
时间:2024年04月19日 18:43:03 中财网


Stock Code: 000521, 200521 Stock Abbreviation: Changhong Meiling, Hongmeiling B Announcement No.: 2024-022

Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.
The First Quarterly Report of 2024

The Company and whole members of the Board guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and complete and there are no fictitious records, misleading statements or material omissions carried in the Report.

Important Note:
1. Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
the Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives should guarantee the reality, accuracy and
completion of the quarterly report, there are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements or important
omissions carried in this report, and shall take legal responsibilities, individual and/or joint. 2. Mr. Wu Dinggang, Person in charge of the Company, Mr. Pang Haitao, head of accounting and Mr. Yang Jun,
person in charger of accounting organ (accounting officer) hereby confirm that the financial information of this
Quarterly Report is authentic, accurate and complete.
3. The first quarterly report audited or not
□Yes √No
I. Main financial data
(i) Main accounting data and financial indexes
Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not □Yes √No

 Current PeriodSame period of last yearChanges of this period over same period of last year
Operating income (RMB)5,940,062,392.735,025,237,527.2518.20%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company (RMB)155,536,230.57122,540,351.1026.93%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses (RMB)185,949,135.46103,510,051.9479.64%
Net cash flow arising from operating activities (RMB)-114,083,183.60-372,008,676.4869.33%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)0.15100.119026.89%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)0.15100.119026.89%
Weighted average ROE2.64%2.34%0.30 percentage points up
 End of this periodEnd of last periodChanges of this period-end over same period-end of last year
Total assets (RMB)21,561,463,604.7319,391,604,526.1911.19%
Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of listed company (RMB)5,980,802,290.295,824,782,654.092.68%
(ii)Items of non-recurring gains and losses
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

ItemCurrent amountNote
Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the write-off that accrued for impairment of assets)36,334.95 
Governmental subsidy calculated into current gains and losses(while closely related with the normal business of the Company, the government subsidy that accord with the provision of national policies and are continuously enjoyed in line with a certain standard quota or quantity are excluded)11,706,548.76Mainly due to government subsidies.
Gain and loss from change of the fair value arising from transactional monetary assets, transactional financial liabilities as held as well as the investment income arising from disposal of the transactional monetary assets, transactional financial liabilities and financial assets available for sale excluding the effective hedging transaction in connection with the Company’s normal business-45,481,586.24Mainly due to the non cancelable orders and change of the fair value of forward foreign exchange contract changes
Switch back of the impairment for receivables that has impairment test independently730,284.97 
Other non-operating income and expenses other than the above-2,109,577.93 
Less: impact on income tax-4,947,542.79 
Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax)242,452.19 
Details of other profit and loss items that meet the non-recurring profit and loss definition □ Applicable √ Not applicable
There are no other gains/losses items that meet the definition of non-recurring gains/losses in the Company.
Explain the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss
in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public -
-- Extraordinary Profit/loss(revised in 2023)
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There are no items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss
in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public -
-- Extraordinary Profit/loss (revised in 2023).
(iii)Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement and financial index and
explanations of reasons
√ Applicable □Not applicable
1.Changes and reasons of items in balance sheet

ItemEnding balanceOpening balanceChanges ratioReasons of changes
Trading financial assets693,164,688.0839,236,447.631,666.63%Mainly due to the purchase of wealth management products by the Company in the current period.
Account receivable2,375,000,927.751,633,706,889.0645.37%Mainly due to the increase in sales during the current period
Inventory3,402,387,173.632,022,738,412.9768.21%Mainly due to the increase in stocking for peak seasonin the current period.
Contract assets9,245,092.9813,261,690.62-30.29%Mainly due to the transfer of the Company's contract assets to accounts receivable in the current period
Non-current asset due within one year22,226,166.67122,294,027.78-81.83%Mainly due to the maturity of the Company's large-amount certificates of deposit in the current period
Other current assets316,348,294.36225,419,883.0740.34%Mainly due to the increase in the Company's fixed deposits and value- added tax to be deducted during the current period
Creditor's rights investment624,913,378.80420,537,485.5448.60%Mainly due to the increase in the Company's large certificates of deposit in the current period.
Trading financial Liabilities42,369,591.7032,229,012.8631.46%Mainly due to the non cancelable orders and change of the fair value of forward foreign exchange contract changes
Account payable5,231,251,785.683,882,303,908.8934.75%Mainly due to the increase in the Company's procurement in the current period.
2.Changes and reasons of items in profit statement

