南 玻B(200012):2023年半年度财务报告(英文版)

时间:2023年08月29日 03:01:48 中财网

原标题:南 玻B:2023年半年度财务报告(英文版)

Financial Report of Semi-annual Report 2023
I. Report of the auditors
Whether the Semi-annual Report has been audited or not
□ Yes √ No
The Company's Semi-annual Report has not been audited.
II. Financial statements
All amounts in the tables in the Notes to the Financial Statements are expressed in RMB. 1. Consolidated balance sheet
Prepared by: CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
30 June 2023
Unit: RMB

Item30 June 20231 January 2023
Current assets:  
Cash at bank and on hand2,659,317,1474,604,607,779
Notes receivable731,429,485156,943,437
Accounts receivable1,618,049,9551,179,992,784
Receivables Financing830,989,7031,095,412,643
Advances to suppliers230,228,115183,629,823
Other receivables193,416,864193,847,322
Non-current assets due within one year80,000,00020,000,000
Other current assets138,475,480108,248,545
Total current assets8,600,324,3429,326,624,315
Non-current assets:  
Investment properties290,368,105290,368,105
Fixed assets11,986,389,94511,243,236,175
Construction in progress2,622,639,4852,520,362,291
Right-of-use assets9,589,2729,908,413
Intangible assets2,395,648,0141,438,102,666
Development expenditure54,503,70546,755,816
Long-term prepaid expenses6,568,1592,647,939
Deferred tax assets166,489,256161,489,749
Other non-current assets1,125,121,631856,620,485
Total non-current assets18,665,910,92416,577,388,991
Total assets27,266,235,26625,904,013,306
Current liabilities:  
Short-term borrowings384,776,205345,000,000
Notes payable1,359,373,689994,557,496
Accounts payable3,024,632,6552,033,542,627
Contract liabilities342,662,579418,051,975
Employee benefits payable300,681,897473,616,428
Taxes payable150,987,570161,134,638
Other payables463,757,844537,065,184
Including: interest payable7,275,17699,945,325
Current portion of non-current liabilities1,008,414,5002,481,433,006
Other current liabilities89,468,64850,407,240
Total current liabilities7,124,755,5877,494,808,594
Non-current liabilities:  
Long-term borrowings5,228,900,5814,353,589,980
Lease liabilities3,648,9833,564,330
Long-term payables109,425,563129,236,878
Deferred income428,796,377449,875,380
Deferred tax liabilities92,060,46597,266,841
Total non-current liabilities5,870,401,4705,033,533,409
Total liabilities12,995,157,05712,528,342,003
Shareholders’ equity:  
Share capital3,070,692,1073,070,692,107
Capital surplus596,997,085596,997,085
Other comprehensive income180,891,037170,860,478
Special reserve210,519731,580
Surplus reserve1,228,634,0011,228,634,001
Undistributed profits8,676,447,2357,786,968,455
Total equity attributable to shareholders of parent company13,753,871,98412,854,883,706
Minority interests517,206,225520,787,597
Total shareholders' equity14,271,078,20913,375,671,303
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity27,266,235,26625,904,013,306
Legal representative: Chen Lin Principal in charge of accounting: Wang Wenxin Head of accounting department: Wang

2. Balance sheet of the parent company
Prepared by: CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
30 June 2023
Unit: RMB

