
时间:2024年04月27日 19:25:59 中财网


The First Quarter 2024

The Company and whole members of the Board of Directors guarantee that the information disclosed is factual, accurate and complete, and there is no false record, misleading statement or material omission.

Important content reminder:

1.The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors as well as all the directors, supervisors and senior
managers of HARBIN BOSHI AUTOMATION CO., LTD. ( hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant the factuality, accuracy and completeness of this Report and there is no false record, misleading statement or material omission. And they will be severally and jointly liable for this Report.

2.The person in charge of the Company, the person in charge of accounting work of the Company, and the person in charge of accounting department of the Company warrant that the financial information
in this Report is factual, accurate and complete.

3. Whether this First Interim Report has been audited by auditing firm or not?
□Yes √No

I. Main financial data

1. Main accounting data and financial indicators

Indicate by check mark if there is any retrospectively restated accounting data of previous years.
□Yes √No

 Jan 1 to Mar 31, 2024Jan 1 to Mar 31, 2023Increase/Decrease over the same period of previous year
Operating Revenue (RMB)661,556,066.08729,710,396.08-9.34%
Net profit attributable to parent company’s shareholders (RMB)105,613,101.50210,214,585.50-49.76%
Net profit after deducting non-recurring profit or loss attributable to shareholders of the parent company (RMB)96,268,409.94198,069,179.12-51.40%
Net cash flow from operating activities (RMB)-49,813,273.29-53,800,397.017.41%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)0.10380.2056-49.51%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)0.10380.2025-48.74%
Weighted average return on equity2.98%6.42%-3.44%
 Mar 31, 2024Dec 31, 2023Increase/decrease of Mar 31, 2024 over Dec 31, 2023
Total assets (RMB)6,678,790,779.216,648,692,787.990.45%
Total equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company (RMB)3,579,448,876.163,450,338,131.693.74%

2. Non-recurring gains and losses

√ Applicable □Not applicable
Unit: RMB

ItemJan 1 to Mar 31, 2024Note
Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets (including the write-off of accrued for impairment of assets)160.84 
Governmental subsidy reckoned into current gains or losses (excluding the subsidy enjoyed in quota or ration according to the unified national standards, which are closely relevant to enterprise’s business)5,200,243.32 
Except for effectively hedging business related to normal business operations of the5,689,597.01Income from cash
Company, the profit or loss of fair value changes arising from the holding of financial assets and financial liabilities by non-financial enterprises and the loss or gain arising from the disposal of financial assets and financial liabilities management
Other non-operating income and expenses other than the above-59,279.51 
Other gain/loss items that qualified the definition of non-recurring profit (gains)/losses103,049.27 
Less: Impact on income tax1,182,030.42 
Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (after tax)407,048.95 

Other gain/loss items that qualified the definition of non-recurring profit (gains)/losses:
√Applicable□ Not applicable

Other gain/loss items that qualified the definition of non-recurring profit (gains)/losses: Income from
treasury reverse repos (cash management).

Explanation on those non-recurring gain/loss listed in the “Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss” defined as
recurring gain/loss.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company does not have the non-recurring gain/loss listed in the “Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss”
defined as recurring gain/loss.

