
时间:2023年10月26日 22:59:00 中财网


Stock code: 000058, 200058 Stock abbreviation: SHEN SEG, SHEN SEG B Announcement No.: 2023-043
Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
The Third Quarterly Report for 2023
The Company and all members of the BOD guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete, and there are no any fictitious records, misleading statements or important omissions.Important content reminder:
1. Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements, or
important omissions carried in this report, and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and
completion of the whole contents.
2. Principal of the Company, Person in Charge of Accounting Works and Person in Charge of Accounting Organ (Accounting Officer)
hereby confirm that the Financial Report of the Third Quarterly Report is authentic, accurate and complete.
3. Whether the Third Quarterly Report has been audited
□ Yes ?No

I. Main Financial Data
(I) Main accounting data and financial indicators
Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not □ Yes ?No

 Current periodIncrease/decrease in the period compared with the same period of the previous yearYear-begin to period- endIncrease/decrease from year-begin to period- end compared with the same period of the previous year
Operating income (Yuan)441,982,959.45-6.16%1,381,458,062.215.25%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company (Yuan)2,388,659.76-94.45%140,757,825.46632.26%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting non- recurring gains and losses (Yuan)1,843,764.96-80.36%66,552,641.71466.72%
Net cash flow arising from operating activities (Yuan)91,466,033.14178.43%
Basic earnings per share (Yuan /Share)0.0019-94.56%0.1143632.69%
Diluted earnings per share (Yuan /Share)0.0019-94.56%0.1143632.69%
Weighted average ROE0.13%-2.05%7.06%6.08%
 End of current periodEnd of previous yearIncrease/decrease at the period-end compared with the end of the previous year 
Total assets (Yuan)5,344,571,317.075,318,741,351.950.49% 
Owner's equity attributable to shareholder of listed company (Yuan)2,056,613,035.591,928,217,155.456.66% 

(II) Items and amounts of non-recurring profit (gains)/losses ?Applicable □ Not applicable

ItemAmount for the periodAmount from year-begin to period-endNote
Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the write-off that accrued for impairment of assets)-16,825.16-41,353.84 
Government grants recorded in current gains/losses (except those closely related to the Company's normal operation,188,814.062,833,231.72 
and those continuously enjoyed on a fixed or quantitative basis with certain standards in accordance with national policy regulations)   
Profits/losses from assets entrusted to others for investment or management554,368.073,171,403.17 
Reversal of write-down for receivables whose impairment was tested individually6,697.05443,121.06 
Trustee fee from entrusted operations36,748.10102,125.40 
Other non-operating income and expenses other than the above406,951.94143,003.39 
Other gains/losses items that meet the definition of non- recurring gains/losses-61,742.9270,313,517.67Mainly because the Company confirmed the investment income arising from the transfer by Shenzhen Huakong SEG Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Huakong SEG”), a joint-stock enterprise of the Company, of the 60% equity it held in its subsidiary Shenzhen Huakong SEG Real Estate Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Huakong Real Estate”) based on the equity method
Less: Impact on income tax251,632.891,596,494.01 
Impact on minority shareholders' equity (post-tax)318,483.461,163,370.81 
Other gain/loss items that qualified the definition of non-recurring profits (gains)/losses: ?Applicable □ Not applicable
Other gain/loss items that qualify the definition of non-recurring profits and losses refer to other income generated by the
Company that is not government grants, and the investment income arising from Huakong SEG's transfer of the 60% equity it held
in its subsidiary Huakong Real Estate accounted by the Company based on the equity method. Explanation on those non-recurring gain/loss listed in the “Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss” defined as recurring gain/loss
□ Applicable ?Not applicable
The Company does not have the non-recurring gain/loss listed in the “Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for
Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss” defined as recurring gain/loss
(III) Particulars about changes in items of main accounting data and financial indicators and explanations of reasons
?Applicable □ Not applicable
(I) Items of the Consolidated Balance Sheet Statement
Unit: RMB

