时间:2024年04月26日 01:14:06 中财网

原标题:朗新集团:LongShine Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2023

About This Report This report is the third Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report issued by LongShine Technology Group Co., Ltd. Based on the principles of objectivity, standardization, transparency and comprehensiveness, it discloses in detail the practice and achievements of LongShine Group in practicing sustainable development.
reforms in the electric power sector. This coincides with the deepening integration of electric power with digital, intelligent and the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. In the Big Energy industry, innovation in technology, business practices, and models is advancing, driven by market demands and the adoption of digital and intelligent solutions across various scenarios. This innovation is creating new, high-tech, efficient, and high-quality productive forces, poised to significantly boost energy efficiency and address the challenges of safety, economic efficiency, and green development. Consequently, it unleashes substantial innovation potential and business opportunities within the energy sector! LongShine Group focuses on the Big Energy industry, prioritizing a people-centric approach. Our commitment extends to establishing a comprehensive talent development framework, covering employee welfare, training, promotion, and benefit-sharing, while also enhancing safeguard measures to protect employee rights, interests, health, and safety. Through these initiatives, we strive to bolster employee pride, engagement, and sense of belonging, fostering a collaborative environment for mutual growth. We adhere to a long-term, sustainable and systematic approach to employee development. In 2023, we launched the "Future Team" growth program, aimed at nurturing a cohesive talent pool aligned with our company's values and objectives, supporting our sustainable growth trajectory. Additionally, we made steady progress in the second-phase construction of the LongShine Technology Industrial Park and its intelligent projects, both of which are expected to be put into operation in 2024. This endeavor will provide our employees with a green, low-carbon, and technology-driven industrial park, promoting a more humane and technologically advanced work and living environment! In 2023, LongShine Group fully embraced the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution. We established LongShine Research Institute to empower business and management with AI, driving technological research and development, and model creation based on real-world scenarios and business needs. At the end of 2023, we initiated the LongShine digitization project, aimed at digitizing various elements of our business operations, including the flow of business opportunities, strategies, workflows, and controls. This project focuses on building competitiveness by leveraging a "data + AI model algorithm" approach at its core, ultimately establishing a digitized operation and The Company continued its efforts to enhance ESG governance standards, reinforcing the foundation of
governance across various aspects including business ethics, product quality, information security, intellectual
property protection, and responsible supply chain management. Additionally, we focused on refining our internal
Message from the Chairman
control systems, bolstering risk management practices, and augmenting decision-making capabilities. In 2023,
LongShine Public Welfare Foundation actively embodied the corporate ethos of "Benefiting the Society" on behalf
of the Company. The foundation fulfilled the Children’s Day wishes of 100 children from remote areas who were left
LongShine Group is a leading technology enterprise focusing on energy digitization and the Internet of Energy
behind by their parents. With a particular focus on underprivileged girls, it organized a summer camp in Wuxi City
(IoE). We harness the power of new quality productive forces generated by cutting-edge technologies such as next-
for girls from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. During the year, the Company was listed as one of the first
generation digitization, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), electric power, and electronics. Through
"Wuxi Charity Practice Stations" and among the 2023 Top 500 Chinese Enterprises in Charity. innovative platform operation models, we continuously drive the transformation and upgrading of the energy
industry, fostering green and low-carbon development. Committed to digitization to make the world a better place,
As the sun rises, illuminating the sky with brightness and freshness, LongShine Group remains steadfast amidst the
we enhance energy supply efficiency, elevate operational intelligence, and promote greener consumption practices!
waves of energy and digital revolution. We are committed to relentless innovation, dedicated to creating value for
In 2023, we seized the important opportunities presented by reforms in the electricity market, the development of
our customers, fostering the well-being of our employees, delivering returns to our shareholders, and contributing to
new electric power systems, and the expansion of charging infrastructure networks. We integrated new energy
the betterment of society!