3. Particulars about changes in items of main accounting data and financial index and explanations of

Consolidated Balance Sheet itemsMar 31,2024Dec 31,2023ChangeReasons for the changes
Cash and cash equivalent570,754,889.70332,216,413.3571.80%Mainly due to cash management activities.
Financing receivable112,337,215.5772,533,260.3754.88%Due to the increase in the amount of bank acceptance bills with higher credit rating.
Other current assets41,300,833.58615,166,444.19-93.29%Due to cash management activities.
Other non-current assets49,653,721.7723,114,349.36114.82%Mainly affected by the prepayment of real estate purchases for industrial service business.
Short-term loans34,086,265.0123,872,075.01? 42.79%Increased in bank short-term borrowings of holding subsidiary.
Employee benefits payable21,340,597.6276,649,155.81? -72.16%The year-end bonus accrued at the end of the 2023, which was paid this period, and the balance decreased.
Capital reserve355,508,873.67236,467,353.6250.34%Mainly affected by the capital reserve formed by the IPO capital premium of the associated company Bloom Technology.
Treasury shares100,134,294.128,865,506.801,029.48%Due to Company shares buy-back.
Consolidated Income Statement items from the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting periodJan 1 to Mar 31,2024Jan 1 to Mar 31, 2023ChangeReasons for the changes
Investment income (loss is stated with “-”)-10,438,879.7914,813,438.64-170.47%The investment income accrued in associates and income from cash management activities decreased this period.
Thereof: Income from investment in associates and joint ventures-11,058,454.758,194,553.90-234.95%The investment income accrued in associates decreased this period.
Gains from changes in fair value (loss is stated with “-”)5,173,071.321,797,823.96187.74%Due to cash management activities.
Asset impairment losses (loss is stated with “-”)-3,500,078.35-573,795.00? 509.99%Due to the increase of the provision for inventories and contract asset accrued compared with which of the same period of last year.
Income tax expenses18,568,651.7731,903,311.42-41.80%Taxable income decreased and income tax expenses decreased.
Net profit attributable to parent company’s shareholders105,613,101.50210,214,585.50? -49.76%Mainly due to the delivery and revenue recognition of intelligent manufacturing equipment decreased compared with last period, meanwhile, due to the joint influence of lower gross profit rate of projects revenue recognized and higher level of base period, please refer notes for details.
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement items from the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting periodJan 1 to Mar 31,2024Jan 1 to Mar 31, 2023ChangeReasons for the changes
Net cash flows from investing activities370,494,696.11-352,046,143.89205.24%Mainly due to the impact of cash management activities.
Net cash flows from financing activities-82,525,837.15-26,673,490.85-209.39%Mainly due to the Company shares buy-back.


(1) Affected by delivery and acceptance progress of intelligent manufacturing equipment, the revenue
recognized this period decreased year-on-year;

(2) The products of environmental protection process and equipment were delivered and accepted, recognized revenue of RMB 160 million this period, the gross profit rate of revenue components was comparatively lower, which pulled down the overall gross profit rate level.
(3) Lower level of performance of associates and joint ventures this period compared with the same period
last year, and this period, investment income recognized of the Company decreased by RMB 19.253 million

(4) Due to relatively higher level in base period index, the operating revenue and net profit attributable to
parent company’s shareholders of the first quarter of 2023, were both at extreme quarterly level;
(5) From the perspective of quarterly data, the operating revenue of this period was the best in the last four
quarters as the end of the reporting period, net profit attributable to parent company’s shareholders was the
best in the last three quarters as the end of the reporting period.
(6) From the perspective of the Company’s business characteristics, quarterly data may be affected by the
progress of product delivery and acceptance, it is better to grasp the overall Company’s operation
performance from the perspective of the whole year.

Looking forward to 2024, in the direction of industrial digitalization, on the basis of the existing market
demand for intelligent manufacturing equipment and industrial services, superimposed the favorable factors
of the national policy of Action Plan to Promote Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods for
New Ones, combined with the scale of orders on hand, the Company has the foundation, ability and confidence to achieve the growth of business performance.

II. Shareholders Information

1. Total number of common shareholders and preference shareholders with voting rights recovered and top ten common shareholders
Unit: Share

