
时间:2024年04月30日 23:41:36 中财网



Opening Xiamen Solex High-tech Industries Co., Ltd. Product matrix Kitchen & Bathroom and Health Shower Shower System Faucet Beauty and Health SPA Beauty Shower Facial Care Water Flosser Emerging Intelligent Health Smart Fitness System SResponsible Governance and Stable Development Smart ToiletHand in Hand with Society SmResponsibilities for the Green Earth art Bathroom Cabinet
Historical Development
1995 2004 2006 2008 2010
Historical Development
1995 2004 2006 2008 2010
Founded in Xiamen Solex High-tech Solex Science and Technology Park Established the Italian Design Sanitary Park was completed,
Xiamen Industries Co., Ltd. was was completed, establishing the base Center, combining international establishing an advanced faucet
established for shower and hoses with the national design concepts with an efficient hardware production base in China,
leading production scale, covering an area design team covering an area of approx. 23,590 of approx. 39,997 square meters, and square meters, and specializing in specializing in the production of plastic the production of hardware products products with a focus on shower with a focus on faucets
2022 2021 2020 2019 2016 2013
Publicly offered Acquired “Bestter” Phase I of Changtai Solex (Stock Code: Planned to invest RMB Solex laboratory
convertible to expand kitchen & Intelligent Park was 603992) was 2 billion to establish was certified by the
corporate bonds in bathroom and health completed and put successfully listed on Zhangzhou Changtai Canadian Standards
the amount of RMB products into use the SSE for A-share Intelligent Park, Association (CAS) 610 million IPO covering an area of 531 and the China
mu (Chinese unit of National Accreditation
area) Service for Conformity
Assessment (CNAS)
Corporate culture Development Strategy The Company emphasizes fostering the corporate culture and values with Solex characteristics, always By upholding the IDM Hardware Platform strategy, and with innovation and creation at the core, the “believes in the power of technological innovation”, and keeps pursuing excellent performance. With the Company insists on the IDM model and deeply explores the human health life demand to provide mission of “creating a better health life for the people through continuous innovation”, it actively fulfills its B-end customers with smart, healthy, and green hardware product solutions. In addition, with the idea social responsibilities, establishes a positive and good corporate image, gathers wisdom and strength of technology sharing, it lays out various segmented categories around the underlying logic to enhance from all sides, and strives to realize the vision of “maintaining a single world champion and becoming a product value. leader in health hardware”.




ESG Management
Stakeholder Analysis
With great importance to communication and exchanges with internal and external stakeholders, Solex identifies shareholders, governmental authorities, customers, employees, partners, communities, and the public as its
stakeholders, communicates with stakeholders through various channels to understand their demands and expectations, respond to them, and promote the continuous improvement of ESG management.

Governmental Authorities and RegulatorsCustomersEmployeesPartnersCommunities and Public
? Business Ethics and Anti-corruption ? Clean Technology and Opportunities ? Toxic Emissions and Wastes? Product R&D and ? Green Products Innovation ? Data Security and ? Product Quality Privacy Protection Management ? Energy Saving and ? Customer Services Emission Reduction? Employee Salaries and Benefits ? Employee Training and Development ? Occupational Health and Safety? Industry-university- research Cooperation ? Responsible Procurement? Environmental Management ? Green Office
? Integrity in Operation ? Clean Technology Development ? Sound Risk Management ? Sound Environmental Safety System? Technology ? Green Product Design Innovation ? Data Security and ? Quality Assurance Privacy Protection ? Handling of Customer ? Energy-saving Feedback Technology ? Customer Improvement Satisfaction Survey? Protection of Employee Rights and Interests ? Sound Remuneration System ? Unobstructed Promotion Channels ? Diverse Training Systems ? Rich Employee Activities ? Construction of Health and Safety systems? Industry Discussions and Exchanges ? Sustainable Supply Chain Management? Environmental Management Rules and Systems ? Green Office
Matrix of Material Topics
To gain a deeper and more accurate understanding of the expectations and demands of stakeholders, and
Matrix of material topics
to enhance the professionalism, relevance, and substance of this Report, the Company invited employees,
suppliers, service providers, customers, investors, governmental authorities, regulators and other stakeholders
through questionnaires to select and analyze 20 material topics related to the Company’s environment,
society and governance, directing and laying the foundation for the construction of the Company’s sustainable
development systems.
Product Quality