ItemCurrent periodAmount at the same period of last yearChanges ratioReasons of changes
Tax and extras26,505,967.2639,314,902.23-32.58%Mainly due to the payment of the waste electrical and electronic products disposal fund in the previous period, and there is none of that in the current period.
Other income30,658,322.3711,993,948.27155.61%Mainly due to the Company's recognition of VAT deductible income in the current period
Investment earnings4,806,025.9511,296,852.87-57.46%Mainly due to the decrease in investment income obtained from the disposal of trading financial assets by the Company during the current period
Gains on changes in fair value-36,212,338.391,581,886.04-2,389.19%Mainly due to the non cancelable orders and change of the fair value of forward foreign exchange contract changes
Credit impairment loss1,826,872.78-15,886,816.82-111.50%Mainly due to the reversal of the Company's bad debt provision in the current period
Non-operating income842,845.675,645,604.54-85.07%Mainly due to the decrease in liquidated damages received by the Company during the period
Non-operating expenses2,952,423.60633,242.26366.24%Mainly due to the provision of plant relocation expenses in the current period
Income tax expenses20,354,739.637,491,433.56171.71%Mainly due to the increase in income tax expense due to the increase in the Company's taxable income in the current period
3.Changes and reasons of items in cash flow statement

ItemCurrent periodAmount at the same period of last yearChanges ratioReasons of changes
Tax refund received256,947,465.72119,861,984.88114.37%Mainly due to the YOY increase in export tax rebates received by the Company during the current period
Other cash received concerning operation activities12,948,696.0523,940,223.82-45.91%Mainly due to the YOY decrease in the guarantee deposit recovered by the Company in the current period
Cash received from recovery of investment100,000,000.00150,000,000.00-33.33%Mainly due to the YOY decrease in the recovery of the Company's wealth management products in the current period
Cash received from absorbing investment2,535,371.2011,517,830.00-77.99%Mainly due to that the Company received dividends from associates in the previous period, but there is no such dividend in the current period
Cash paid for investments980,000,000.00560,000,000.0075.00%Mainly due to the YOY increase in the Company's purchase of wealth management products and large-amount certificates of deposit in the current period.
Cash received from borrowing560,575,979.93248,567,208.06125.52%Mainly due to the increase in bank borrowings obtained by the Company during the period
Other cash received concerning financing activities39,855,330.30250,646,926.33-84.10%Mainly due to the YOY decrease in limited recovery of the Company's guarantee deposits in
ItemCurrent periodAmount at the same period of last yearChanges ratioReasons of changes
    the current period.
Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest paying6,720,779.164,998,050.4734.47%Mainly due to the YOY increase in bank interest paid by the Company in the current period
Other cash paid concerning financing activities21,636,276.0045,458,808.90-52.40%Mainly due to the YOY decrease in restrictions of the Company guarantee deposits in the current period
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash-432,457.38-11,739,344.8396.32%Mainly due to the change of exchange rate in the Period
II. Shareholders
(i)Total number of common shareholders and preference shareholders with voting rights recovered and
top ten shareholders
In Shares