Total number of shareholders of common stocks at the end of the reporting period33,596Total preference shareholders with voting rights recovered at end of reporting period0   
Top 10 shareholders(Excluding shares lent in refinancing)      
NameNatureOwnershipAmount of shares heldAmount of restricted shares heldPledged, marked or frozen stocks 
Unicom Kaixing Equity Investment Management (Zhuhai Hengqin) Limited - Lianchuang Weilai (Wuhan) Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership)Others14.20%145,176,6760Not applicable0
Deng XijunDomestic natural person9.41%96,181,56272,136,172Not applicable0
Zhang YuchunDomestic natural person8.09%82,696,35762,022,268Not applicable0
Wang ChungangDomestic natural person5.61%57,394,04743,045,535Not applicable0
Cai ZhihongDomestic natural person4.96%50,677,0290Not applicable0
Cai HegaoDomestic natural person4.89%50,000,0000Not applicable0
Harbin Institute of Technology Asset Management Co. LtdDomestic state-owned corporate3.00%30,678,5000Not applicable0
Cheng FangDomestic natural person1.51%15,488,8960Not applicable0
Tan JianxunDomestic natural person1.32%13,463,4380Not applicable0
Liu MeixiaDomestic natural person1.04%10,639,5000Not applicable0
Top 10 shareholders with unrestricted shares held      
NameAmount of unrestricted shares heldType of shares    
Unicom Kaixing Equity Investment Management (Zhuhai Hengqin) Limited - Lianchuang Weilai (Wuhan) Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership)145,176,676RMB ordinary shares145,176,676   
Cai Zhihong50,677,029RMB ordinary shares50,677,029   
Cai Hegao50,000,000RMB ordinary shares50,000,000   
Harbin Institute of Technology Asset Management Co. Ltd30,678,500RMB ordinary shares30,678,500   

Deng Xijun24,045,390RMB ordinary shares24,045,390
Zhang Yuchun20,674,089RMB ordinary shares20,674,089
Cheng Fang15,488,896RMB ordinary shares15,488,896
Wang Chungang14,348,512RMB ordinary shares14,348,512
Tan Jianxun13,463,438RMB ordinary shares13,463,438
Liu Meixia10,639,500RMB ordinary shares10,639,500

Shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares, the top 10 shareholders, and the top 10 shareholders of
unrestricted tradable shares participate in the lending of shares in the refinancing business. □Applicable √Not applicable

The top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of unrestricted tradable shares have changed compared
with the previous period due to the refinancing, lending/repayment.
□Applicable √Not applicable

2.The total number of preferred shareholders and the top 10 preferred shareholders’ shareholdings of
the Company
□Applicable √Not applicable

III. Other Significant Events

The Company held the sixth meeting of the fifth Board of Directors on November 1 , 2023, reviewed and
passed the Proposal on the Plan to Buy back Part of the Company’s Shares. As of March 15 , 2024, the
Company confirmed that this share buy-back plan has been completed, and the Company has done 7,203,019
shares buy-back of the Company in total, accounting for 0.70% of the total share capital, with the highest
transaction price of RMB 17.88 per share and the lowest transaction price of RMB 10.58 per share. The total
transaction amount is RMB 100,125,282.85 (excluding transaction fees).
IV. Quarterly Financial Statements

