
时间:2023年08月30日 19:32:38 中财网


August 2023
Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors, supervisors and senior management of Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) hereby guarantee the factuality, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this Report and its summary, and shall be jointly and severally liable for any misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions therein. Liang Jinhui, the legal representative, and Zhu Jiafeng, the Deputy Chief Accountant and Board Secretary, hereby guarantee that the financial statements carried in this Report are factual, accurate and complete. All the Company’s directors have attended the Board meeting for the review of this Report and its summary. Any plans for the future and other forward-looking statements mentioned in this Report shall NOT be considered as absolute promises of the Company to investors. Investors, among others, shall be sufficiently aware of the risk and shall differentiate between plans/forecasts and promises. Again, investors are kindly reminded to pay attention to possible investment risks. Investors’ attention is kindly directed to the risk factors that might have an adverse impact on the fulfillment of the Company’s development strategies and business objectives for the future, as well as to the countermeasures intended to be taken, which have been detailed in “X Risks Facing the Company and Countermeasures” in “Part III Management Discussion and Analysis” of this Report. The Company has no interim dividend plan, either in the form of cash or stock. This Report and its summary have been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there
Documents Available for Reference
(I) Financial statements signed and sealed by the Company’s legal representative, as well as Deputy Chief Accountant and Board Secretary;
(II) All originals of the Company’s documents and announcements that have been publicly disclosed in the Reporting Period on the media designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission; and
(III) The interim report disclosed in other securities markets.

The “Company”, “ Gu Jing” or “we”Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd.
Gujing GroupAnhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.
Gujing SalesBozhou Gujing Sales Co., Ltd.
Yellow Crane Tower DistilleryYellow Crane Tower Distillery Co., Ltd.
Mingguang DistilleryAnhui Mingguang Distillery Co., Ltd.
Longrui GlassAnhui Longrui Glass Co., Ltd.
Intelligent ParkIntelligent Brewing Technology Transformation Project

Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information I Corporate Information

Stock nameGujing Distillery, Gujing Distillery-BStock code000596, 200596
Stock exchange for stock listingShenzhen Stock Exchange  
Company name in Chinese安徽古井贡酒股份有限公司  
Abbr. (if any)古井  
Abbr. (if any)GU JING  
Legal representativeLiang Jinhui  
II Contact Information

 Board SecretarySecurities Representative
NameZhu JiafengMei Jia
AddressGujing Town, Bozhou City, Anhui Province, P.R.ChinaGujing Town, Bozhou City, Anhui Province, P.R.China
Email address[email protected][email protected]
III Other Information
1. Contact Information of the Company
Indicate by tick mark whether any change occurred to the registered address, office address and their zip codes, website address and
email address of the Company in the Reporting Period.
□ Applicable ? Not applicable
No change occurred to the said information in the Reporting Period, which can be found in the 2022 Annual Report.
2. Media for Information Disclosure and Place where this Report is Kept Indicate by tick mark whether any change occurred to the information disclosure media and the place for keeping the Company’s
periodic reports in the Reporting Period.

□ Applicable ? Not applicable
The newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosure, the website designated by the CSRC for disclosing the
Company’s periodic reports and the place for keeping such reports did not change in the Reporting Period. The said information can
be found in the 2022 Annual Report.
3. Other Information
Indicate by tick mark whether any change occurred to other information during the Reporting Period.
□ Applicable ? Not applicable
IV Key Financial Information
Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below. □ Applicable ? Not applicable

 H1 2023H1 2022Change (%)
Operating revenue (RMB)11,310,016,495.109,002,005,923.4225.64%
Net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders (RMB)2,779,474,367.511,918,821,503.7544.85%
Net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders before exceptional gains and losses (RMB)2,731,120,890.761,889,027,051.0644.58%
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities (RMB)4,727,836,696.734,191,246,799.7912.80%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)5.263.6344.90%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)5.263.6344.90%
Weighted average return on equity (%)13.96%10.97%2.99%
 30 June 202331 December 2022Change (%)
Total assets (RMB)34,385,117,534.1729,789,822,298.6515.43%
Equity attributable to the listed company’s shareholders (RMB)19,714,682,485.2118,520,757,973.526.45%
V Accounting Data Differences under Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Foreign Accounting Standards 1. Net Profit and Equity Differences under CAS and IFRS
□ Applicable ? Not applicable
No such differences for the Reporting Period.