Efficient and Regulated Governance
General Meeting of Shareholders
The Company ensures that the general meeting of shareholders In strict accordance with the requirements of the Companies Law, Securities Law, Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies,
can exercise its rights in accordance with law, and operate in Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on Shanghai Stock Exchange and other laws and regulations, the Company has established its
an efficient and regulated manner and make scientific decision-sound internal control system, regulated its operations, and enhanced corporate governance, so as to ensure that the corporate governance
making. In strict accordance with the provisions and requirements of structure is legal and compliant, and operates stably. During the reporting period, the convening and voting procedures of all meetings of the
the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies, Articles Company complied with the relevant requirements of the laws and regulations, and of the Articles of Association and rules of procedure, and
of Association and Rules of Procedure for the General Meeting of all voting results were legal and valid, laying a solid foundation for the compliant operations of the Company.
Shareholders, the Company convened and held general meetings Organization chart of the Company
of shareholders, and engaged lawyers to witness general meetings. Shareholders attended general meetings of shareholders and had
General Meeting of Shareholders       
  Strategy Committee     
 Board of General      
    Nomination Committee   
       Remuneration and Appraisal Committee
  Audit Committee     

General Manager
annual general meeting
extraordinary general meetings
Environmental Equipment Innovation
Administrative HR Category Finance
Management Procurement Design IT Center
Center Department Business Center
Board of Directors
In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, the Company has formulated the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors, specified legal person governance structure, and regulated the mode of the meeting ? Guide and supervise the establishment and implementation of internal audit systemsand decision-making procedures of the Board of Directors, urges the ? Review the annual internal audit work plans of the Companydirectors and the Board of Directors to effectively perform their duties, ? Supervise and urge the implementation of the internal audit plans of the Companyand improves the regulated operation and scientific decision-making level ? Guide the effective operation of the Audit Department
of the Board of Directors. Independent directors of the Company are all senior professionals with expertise in law, risk management, accounting, ? Report to the Board of Directors on the progress and quality of internal audits as well as significant issues identified in
finance, industry-related technology, and business management, etc. internal auditsAudit Committee
Four special committees are established under the Board of Directors, ? Coordinate the relationship between the Audit Department and external audit institutions such as accounting firms and
i.e. Strategy Committee, Audit Committee, Nomination Committee, and national audit authorities
Remuneration and Appraisal Committee. Each Committee includes at least one independent director. Except for the Strategy Committee, the chairmen of other Committees are independent directors. With this, it enhances the autonomy and independence of the Committees’ operations and provides scientific and professional opinions for the Board of Directors to make decisions.
Board of Directors
In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, the Company has formulated the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors, specified legal person governance structure, and regulated the mode of the meeting ? Guide and supervise the establishment and implementation of internal audit systemsand decision-making procedures of the Board of Directors, urges the ? Review the annual internal audit work plans of the Companydirectors and the Board of Directors to effectively perform their duties, ? Supervise and urge the implementation of the internal audit plans of the Companyand improves the regulated operation and scientific decision-making level ? Guide the effective operation of the Audit Department
of the Board of Directors. Independent directors of the Company are all senior professionals with expertise in law, risk management, accounting, ? Report to the Board of Directors on the progress and quality of internal audits as well as significant issues identified in
finance, industry-related technology, and business management, etc. internal auditsAudit Committee
Four special committees are established under the Board of Directors, ? Coordinate the relationship between the Audit Department and external audit institutions such as accounting firms and
i.e. Strategy Committee, Audit Committee, Nomination Committee, and national audit authorities
Remuneration and Appraisal Committee. Each Committee includes at least one independent director. Except for the Strategy Committee, the chairmen of other Committees are independent directors. With this, it enhances the autonomy and independence of the Committees’ operations and provides scientific and professional opinions for the Board of Directors to make decisions.

Strategy Committee
? To track and inspect the implementation of the aforementioned matters
Sound Investor Protection
During the reporting period
With great importance to the information disclosure and investor communication, the Company ensures a good relationship with investors by promoting transparency and trust.
Sound Investor Protection
During the reporting period
With great importance to the information disclosure and investor communication, the Company ensures a good relationship with investors by promoting transparency and trust.

protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Company, its shareholders The Company has disclosed
and the relevant stakeholders.
ad hoc reports
The securities affairs representative and securities affairs officer of the
specialists urge the Company and the relevant persons with disclosure Investment Communication
Investment Communication

rewarding and protecting investors. The Company

and strengthening effective communication
between the Company and investors.
During the reporting period

