[中报]江 铃B(200550):2023年半年度报告摘要(英文版)

时间:2023年08月30日 03:05:13 中财网
原标题:江 铃B:2023年半年度报告摘要(英文版)

Share’s 000550 Share’s Jiangling Motors 2023-033
code: 200550 Name: Jiangling B

Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
Extracts from 2023 Half-year Report

1. Important note
These extracts are extracted from the original of JMC half-year report. To fully understand the Company’s operating results, financial status and future development plan, investors should carefully read the original for details in the website designated by CSRC for publication of JMC’s Half-year Report.
All the Directors were present at the Board meeting to review this Half-year Report.

Abnormal opinions from accounting firm for the reporting period □Applicable ?Not Applicable

Proposal on profit distribution and converting capital reserve to share capital □Applicable ?Not Applicable
JMC will not pay dividend in cash or stock, or convert capital reserve to share capital.

Proposal on profit distribution of preferred shares
□Applicable ?Not Applicable

2. Brief introductions
2.1 Company’s information

Share’s nameJiangling Motor, Jiangling BShare’s code000550, 200550
Place of listingShenzhen Stock Exchange  
Contact persons and contact detailsBoard SecretarySecurities Affair Representative 
NameXu LanfengQuan Shi 
Contact addressNo. 2111, Yingbin Middle Avenue, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, P.R.C  
E-mail[email protected]  

2.2 Main accounting data and financial ratios
Whether the previous accounting data should be retroactive adjusted? □Yes ?No
Unit: RMB

 Reporting period (2023 first half)Same period last yearChange (%)
Profit Attributable to the Equity Holders of the Company729,387,557.00452,381,022.0061.23%
Net Profit Attributable to Shareholders of Listed Company After Deducting Non-Recurring Profit or Loss417,729,211.00-108,434,576.00485.24%
Net Cash Generated From Operating Activities1,657,148,337.00-3,331,546,475.00149.74%
Basic Earnings Per Share (RMB)0.840.5261.23%
Diluted Earnings Per Share (RMB)0.840.5261.23%
Weighted Average Return on Equity Ratio7.59%5.02%up 2.57 percentage points
 At the end of the reporting periodAt the end of the previous yearChange (%)
Total Assets27,888,246,043.0027,468,321,835.001.53%
Shareholders’ Equity Attributable to the Equity Holders of the Company9,616,596,204.009,243,817,333.004.03%

2.3 Shareholders and shareholding status

Total shareholders (as of June 30, 2023)JMC had 43,677 shareholders, including 38,093 A-share holders, and 5,584 B-share holders.    
Shareholder NameShareholder TypeShareholding Percentage (%)Shares at the End of YearShares with Trading RestrictionShares due to mortgage or frozen or tag
Nanchang Jiangling Investment Co., Ltd.State-owned legal person41.03%354,176,00000
Ford Motor CompanyForeign legal person32.00%276,228,39400
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Ltd. (HKSCC)Foreign legal person1.69%14,605,03600
Shanghai AutomotiveState-owned1.51%13,019,61000
Co., Ltd.Legal person    
Jin XingDomestic Natural Person0.75%6,498,50000
GAOLING FUND, L.P.Foreign legal person0.63%5,453,08600
INVESCO FUNDS SICAVForeign legal person0.44%3,818,08900
Li YifengDomestic Natural Person0.26%2,285,50000
LSV EMERGING MARKETS EQUITY FUND, L.P.Foreign legal person0.23%1,961,60000
Ping An Asset Management - Xinfu 34 Asset Management ProductDomestic non-State-owned legal persons0.21%1,819,02900
Description of association among the above-mentioned shareholders or concerted actionNone.    
Description of the top 10 shareholders participating in margin trading businessNone    

2.4 Change of controlling shareholders or actual controlling parties Change of controlling shareholders
□Applicable ?Not Applicable
There was no change of controlling shareholders during the reporting period.
Change of actual controlling parties
□Applicable ?Not Applicable
There was no change of actual controlling parties during the reporting period.
2.5 Total shareholders and top ten shareholders holding preferred shares □Applicable ?Not Applicable
There was no shareholder holding preferred shares during the reporting period.

2.6 Company Bond
□Applicable ?Not Applicable

3. Major Events
During the reporting period, there was no significant change in JMC's business situation.