2. Net Profit and Equity Differences under CAS and Foreign Accounting Standards □ Applicable ? Not applicable
No such differences for the Reporting Period.
XI Exceptional Gains and Losses
? Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB

Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets (inclusive of impairment allowance write-offs)-1,183,887.92 
Government subsidies charged to current profit or loss (exclusive of government subsidies consistently given in the Company’s ordinary course of business at fixed quotas or amounts as per governmental policies or standards)27,104,577.88 
Gain or loss on fair-value changes in trading financial assets and liabilities & investment income from disposal of trading financial assets and liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets (exclusive of effective portion of hedges that arise in the Company’s ordinary course of business)25,000,400.11 
Reversed portion of impairment allowance for receivables which are tested individually for impairment98,239.02 
Non-operating income and expense other than the above25,705,304.86 
Less: Income tax effects18,984,822.91 
Non-controlling interests effects (net of tax)9,386,334.29 
Particulars about other items that meet the definition of exceptional gain/loss: □ Applicable ? Not applicable
No such cases for the Reporting Period.
Explanation of why the Company reclassifies as recurrent an exceptional gain/loss item listed in the Explanatory Announcement No.
1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Exceptional Gain/Loss Items:
□ Applicable ? Not applicable
No such cases for the Reporting Period.

Part III Management Discussion and Analysis
I Principal Activity of the Company in the Reporting Period (I) Principal Activity of the Company
The Company primarily produces and markets baijiu. According to the Industry Categorization Guide for Listed Companies (Revised
in 2012) issued by the CSRC, baijiu making belongs to the “liquor, beverage and refined tea making industry" (C15). The
Company’s principal operations remained unchanged in the Reporting Period. (II) Status of the Industry and Position of the Company in the Industry 1. Status of the Baijiu Industry
Since the beginning of the 21st century, China's baijiu industry has experienced three development stages. Before 2012, with rapid
economic growth, the income of urban and rural residents rose fast, and the demand for baijiu continued to increase, while
production and sales of baijiu continuously expanded at a fast pace. As a result, the baijiu industry witnessed booming supply and
demand. During that period, national baijiu brands and local regional renowned baijiu enterprises achieved rapid development. In the
context of the rise in both the demand and price of baijiu, the sales income and total profits of baijiu enterprises increased quickly.
From the second half of 2012 to 2016, China's economy once again entered a period of adjustment, as the Chinese government
introduced a string of policies to restrict the spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles and official hospitality, such as the
"Eight-point Decision" and "Six Prohibitions", which include restrictions on the consumption of high-end alcohol with public funds.
Consumption scenarios such as commercial consumption and government consumption were limited, leading to a drop in consumer
demand in a short time. Moreover, baijiu prices were under huge pressure. China's baijiu industry entered a period of profound
adjustment. After 2012, both the output growth and income growth of China's baijiu industry slowed down.
The baijiu industry began to recover in the second half of 2016, with a rise in consumption demand by end-users, propelling the
growth of the overall income and profits of the industry. Since 2017, the overall demand and price of baijiu have increased, and the
recovery of mid- and high-end baijiu has picked up. In the future, benefiting from the consumption upgrade and the change of
consumption concept, the growth of sub-high-end baijiu will be the key driver for the development of the baijiu industry. The
consumption upgrade is the major driving force for the development of the baijiu industry. Baijiu enterprises need to fully grasp the
great opportunities from the extensive consumption upgrade and strive to better meet the consumption needs of the market through
quality improvement, market segmentation and product innovation and other means, so as to advance the transformation and upgrade
of the product structure.
2. Position of the Company in the Industry
China has a long history of baijiu. There are a large number of baijiu production enterprises in the country, but the regional
distribution of baijiu consumers is particularly evident. The baijiu industry is characterized by full competition, with a high degree of
marketization. The market competition is fierce, and the industry adjustments are constantly deepening. In the national market, the
competitive edges of the enterprises come from their brand influence, product style and marketing & operation models. In a single
regional market, the competitive strengths of the enterprises depend on their brand influence in the region, the recognition of the
companies by regional consumers and comprehensive marketing capacity. As one of China’s traditional top eight liquor brands, the Company is the first listed baijiu company with both A and B stocks. It is
located in Bozhou City, Anhui Province in China, the hometown of historic figures Cao Cao and Hua Tuo, as well as one of the
world’s top 10 liquor-producing areas. No changes have occurred to the main business of the Company in the Reporting Period. As
the main product of the Company, the Gujing spirit originated as a “JiuYunChun Spirit”, together with its making secrets, being