Total number of common shareholders at the end of report period42,282Total preference shareholders with voting rights recovered at end of reporting period (if applicable)0   
Top ten shareholders      
Shareholder’s nameNature of shareholderProportion of shares heldAmount of shares heldAmount of lock- up shares heldInformation of shares pledged, tagged or frozen 
     State of shareAmount
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.State-owned legal person24.12%248,457,7240---
HKSCCOverseas Legal person6.42%66,131,0440--
Hefei Industry Investment Holding (Group) Co., Ltd.State-owned legal person3.68%37,923,4010--
The National Social Security Fund 101 portfolioDomestic non- state-owned legal person3.44%35,423,6610--
CHANGHONG (HK) TRADING LIMITEOverseas Legal person2.63%27,077,7970--
CAOSHENGCHUNOverseas natural person1.43%14,766,0860--
ICBC- Guangfa Jufeng hybrid securities investment fundDomestic non- state-owned legal person1.36%14,000,0780--
Industrial Bank-Southern Xingrun value one- year holding period of hybrid securities investment fundDomestic non- state-owned legal person1.34%13,797,3530--
ICBC - South Excellent Growth Stock Securities Investment FundDomestic non- state-owned legal person1.25%12,823,0000--
China Construction Bank Co., Ltd.- Jiashixin Consumer Stock Securities Investment FundDomestic non- state-owned legal person1.17%12,082,1000--
Top ten shareholders with unrestricted shares held      
Shareholder’s nameAmount of unrestricted shares heldType of shares    
Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.248,457,724RMB ordinary shares248,457,724   
HKSCC66,131,044Domestically listed foreign shares66,131,044   
Hefei Industry Investment Holding (Group) Co., Ltd.37,923,401RMB ordinary shares37,923,401   
The National Social Security Fund 101 portfolio35,423,661RMB ordinary shares35,423,661   
CHANGHONG (HK) TRADING LIMITE27,077,797Domestically listed foreign shares27,077,797   
CAOSHENGCHUN14,766,086Domestically listed foreign shares14,766,086   
ICBC - Guangfa Jufeng hybrid securities investment fund14,000,078RMB ordinary shares14,000,078   
Industrial Bank-Southern Xingrun value one-year holding period of hybrid securities investment fund13,797,353RMB ordinary shares13,797,353   
ICBC-South Excellent Growth Stock Securities Investment Fund12,823,000RMB ordinary shares12,823,000   
China Construction Bank Co., Ltd.- Jiashixin Consumer Stock Securities Investment Fund12,082,100RMB ordinary shares12,082,100   
Explanation on associated relationship among the aforesaid shareholdersAmong the above shareholders, CHANGHONG (HK) TRADING LIMITED (hereinafter referred to as Hong Kong Changhong) is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd., the foregoing shareholders constitute persons of uniform action. There existed no associated relationship or belong to the concerted actors as specified in the Measures for the Administration of Information Disclosure of Shareholder Equity Changes of Listed Companies among Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd, Hong Kong Changhong and other top 8 shareholders, The company neither knows whether there is any association among other shareholders, nor knows whether other shareholders belong to the persons acting in concert that is stipulated in the “Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure of Changes in Shareholding of Listed Companies”.     
Explanation on top ten shareholders involving margin business (if applicable)Not applicable     
Information of shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares, the top 10 shareholders and the top 10
shareholders of unrestricted tradable shares participating in the lending of shares in securities lending and
borrowing business
□Applicable ?Not applicable
The top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of unrestricted tradable shares have changed compared
with the previous period due to the securities lending/returning, □Applicable ?Not applicable
(ii)Total number of preferred shareholders and shareholding of top 10 preferred shareholders by the end
of the report period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
III. Other important matters
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

OverviewDate for disclosureInformation index for temporary report disclosure
Through the resolution passed by the Company's board of directors, it’s agreed that the Company shall establish an ESG management organizational structure and set up an ESG management committee under the board of directors of the Company, which is composed of six directors-Mr. Wu Dinggang, Mr. Zhong Ming, Mr. Zhao Qilin, Mr. Kou Huameng, Mr. Hu Zhaogui and Ms. Mou Wen (independent directors)-of the board of directors of the Company and the chairman is Mr. Wu Dinggang, taking effect from the date of deliberation and approval of the board of directors, and the term of office of the above members is the same as that of the board of directors.February 20,2024Juchao Website:http://www.cninfo.com.cn (No.: 2024-004 and 2024-005)
Through the resolution passed by the Company's board of directors, it’s agreed that the Company will invest 88 million yuan to renovate the front- end production line of refrigerators in the Hefei manufacturing base, in order to enhance the Company's production and manufacturing capacity of refrigerators in the Hefei base and enhance the product market competitiveness.February 20,2024Juchao Website:http://www.cninfo.com.cn (No.: 2024-004)
Through the resolution of the board of directors of the Company, it’s agreed that Sichuan Changhong Air Conditioning Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, will invest 100 million yuan by its own funds to establish a wholly-owned subsidiary, Sichuan Changhong Air Conditioning Intelligent Home Appliance Technology Co., Ltd. (tentative name, subject to industrial and commercial approval), to engage in related business with the manufacturing and sales of variable frequency drive control boards in the air conditioning industry (including special air conditioners) as the core.March 15,2024Juchao Website:http://www.cninfo.com.cn (No.: 2024-006)
Through the resolution of the Company's board of directors and supervisory board, it’s agreed to the 2023 profit distribution plan of the Company. Based on the total share capital of 1,029,923,715 shares as of December 31, 2023, a cash dividend of 3 yuan (including tax) will be distributed to all shareholders for every 10 shares, without bonus shares or conversion of reserve funds into share capital. It’s expected to distribute a cash dividend of 308,977,114.50 yuan(including tax).March 30,2024Juchao Website:http://www.cninfo.com.cn (No.: 2024-007, 2024-008 and 2024- 010)
Through the resolution of the Company's board of directors, it’s agreed to appoint Pan-China Certified Public Accounts (LLP) as the auditing agency for the Company's 2024 financial report and internal control, with a term of one year.March 30,2024Juchao Website:http://www.cninfo.com.cn (No.: 2024-007 and 2024-011)
Through the resolution of the Company's board of directors and supervisory board, it’s agreed that the subsidiary of the Company, Hefei Meiling Nonferrous Metal Products Co., Ltd., will write off a total of 3,092,614.56 yuan in bad debts of part accounts receivable that cannot be recovered.March 30,2024Juchao Website:http://www.cninfo.com.cn (No.: 2024-007, 2024-008 and 2024- 012)
Through the resolution of the board of directors of the Company, it’s agreed that the Company and its subsidiaries will carry out forward foreign exchange fund trading business from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025, with a transaction balance not exceeding 1.199 billion US dollars (mainly including US dollars, Australian dollars, Euros, and all other foreign currencies converted into US dollars), and the delivery period of a single transaction shall not exceed one year.March 30,2024Juchao Website:http://www.cninfo.com.cn (No.: 2024-007 and 2024-013)
Through the resolution of the Company's board of directors and supervisory board, it’s agreed to the Company’s formulated "Shareholders' Return Plan for the Next Three Years (2021-2023) by the Company".March 30,2024Juchao Website:http://www.cninfo.com.cn (No.: 2024-007 and 2024-008)
OverviewDate for disclosureInformation index for temporary report disclosure
Through the resolution of the Company's board of directors and supervisory board, it’s agreed that the Company will increase the expected amount of no more than 1,138 million yuan (excluding tax) of routine related party transactions including purchase of raw materials and commodities between the Company and its subsidiaries and Sichuan Changhong Electronic Holding Group Co., Ltd. in 2024. After this increase, it’s expected that the total amount of routine related party transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries and Sichuan Changhong Electronic Holding Group Co., Ltd., including purchasing goods, receiving services, and leasing, will not exceed 2,938 million yuan (excluding tax) in 2024.March 30,2024Juchao Website:http://www.cninfo.com.cn (No.: 2024-007 and 2024-008)
Through the resolution of the board of directors of the Company, it’s agreed that the Company and its subsidiaries can apply for a special line of up to RMB 400 million for the bill pool to the Hefei Branch of Industrial Bank Co., Ltd; and apply to Hefei Branch Ping An Bank Co., Ltd. for a special credit line of up to RMB 500 million for the bill pool.March 30,2024Juchao Website:http://www.cninfo.com.cn (No.: 2024-007 and 2024-015)
IV. Quarterly financial statements
(i) Financial statement
1. Consolidate Balance Sheet
Prepared by Changhong Meiling Co., Ltd.

