
时间:2024年04月29日 03:57:09 中财网


world-class one-stop electric energy service provider," we have been a doer with a mindset for open cooperation and mutual benefit, we Message from the working to establish a sound innovation system, increase investment in have worked together to build a stable, orderly, and healthy upstream scientific and technological research and development, and promote and downstream partnership through resource sharing and high Chairman cooperation between industry, academia, and research institutes. While synergy, while joining hands with our partners to boost the high-quality continuously increasing investment in R&D and application of digital development of the industry. energy technology, virtual power plant, and other fields, we have also Over the past year, we have journeyed towards a brighter future. We been improving the efficiency and intelligence of energy management have adopted a people-oriented employment policy and prioritized and innovating the mode of electricity service, in order to deliver "safe, talent development as a core part of the Company's sustainability reliable, cost-effective and efficient" electricity service. Last year, strategy to create a diversified and inclusive workplace. Moreover, the Company was recognized as a "High and New Tech Enterprise," our efforts include developing and consummating a science-based qualified as a Class A company for power transmission engineering and reasonable talent management model and a hierarchical and design, and awarded the "First Prize of Qianjiang Energy Science and categorical training and enhancement system, putting in place a Technology Award" for the project "Research on Flexible and Interactive sound and scientific talent promotion structure, and improving our Technology of Comprehensive Energy System Based on Spatio- occupational health and safety management system. More importantly, temporal IOT," in which the Company served as a participant and our actions to care for the physical and mental health of our employees produced substantial innovations. As a quality-first and customer-first and give full play to their potential and creativity help enable a win- company, we have actively penetrated the intelligent manufacturing win situation for both the Company and its employees. With a mindset sector, incorporated quality management into all stages of planning, to prioritize ecological conservation throughout the entire process of research, design, construction, production, sales, and acceptance our business operations, we have actively practiced green office, raised and evaluation, and proactively fitted into the energy scenarios of our our employees' awareness of environmental protection, and proactively customers' sectors. These efforts help us tap into the needs of our The year 2023 marked the beginning of the all-around implementation engaged in community-based social services. Our ultimate goal is th customers and deliver superior products and services to our customers. of the guiding principles of the 20 CPC National Congress and stood to benefit people's livelihoods and give back to society through the th as a crucial halfway point for the implementation of the "14 Five-year Over the past year, we have striven for more robust development. fruits of our development, and to ensure the natural balance among th Plan." The Report to the 20 CPC National Congress called for the We have insisted on promoting the mutual integration and concurrent economic benefits, social benefits, and environmental benefits. need to "Accelerate the transition to a model of green development." progress of Party building and business operations and development, Our innovation never ceases, and our efforts are unending. In 2024, Over the past year, Suwen Electric Energy, a clean energy and power thoroughly implemented the requirements of the thematic education Suwen Electric Energy, a professional, dedicated, determined, and service provider, has put into practice the concept of ecological campaign, and spearheaded the high-quality development of user-centric company, will push forward the implementation of its progress in depth, while actively responding to the country's "dual- the Company through the "Red, Yellow and Green" tricolor Party eight-year strategy of "gather 10,000 professionals, operate across 100 carbon" strategy. By virtue of our professional technical services, building approach, which is a unique presence of the Company. We cities, and serve 100,000 users," while further promoting the in-depth we have been committed to assisting enterprises across sectors to have actively optimized our corporate governance structure, set alignment between ESG and the Company's strategies for production achieve decarbonization and green and sustainable development. At up a mutually integrated, synergistic, and efficient internal control, and operation. With an eye on open sharing and win-win cooperation, the same time, we, as an opportunity catcher in the new era, have risk control, and compliance management system, and valued the Suwen Electric Energy will play its part in the new journey of building a continued to pioneer in technological innovation, talent innovation, protection of investors' rights and interests. These efforts help improve modernized socialist country in all respects. corporate governance, etc., and endeavored to explore the optimal the standardization and effectiveness of our corporate governance. We
y ) of y ha 90 men ional y is erpr gsu erpr an E, . Th s fe gy ( to th nd lice China system certi ement l "Cont u Enter Resear ion of y in Ji terpris bstatio istry of ctric p nt wit
engineering, construction engineering, electromechanical engineering
the Magic of Suwen
Enhance industry collaboration and
efficiency through innovation.
Eight-year Strategy

Qualifications Associations
In recent years, the Company has seen the rapid growth of its business performance, the continuous Association Role
extension of its industrial chains, and the sustained improvement of its qualification status. The enrichment and visibility of its qualifications have contributed to the rapid development of the Wujin Construction Industry Association Member
Company's operations. Following years of hard work for development, the Company has acquired Jiangsu Enterprise Credit Management Association Member
an extensive range of professional qualifications in the fields of electric energy engineering design,
construction, and intelligent electricity services. Below is a list of the major qualifications acquired by
China Electric Power Planning & Engineering Association Member
Class A qualification for engineering design of electric energy industry (power transmission engineering), Class B qualification for engineering design of lting electric energy industry (substation engineering, new energy generation), sign Class B qualification for special design of intelligent building system, Class A ations qualification for engineering consulting of electric energy industry (including thermal power, hydropower, nuclear power, and new energy).