1. Financial statements

(1)Consolidated Balance Sheet


ItemMar 31 ,2024Jan 1, 2024
Current assets:  
Cash and cash equivalent570,754,889.70332,216,413.35
Financial assets held for trading973,444,870.45802,248,744.33
Derivative financial assets  
Notes receivable286,382,814.92273,519,045.87
Accounts receivable1,031,254,915.931,004,337,478.08
Financing receivable112,337,215.5772,533,260.37
Advance payment83,425,946.5277,455,740.98
Other receivables26,707,142.7630,774,548.13
Thereof: Interest receivable  
Dividend receivable 2,601,281.28
Contract assets135,723,947.68119,436,138.29
Assets held for sale  
Non-current assets due within one year4,434,818.924,434,380.89
Other current assets41,300,833.58615,166,444.19
Total current assets5,620,537,215.865,737,431,423.00
Non-current assets:  
Debt investments  
Other debt investments  
Long-term receivable16,587,264.0416,425,314.82
Long-term equity investment502,173,567.71404,005,942.77
Investment in other equity instruments61,574,626.7455,443,728.57
Other non-current financial assets  
Investment real estate11,596,766.9211,771,642.38
Fixed assets225,500,705.03229,647,272.08
Construction in progress95,760,861.5974,985,542.78
Productive biological assets  
Oil and gas assets  
Right-of-use assets4,744,892.914,912,571.51
Intangible assets52,738,717.7353,974,953.86
Development expenditure  
Long-term deferred expenses319,606.71106,486.62
Deferred income tax assets37,200,954.1036,471,682.14
Other non-current assets49,653,721.7723,114,349.36
Total non-current assets1,058,253,563.35911,261,364.99
Total assets6,678,790,779.216,648,692,787.99
Current liabilities:  
Short-term loans34,086,265.0123,872,075.01
Financial liabilities held for trading  
Derivative financial liabilities  
Notes payable  
Accounts payable273,602,284.10337,812,103.72
Advance from customers387,000.0096,750.00
Contract liabilities1,727,996,228.351,763,411,436.97
Employee benefits payable21,340,597.6276,649,155.81
Taxes payable24,014,047.9020,117,689.42
Other payables29,788,153.7230,001,942.32
Thereof: Interest payable  
Dividend payable24,500,000.0024,500,000.00
Liabilities held for sale  
Non-current liabilities due within one year2,868,836.762,470,313.79
Other current liabilities163,014,364.80163,555,006.18
Total current liabilities2,277,097,778.262,417,986,473.22
Non-current liabilities:  
Long-term loans  
Bonds payable435,924,995.56431,953,084.05
Thereof: Preferred stock  
Perpetual debt  
Lease liabilities1,401,863.581,374,283.98
Long-term payables  
Long-term employee benefits payable  
Estimated liabilities7,352,338.197,137,432.08
Deferred income3,164,011.354,023,518.90
Deferred income tax liability17,916,802.9116,429,627.86
Other non-current liabilities192,423,637.52172,145,404.60
Total non-current liabilities658,183,649.11633,063,351.47
Total Liabilities2,935,281,427.373,051,049,824.69
Shareholders' equity:  
Share capital1,022,558,528.001,022,556,602.00
Other equity instruments32,093,926.8532,096,067.08
Thereof: Preferred stock  
Perpetual debt  
Capital reserve355,508,873.67236,467,353.62
Minus: treasury shares100,134,294.128,865,506.80
Other comprehensive income27,268,961.2422,252,223.39
Special reserve29,129,376.5428,883,002.75
Surplus reserve355,000,124.41355,000,124.41
General risk reserve  
Retained earnings1,858,023,379.571,761,948,265.24
Total equity attributable to shareholders of parent company3,579,448,876.163,450,338,131.69
Minority shareholder equity164,060,475.68147,304,831.61
Total shareholders' equity3,743,509,351.843,597,642,963.30
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity6,678,790,779.216,648,692,787.99

Legal representative: Deng Xijun Director of Finance: Sun Zhiqiang Prepared by: Wang Peihua

(2)Consolidated Income Statement
Unit: RMB

ItemCurrent periodLast period
1. Total revenue661,556,066.08729,710,396.08
Thereof : Operating revenue661,556,066.08729,710,396.08
2. Total cost538,442,856.96528,536,727.87
Thereof: Cost of sales447,156,999.57438,999,834.77
Taxes and surcharges4,519,845.543,824,169.65
Selling expenses34,362,768.7127,408,242.78
General and administrative expenses24,010,192.4819,973,449.70
Research and development expenses28,161,575.4538,345,817.26
Financial expenses231,475.21-14,786.29
Thereof : Interest expenses3,315,708.112,792,694.99
Interest income3,488,426.463,144,024.38
Add: Other income30,481,463.6939,246,555.78
Investment income (loss is stated with “-”)-10,438,879.7914,813,438.64
Thereof: Investment income from associates and joint ventures-11,058,454.758,194,553.90
Gain from the derecognition of the financial assets measured at amortized cost  
Exchange income (Loss is listed with “-”)  
Net exposure hedging gains ("-" for losses)  
Gains from changes in fair value (loss is stated with “-”)5,173,071.321,797,823.96
Credit impairment losses (loss is stated with “-”)-4,023,799.88-5,699,807.43
Asset impairment losses (loss is stated with “-”)-3,500,078.35-573,795.00
Gains from disposal of assets (loss is stated with “-”)160.84-16,327.02
3. Operating profit (loss is stated with “-”)140,805,146.95250,741,557.14
Add: Non-operating income0.473.15
Less: Non-operating expenses59,279.98374,087.72
4. Total profit (loss is stated with “-”)140,745,867.44250,367,472.57
Less: Income tax expenses18,568,651.7731,903,311.42
5. Net profit (loss is stated with “-”)122,177,215.67218,464,161.15
(1) Classified by continuity of operations  
1)Net profit from continuing operations(loss is stated with “-”)122,177,215.67218,464,161.15
2)Net profit from discontinued operations(loss is stated with “-”)  
(2) Classified by ownership of the equity  
1)Attributable to shareholders of the Parent Company105,613,101.50210,214,585.50
2)Minority interests16,564,114.178,249,575.65
6. Other comprehensive income, net of tax5,016,737.85-161,251.24
Other comprehensive income attributable to shareholders of the Parent Company, net of tax5,016,737.85-161,251.24
(1) Other comprehensive income items which will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss5,211,263.44 
1) Changes arising from re-measurement of defined benefit plan  
2) Other comprehensive income that will not be transferred subsequently to profit or loss under the equity method  
3) Changes in the fair value of the investment in other equity instruments5,211,263.44 
4)Changes in the fair value of the Company’s own credit risk  
(2) Other comprehensive income items which will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss-194,525.59-161,251.24
1) Other comprehensive income that will be transferred subsequently to profit or loss under the equity method-194,525.59-161,251.24
2)Changes in the fair value of other debt investments  
3)Amount of financial assets reclassified and included in other comprehensive income  
4) Credit impairment reserves for other debt investment  
5) Cash flow hedging reserve  
6) Translation differences arising from translation of foreign currency financial statements  
Other comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders, net of tax  
7. Total comprehensive income127,193,953.52218,302,909.91
Attributable to shareholders of the Parent Company110,629,839.35210,053,334.26
Minority interests16,564,114.178,249,575.65
8. Earnings per share  
(1) Basic earnings per share0.10380.2056
(2) Diluted earnings per share0.10380.2025

