of Party building to drive high-quality development. We will translate
the results of theme education into tangible work outcomes, leveraging the “One Brand for One Enterprise”
Party building brand to explore new paths for integrating Party building and business, fortify our “battle
fortress”, and strive to be the “pioneers of challenges”, continuously harnessing the guiding and safeguarding
power of Party building.

Provision of guarantees for homebuyers on bank mortgages:
? Applicable □ Not applicable

ProjectGuarantee periodGuarantee amount (R MB’0,000)Note
ShanglinyuanUntil the property ownership certificate is registered as collateral and handed over to bank for keeping49.35 
CuilinyuanUntil the property ownership certificate is registered as collateral and handed over to bank for keeping2,148.92 
Chuanqi Donghu MingyuanUntil the property ownership certificate is registered as collateral and handed over to bank for keeping1,229.46 
TianyuewanUntil the property ownership certificate is registered as collateral and handed over to bank for keeping33,640.55 
LinxinyuanUntil the property ownership certificate is registered as collateral and handed over to bank for keeping970.00 
Total 38,038.27 

Joint investments by directors, supervisors and senior management and the listed company (applicable for such investments where
the directors, supervisors and senior management are the major source of investment): ? Applicable □ Not applicable

ProjectType of investorInvestment amount (RMB)As % of total investmentAs % of the peak of project fundsCumulative returns (RMB)Disinvestme ntCompatibilit y of actual investment and returns
LinxinyuanDirector, supervisor or senior management of the Company8,950,000.0039.25%0.90%0.00N/AN/A
II Core Competitiveness Analysis
As the earliest real estate developer founded in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, the Company helped
build the early city, and has created a number of "first places" in the history of real estate development in China.
For example, the first to use the paid state-owned land, the first to introduce the foreign investment for the
cooperative land development, the first to raise development funds by means of pre-sale of buildings, the first to
carry out public bidding for construction projects in accordance with international practices, the first to set up a
property management company to the buildings and residences developed in an all-rounded manner, as well as
winning the bid in the new China’s first auction of land use rights held in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.
After more than 40 years of development, the Company has grown into a business group with real estate
development and operation as its main business, integrating engineering and construction, project supervision,
asset management and other diversified operations. It has paid great efforts to the establishment of a modern
enterprise HR management system and works hard in building a professional and high-quality development
team. It also keeps improving the management mechanism and processes for project development. As a result,
its planning, construction, cost control, sales ability and brand image have been effectively improved. More
importantly, its main business operation ability and core competitiveness have been greatly enhanced.
The Company has been granted the titles of “Socially Responsible Company” and “Honest (Quality) Company”
in the real estate sector of Shenzhen for two consecutive years. Additionally, it was selected as one of the "Most
Valuable Brands for Investment of Chinese Listed Companies" and "Most Socially Responsible Brands of
Chinese Listed Companies" in the 2022 Brand Power (Longcheng) Forum & the Fourth Conference on Top 500
Brands of Chinese Listed Companies.
III Core Business Analysis
See contents under the heading “I Principal Activity of the Company in the Reporting Period” above.
Year-on-year changes in key financial data:
Unit: RMB

 H1 2023H1 2022Change (%)Main reason for change
Operating revenue263,616,779.07366,184,498.90-28.01%Decreased revenue from property sales
Cost of sales217,229,426.83239,885,272.72-9.44% 
Selling expense8,790,640.1810,726,031.33-18.04% 
Administrative expense23,453,199.4533,013,300.52-28.96%Project development and staff structure adjustments
Finance costs-612,267.71-3,601,554.3283.00%Decreased bank balances and deposit interest income
Income tax expense-2,580,629.0559,036,968.69-104.37%Decreased gross profit
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities-192,140,948.04-548,115,143.34-64.95%Decreased payment of land value-added tax for the Chuanqi Donghu Mingyuan project
Net cash generated from/used in investing activities138,197,734.83255,526,904.00-45.92%A payment for the disposal of subsidiary was received in the same period of last year
Net cash generated from/used in financing activities38,186,866.07  Additional bank loan in the current period
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents-15,583,954.90-292,337,340.4394.67%Decreased payment of land value-added tax for the Chuanqi Donghu Mingyuan project and receipt of payment for disposal of subsidiary
Major changes in the profit structure or sources of the Company in the Reporting Period: ? Applicable □ Not applicable
Net profit largely came from recurrent business operations in the current period, while in the same period of last year, exceptional
gains such as income from the disposal of subsidiary were the primary sources of net profit. Breakdown of operating revenue:
Unit: RMB

 H1 2023 H1 2022 Change (%)
 Operating revenueAs % of total operating revenue (%)Operating revenueAs % of total operating revenue (%) 
By operating division     
Property sales72,404,365.9327.47%228,409,271.5562.38%-34.91%
Engineering and construction149,278,954.1356.63%103,248,547.5928.20%28.43%
Rental service35,655,793.4613.53%16,729,533.244.57%8.96%
Property management1,579,444.440.60%11,075,828.003.02%-2.42%
By product category     
Residential units71,997,900.2227.31%223,833,107.2861.13%-33.82%
Shops and parking lots406,465.710.15%4,576,164.271.25%-1.10%
By operating segment     
Guangdong Province263,276,484.9599.87%318,380,165.3286.95%12.92%
Other regions in0.000.00%47,804,333.5813.05%-13.05%
Operating division, product category or operating segment contributing over 10% of operating revenue or operating profit: (未完)