vehicles, advanced cloud computing technology, and smart highway infrastructure into our new energy operations.
Additionally, we embraced the concept of virtual power plants, zero- or low-carbon industrial parks, and urban
energy and carbon management. Through relentless innovation, LongShine leads the industry forward, striving for
sustainable, robust, and steady development.
As China advances its "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" goals and prioritizes high-quality development, the
energy sector faces a growing challenge in balancing safety, economic efficiency, and green initiatives. China is
actively pursuing infrastructure development, particularly in new electric power systems, while also deepening
About LongShine Group
Company Profile Performance Indicators
As a leading energy technology company, LongShine Group has long been dedicated to serving the electric power industry.
Operating on a B2B2C business model, the Company focuses on growth propelled by energy digitization and the Internet
About LongShine Group
Company Profile Performance Indicators
As a leading energy technology company, LongShine Group has long been dedicated to serving the electric power industry.
Operating on a B2B2C business model, the Company focuses on growth propelled by energy digitization and the Internet

various sectors including digitized electric power marketing, household energy payment solutions, aggregated charging for new energy vehicles, and distributed photovoltaic cloud services. In recent years, the Company has spearheaded exploration and innovation in integrating transportation and energy industries, establishing virtual power plants, implementing urban energy Honors and Awards carbon management systems, developing zero-carbon industrial parks, and offering comprehensive energy operation and management services. These efforts have facilitated the transition towards green and low-carbon energy, benefiting numerous 2023 Top 500 New Economy
Enterprises with Competitive Strength
Chinese Enterprise Evaluation Association China Electronic Information Industry Federation Digitization makes the digital world a better place. Mission statementCarbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Practice
2023 China International Digital Economy Expo
Rely on digital services and digital operation, create new value, share new valueValue
proposition www.bjx.com.cn China International Digital Economy Expo Insist on creating value through technological innovationAdhere to the mission of enabling employees to gain the sense of fulfillment www.bjx.com.cn Adhere to the establishment of a sound corporate ecology
Business Layout
Internet of Energy (IoE):
Offering diverse energy service scenarios for electric power consumersBusiness Layout
Internet of Energy (IoE):
Offering diverse energy service scenarios for electric power consumers
GW million kWh
Stakeholders Communication
Sustainable Development Management
Stakeholder communication and engagement play an important role in achieving sustainable development. Recognizing the
unique characteristics of our company and the dynamics of the market, we identify and engage both internal and external
Aligned with our mission to enhance the digital world through digitization, fostering greener, more practical, and energy-
stakeholders. Through channels such as performance presentations, shareholders’ meetings, participation in investor seminars,
efficient energy consumption, we embed the principles of sustainable development into our business management practices.
and hosting visiting investors from the Chinese mainland and overseas, we proactively communicate with both internal and
We actively strive to create economic, social, and environmental value for our customers, employees, investors, partners, and
external stakeholders. Our aim is to establish long-term mutual trust and partnerships with all relevant parties, ensuring an
other stakeholders as we pursue sustainable development goals. To develop a strategic plan for sustainable development,
inclusive and balanced approach to addressing substantive issues.oversee and guide the formulation and implementation of ESG objectives, and coordinate the management of ESG matters, the
To facilitate open dialogue, the Company provides direct communication channels for stakeholders worldwide. Any party
Company relies on a sustainable development management system. This system is overseen by the Board of Directors, guided
interested in our business and development can reach out to us directly at [email protected]. We highly value the concerns and
by the ESG Working Group, and executed by relevant functional departments. By establishing a sustainable development
suggestions of all stakeholders and are committed to responding promptly and appropriately to their feedback.
management system, the Company aims to enhance performance in environmental, social, and corporate governance aspects,
thereby elevating overall management standards.
Stakeholders Issues of concerns Response channel Communication effectivenessStakeholders Communication
Sustainable Development Management
Stakeholder communication and engagement play an important role in achieving sustainable development. Recognizing the
unique characteristics of our company and the dynamics of the market, we identify and engage both internal and external
Aligned with our mission to enhance the digital world through digitization, fostering greener, more practical, and energy-
stakeholders. Through channels such as performance presentations, shareholders’ meetings, participation in investor seminars,
efficient energy consumption, we embed the principles of sustainable development into our business management practices.
and hosting visiting investors from the Chinese mainland and overseas, we proactively communicate with both internal and
We actively strive to create economic, social, and environmental value for our customers, employees, investors, partners, and
external stakeholders. Our aim is to establish long-term mutual trust and partnerships with all relevant parties, ensuring an
other stakeholders as we pursue sustainable development goals. To develop a strategic plan for sustainable development,
inclusive and balanced approach to addressing substantive issues.oversee and guide the formulation and implementation of ESG objectives, and coordinate the management of ESG matters, the
To facilitate open dialogue, the Company provides direct communication channels for stakeholders worldwide. Any party
Company relies on a sustainable development management system. This system is overseen by the Board of Directors, guided
interested in our business and development can reach out to us directly at [email protected]. We highly value the concerns and
by the ESG Working Group, and executed by relevant functional departments. By establishing a sustainable development
suggestions of all stakeholders and are committed to responding promptly and appropriately to their feedback.
management system, the Company aims to enhance performance in environmental, social, and corporate governance aspects,
thereby elevating overall management standards.
Stakeholders Issues of concerns Response channel Communication effectiveness
● Satisfactory return on investment ● Good market value● Annual report and announcement ● Roadshow ● Investor conference ● Shareholders’ meeting      
● Stable product supply ● High quality and safety products ● Considerate and convenient service ● Smooth communication channels● Customer symposium ● Telephone service hotline ● Customer satisfaction survey      
 ● Fair procurement ● Integrity and mutual benefit ● Long-term stable cooperation● Supplier conference ● Strategic cooperation     
   ● Complete protection of rights and interests ● Good career development platform ● Work-life balance ● Occupational health● Staff congress ● Complain mailbox   
      ● Community development ● Build a harmonious community● Community publicity ● Participation in public welfare undertakings
      ● Financial performance ● Corporate governance ● Information disclosure● Annual report and announcement ● Press conference ● Press releases and publications ● Media interview
 ● Practice energy conservation and emission reduction ● Practice green operation ● Develop environmentally friendly products● Annual report and announcement ● Public survey of project and environmental impact ● Communication with environmental protection organizations     
Determination of Material Issues
By incorporating input from the Company's management team, conducting peer-to-peer benchmarking research domestically
and internationally, analyzing media information, and conducting on-site research, LongShine Group gains valuable insights
into stakeholders' concerns, expectations, and requests regarding the Company's sustainable development efforts. Through S9
a rigorous screening process, we have identified material issues spanning the three dimensions: governance and economy,
society, and environment, forming an issue tank. S8
Screening process of social responsibility topics
Sources of topics
Screening Criteria E6
Suggestions from the Company’s
management team
Contribution to sustainable development
Importance to stakeholders