ItemClosing balanceOpening balanceDifferenceIncrease or decrease at theReasons for differences
    end of the period compared with the beginning of the period (%) 
Trading financial assets111,920,402.17180,868,562.15-68,948,159.98-38.12%Mainly due to the Company's redemption of wealth management products
Accounts paid in advance17,868,109.4512,325,876.185,542,233.2744.96%Mainly due to the Company's purchase of photovoltaic modules and other materials and hence the increase in prepayments compared with the beginning of the year
Other current assets77,325,706.3155,893,058.6321,432,647.6838.35%Mainly due to the increase in creditable tax compared with the beginning of the year
Long-term equity investment232,256,425.82143,465,403.4388,791,022.3961.89%Mainly due to the Company's confirmation of the investment income arising from Huakong SEG's transfer of the 60% equity it held in its subsidiary Huakong Real Estate based on the equity method
Construction in process10,725,953.5332,789,129.20-22,063,175.67-67.29%Mainly due to the transfer of some photovoltaic power stations to fixed assets after construction completion
Other non-current assets-85,699,459.77-85,699,459.77-100.00%Mainly due to the reclassification of large- denomination Certificate of Deposit since it will be mature in one year
Contract liabilities13,978,101.5329,676,162.94-15,698,061.41-52.90%Mainly due to the carryover of some advance payments of flat sales to revenue
Deferred income455,311.22674,341.94-219,030.72-32.48%Mainly due to the carryover of some deferred income
Retained earnings480,419,298.23352,005,539.88128,413,758.3536.48%Mainly due to the fact that the Company realized profits in the period

(II) Items of Consolidated Income Statement
Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount of the same period of the previous yearDifferenceIncrease/decrease in the current period compared with the same period of last year (%)Reasons for differences
Tax and extras41,444,851.5420,218,230.4821,226,621.06104.99%Mainly due to the Company's provision of land VAT in the current period
Financial expense18,084,334.6138,692,104.55-20,607,769.94-53.26%Mainly due to the year-on-year decrease in the Company's financing balance and comprehensive loan interest rate in the current period
Investment income56,477,073.8240,729,613.0915,747,460.7338.66%Mainly due to the Company's confirmation of the investment income arising from Huakong SEG's transfer of the 60% equity it held in its subsidiary Huakong Real Estate based on the equity method
Non-operating expense1,999,117.411,045,170.30953,947.1191.27%Mainly due to the year-on-year increase in non-operating expenses such as late fees
Income tax expense55,704,413.1633,975,004.0021,729,409.1663.96%Mainly due to the year-on-year increase in the Company's profits in the current period

(III) Items of the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount of the same period of the previous yearDifferenceIncrease/decrease in the current period compared with the same period of last year (%)Reasons for differences
Net cash flows arising from operating activities91,466,033.1432,850,052.0858,615,981.06178.43%Mainly due to the Company's reduction or exemption of rents in the same period of the previous year
Net cash flows arising from investing activities-18,676,435.42-12,701,824.85-5,974,610.57-47.04%Mainly due to the fact that the Company reduced its stock holdings in the same period of previous year but had no reduction in the current period, so there was no cash inflow for this item in the period
Net cash flows arising from financing activities-88,648,326.36-360,555,805.03271,907,478.6775.41%Mainly due to the year-on- year decrease in loan repayments
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents-15,858,728.64-340,407,577.80324,548,849.1695.34%Mainly due to the year-on- year increase in net cash flows generated from operating activities and financing activities

II. Shareholders Information
(I) Total number of common shareholders and preference shareholders with voting rights recovered and
top ten common shareholders
Unit: share

