鲁 泰B(200726):2023可持续发展报告(英文)

时间:2024年04月11日 23:13:06 中财网

原标题:鲁 泰B:2023可持续发展报告(英文)

About This Report
Reporting Entity
The Reporting Entity is "Luthai Textile Co., Ltd.", which can be referred to as "We", "the Company", "Luthai", "Luthai
Company" and "Luthai Textile", unless otherwise specified in the main text.Scope of the Report
The time span of this Report is mainly from 1 January to 31 December 2023. In order to maintain the continuity
and comparability of information, some content is beyond the aforesaid time span. The information involved is from
the internal data of the Company, information submitted by subsidiaries, and public information. Unless otherwise
specified, all amounts in this Report are expressed in RMB.
This Report is formulated in line with the China Social Compliance 9000 for Textile & Apparel Industry (CSC9000T),
the Social Responsibility Management System (SA8000), and the core solution of the Standards for Sustainability
Reporting of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Also, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (A/RES/70/1) of the
United Nations is referred to.
This Report is released in both Chinese and English. If there is any discrepancy, the Chinese version shall prevail.
Forward-looking statements included in this Report refer to the statements of the business activities, events, or
development trends that may happen in the future or will happen soon as predicted or expected by the Company,
except for the statements of historical facts. The actual results or development trend may significantly differ from
these forward-looking statements, due to variable factors. The Company is not obliged to update or responsible for
updating its forward-looking statements made in this Report before 12/04/2024, unless otherwise required by regulatory
Employee's Rights and Benefits/
Building a Harmonious Workplace Together
Chairman's Statement
Health and safety
Respect and equality
About Us
Training and development
Business Operations
Benefits and care
Development History
Product Services/Providing Ace Services
Sustainable Development Strategies and Management
Product innovation
Strategies and Implementation
Quality control 58
System Certifications and Joining Industry Organisations
Customer services and satisfaction
Stakeholder Engagement
Corporate Governance/Building Excellent Corporate GovernanceEnvironmental Protection/
Business vision Deepen Green and Low-carbon Development
Governance structure
Addressing climate change
Compliance management
Energy management 65
Business ethics
Water resources management
Innovative development
Atmospheric pollutant management
Waste management 67
Production and Operations/Responsible Production and OperationsProduction safety management Community Participation/
Fire safety management Striving to Be an Excellent Corporate Citizen33
Chemical management
Support to education
Supply chain management
Welfare and charity actions
Key Performance Indicators
GRI Indicator Disclosure Index 76
Reader Feadback
Sustainable Development Strategies and ManagementStrategies and Implementation System Certifications and Joining Industry Organisations Sustainability-related Certifications The development strategy for 2022 to 2026: Lead the industry in green, low-carbon, and sustainable development. The Company strives to boost the development and profitability of new products, especially green and eco-friendly products that are beneficial to sustainable development. It also develops low-carbon and environmentally-friendly products, and promotes energy saving and emission reduction, to improve the level of green development. Chemical recycling Reduce the overall use of chemicals and the discharge of hazardous chemicals and reuse more than 99% of liquid ammonia. Green and low-carbon management system Establish a green and low-carbon management system to manage energy and chemicals in a closed-loop manner. Green and low-carbon core technologies Promote and demonstrate in the industry the packaged technology for automatic cheese dyeing, digital color transmission technology, WRAP high-flux films for printing and dyeing wastewater and recycling technology, and low-salt and low-water dyeing technology. Green energy use and recovery Promote the use of green energy, such as green photovoltaic power, with green energy accounting for 7.7% of the total energy used by the Company; persevere with the application of the water recycling technology, with the water recycling rate reaching approximately 60%; push ahead with the employment of waste heat recovery technology, with a recovery rate of 80%, saving 12,536 tons of steam every year and reducing 2,902 tons of carbon emissions. HIGGStrategies and Implementation System Certifications and Joining Industry Organisations Sustainability-related Certifications The development strategy for 2022 to 2026: Lead the industry in green, low-carbon, and sustainable development. The Company strives to boost the development and profitability of new products, especially green and eco-friendly products that are beneficial to sustainable development. It also develops low-carbon and environmentally-friendly products, and promotes energy saving and emission reduction, to improve the level of green development. Chemical recycling Reduce the overall use of chemicals and the discharge of hazardous chemicals and reuse more than 99% of liquid ammonia. Green and low-carbon management system Establish a green and low-carbon management system to manage energy and chemicals in a closed-loop manner. Green and low-carbon core technologies Promote and demonstrate in the industry the packaged technology for automatic cheese dyeing, digital color transmission technology, WRAP high-flux films for printing and dyeing wastewater and recycling technology, and low-salt and low-water dyeing technology. Green energy use and recovery Promote the use of green energy, such as green photovoltaic power, with green energy accounting for 7.7% of the total energy used by the Company; persevere with the application of the water recycling technology, with the water recycling rate reaching approximately 60%; push ahead with the employment of waste heat recovery technology, with a recovery rate of 80%, saving 12,536 tons of steam every year and reducing 2,902 tons of carbon emissions. HIGGBusiness vision Governance structure
Business vision Governance structure


