
时间:2023年08月29日 02:08:48 中财网

Stock Code:000429,200429 Stock Abbreviation :Guangdong Expressway A, Guangdong Expressway B Announcement No.:2023-022

Summary of 2023Semi-Annual Report of Guangdong Provincial
Expressway Development Co., Ltd.
1 Important notes
The summary is abstract from full-text of semi-annual report, for more details information , investors should
found in the full-text of annual report that published on website of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other website
appointed by CSRC.

All the directors have attended the meeting of the board meeting at which this report was examined
Non-standard audit advice
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Board of Directors considered the plan for the distribution of ordinary shares in the reporting period or the
plan for the transfer of capital reserve.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The company plans not to send cash dividends, do not send bonus shares, not to increase the share capital.

The Board of Directors decided to adopt the Preplan Preference Share Profit Distribution Plan for the reporting
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II Company basic information
1. Company Profile

Stock abbreviation:Expressway A, Expressway BStock code:000429、200429
Stock exchange for listingShenzhen Stock Exchange  

 Board secretarySecurities affairs Representative
NameYang HanmingLiang Jirong
Contact address46/F, Litong Plaza, No.32, Zhujiang East Road, Zhujiang New City, Tihe Disrtict , Guangzhou45/F, Litong Plaza, No.32, Zhujiang East Road, Zhujiang New City, Tihe Disrtict , Guangzhou
E-mail[email protected][email protected]

2.Summary of Accounting Data and Financial Indicators
Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data √Yes □ No
Retroactive adjustment or restatement of causes
Accounting policy change

 Reporting periodSame period of last year YoY+/-(%)
  Before adjustmentAfter adjustmentAfter adjustment
Operating income(yuan)2,340,436,775.082,057,420,809.682,057,420,809.6813.76%
Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company(yuan)885,644,187.99773,786,851.68773,736,908.2914.46%
Net profit after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss attributable to the shareholders of listed company(yuan)913,683,625.12743,090,095.19743,040,151.8022.97%
Cash flow generated by business operation, net (yuan)2,013,917,191.701,443,551,266.301,443,551,266.3039.51%
Basic earning per share(yuan/Share)0.420.370.3713.51%
Diluted gains per share(yuan/Share)0.420.370.3713.51%
Weighted average income/asset ratio(%)9.30%8.45%8.45%0.85%
 As at the end of the reporting periodAs at the end of last year YoY+/-(%)
  Before adjustmentAfter adjustmentAfter adjustment
Gross assets(yuan)21,477,092,071.7720,267,197,153.8820,267,998,963.785.97%
Shareholders’ equity attributable to shareholders of the listed company(yuan)9,074,979,474.419,075,877,244.129,075,659,162.80-0.01%
Reasons for the changes in accounting policies and the correction of accounting errors On November 30, 2022, the Ministry of Finance issued the Notice on Printing and Distributing the No.
16Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (No. 31[2022]Cai Hui).According to the
relevant requirements of the No. 16 Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the
Company shall make corresponding adjustments to the relevant accounting policies originally adopted. Adopted
by the resolution of the seventh meeting of the 10th session of the Board of Directors of the Company on March
20, 2023, the Company implements the relevant provisions of the No. 16 Interpretation of Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprises from January 1, 2023.

3.Number of shareholders and shareholding
In share

Total number of common shareholders at the end of the reporting period49,752Total number of preferred shareholders that had restored the voting right at the end of the reporting period (if any) (note 8)0     
top ten shareholders        
ShareholdersNature of sharehold erProporti on of shares held (%)Number of shares held at period -endChanges in reporting periodAmount of restricted shares heldAmount of un-restricted shares heldNumber of share pledged/frozen 
       State of shareAmo unt
Guangdong Communication Group Co.,LtdState-ow ned legal person24.56%513,485,480 410,105,738103,379,742  
Guangdong Highway Construction Co., Ltd,State-ow ned legal person22.30%466,325,020  466,325,020  
Shangdong Expressway Investment Development Co., Ltd.State-ow ned legal person10.10%211,069,245  211,069,245  
Tibet Hetai Enterprise Management Co., Ltd.State-ow ned legal person4.84%101,214,574  101,214,574  
Guangdong Provincial Freeway Co.,Ltd.State-ow ned legal person2.53%52,937,491 19,582,22833,355,263  
HKSCCOverseas legal person0.92%19,291,612  19,291,612  
Feng WuchuDomestic natural person shares0.80%16,678,821-6,695,584 16,678,821  
Xinyue Co., Ltd.Overseas legal person0.63%13,201,086  13,201,086  
Orient securitiesState-ow ned legal person0.52%10,775,91319,400 10,775,913  
Happy life insurance Co., Ltd.-DividendOther0.50%10,438,130-12,547,100 10,438,130  
Strategic investor or general legal person becoming top-10 ordinary shareholder due to rights issue (if any) (see note 3)None       
Related or acting-in-concert parties among shareholders aboveGuangdong Communication Group Co., Ltd. is the parent company of Guangdong Highway Construction Co., Ltd.,Guangdong Provincial Freeway Co.,Ltd. and Xinyue Co., Ltd., It is unknown whether there is relationship between other shareholders and whether they are persons taking concerted action specified in the Regulations on Disclosure of Information about Change in Shareholding of Shareholders of Listed Companies.       