Total common shareholders at the end of report period73,906Total preference shareholders with voting rights recovered at end of reporting period (if applicable)0  
Top 10 shareholders     
Shareholder's nameNature of shareholderProportion of shares heldAmount of shares heldAmount of restrictedInformation of shares pledged, tagged or frozen

    shares heldShare statusNumber
Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.State-owned legal person56.54%696,163,182   
Liu GuochengDomestic natural person0.60%7,442,702   
LISHERYNZH ANMINGOverseas natural person0.56%6,836,500   
Liu GuohongDomestic natural person0.31%3,773,846   
Gong QianhuaOverseas natural person0.24%2,940,000   
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Co., Ltd.Overseas legal person0.23%2,871,804   
Fan ShengDomestic natural person0.22%2,650,000   
Li XiaosongDomestic natural person0.19%2,289,357   
Zhuo JinghuaDomestic natural person0.17%2,069,500   
Xu YueyingDomestic natural person0.16%1,996,800   
Top ten shareholders with unrestricted shares held      
Shareholder's nameAmount of unrestricted shares heldType of shares and amount    
Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.696,163,182RMB ordinary shares696,163,182   
Liu Guocheng7,442,702Domestic listed foreign shares7,442,702   
LISHERYNZHANMING6,836,500Domestic listed foreign shares6,836,500   
Liu Guohong3,773,846Domestic listed foreign shares3,773,846   
Gong Qianhua2,940,000Domestic listed foreign shares2,940,000   
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Co., Ltd.2,871,804RMB ordinary shares2,871,804   
Fan Sheng2,650,000RMB ordinary shares2,650,000   
Li Xiaosong2,289,357RMB ordinary shares2,289,357   
Zhuo Jinghua2,069,500RMB ordinary shares2,069,500   
Xu Yueying1,996,800Domestic listed foreign shares1,996,800   
Explanations on the related party relationship or concerted action among the above-mentioned shareholdersThere is no related party relationship between SEG Group and other shareholders, nor are they persons acting in concert as stipulated in the Administrative Measures on Acquisition of Listed Companies. It is unknown to the Company whether other shareholders are related parties or persons acting in concert.     
Information on top 10 ordinary shareholders participating in securities margin trading (if applicable)Fan Sheng, a domestic natural person, holds 2,650,000 shares of the Company, all through the credit account of margin trading and securities lending investors; Li Xiaosong, a domestic natural person, holds 2,289,357 shares of the company, of which 2,239,357 shares are held through the credit account of margin trading and securities lending investors.     

(II) Total shareholders with preferred stock held and shares held by top ten shareholders with preferred
stock held
□ Applicable ?Not applicable
III. Other Significant Events
?Applicable □ Not applicable

Overview of the significant eventDisclosure dateInquiry index for the websites disclosing the temporary reports
1. Litigations and arbitrations involving holding subsidiaries2023-07-20The Announcement on the Progress of Litigations and Arbitrations Involving Holding Second-tier Subsidiaries as released on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/)
2. Provision of financial assistance to related joint-stock companies2017-10-18The Announcement on Providing Financial Assistance to Related Joint-stock Companies as released on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/)
 2023-04-08The Announcement on the Progress of Providing Financial Assistance to Related Joint-stock Companies as released on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/)
 2023-08-09The Announcement on the Progress of Providing Financial Assistance to Related Joint-stock Companies as released on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/)
3. Changes in directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company2023-08-25The Announcement on Resignation of the Company's Director and General Manager as released on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/)
 2023-09-21The Announcement on the Resignation of the Chairman of the Board of Directors as released on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/)
4. Subsidiary's plan to sell stock assets2023-09-16The Announcement on Resolutions of the 46th Interim Meeting of 8th BOD and the Announcement on the Subsidiary's Plan to Sell Stock Assets as released on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/)
5. Formulation of the “14th FYP” strategic plan2023-08-31The Announcement on Resolutions of the 9th Meeting of 8th BOD and the Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021- 2025) as released on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/)
 2023-09-23The Announcement on Resolutions of 2023 First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as released on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/)
6. Revision of the Administrative Regulations on Related Party Transactions2023-08-31The Announcement on Resolutions of the 9th Meeting of 8th BOD and the Administrative Regulations on Related Party Transactions as released on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/)
 2023-09-23The Announcement on Resolutions of 2023 First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as released on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/)
7. Continued engagement of the auditing agency in 20232023-08-31The Announcement on Resolutions of the 9th Meeting of 8th BOD and the Announcement on the Continued Engagement of the Auditing Agency in 2023 as released on CNINFO
 2023-09-23The Announcement on Resolutions of 2023 First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as released on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/)

IV. Quarterly Financial Statements
(I) Financial statements
1. Consolidated balance sheet
Prepared by: Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd.