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  owned Producti iariesFunct on Lines Departional Majority ments Subsi-owned Branch C iaries and O

The Company values the diversity of the Board members, whose job responsibilities are determined by their professional experience. In 2023,
The Board of Directors perform its duties in strict accordance with the Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors.
the Board members included three foreign directors, accounting for 25%, and four female directors, accounting for more than 30%.
The Board of Directors has established the Strategy Committee, the Audit Committee, the Nomination Committee, and the Remuneration
Committee. These special committees make full use of their expertise to make scientific decisions on the Company's development issues.

Name of Director Liu Zibin Xu Zhinan Liu Deming Xu Jianlv Zheng Huisheng Zhang Zhanqi Zhang Keming Du Lixin Zhou Zhiji Qu Dongmei Peng Yanli Quan YuhuaGender MaleAge 59Position(s) Chairman,PresidentDate of service commencement 6 June 2007
 Male94Vice Chairman 
Male52Director and Vice President  
Male56Director and Board Secretary General Accountant  
Male61Independent Director  
Female55Independent Director  
Female63Independent Director  
Female68Independent Director  
Compliance management Business ethics
Compliance management Business ethics
Adhering to operations with integrity, law-abiding principles, and compliance, Luthai Textile has always emphasised that integrity and law-abiding principles are the The Company attaches great importance to business ethics and strictly complies with laws and regulations of countries where it operates, as
foundation of the Company, and always abode by the values of "integrity and win-win situation". Under the philosophy of operations with integrity, the Company well as the industry recognised code of conduct. It advocates honesty and trustworthiness, fair competition, anti-corruption, openness and
has continued to strengthen the compliance management system, improve compliance management policies, optimise auditing procedures, and implement internal
transparency, and supervises the business behaviour of partners, committed to creating an honest, fair, clean, and harmonious operating
control in order to safeguard healthy, sustainable development.environment.

    The Company encourages all shareholders to advise and comment on its operation, actively improves the complaint reporting mechanism, widens report channels, including reporting via letters, phone calls, e-mails, or in person, and pledges to protect the whistleblower's privacy. nt
2021 89.33%2022 89.03%   