4. Change of the controlling shareholder or the actual controller Change of the controlling shareholder in the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not Applicable
There was no any change of the controlling shareholder of the Company in the reporting period. Change of the actual controller in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no any change of the actual controller of the Company in the reporting period.
5.The total number of shareholders of the Company's preferred shares and the shareholdings of the top 10
preferred shareholders
The Company did not have any preferred shareholding in the report period.
6、Bonds existing on the approval date of semi annual report √Applicable □ Not applicable

Bond nameBond short nameBond codeIssue dayDue dayBond balance (ten thousand)Interes t rate
Guangdong Provincial Expre ssway Development Co., Ltd . 2019 first phase medium-ter m notes19 Guangdong Expressway MTN001101900252February 27,2019March 1,202467,970.394%
Guangdong Provincial Expre ssway Development Co., Ltd . 2020 first phase medium-ter m notes20 Guangdong Expressway MTN001102000367March 13,2020March 17,202574,914.713%

2、Financial indicators as of the end of the reporting period
ItemsAt the end of the reporting periodAt the end of last year
Debt ratio46.25%43.90%
 Amount of this periodAmount of last period
EBITDATime interest earned ratio16.7415.96
III.Explanation on other significant events
In 2020, the Company acquired the 21% stake of Guangdong Guanghui Expressway Co., Ltd. held by Guangdong Provincial Freeway Co., Ltd. in cash. The Company signed the "Profit Compensation Agreement
between Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Provincial Freeway Co.,Ltd."
(hereinafter referred to as the "Profit Compensation Agreement") with the Guangdong Provincial Freeway
Co.,Ltd.and Guangdong Expressway, which made commitment on the future profitability of Guanghui Company.
In view of the fact that during the performance compensation period, due to the impact of domestic macroeconomic fluctuations, the net profit realized by Guanghui Company after deducting non-recurring profits
and losses during the performance compensation period did not reach the cumulative forecast net profit, which
triggered the compensation obligation stipulated in the Profit Compensation Agreement. In order to safeguard the
long-term interests of the Company and its shareholders, especially small and medium-sized shareholders, taking
into account the relevant arrangements of the two parties under the original agreement, and in accordance with the
relevant requirements of the Administrative Measures for the Restructuring of Major Assets of Listed Companies
and the consultation between the parties to the original agreement, the "Proposal on Changing the Performance
Commitment of Major Asset Restructuring Project in 2020 and Sinning the Supplementary Agreement to the
Profit Compensation Agreement " was deliberated and adopted in the 10thmeeting (interim) of the 10th Board of
Directors of the Company , agreeing to change the performance commitment of major asset restructuring project
in 2020 and sign the Supplementary Agreement to the Profit Compensation Agreement with the Provincial
Expressway. The performance compensation period for this restructuring had been adjusted to 2020, 2021, and
2023. The Provincial Expressway promised that the net profit accumulated by Guanghui Expressway after
deducting non-recurring profits and losses in the three years of 2020, 2021 and 2023 shall not be less than
2,999,265,700 yuan.
[The "Proposal on Changing the Performance Commitment of Major Asset Restructuring Project in 2020 and
Sinning the Supplementary Agreement to the Profit Compensation Agreement " was deliberated and passed in the
Company's first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2023]. For details of the matter, please refer to the "Announcement on Changing the Performance Commitment of
Major Asset Restructuring Project in 2020" disclosed on Cninfo Information Network (www.cninfo.com.cn)(Announcement No.: 2023-18) on August 8, 2023, and the "Announcement of Resolution of
the First Provisional General Meeting of Shareholders in 2023" disclosed on August 24, 2023.