Legal representative: Deng Xijun Director of Finance: Sun Zhiqiang Prepared by: Wang Peihua

(3)Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Unit: RMB

ItemCurrent periodLast period
1. Cash flows from operating activities  
Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services510,985,323.62497,741,596.66
Refund of taxes and surcharges24,889,930.4037,419,572.33
Other cash receipts relating to operating activities9,526,021.459,530,482.55
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities545,401,275.47544,691,651.54
Cash paid for goods and services336,423,772.87323,324,192.97
Cash paid to employees and paid on behalf of employees180,222,032.08156,344,892.59
Payments of taxes and surcharges49,622,314.1488,271,570.01
Other cash payments relating to operating activities28,946,429.6730,551,392.98
Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities595,214,548.76598,492,048.55
Net cash flows from operating activities-49,813,273.29-53,800,397.01
2. Cash flows from investing activities  
Cash received from withdrawing investments1,017,788,000.001,316,610,000.00
Cash received from investment income6,255,768.146,707,398.11
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long term assets2,122.1147,787.61
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other operating units  
Other cash receipts relating to investing activities164,265.00 
Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities1,024,210,155.251,323,365,185.72
Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets48,632,630.644,644,029.61
Cash paid to acquire investments604,740,000.001,670,457,000.00
Net increase of mortgaged loans  
Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other operating units  
Other cash payments relating to investing activities342,828.50310,300.00
Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities653,715,459.141,675,411,329.61
Net cash flows from investing activities370,494,696.11-352,046,143.89
3. Cash flows from financing activities  
Cash received from capital contributions100,000.00700,000.00
Thereof: Cash received by subsidiaries from minority shareholders’ capital contributions100,000.00700,000.00
Cash received from borrowings20,220,222.778,130,000.00
Other cash receipts from financing activities200,000.00460,000.00
Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities20,520,222.779,290,000.00
Cash repayments of borrowings10,000,000.0022,130,000.00
Distribution of dividends or profits and payments for interest expenses809,131.65205,494.50
Thereof: Cash payments for dividends or profit to minority shareholders by subsidiaries612,500.00 
Other cash payments relating to financing activities92,236,928.2713,627,996.35
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities103,046,059.9235,963,490.85
Net cash flows from financing activities-82,525,837.15-26,673,490.85
4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents-7,797.3482,688.27
5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents238,147,788.33-432,437,343.48
Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period330,325,705.08656,593,226.15
6. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period568,473,493.41224,155,882.67