Quantity of non-conformance events00
Quantity of non-conformance events00
External audit resultsStandardStandard
Quantity of non-conformance events00
? Ramping up spending in scientific and technological innovation* As at the end of 2023, the Company had been rated A for six consecutive years in the information disclosure assessment on the listed
In 2023, the Company spent RMB240Million on technological R&D, developed 72 new products and processes, and carried out 170 projects on
companies on the Mainboard by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
technological improvement.
* The Company releases its performance results as well as major and temporary announcements to investors of A- and B- shares via
As at the end of 2023, the Company had undertaken eight national scientific and technological innovation platforms and five provincial
Internet media (cninfo.com) designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission as well as Securities Times, Shanghai Securities
platforms, and received more than 48 rewards concerning national, provincial and ministerial scientific and technological progress awards, of
Journal, China Securities Journal, and Ta Kung Pao.
which, one was the First Prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress Award, and three were Second Prize of National Scientific and
? Key R&D projects ? Developing scientific and technological R&D platformsresearch platform carbon energy conservation, and corporate culture development. Lyocell fabric is prone to fibre formation during printing, dyeing, With the development of textile circular economy, the recycling and wearing, resulting in problems such as light colour, "frosting", and reuse of waste textiles has attracted much attention. Various and pilling during household washing, which is a major technical countries have introduced policies to encourage the recycling of bottleneck for the promotion and application of Lyocell. The Company waste textiles, and more and more brand companies have begun to collaborated with Wuhan Textile University and Qingdao University to require the recyclable and environmentally-friendly textiles. In this address key scientific difficulties related to the building of multi-level project, the Company collaborated with Qingdao Hong Da Textile Luthai Engineering Technological Institute has capitalised on the design resources of the and multi-scale supramolecular structures and the mechanism of Machinery Co., Ltd. and Jiangnan University to develop specialised national industrial design centre, the Shandong Provincial industrial design centre, an Italian fibre formation in Lyocell fibres, as well as the rapid in-situ colouring fabric opening and carding equipment, and study the opening designer's workshop for fabric design, and the enterprise brand design centre to build a and high-temperature moisture fixation mechanisms of Lyocell fibres. and carding procedure and process parameters. The Company has textile and apparel design platform. The platform has integrated textile and garment trendy Additionally, research was also conducted on key technical difficulties achieved pre-consumer recycled cotton with cone-winder waste design, textile new material design, popular fabrics design and garment brand design, which such as ant-fibre processing technology, green manufacturing of 22 to 23 mm, and recycled cotton with cutting fabrics of 17 to represents the major backbone of the enterprise's independent brand building and promotes Textile garment technology and automation equipment, and low-carbon industrial 18 mm, meeting the spinning requirements of 20% to 100% for the Company to take leap from creation to creativity. design platform production based on carbon footprint and water footprint process recycled cotton in 10 to 30 s and 20% to 25% for recycled cotton management in the dyeing and finishing process of Lyocell fibres. in 30 to 40 s. The developed products have been recognised by domestic and foreign customers. Luthai owns a complete set of testing devices and equipment for textile materials, fabrics, ? Major cooperation with universities and garments, as well as dyeing and finishing auxiliaries. It is equipped with laboratories that meet international standards, including the constant temperature and humidity laboratory, Donghua University textile material testing laboratory, fabric and garment laboratory, and chemical analysis and synthesis laboratory. Also, it has an experienced professional testing team that is familiar The Company has established the "National Collaborative Innovation Center of Key Technologies for Textile Industry" with Donghua University with domestic and overseas standards. As a result, Luthai has made every effort to establish for research of new fibre material technologies and key technologies for eco-friendly dyeing and finishing. In 2022, the Company participated in Textile garment testing an integrated testing and inspection platform in the textile and apparel industry at home and the "14th Five-Year Plan" National Key R&D Program led by Donghua University. In July 2023, Academician Yu Jianyong, President of Donghua and experimental abroad. University, visited the Company to provide guidance and fully affirmed the Company's research and innovation work. He also had an exchange platforms on further cooperation with Donghua University in the future.