General contracting class II for electric energy engineering construction, specialized contracting class II for building electromechanical installation engineering, specialized contracting class III for building construction, general contracting class III for urban utility engineering construction, general contracting class III for electromechanical engineering ering & construction, specialized contracting class III for power transmission and uction ations transformation engineering, specialized contracting class III for fire control facility engineering, specialized contracting class II for electronic and intellectualization engineering, class II license for installation of electric power facilities, class II license for maintenance of electric power facilities, class II license for testing of electric power facilities.

igent Management and service provider certification level 1 for industrial power ricity ice demand, CMMI-3 certification. ations

Our Performance in 2023

environmental protection

senior executive team


emission intensity

suppliers in total invested in work safety of water intensityof cash dividends(including

High and New Tech Enterprise
Jiangsu SRDI SME
Jiangsu Provincial Tax Service, State Taxation Jiangsu Private Hi-tech EnterpriseIndustry and Information Technology Department of
Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology
Jiangsu Association of Private Technology Enterprise
Department of Finance of Jiangsu Province
Jiangsu Resource Pool Organization
for Digitalized Green Collaborative
Transformation and Development Services
Second Prize of CES Science and Technology Qianjiang Energy Science and Technology Progress Award Award
Zhejiang Provincial Energy Association
Industry and Information Technology Department
China Electrotechnical Society (CES)
of Jiangsu
Outstanding Hi-tech Enterprise of the Year 2023
Jiangsu Integrity Organization for Engineering Exploration and Design Industry Jiangsu Advanced Organization for Exploration and Design Quality Management? CPC Work Committee of Changzhou West Taihu Lake Science and Technology Industrial ZoneAdministrative Committee of Changzhou West Taihu Lake Science and TechnologyJiangsu Exploration and Design Association
Industrial Zone

Five-star Prestigious Enterprise of the Year 2023 Major Project Input Award 2023Taxpayer of the Year Award 2023
Digital Economy Demonstration Enterprise of the Year 2023
(Silver Medalist)
CPC Changzhou Wujin District Committee
People's Government of Wujin District
? CPC Changzhou Municipal Committee People's Government of Changzhou CityEnterprise of the Year 2023 by Per Mu Benefit
Jiangsu Excellent Enterprise with
Taxpayer of the Year 2023 Top Ten Service Providers of the Year 2023Harmonious Labor Relations
Jiangsu Provincial Tripartite Committee for
? CPC Work Committee of Changzhou West Taihu Lake Science and Technology Industrial ZoneCoordination of Labor Relations
Administrative Committee of Changzhou West Taihu Lake Science and Technology Industrial ZoneJiangsu Benchmark Model Enterprise for
Integrated Development of Two Industries
Jiangsu Contract-keeping and Credit-first
Jiangsu Model Manufacturer in Fulfilling
Jiangsu Leading Enterprise in High-quality
Social Responsibility
Jiangsu Province Corporate Social Responsibility Jiangsu Enterprise Credit Management AssociationJiangsu Development and Reform Commission
Coordinating Steering Group
Outstanding Practice Case Award for Public
Board of Directors Value Creation Award
Company's Board of Directors
Directors & Boards
China Association for Public Companies

higher materiality through assessment and highlighted them for Importance to Suwen Electric Energy's Sustainable Developmentdisclosure in the report. Besides, continued improvements were made to the ESG management in order to better satisfy stakeholders' Core issues Very important issue Important issues
expectations and aspirations.
1 Enhanced quality management 9 Improvement of technological 16 Enhancement of informatization 23 Volunteerism
R&D capabilities and digitalization
24 Ecological conservation
Protection of employees' rights
10 Occupational health and 17 Contribution to regional
and interests
safety development
3 Customer privacy and information
11 Risk control 18 Investor Rights Protection
12 Supply chain management Response to climate change
4 Responsible marketing
14 Intelligent electricity service
Employee caring and development

Stakeholder Communication
The Company always stays in a positive and open attitude to maintain effective communication with our stakeholders, while attentively listening to and actively responding to the aspirations and demands of each
stakeholder on us.