196, and was continually presented to the royal house since then. With crystalline liquid, rich aroma, a fine flavor and a lingering
aftertaste, the Gujing spirit has helped the Company win four national baijiu golden awards, a golden award at the 13th SIAL Paris,
the title of China’s “Geographical Indication Product”, the recognition as a “Key Cultural Relics Site under the State Protection”, the
recognition with a “National Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Project”, a Quality Award from the Anhui provincial
government, a title of “National Quality Benchmark”, among other honors. In April 2016, Gujing Distillery signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Huanghelou Liquor Co., Ltd., opening a new era of
cooperation in China's famous liquor industry. Yellow Crane Tower Baijiu is the only famous Chinese liquor in Hubei. Its unique
style is "soft, mellow, elegant and cool, and has a long lingering fragrance". It won the two China gold medal in baijiu appreciation in
1984 and 1989. At present, Huanghelou liquor industry has three bases: Wuhan, Xianning and Suizhou. Among them, Huanghelou
Liquor Culture Expo Park in Wuhan base has been approved as national AAA scenic spot, and Huanghelou forest wine town in
Xianning base has been approved as national AAAA scenic spot. In January 2021, Gujing Distillery and Mingguang signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The unique mung bean flavor adds to
the famous liquor family of Gu Jing. Gu Jing has become a renowned liquor producer in China with three brands, four major flavors
and three producing areas.
The Company is subject to the disclosure requirements for the “food and liquor & wine production industry” in the Guideline No. 3
of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Self-regulation of Listed Companies—Industry-specific Information Disclosure.
Brand operation
Focusing on "brand, quality and morality", the Company vigorously promotes product development and quality upgrade and gives
full play to the leading role of the brand “Gujinggong Liquor”. It proactively participates in the project of China Central Television
("CCTV") titled Promote Chinese Brands to Strengthen China and takes advantage of platforms provided by CCTV, provincial-level
satellite TV channels, the Internet and new media to constantly tell the stories of the brand “Gujinggong Liquor”. Additionally, by
holding the Gujing Group Enterprise Day of China Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, the Company uses "liquor as the medium" to
display the beauty of Chinese culture and convey the values of "Be Honest, Offer Quality Liquor, Be Stronger and Be Helpful to the
Society" to the world.
The Company has been strengthening the building of access to the end market and creating new marketing forms. It has ceaselessly
consolidated and deepened the "Gu 20 Toasts the Success" themed event, focused on the core market exploration and
comprehensively launched a range of consumer fostering activities. Through the brand communication mode that combines online
publicity and offline experience, the Company has offered core consumers an opportunity to watch and experience its liquor-making
process and quality. It has organized a series of brand promotion activities, as a result of which the visibility of the brand
“Gujinggong Liquor” has continuously increased.
Main sales model
The Company's key sales model is dealer model. Under the dealer model, the Company will select one or more dealers for sales of a
product brand (or product sub-brand) according to the market capacity. Distribution model:
? Applicable □ Not applicable
1. Operating Performance by Distribution Channel and Product Category Unit: RMB

ByOperating revenueCost of salesGross profit marginYoY change in operating revenue (%)YoY change in cost of sales (%)YoY change in gross profit margin

ByOperating revenueCost of salesGross profit marginYoY change in operating revenue (%)YoY change in cost of sales (%)YoY change in gross profit margin (%)
Product series      
Original Vintage8,761,231,340.801,301,249,321.8085.15%30.67%24.41%0.75%
Gujinggong Liquor1,111,025,383.77453,189,460.7159.21%23.26%28.72%-1.73%
Yellow Crane Tower and oters1,108,429,115.03380,135,089.6765.71%1.63%2.53%-0.30%
2. Distributors

RegionEnding numberIncrease or decrease in quantity during the reporting period
North China1,1342
South China5377
Central China2,649-72
3. Principal methods of settlement and distribution with distributors The Company's principal method of settlement with its distributors is on a pay-as-you-go basis, and the method of distribution is
authorised distribution.
4. Top five distributors