In terms of risk hazard inspections, the Company's Safety Inspection Office carried out various inspections in 2023, such as special inspection of dust explosion-proof, diagnosis of invited safety experts, 100-day clearing campaign, special inspection of warehouse, general inspection Production safety management during the holiday, and departmental self-inspection and self-correction, which identified more than 21,000 safety hazards. During the Reporting Period, all risk hazards were eliminated. Production safety, involving employees' life safety, is the key to the survival and development of the enterprise. Its responsibilities are weightier than Mount Tai. Luthai insists on the principle of "safety first, prevention first and comprehensive management", and implements national, local and industrial policies, laws and regulations and standards on safety work. The Company consciously carries out all rules and regulations of production safety and supervises the implementation. Building of safety management system and mechanism 01 02 03 The Company has □ The Company has □ The Company has set established the safety production targets continuously improved up a Safety Production management responsibility safety production Committee and an Accident system and signed the standardisation templates, Emergency Rescue Leading Responsibility Letter for conduct internal safety Group around the Safety Safety Production Targets standardisation reviews for Inspection Office, with a Management at all levels. various departments, and total number of 68 safety Besides, the Company has supervised and inspected management personnel. broken down the accident the implementation of control targets by levels safety standards in various and implemented strict assessments of personnel plants.The Company is conducting an on-site safety hazard inspection
risk control measures to prevent and control risks by ways such as standard specification, safety training, distribution of supplies for labour
conservation and protection, on-site supervision and inspection, emergency response drills, and timely handling of incidents.
"Safety Production Month" activities in various forms During the "Safety Production Month" campaign in June 2023, the Company has conducted a variety of activities such as publicity board design, special training on safety production, inspections on potential safety hazards, award-winning essay contests, safety photographer, short videos on safety dissemination, emergency response drills, and cross-talk and sketch parties. All employees who participated in the activities raised their safety awareness.
out a total of 15 "Emergency Rehearsal Training" in the "Safety Production Month" activities.
The Company is conducting an emergency drill
Firefighting and evacuation drill
Each user department should establish and improve the safety management system and emergency plans for hazardous chemicals, assign dedicated personnel to be responsible for the management of hazardous The Company organises "119 Fire Safety Publicity Month" activitiesThe Company is conducting a fire hazard investigation

Supply chain management The Company attaches great importance to the openness and transparency of chemical information and data, publicly releasing DETOX data on discharged wastewater twice a year at the ZDHC GATEWAY and the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE), and releasing Pollutant Release and Transfer Registration System (PRTR) data once a year at IPE. At the same time, the Company communicates and interacts with Through a new generation of integrated and collaborative platform (ERP system) based on Internet services and technical architecture, suppliers, customers, third-party testing organisations, non-governmental organisations and other relevant parties to achieve sustainable the Company has realised the information flow in the whole process from supplier access to purchase warehousing. This has ensured the improvement of chemicals management. information flow in all processes of the supply chain, improved the efficiency of raw material supply, and made the purchase process more standardised and transparent. Supplier managementProcurement management
Data releasing platform
Supply chain management The Company attaches great importance to the openness and transparency of chemical information and data, publicly releasing DETOX data on discharged wastewater twice a year at the ZDHC GATEWAY and the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE), and releasing Pollutant Release and Transfer Registration System (PRTR) data once a year at IPE. At the same time, the Company communicates and interacts with Through a new generation of integrated and collaborative platform (ERP system) based on Internet services and technical architecture, suppliers, customers, third-party testing organisations, non-governmental organisations and other relevant parties to achieve sustainable the Company has realised the information flow in the whole process from supplier access to purchase warehousing. This has ensured the improvement of chemicals management. information flow in all processes of the supply chain, improved the efficiency of raw material supply, and made the purchase process more standardised and transparent. Supplier managementProcurement management
Data releasing platform

authenticity and legitimacy of the agreement is signed with the suppliers supply conditions, qualification and reputation,
suppliers' qualification and reputation. on the basis of effectively preventing operating status of materials or services provided
Health and safety Respect and equality
Health and safety Respect and equality
The Company pays high attention to its employees' occupational health and safety, so it has established and improved the management system

the dust accumulated on the surface as much as possible

high humidity
enhance employees' ability to defend against occupational diseasesIndicator (Unit) 2021 2022 2023
Adjust the air supply and exhaust volume in the workshop
Employment contract signing rate (%) 100 100 100
Equip employees with disposable noise-reducing earplugs and replace Social insurance coverage (%) 100 100 100
them regularly

Total number of female employees
13,039 13,292 13,533

under 30 (person)

Series of Activities on the International
Appraisal and Appointment of Professional Titles
Mental Consultation Room Female Employee Training
Women's Day on 8 March
Series of Activities on the International
Appraisal and Appointment of Professional Titles
Mental Consultation Room Female Employee Training
Women's Day on 8 March
Training for Section Chiefs and Group Leaders