  Regulatory Shareholders & Supplie Regulatory Shareholders & Supplie Consumers ities Investors Consumers P ties Investors P ompliance Shareholders' rights Win-win Consumers' rights and interests ce and interests Responsi Corporate trol and Product quality Win-win governance Participa Improving business Consumer erations networki performance satisfaction survey isclosure Responsi General meetings of Enhancing quality chain g shareholders and service Commus & B rs & rtne artne coop ble s develusiness usiness Employees Environment Communitie s Employees Environment Communitie s Scientific and efficient Basic rights and use of resources benefits ration Reduction of the impact Training and Philanthrop urcing on the environment development Rural revital opment Promotion of green Health and safety development capacity Employee caring of the industry Improving remuneration and Innovating green benefits technologies trade Supporting employee Advancing clean Conducting growth and production Activities pply development Promoting green Promoting l Creating a favorable operations n working environment Creating a green supply Managing health and chain safety

Empowering Green and Intelligent
Accelerating Energy Digitalization
As a pioneering enterprise in the new energy field, Suwen Electric Energy revolutionizes electrical
Suwen Electric Energy proactively aligns with the national "dual carbon" strategy, committing to the vision of service models with its "visible, controllable, and manageable" comprehensive energy management
being a "world-class, trustworthy, one-stop electric energy service provider." Utilizing its in-house developed and service platform. This advancement boosts the digital and intelligent capabilities of energy
intelligent energy management systems and energy storage products, the Company is committed to management, propels the digital transformation of the power system, and underpins the digital
delivering green, smart, reliable, and efficient comprehensive energy solutions. This initiative drives infrastructure of China.
innovation and high-quality growth within the new energy industry.
 In-Depth Support Controlling Costs Cloud-edge collaboration for intelligent O&M Customized energy consumption andfor Lean Business Reducing Emissions Data analysis for evaluation of emissi reduction potential Digital design for optimal energy structureM n o c f c e t rf o o ea rr a t al h i a l ut - teme on ralit time t who of ca rint ion o n effi ation ide c tionnt rackin le valu rbon f a iciency model rbon  
through digital innovation.

Smart Energy Management Platform: Microgrid
of "Station-Grid Friendly Interaction" New Power System Comprehensive Demonstration Zone On December 8, 2023, the new Main-Sub-Micro Synergistic Control Operating Platform for power grids was put into operation in Changzhou, marking the first time in Jiangsu that regional power grids achieved synergistic control with resource aggregators, distributed photovoltaic systems, energy storage systems, charging stations, and microgrids. Suwen Electric Energy, serving as a load aggregator, participates in the construction of Changzhou's "Station-Grid Friendly Interaction" New Power System Comprehensive Demonstration Zone. Leveraging our technological and management strengths in new energy services, we provide microgrid networking and access technical solutions, from communication networking to access methods, to support the implementation of this innovative power system and thereby contribute to Changzhou's development as a hub for new energy.

Assisting in Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction
In response to the country's "dual-carbon" goals, Suwen Electric Energy continues to promote As a renewable energy source, photovoltaic (PV) is of great significance in addressing the rising cost of the optimization and adjustment of its energy structure, invests in R&D and application of PV power consumption and the issue of "dual controls" (dual control system of total energy consumption and technology and virtual power plants, and seeks to improve the efficiency and intelligence of its energy energy intensity). Suwen Electric Energy is committed to assisting enterprises in all sectors in achieving low- management. Its efforts also include lowering energy consumption and carbon emissions, fostering a carbon development with its professional technologies and services. By virtue of the mode of "self-use first new form of electricity service, and promoting the upgrading of new electric power systems. and the rest of the generation to the grid," Suwen Electric Energy continues to expand the application of PV in other scenarios, so as to provide customers with clean and convenient green energy sources.
Dingyan Depot of Changzhou Metro Line 2 Tencent Tianjin Hi-Tech Cloud Data Center 10.54 MW Jinko Solar Plant V 24 MW Rooftop Distributed PV Power
New Energy Microgrid Project Generation Project
PV x Metro PV x Data Center PV x New Energy
The distributed PV system is arranged on the rooftops As the largest IDC microgrid PV project in Tianjin, it assists
24.02322 MW of total installed capacity
of various warehouses at the Nanxiashu Parking Lot and in the continuous growth of data center power demand
23,869,200 kWh of average annual power output
Baizhang Depot of Changzhou Metro Line 1, and Dingyan and safeguards the steady supply of green energy. This
Depot of Changzhou Metro Line 2, and the PV system project also greatly promotes the application of green About 8,592.9 tons of saved standard coal
is fed into the power supply network of the metro. It is energy in the data center industry and vigorously pushes
About 23,797.6 tons of carbon dioxide emission reduction
the first project in Jiangsu Province to implement PV the transformation of the energy structure in Tianjin.
About 6,492.4 tons of carbon dust emission reduction
power generation for metro depots and succeed in grid
About tons of sulfur dioxide emission reduction