Item30 June 20231 January 2023
Current assets:  
Cash at bank and on hand1,523,830,1412,598,503,883
Notes receivable10,000,00049,194,385
Accounts receivable35,178,42723,994,936
Receivables Financing10,000,000123,469,960
Advances to suppliers1,295,4791,571,283
Other receivables2,749,872,4042,369,431,782
Including: Dividends receivable129,077,200375,057,800
Non-current assets due within one year80,000,00020,000,000
Total current assets4,410,176,4515,186,166,229
Non-current assets:  
Long-term equity investments8,837,769,8677,838,487,027
Fixed assets9,000,3027,876,626
Intangible assets7,429,2745,946,174
Long-term prepaid expenses570,915189,806
Other non-current assets4,291,16283,297,124
Total non-current assets8,859,061,5207,935,796,757
TOTAL ASSETS13,269,237,97113,121,962,986
Current liabilities:  
Short-term borrowings100,000,000200,000,000
Notes payable217,090,27319,496,400
Accounts payable816,708661,058
Contract liabilities6693,097
Employee benefits payable20,410,80763,906,834
Taxes payable4,674,01915,374,554
Other payables1,996,303,4792,126,409,980
Including: interest payable1,712,63895,445,534
Current portion of non-current liabilities645,586,0002,332,402,522
Other current liabilities87403
Total current liabilities2,984,882,0424,758,254,848
Non-current liabilities:  
Long-term borrowings1,412,091,0001,231,134,000
Deferred income171,937,500172,125,000
Total non-current liabilities1,584,028,5001,403,259,000
Total liabilities4,568,910,5426,161,513,848
Shareholders’ equity:  
Share capital3,070,692,1073,070,692,107
Capital surplus741,824,399741,824,399
Surplus reserve1,243,179,3611,243,179,361
Undistributed profits3,644,631,5621,904,753,271
Total shareholders' equity8,700,327,4296,960,449,138
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity13,269,237,97113,121,962,986
Legal representative: Chen Lin Principal in charge of accounting: Wang Wenxin Head of accounting department: Wang
3. Consolidated income statement
Prepared by: CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2023H1 2022
I. Total business income8,389,340,2456,519,216,676
Including: operating income8,389,340,2456,519,216,676
II. Total operating costs7,477,912,9945,480,144,295
Including: operating costs6,495,395,9314,637,645,927
Taxes and surcharges76,379,00461,280,622
Selling and distribution expenses146,856,141133,906,652
General and administrative expenses340,252,772318,635,812
Research and development expenses346,264,501265,877,930
Financial expenses72,764,64562,797,352
Including: interest expenses113,306,20391,984,604
Interest income45,500,44930,756,704
Add:Other Income47,203,83999,302,552
Investment income(Loss is listed with “-”)-4,083,18016,413,695
Credit impairment loss(Loss is listed with “-”)-7,601,224-1,492,222
Asset impairment loss(Loss is listed with “-”)24,9081,456
Income on disposal assets(Loss is listed with “-”)53,45112,745,461
III. Operating profit(Loss is listed with “-”)947,025,0451,166,043,323
Add: Non-operating revenue9,453,33315,132,978
Less: Non-operating expenses486,8003,660,070
IV. Total profit(Loss is listed with “-”)955,991,5781,177,516,231
Less: Income tax expenses74,094,170168,925,524
V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)881,897,4081,008,590,707
(1)Classified by continuous operation:  
1. Net income from continuing operations (Net loss is listed with “-”)881,897,4081,008,590,707
2. Net income from discontinued operations (Net loss is listed with “-”)  
(2)Classified by equity ownership:  
1.Attributable to shareholders of parent company889,478,7801,001,174,398
2.Minority interests-7,581,3727,416,309
VI. Other comprehensive income net after tax10,030,5596,167,540
Other comprehensive income net after tax attributable to shareholders of parent company10,030,5596,167,540
(1)Other comprehensive income not to be reclassified into profit and loss  
(2)Other comprehensive income to be reclassified into profit and loss10,030,5596,167,540
1. Translation differences arising on translation of foreign currency financial statement10,030,5596,167,540
Other comprehensive income net after tax attributable to minority interests  
VII. Total comprehensive income891,927,9671,014,758,247
Total comprehensive income attributable to shareholders of the parent company shareholders of parent company899,509,3391,007,341,938
Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders minority interests-7,581,3727,416,309
VIII. Earnings per share  
(1)Basic earnings per share0.290.33
(2)Diluted earnings per share0.290.33