Skilled worker
individual and team
0 to 1 year
Department employee
Individual's success and
team's success
This year's new employee

【Case】Swimming Competition 【Case】Series of Cultural and Sports Activities to Celebrate the New Year In December 2023, Lu Thai Group held a series of cultural and sports activities themed "Let's Fight and Pursue Dreams Together" to celebrate On 4 August 2023, Lu Thai Group held a swimming competition themed "Swimming for the Best and Braving the Wind and the Waves" the 2024 New Year. The indoor event lasted for three days and included table tennis, billiards, badminton, and chess and card games. More in 2023. The competition included events such as the men's 50 m, men's 100 m, men's 4x50 relay, women's 50 m, parent-child 50 m, than 450 people participated in the indoor event competition. By participating in various projects, everyone improved their physical fitness, "landlubber" swimming, and parent-child interaction. With various swimming styles, everyone competed in the swimming pool and engaged and relaxed themselves physically and mentally, injecting new vitality into the Company's development. in intense water competitions, fully showcasing the Lu Thaier's spirit of struggling ahead and pursuing progress.The Scene of the Swimming Competition The Scene of Indoor Events 【Case】Parent-child Activities and Dual-employee Team Building Activities 【Case】Electronic Band Tour of LuThai Music Week In 2023, the Company held a parent-child activity with the theme of "Embracing the Future Hand in Hand Happily " and a dual- From 7 to 12 August 2023, the "Passionate August with Rhythm" Electronic Band Tour of Lu Thai Music Week 2023 was held in various employee team building activity with the theme of "Grateful for You at Dongzhi Festival". parks of the Company, attracting more than 1,000 employees from relevant departments in each park. The Electronic Band Tour had diverse song styles and performance forms, creating a lively atmosphere and presenting a wonderful and unparalleled audio-visual feast for everyone.
Embracing Nature Healthily and 【Case】SUECELL, an Innovative 【Case】Over DYE, N+ Possibility of Fabric 【Case】No-dye Fabrics Blithely with Green, Low-carbon New Tactile Product and Ecological TextilesCompared with conventional dyeing methods, coloured polyester fibres The concepts of sustainable development such as green, low-carbon,
The Lyocell fibre transformation is an industrial problem currently faced Cotton (recycled cellulose) fibres, after modification, can change the
and polyamide 6 fibres that are produced with the dope dyeing technology and ecological and environmentally friendly are increasingly recognised
by various fabrics brands. Exploring new application methods and special electrical repulsion between cellulose fibres and anionic groups of
no longer require post dyeing, reducing the production cost of fibre- by consumers, and low-carbon and sustainable lifestyles are gradually
tactile sensations of recycled cellulose products has become one of our dyestuff, significantly improving the adsorption performance of cotton on
coloured filaments, water and energy consumption, and carbon emissions. becoming a trend pursued and advocated by society. By using natural
development directions. By using existing industrial laundry appliances, negatively charged dyes, achieving the goal of not using sodium hydroxide
According to incomplete statistics, dope dyed fabrics have reduced carbon and recycled materials, as well as new ecological and environmentally-
overflow dyeing machines, and other equipment, special alkaline washing to promote dyeing. By combining with ordinary raw materials for surface
emissions by up to 26% and water consumption by 72% compared to dyed friendly dyeing aids, low-carbon processing technology has been
treatment is carried out using alkali, new additives, etc., to give the fabric a structure design, countless colours can be magically realised, achieving fast
fabrics, with obvious advantages in energy conservation and emission developed. A series of products have been developed, including
delicate and dense velvet feel, a soft hand feeling, and a unique style. reaction and delivery time. Natural cotton or recycled fibre materials are
reduction, which meets the requirements of low-carbon circular economy ecological moisture crosslinking, ecological softness, ecological
used, realising salt-free and alkali-free dyeing which is energy saving and

Customer services and satisfactionCustomer services and satisfactiondays of receiving the questionnaire, and form a Customer Satisfaction Survey Report. The Company invites customers to visit or participate in new product releases or and disadvantages, and formulates targeted improvement measures to meet customers' important events to enhance customer relationships. expectations as much as possible.