The Company received
held held received over repied to answered received and responded toWith shareholder return as its top priority, the Company has clearly established the basic principles and specific policies of
2023 Online Collective Reception Day for Investors
profit distribution in the Articles of Association. The Board of Directors of the Company updates the Shareholder Dividend
With shareholder return as its top priority, the Company has clearly established the basic principles and specific policies of
2023 Online Collective Reception Day for Investors
profit distribution in the Articles of Association. The Board of Directors of the Company updates the Shareholder Dividend
and Return Plan every three years and rewards shareholders first through cash dividends. In May 2023, the Company participated in the “2023 Collective Reception Day for In the future, the Company will continue to share its fruits with investors through its steady operation and good Investors of Listed Companies in Xiamen” jointly organized by the CSRC Xiamen Office performance. and the Listed Companies Association of Xiamen. The Company’s senior officers communicated with investors online regarding the issues of concern to investors such as During the reporting period 2022 and 2023Q1 performance, cash dividends, corporate governance, development strategies, operating conditions and sustainable development of the Company, provided the Company paid cash dividends totaling representing of 2023 net profits valuable information for investors, and created channels and platforms for interaction attributable to the parent company and communication between the Company and investors. times RMB 2 178,851,700 50.74 %
Risk Control and Compliant Operation
In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Companies Law, Securities Law, Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks, Guidelines for the Internal Control of Listed Companies, Articles of Association and other laws and regulations, and
based on the actual situation of the Company, the Company has formulated its Internal Control System, establishes and effectively implements the sound Internal Control System to enhance its risk management level.
Purposes of internal control of the company Significant internal control activities
over the

The Audit Department under the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors is responsible for The Company timely identifies and systematically analyzes the risks related to the achievement of internal
overseeing and inspecting the internal control system of the Company. The Audit Department control objectives in operational activities, so as to find a reasonable strategy to deal with the risks. Based
regularly inspects the deficiencies in the Company’s internal control system, inspects and on the risk evaluation results, the Company takes corresponding control measures to keep the risks within
oversees the Company’s internal control once a year, assesses the effectiveness and efficiency tolerable levels, and ensures that the management’s instructions are carried out.
of its implementation and makes suggestions for improvement, and carries out the special inspections and supervisions over the Company’s internal control from time to time.Risk control measures

Anti-corruption and Integrity in Operation
Code of Conduct for Integrity
The Company attaches great importance to and continues efforts to foster a culture of integrity, and integrates the code of business
? The employees of the Company should effectively safeguard the ethics into daily operations. Additionally, it cultivates a clean work atmosphere and strengthens the integrity building through training,
interests of the Company and shareholders, and not misuse their education, warning reminders or otherwise, so as to ensure normal business order and the healthy development of the Company.
authority or damage the assets and equities of the Company
The Company continues to strengthen the two-tier anti-commercial bribery compliance system of Solex and its subsidiaries, and adopts
a zero-tolerance approach towards commercial misconduct across the entire Group. Bestter has formulated the Code of Conduct on
? The employees of the Company should diligently perform their Integrity, which regulates employees’ integrity in their work, safeguards the interests of the Company and shareholders, and encourages
responsibilities, and not misuse their authority for private gain or fair competition. Bestter has set up an Integrity Committee, and established a sound supervision and restriction mechanism to ensure damage the interests of the Company
the implementation of regulations and the popularization of internal anti-corruption awareness.? The employees of the Company should properly exercise their management rights to prevent any behavior that may infringe on Organization chart of the Integrity Committee
public interests and the Company’s interests

Chairman of the Integrity Committee 
 ice Chairman
 Regulatory Department
 Audit Department
 Education Department
 Public Supervision
 Integrity Group
Data and Information Safety
The Company strengthens the protection and management of information assets through the building of digital platforms and systems, and ensures the stable and secure operation of information systems. In the future, the
Company will further improve business operational efficiency and security to provide customers with safer and more reliable services.

Transition from 1.0 Intelligent Manufactur 2000 The Company was foundedasic IT “Netwo ing, Digital Deci 20 Kingdee Finance System olex IT 1.0 rk Mana ion-maki 05 SA Onlement ing 2 R/3 ine 2007 Solode” and 2.0 08 Online Online x IT 2.0Standardiza 201 SAP 升级 2010 tion, Digi 6 Mobile U ECC6tal Framew Officing eaver OA pgrading SAP BW Da Dat 2018 Srk Pre 2020 ta Minin lex ITparation to Intelligent MES Syst Big Data g and Analys 3.0.0 Deep Integration, m Digital-driven Excellence in Operations , Mobility is
The Company defines the overall details and priorities of digital transformation projects, Highlighted applications of digital transformation
devotes output results, corresponding technological manpower, and time. Meanwhile, it also completes the overall planning of data asset management, provides comprehensive