ItemEnding balanceOpening balance
Current assets:  
Monetary fund7,922,075,565.978,840,685,525.71
Settlement provisions  
Capital lent  
Trading financial assets693,164,688.0839,236,447.63
Derivative financial assets  
Note receivable228,500.00267,174.50
Account receivable2,375,000,927.751,633,706,889.06
Receivable financing1,761,920,592.801,641,858,740.34
Account paid in advance40,216,846.5545,738,805.90
Insurance receivable  
Reinsurance receivables  
Contract reserve of reinsurance receivable  
Other account receivable88,885,982.1482,953,808.97
Including: Interest receivable  
Dividend receivable  
Current liabilities:  
Short-term loans1,247,208,244.261,134,102,419.03
Loan from central bank  
Capital borrowed  
Trading financial liability42,369,591.7032,229,012.86
Derivative financial liability  
Note payable6,291,342,844.455,904,387,089.98
Account payable5,231,251,785.683,882,303,908.89
Accounts received in advance24,036.6955,949.90
Contract liabilities474,082,425.90405,698,756.02
Selling financial asset of repurchase  
Absorbing deposit and interbank deposit  
Security trading of agency  
Security sales of agency  
Wage payable392,902,465.90443,612,216.56
Taxes payable95,345,968.5591,917,751.71
Other account payable1,026,377,817.65884,714,721.30
Including: Interest payable  
Dividend payable4,654,612.125,384,407.44
Commission charge and commission payable  
Reinsurance payable  
Liability held for sale  
Non-current liabilities due within one year49,295,443.9348,822,798.47
Other current liabilities19,272,913.3819,172,541.50
Total current liabilities14,869,473,538.0912,847,017,166.22
Non-current liabilities:  
Insurance contract reserve  
Long-term loans108,000,000.00108,000,000.00
Bonds payable  
Including: Preferred stock  
Perpetual capital securities  
Lease liability41,615,065.5143,488,292.70
Long-term account payable714,113.18800,347.84
Long-term wages payable11,119,405.8211,417,181.82
Accrual liability33,452,563.4432,054,790.39
Deferred income126,075,154.57132,977,494.33
Deferred income tax liabilities17,526,566.0521,814,466.43
Other non-current liabilities  
Total non-current liabilities338,502,868.57350,552,573.51
Total liabilities15,207,976,406.6613,197,569,739.73
Owner’s equity:  
Share capital1,029,923,715.001,029,923,715.00
Other equity instrument  
Including: Preferred stock  
Perpetual capital securities  
Capital public reserve2,805,503,457.772,805,503,457.77
Less: Treasury shares  
Other comprehensive income-21,170,679.74-20,704,362.05
Special reserve12,196,535.2311,246,811.91
Surplus public reserve477,053,194.82477,053,194.82
Provision of general risk  
Retained profit1,677,296,067.211,521,759,836.64
Total owner’ s equity attributable to parent company5,980,802,290.295,824,782,654.09
Minority interests372,684,907.78369,252,132.37
Total owner’ s equity6,353,487,198.076,194,034,786.46
Total liabilities and owner’ s equity21,561,463,604.7319,391,604,526.19
Legal Representative: Wu Dinggang
Person in charge of accounting works: Pang Haitao
Person in charge of accounting institute: Yang Jun
2. Consolidated Profit Statement