PV x Manufacturing 8.85 MW of installed capacity of PV power plant 15.092 MW of total installed capacity 15.70524 MW of total installed capacity About 9 GWh of average annual power output 16,098,800 kWh of average annual power output 15,704,000 kWh of average annual power output About 3,118 tons of saved standard coal About 5,795.6 tons of saved standard coal About 5,425.3 tons of saved standard coal About 9,715 tons of carbon dioxide emission reduction About 16,050.5 tons of carbon dioxide emission reduction About 15,025.2 tons of carbon dioxide emission reduction About tons of sulfur dioxide emission reduction About tons of sulfur dioxide emission reduction About tons of sulfur dioxide emission reduction 292 483 4,099.1 About tons of carbon dust reduction About tons of carbon dust reduction About tons of sulfur dioxide emission reduction 2,650 4,378.9 452.1 HaoJue-Suzuki 8.85 MW Distributed PV Power Plant Project Taiwan Glass 15.092 MW Distributed PV Power Generation SEMCORP 15.7 MW PV Project in Jiangsu
Project in Tianjin
Promotion of Energy Efficiency Improvement
Case 100MWh Virtual Power Plant, a Large-Scale “Power Bank” designed for Dongyang City
In April 2023, the Company signed an agreement with Dongyang Guangming Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Juxin Haiju New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. to collectively build a 100MWh virtual power plant and a smart energy cloud platform in Dongyang City. The project is intended to integrate resources, use intelligent technology to integrate distributed power sources, and aggregate a large number of fragmented resources. By peak cut, the project can provide Dongyang City with power auxiliary services and effectively alleviate the pressure of power grid peak adjustment. Backed by the EEPX cloud platform, Suwen Electric Energy will work with its partners to build a virtual power plant that is observable, measurable, controllable, and adjustable to support the green and low-carbon transformation of energy sources.

Popularization of Integrated Energy Technologies
Case EEPX Charging, A One-Stop Charging Solution

Currently, the country's dual-carbon strategy pushes forward in depth, and the NEV sector is growing rapidly. These bring about problems such as limited access to charging infrastructure, low charging efficiency, unbalanced distribution, poor operation practices, and improper maintenance. Thanks to 17 years of practical expertise in the electric power industry and well- established branches across the country, Suwen Electric Energy kicked off its charging pile initiative. On April 18, 2023, Suwen Electric Energy charging pile system was officially put into operation. Suwen Electric Energy will progressively roll out the solution to share private charging piles within residential communities, conduct private management of charging in industrial parks, scenic spots and commercial complexes, and optimize the centralized management and operation of public charging stations at government offices and parking lots. Our operation patterns also include cultural personalization of urban charging facilities and integration of PV-BESS-charging. All we want is to deliver a one-stop charging solution that meets the needs of charging facilities for individuals, collectives, and governments. EEPX Charging Station is expected to put 1,000 PV charging stations into operation nationwide in the next three years. Each PV charging station will feature high-power DC piles, lounge areas and other business settings as required, as we are committed to building an integrated PV- BESS-charging station system.

Securing Reliable Power Supply
Suwen Electric Energy is dedicated to its mission of delivering "safe, reliable, cost-effective and efficient" electric power services to its
customers. To do so, we seek to optimize the operation of the power system and boost the power "storage" function. This enables us to
improve the stability and reliability of the power system and minimize power system losses. This translates into a coordinated and stable
The Company's power distribution
energy network that enhances the safety and reliability of the power supply.been upgraded to Class

  Adopted three-dimensional forward design for "graphic-model integration," enabling a seamless transition from design to drawings. Developed and applied technologies such as carbon emission research and monitoring, digital substation design, and the use of clean air and vegetable oils in our equipment.            
    Utilized advanced sensors, communication equipment and computer technology to realize intelligent management and control of the power distribution system.          
        Formed a new system department, employed state-of- the-art algorithms and models for science-based planning of power grids.      