Legal representative: Chen Lin Principal in charge of accounting: Wang Wenxin Head of accounting department: Wang
4. Income statement of the parent company
Prepared by: CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2023H1 2022
I. Operating income219,825,718230,198,412
Less: operating costs 15,015,892
Taxes and surcharges1,405,8651,508,969
Selling and distribution expenses10,326,3491,500,585
General and administrative expenses137,413,753158,605,939
Research and development expenses290,120 
Financial expenses15,872,57454,002,083
Including: interest expenses61,444,97384,259,999
Interest income41,530,07628,380,771
Add:Other Income3,002,9745,677,313
Investment income(Loss is listed with “-”)1,682,067,333665,374,823
Credit impairment loss(Loss is listed with “-”)459,771-85,084
Asset impairment loss(Loss is listed with “-”)  
Income on disposal assets(Loss is listed with “-”) 2,477,876
II. Operating profit(Loss is listed with “-”)1,740,047,135673,009,872
Add: Non-operating revenue1,770 
Less: Non-operating expenses170,6141,459,583
III. Total profit(Loss is listed with “-”)1,739,878,291671,550,289
Less: Income tax expenses  
IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)1,739,878,291671,550,289
(1)Net income from continuing operations (Net loss is listed with “-”)1,739,878,291671,550,289
(2)Net income from discontinued operations(Net loss is listed with “-”)  
V. Other comprehensive income net after tax  
VI. Total comprehensive income1,739,878,291671,550,289
VII. Earnings per share  
Legal representative: Chen Lin Principal in charge of accounting: Wang Wenxin Head of accounting department: Wang
5. Consolidated statement of cash flows
Prepared by: CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2023H1 2022
I. Cash flows from operating activities:  
Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services8,167,102,4716,933,269,669
Refund of taxes and surcharges129,649,279209,272,049
Cash received relating to other operating activities235,147,05387,236,568
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities8,531,898,8037,229,778,286
Cash paid for goods and services6,164,275,1594,720,858,626
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees1,161,324,786967,549,535
Payments of taxes and surcharges481,706,537434,697,790
Cash paid relating to other operating activities206,165,136203,869,214
Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities8,013,471,6186,326,975,165
Net cash flows from/(used in) operating activities518,427,185902,803,121
II. Cash flows from investing activities:  
Cash received from returns on investments20,000,0001,988,760,000
Cash received from returns on invest income775,67615,609,996
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets176,74713,563,172
Cash received relating to other investing activities32,629,490 
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities53,581,9132,017,933,168
Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term asset1,714,949,7651,632,778,700
Cash paid to acquire investments20,000,0002,198,160,000
Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units696,000 
Cash paid relating to other investing activities 19,138,102
Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities1,735,645,7653,850,076,802
Net cash flows (used in)/from investing activities-1,682,063,852-1,832,143,634
III. Cash flows from financing activities:  
Cash received from investors4,000,000 
Including: Cash received from absorbing minority shareholders’ investment by subsidiaries4,000,000 
Cash received from borrowings1,792,403,6382,277,155,766
Cash received relating to other financing activities12,000,000206,753
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities1,808,403,6382,277,362,519
Cash repayments of borrowings2,351,598,051428,340,521
Cash payments for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or profits227,681,798791,223,957
Cash payments relating to other financing activities23,054,27424,165,012
Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities2,602,334,1231,243,729,490
Net cash flows (used in)/from financing activities-793,930,4851,033,633,029
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash2,809,0413,195,681
V. Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents-1,954,758,111107,488,197
Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period4,594,018,2512,756,477,572
VI. Cash and cash equivalents at end of period2,639,260,1402,863,965,769
Legal representative: Chen Lin Principal in charge of accounting: Wang Wenxin Head of accounting department: Wang