ItemCurrent periodLast period
I. Total operating income5,940,062,392.735,025,237,527.25
Including: Operating income5,940,062,392.735,025,237,527.25
Interest income  
Insurance gained  
Commission charge and commission income  
II. Total operating cost5,749,860,510.774,890,898,229.81
Including: Operating cost5,144,642,937.714,288,663,147.76
Interest expense  
Commission charge and commission expense  
Cash surrender value  
Net amount of expense of compensation  
Net amount of withdrawal of insurance contract reserve  
Bonus expense of guarantee slip  
Reinsurance expense  
Tax and extras26,505,967.2639,314,902.23
Sales expense417,478,652.51396,134,102.96
Administrative expense70,645,748.9777,699,944.12
R&D expense132,424,604.27127,905,030.12
Financial expenses-41,837,399.95-38,818,897.38
Including: Interest expenses6,712,613.155,614,718.39
Interest income48,736,992.0239,706,698.73
Add: other income30,658,322.3711,993,948.27
Investment income4,806,025.9511,296,852.87
Including: Investment income on affiliated company and joint venture6,580,724.076,156,271.45
The termination of income recognition for financial assets measured by amortized cost-589,721.74-2,610,734.55
Exchange income  
Net exposure hedging income  
Income from change of fair value-36,212,338.391,581,886.04
Loss of credit impairment1,826,872.78-15,886,816.82
Losses of devaluation of asset (-10,212,156.71-12,758,737.76
Income from assets disposal36,334.95 
III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with “-”)181,104,942.91130,566,430.04
Add: Non-operating income842,845.675,645,604.54
Less: Non-operating expense2,952,423.60633,242.26
IV. Total profit (Loss is listed with “-”)178,995,364.98135,578,792.32
Less: Income tax expense20,354,739.637,491,433.56
V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)158,640,625.35128,087,358.76
(i) Classify by business continuity  
1. Net profit from continuing operations (net loss listed with “-”)158,640,625.35128,087,358.76
2. Net profit from termination of operations (net loss listed with “- ”)  
(ii) Classify by ownership  
1.Net profit attributable to owner’s of parent company155,536,230.57122,540,351.10
2.Minority shareholders’ gains and losses3,104,394.785,547,007.66
VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income-444,448.871,054,218.75
Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent company-466,317.69812,237.88
(i) Other comprehensive income items which will not be reclassified subsequently to profit of loss  
1.Changes of the defined benefit plans that re-measured  
2.Other comprehensive income under equity method that cannot be transfer to gain/loss  
3.Change of fair value of investment in other equity instrument  
4.Fair value change of enterprise's credit risk  
5. Other  
(ii) Other comprehensive income items which will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss-466,317.69812,237.88
1.Other comprehensive income under equity method that can transfer to gain/loss  
2.Change of fair value of other debt investment  
3.Amount of financial assets re-classify to other comprehensive income  
4.Credit impairment provision for other debt investment  
5.Cash flow hedging reserve  
6.Translation differences arising on translation of foreign currency financial statements-466,317.69812,237.88
Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders21,868.82241,980.87
VII. Total comprehensive income158,196,176.48129,141,577.51
Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent Company155,069,912.88123,352,588.98
Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders3,126,263.605,788,988.53
VIII. Earnings per share:  
(i) Basic earnings per share0.15100.1190
(ii) Diluted earnings per share0.15100.1190
Enterprise combine under the same control in the Period, the combined party realized net profit of 0.00 Yuan (未完)