Total sales to top five distributors (RMB)1,628,072,653.52
Total sales to top five distributors as % of total sales of the Reporting Period (%)14.40%
Total sales to related parties among top five distributors as % of total sales of the Reporting Period (%)0.00%
The Company had no accounts receivable from the top five distributors at the end of the Reporting Period.
Proportion of store sales terminal exceeds 10%
□ Applicable ? Not applicable
Online direct sales

? Applicable □ Not applicable
The major product varieties sold online are Original Vintage Series, and Gujinggong Liquor Series, among others. The main online
sales platforms are Gujing Distillery platform, Tmall, JD.com, and Suning.com. Any over 30% YoY movements in the selling price of main products contributing over 10% of current total operating revenue
□ Applicable ? Not applicable
Model and contents of purchase
The Company primarily adopts the bidding and strategic cooperation models. It also adopts the base planting model in order to
ensure the quality of some raw materials.
Purchase contents

Purchase contentsPurchase modelAmount (RMB’0,000) 
1Raw materialsStrategic purchasing45,690.28
  Tendering purchasing86,594.84
2Packing materialsTendering purchasing115,548.30

The proportion of raw materials purchased from cooperations or farmers to total purchase amount exceeds 30%
□ Applicable ? Not applicable
Any over 30% YoY movements in prices of main purchased raw materials □ Applicable ? Not applicable
Main production model
The Company's existing production model is sales-based production. Specifically, the Logistics Control Center is responsible for
coordinating the implementation of production plans, release of material production plans, and delivery and tracking of products, and
prepares balanced production plans on a quarterly basis according to the product inventory. The logistics distribution system is
coordinated according to the production schedule and inventory with a view to ensuring timely delivery of products.
Commissioned production
□ Applicable ? Not applicable
Breakdown of cost of sales

ItemH1 2023 H1 2022 Change (%)
 Cost of sales (RMB)As % of total cost of salesCost of sales (RMB)As % of total cost of sales 
Direct materials1,768,111,648.9274.02%1,433,860,216.8770.88%23.31%
Direct labor cost206,960,453.628.66%184,982,109.949.14%11.88%
Manufacturi ng expenses104,793,339.674.39%97,606,754.634.82%7.36%
Output and inventory
1. Output, sales volume and inventory of main products for the Reporting Period and respective YoY changes thereof

Unit: ton

Main productOutputSales volumeinventoryYoY changes of outputYoY changes of sales volumeYoY changes of inventory
Original Vintage Series28,509.3336,049.8717,061.728.79%24.73%53.51%
Gujinggong Liquor Series10,665.1316,124.623,092.37-48.98%9.87%-66.04%
Yellow Crane Tower Liquor Series and Others11,580.0113,096.013,640.69-45.78%-12.68%-60.82%
Reasons for change:
(1) The inventory of the Original Vintage Series increased 53.51% year on year, primarily because revenue went up and product
stocks increased.
(2) The output of the Gujinggong Liquor Series decreased48.98%year on year, primarily because previous stocks were sold and the
output decreased in the current period.
(3) The inventory of the Gujinggong Liquor Series decreased 66.04% year on year, primarily because previous stocks were sold and
the output decreased in the current period.
(4) The output of the Yellow Crane Tower and Others Liquor Series decreased 45.78% year on year, primarily because previous
stocks were sold and the output decreased in the current period. 2. Ending inventory of finished liquor and semi-product

Category Ending quantity (ton)
Finished liquor 23,794.78
Semi-product 224,286.91
3. Capacity
Unit: ton

Main productDesigned capacity (annual)Actual capacity (H1)Capacity in progress (annual)
Finished liquor115,00050,754130,000
II Core Competitiveness Analysis
No significant changes occurred to the Company’s core competitiveness in the Reporting Period. III Analysis of Core Businesses
Indicate whether it is the same with the contents disclosed under the heading “Principal Activity of the Company in the Reporting
Period” above.
? Yes □ No
See contents under the heading “I Principal Activity of the Company in the Reporting Period”. Year-on-year changes in key financial data:
Unit: RMB