6. Statement of cash flows of the parent company
Prepared by: CSG Holding Co., Ltd.

ItemH1 2023H1 2022
I. Cash flows from operating activities:  
Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services346,331,261191,082,575
Cash received relating to other operating activities207,913,28939,349,241
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities554,244,550230,431,816
Cash paid for goods and services59,456,484 
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees182,805,295179,110,652
Payments of taxes and surcharges22,354,6697,463,566
Cash paid relating to other operating activities17,475,29516,953,909
Sub-total of cash outflows282,091,743203,528,127
Net cash flows from/(used in) operating activities272,152,80726,903,689
II. Cash flows from investing activities:  
Cash received from returns on investments20,000,0001,988,760,000
Cash received from returns on invest income1,931,308,828664,571,124
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets2,0002,477,876
Sub-total of cash inflows1,951,310,8282,655,809,000
Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets5,775,9843,611,833
Cash paid to acquire investments999,282,8402,835,444,015
Sub-total of cash outflows1,005,058,8242,839,055,848
Net cash flows (used in)/from investing activities946,252,004-183,246,848
III. Cash flows from financing activities:  
Cash received from borrowings610,000,000900,000,000
Cash received relating to other financing activities 379,666,653
Sub-total of cash inflows610,000,0001,279,666,653
Cash repayments of borrowings2,216,543,000310,000,000
Cash payments for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or profits154,494,391756,638,060
Cash paid relating to other financing activities532,071,8761,017,256
Sub-total of cash outflows2,903,109,2671,067,655,316
Net cash flows (used in)/from financing activities-2,293,109,267212,011,337
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash18,2221,808,472
V. Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents-1,074,686,23457,476,650
Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period2,595,003,8831,960,395,527
VI. Cash and cash equivalents at end of period1,520,317,6492,017,872,177
Legal representative: Chen Lin Principal in charge of accounting: Wang Wenxin Head of accounting department: Wang

7. Consolidated statement of changes in owner's equity
Prepared by: CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
H1 2023
Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2023        
 Equity attributable to shareholders of parent company      Minority interestsTotal shareholders' equity
 Share capitalCapital surplusOther comprehensive incomeSpecial reserveSurplus reserveUndistributed profitsSub-total  
I. Balance at the end of the last year3,070,692,107596,997,085170,860,478731,5801,228,634,0017,786,968,45512,854,883,706520,787,59713,375,671,303
II. Balance at the beginning of the period3,070,692,107596,997,085170,860,478731,5801,228,634,0017,786,968,45512,854,883,706520,787,59713,375,671,303
III. Movements for the period (Decrease is listed with “-”)  10,030,559-521,061 889,478,780898,988,278-3,581,372895,406,906
(1)Total comprehensive income  10,030,559  889,478,780899,509,339-7,581,372891,927,967
(2)Capital increase or decrease from shareholder       4,000,0004,000,000
1. Ordinary shares contributed by the owner       4,000,0004,000,000
(3)Profit distribution         
(4)Internal carry-forward of owners' equity         
(5)Special reserve   -521,061  -521,061 -521,061
1.Special reserve appropriate   5,038,984  5,038,984 5,038,984
2.Special reserve used   5,560,045  5,560,045 5,560,045
IV. Balance at the end of the period3,070,692,107596,997,085180,891,037210,5191,228,634,0018,676,447,23513,753,871,984517,206,22514,271,078,209
7. Consolidated statement of changes in owner's equity(Continued) Prepared by: CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
H1 2022

ItemH1 2022        
 Equity attributable to shareholders of parent company      Minority interestsTotal shareholders' equity
 Share capitalCapital surplusOther comprehensive incomeSpecial reserveSurplus reserveUndistributed profitsSub-total  
I. Balance at the end of the last year3,070,692,107596,997,085159,200,5307,296,3971,144,887,5106,450,587,41711,429,661,046436,813,18911,866,474,235
II. Balance at the beginning of the period3,070,692,107596,997,085159,200,5307,296,3971,144,887,5106,450,587,41711,429,661,046436,813,18911,866,474,235
III. Movements for the period (Decrease is listed with “-”)  6,167,540-5,443,694 387,035,977387,759,8237,416,309395,176,132
(1)Total comprehensive income  6,167,540  1,001,174,3981,007,341,9387,416,3091,014,758,247
(2)Capital increase or decrease from shareholder         
(3)Profit distribution     -614,138,421-614,138,421 -614,138,421
1.Distributed to owners (or shareholders)     -614,138,421-614,138,421 -614,138,421
(4)Internal carry-forward of owners' equity         
(5)Special reserve   -5,443,694  -5,443,694 -5,443,694
1.Special reserve appropriate   4,853,948  4,853,948 4,853,948
2.Special reserve used   10,297,642  10,297,642 10,297,642
IV. Balance at the end of the period3,070,692,107596,997,085165,368,0701,852,7031,144,887,5106,837,623,39411,817,420,869444,229,49812,261,650,367
8. Statement of changes in owners' equity of the parent company Prepared by: CSG Holding Co., Ltd. (未完)