Standard guidelines for social
Environmental Social Governance
Low-importance issues Moderately important issues Highly important issuesS6 Privacy and information security
E1 Pollutant discharge E5 Low-carbon products
We have prioritized the sustainable development issues of LongShine Group by considering ESG rating indicators in the capital
E6 Green operation S7 Employee rights protection
E2 Greenhouse gas emissions
market, the evolving trends in the software service industry, the Company's development priorities, and input from internal
and management
S1 Supplier management
S8 Employee training and education
and external stakeholders. We have also assessed the importance that stakeholders place on these sustainable development
E3 Resource utilization
issues. As a result, we have determined the extent and scope of disclosure for these issues. Based on this analysis, we have
S2 Occupational health and safety S9 Leading industry developmentcreated an analysis matrix outlining the material issues surrounding LongShine Group's sustainable development efforts.
E4 Addressing climate change
S3 Social welfare S10 Exceptional customer service
S4 Intellectual property protection S11 Product R&D and innovationG3 Operational compliance
S5 Employee care
G1 Anti-corruption G4 Corporate governance
G2 Communication with
Next-generation Electricity Acquisition System
Facilitate Digital Transformation of the Energy Sector
The next-generation electricity acquisition system is highly adaptable, and capable of interfacing with diverse equipment
associated with electricity source, network, load, storage, and utilization. Centered around the core principles of "on-demand
LongShine Group boasts over 26 years of experience serving the energy sector. In the electric power industry, we deliver
data acquisition, dynamic device status sensing, and flexible and efficient data sharing", the system enables seamless
comprehensive solutions, including core power service systems, to key corporate clients such as State Grid and China Southern
integration with various equipment types and comprehensive acquisition and control of electricity. It is designed to fulfill data and
Power Grid. Our reach extends to over 460 million electric power end-users across 25 provinces, autonomous regions, and
operational requirements across all levels of power grids, thereby facilitating energy and digital transformation initiatives.
municipalities directly under the central government. In the gas industry, we provide core system solutions to renowned
enterprises such as China Resources Gas and China Gas. Continuously broadening our clientele in the energy sector, we offer
Next-generation Electricity Acquisition System
Facilitate Digital Transformation of the Energy Sector
The next-generation electricity acquisition system is highly adaptable, and capable of interfacing with diverse equipment
associated with electricity source, network, load, storage, and utilization. Centered around the core principles of "on-demand
LongShine Group boasts over 26 years of experience serving the energy sector. In the electric power industry, we deliver
data acquisition, dynamic device status sensing, and flexible and efficient data sharing", the system enables seamless
comprehensive solutions, including core power service systems, to key corporate clients such as State Grid and China Southern
integration with various equipment types and comprehensive acquisition and control of electricity. It is designed to fulfill data and
Power Grid. Our reach extends to over 460 million electric power end-users across 25 provinces, autonomous regions, and
operational requirements across all levels of power grids, thereby facilitating energy and digital transformation initiatives.
municipalities directly under the central government. In the gas industry, we provide core system solutions to renowned
enterprises such as China Resources Gas and China Gas. Continuously broadening our clientele in the energy sector, we offer
digital energy products, solutions, and SaaS services to both traditional and new energy power generation entities. Leveraging