ItemSeptember 30, 2023January 1, 2023
Current assets:  
Monetary fund980,420,555.20994,421,369.42
Settlement provisions  
Capital lent  
Trading financial assets111,920,402.17180,868,562.15
Derivative financial assets  
Note receivable8,863,311.8611,884,758.88
Account receivable341,854,756.27315,473,245.43
Receivable financing2,449,408.142,449,408.14
Accounts paid in advance17,868,109.4512,325,876.18
Insurance receivable  
Reinsurance receivables  
Contract reserve of reinsurance receivable  
Other account receivable81,028,836.3365,860,699.46
Including: Interest receivable  
Dividend receivable  
Financial assets purchased under agreements to resell  
Contractual assets20,145,225.9428,654,072.42
Assets held for sale  
Non-current asset due within one year82,615,555.50 
Other current assets77,325,706.3155,893,058.63
Total current assets3,428,525,031.773,369,284,930.08
Non-current assets:  
Loans and payments on behalf  
Debt investment  
Other debt investment  
Long-term account receivable19,030,854.5622,809,517.85
Long-term equity investment232,256,425.82143,465,403.43
Investment in other equity instrument27,861,696.0727,897,499.04
Other non-current financial assets  
Investment real estate940,268,841.69952,807,956.49
Fixed assets315,116,529.17259,816,845.31
Construction in progress10,725,953.5332,789,129.20
Productive biological asset  
Oil and gas asset  
Right-of-use assets174,801,290.70227,361,597.84
Intangible assets21,834,088.0923,324,088.29
Expense on Research and Development  
Long-term expenses to be apportioned29,263,058.1128,439,474.89
Deferred income tax asset74,059,820.0174,217,722.21
Other non-current asset 85,699,459.77
Total non-current asset1,916,046,285.301,949,456,421.87
Total assets5,344,571,317.075,318,741,351.95
Current liabilities:  
Short-term loans215,083,333.33210,181,111.13
Loan from central bank  
Capital borrowed  
Trading financial liability  
Derivative financial liability  
Note payable  
Account payable479,837,065.67477,876,252.19
Accounts received in advance126,032,334.87179,935,767.58
Contractual liability13,978,101.5329,676,162.94
Financial assets sold under agreements to repurchase  
Absorbing deposit and interbank deposit  
Security trading of agency  
Security sales of agency  
Wage payable106,922,004.78129,186,534.91
Taxes payable150,533,747.57137,628,740.93
Other account payable827,216,365.81813,507,968.24
Including: Interest payable  
Dividend payable22,415,684.8822,493,095.44
Commission charge and commission payable  
Reinsurance payable  
Liability held for sale  
Non-current liabilities due within one year80,423,799.51114,282,465.35
Other current liabilities2,572,239.022,189,029.58
Total current liabilities2,002,598,992.092,094,464,032.85
Non-current liabilities:  
Insurance contract reserve  
Long-term loans512,840,713.28523,309,490.59
Bonds payable  
Including: Preferred stock  
Perpetual capital securities  
Lease liability164,800,191.76178,107,661.75
Long-term account payable4,911,209.264,739,253.10
Long-term wages payable  
Accrual liability54,373,663.7655,155,504.76
Deferred income455,311.22674,341.94
Deferred income tax liabilities9,611,611.5810,062,775.57
Other non-current liabilities  
Total non-current liabilities746,992,700.86772,049,027.71
Total liabilities2,749,591,692.952,866,513,060.56
Owner's equity:  
Share capital1,231,200,672.001,231,200,672.00
Other equity instrument  
Including: Preferred stock  
Perpetual capital securities  
Capital public reserve165,950,347.39165,950,347.39
Less: Inventory shares  
Other comprehensive income-4,591,788.26-4,573,910.05
Reasonable reserve  
Surplus public reserve183,634,506.23183,634,506.23
Provision of general risk  
Retained profit480,419,298.23352,005,539.88
Total owner's equity attributable to parent company2,056,613,035.591,928,217,155.45
Minority interests538,366,588.53524,011,135.94
Total owner's equity2,594,979,624.122,452,228,291.39
Total liabilities and owner's equity5,344,571,317.075,318,741,351.95
Legal representative: Zhang Liang Person in charge of accounting work: Xiao Jun Person in charge of accounting
department: Chen Chuan
2. Consolidated Income Statement (from the year-begin to the period-end) Unit: RMB