 H1 2023H1 2022Change (%)Main reason for change
Operating revenue11,310,016,495.109,002,005,923.4225.64% 
Cost of sales2,388,610,838.282,023,003,861.3618.07% 
Selling expense3,048,015,143.612,595,105,420.4617.45% 
Administrative expense583,974,559.37559,320,542.664.41% 
Finance costs-122,850,639.75-129,623,959.995.23% 
Income tax expense964,656,318.72706,053,183.6136.63%Increased gross profit
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities4,727,836,696.734,191,246,799.7912.80% 
Net cash generated from/used in investing activities-999,774,105.422,410,996,182.79-141.47%Decreased disinvestment in wealth management products upon maturity
Net cash generated from/used in financing activities8,867,195.83-1,250,168,998.75100.71%The main reason is the impact of the 2022 dividend distribution in July 2023.
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents3,736,929,787.145,352,073,983.83-30.18%Decreased disinvestment in wealth management products upon maturity
Material changes to the profit structure or sources of the Company in the Reporting Period: □ Applicable ? Not applicable
No such changes in the Reporting Period.
Breakdown of operating revenue:
Unit: RMB

 H1 2023 H1 2022 Change (%)
 Operating revenueAs % of total operating revenue (%)Operating revenueAs % of total operating revenue (%) 
By operating division     
By product category     
Hotel services44,091,924.960.39%25,249,697.550.28%74.62%
By operating segment     

North China821,080,901.867.26%608,718,399.336.76%34.89%
Central China9,782,622,497.2186.49%7,877,325,509.3387.51%24.19%
South China696,179,001.746.16%504,229,987.665.60%38.07%
Operating division, product category or operating segment contributing over 10% of operating revenue or operating profit:
? Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB

 Operating revenueCost of salesGross profit marginYoY change in operating revenue (%)YoY change in cost of sales (%)YoY change in gross profit margin (%)
By operating division      
By product category      
Hotel services44,091,924.9621,836,104.5750.48%74.62%32.31%15.84%
By operating segment      
North China821,080,901.86177,942,282.9878.33%34.89%31.17%0.61%
Central China9,782,622,497.212,080,292,659.1178.73%24.19%16.55%1.39%
South China696,179,001.74128,233,371.0681.58%38.07%30.77%1.03%
Core business data of the prior year restated according to the changed statistical caliber for the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable ? Not applicable
Any over 30% YoY movements in the data above and why:
? Applicable □ Not applicable
Revenue from hotel services increased 74.62% year on year, primarily driven by the increased room revenue.
The Company is subject to the disclosure requirements for the “food and liquor & wine production industry” in the Guideline No. 3
of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Self-regulation of Listed Companies—Industry-specific Information Disclosure.
Breakdown of selling expense:
Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2023H1 2022ChangeReason
Employment623,631,139.58499,313,896.402(%4.)9 0% 
benefits Travel fees96,783,184.7077,211,414.1225.35% 
fees Comprehensive1,333,513,264.011,057,068,152.2326.15% 
promotion costs Service fees371,761,620.49352,084,304.935.59% 

Details about advertisement

No.Main wayAmount (RMB’0,000)
IV Analysis of Non-Core Businesses
□ Applicable ? Not applicable
V Analysis of Assets and Liabilities
1. Significant Changes in Asset Composition
Unit: RMB

 30 June 2023 31 December 2022 Change in percentage (%)Reason for any significant change
 AmountAs % of total assetsAmountAs % of total assets  
Monetary assets16,852,310,217.3649.01%13,772,561,141.3046.23%2.78% 
Accounts receivable101,188,559.180.29%62,688,668.940.21%0.08% 
Investment property48,535,817.210.14%13,396,881.960.04%0.10% 
Long-term equity investments10,200,382.240.03%10,154,235.980.03%0.00% 
Fixed assets2,917,327,570.548.48%2,741,844,586.309.20%-0.72% 
Construction in progress3,007,948,340.568.75%2,454,703,251.448.24%0.51% 
Right-of-use assets25,290,923.220.07%32,562,171.100.11%-0.04% 
Short-term borrowings0.000.00%83,232,176.310.28%-0.28% 
Contract liabilities3,025,229,971.798.80%826,636,478.352.77%6.03% 
Long-term borrowings179,053,388.890.52%44,944,737.910.15%0.37% 