Supporting customized, minute-level acquisition and
embodies advanced service concepts and leverages information and communications technologies (ICT) such as Internet+,
second-level control of full data and multi-dimension
cloud computing, big data applications, the Internet of Things (IoT), mobile applications, and artificial intelligence. The
control modes including orderly power consumption
system encompasses various marketing business areas including customer service, meter reading management, electricity

consumption inspection, file management, and auxiliary analysis and decision-making. Furthermore, the system seamlessly
Massive data analysis capabilities to achieve
integrates with corporate internal systems like distribution network production, power grid scheduling, personnel and property

system prioritizes information sharing, business synergies, convenient services, real-time online management and control, as Source Network Load Storage
well as automated and intelligent analysis and decision-making functionalities.

Energy efficiency
Digital business and maintenance

The gas customer information management system is a large-scale intensive software platform boasting over 1,000 functions,
Project management Operation management Customer relations managementapplication
catering to various aspects including market development, business processing, contract management, customer file

checks, maintenance, and work orders. Additionally, it offers internet access through online business portals, mobile business

applications related to human resources, materials, finance, engineering, and operations.Xindiantu
Offer Convenient Energy Services
Drawing upon its strengths in business model innovation, technical prowess, operational strategies, services, and partner
For over a decade, LongShine has been a trailblazer in delivering groundbreaking services in the Internet of Energy (IoE) sector.
network, LongShine Group has prioritized the development of the "Xindiantu", a third-party aggregated charging platform that
Through strategic adoption of digitization, intelligent technology, Internet of Things (IoT), and other cutting-edge technologies,
holds a prominent position in the public charging market. By consolidating industry resources such as charging operators
along with a platform operation model, LongShine is committed to developing innovative scenarios across various energy
and car service companies, the platform harnesses digital technologies to design the layout of the charging pile network and
services. These include utility payment solutions, aggregated electric vehicle (EV) charging, integration of new energy vehicles,
establish an "integrated national charging network".
advancements in the new energy industry, smart highway infrastructure, and utilization of cloud computing technology, alongside
the establishment of virtual power plants. The overarching objective is to enhance energy supply efficiency, elevate operational
With the continuous development of AI technology, LongShine Group's AI Research Institute has enhanced its AI capabilities (未完)