ItemCurrent periodLast period
I. Total operating income1,381,458,062.211,312,587,406.20
Including: Operating income1,381,458,062.211,312,587,406.20
Interest income  
Insurance gained  
Commission charge and commission income  
II. Total operating cost1,206,731,744.951,295,389,399.14
Including: Operating cost1,048,547,609.951,139,252,432.11
Interest expense  
Commission charge and commission expense  
Cash surrender value  
Net amount of expense of compensation  
Net amount of withdrawal of insurance contract reserve  
Bonus expense of guarantee slip  
Reinsurance expense  
Tax and extras41,444,851.5420,218,230.48
Sales expense17,083,612.4116,880,998.46
Administrative expense73,699,075.5573,879,807.16
R&D expense7,872,260.896,465,826.38
Financial expense18,084,334.6138,692,104.55
Including: Interest expenses22,826,979.1745,339,482.76
Interest income13,178,477.387,387,541.62
Add: Other income3,771,408.826,552,772.37
Investment income (Loss is listed with “-”)56,477,073.8240,729,613.09
Including: Investment income on affiliated company and joint venture53,791,022.39-6,445,928.58
The termination of income recognition for financial assets measured by amortized cost (Loss is listed with “-”)  
Exchange income (Loss is listed with “-”)  
Net exposure hedging income (Loss is listed with “-”)  
Income from change of fair value (Loss is listed with “-”)  
Loss of credit impairment (Loss is listed with “-”)453,088.93547,396.51
Losses of devaluation of asset (Loss is listed with “-”)  
Income from assets disposal (Loss is listed with “-”) 22,382.28
III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with “-”)235,427,888.8365,050,171.31
Add: Non-operating income2,100,766.962,083,192.46
Less: Non-operating expense1,999,117.411,045,170.30
IV. Total profit (Loss is listed with “-”)235,529,538.3866,088,193.47
Less: Income tax expense55,704,413.1633,975,004.00
V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)179,825,125.2232,113,189.47
(i) Classify by business continuity  
1. Continuous operating net profit (net loss listed with '-”)179,825,125.2232,113,189.47
2. Termination of net profit (net loss listed with '-”)  
(ii) Classify by ownership  
1. Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company (net loss listed with '-”)140,757,825.4619,222,397.31
2. Minority shareholders' gains and losses (net loss listed with '-”)39,067,299.7612,890,792.16
VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income-26,852.2297,396.22
Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent company-17,878.2164,846.40
(i) Other comprehensive income items which will not be reclassified subsequently to profit of loss-17,878.2164,846.40
1. Changes of the defined benefit plans that re-measured  
2. Other comprehensive income under equity method that cannot be transfer to gain/loss  
3. Change of fair value of investment in other equity instrument-17,878.2164,846.40
4. Fair value change of enterprise's credit risk  
5. Other  
(ii) Other comprehensive income items which will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss  
1. Other comprehensive income under equity method that can transfer to gain/loss  
2. Change of fair value of other debt investment  
3. Amount of financial assets re-classify to other comprehensive income  
4. Credit impairment provision for other debt investment  
5. Cash flow hedging reserve  
6. Translation differences arising on translation of foreign currency financial statements  
7. Other  
Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders-8,974.0132,549.82
VII. Total comprehensive income179,798,273.0032,210,585.69
(i) Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent Company140,739,947.2519,287,243.71
(ii) Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders39,058,325.7512,923,341.98
VIII. Earnings per share:  
(i) Basic earnings per share0.11430.0156
(ii) Diluted earnings per share0.11430.0156
For business combinations of the current period under common control, the net profit realized by the combined party before the (未完)