
时间:2024年05月10日 18:31:05 中财网


Sustainability Report

Be Sunshine for
Be Innovate to
About This Report
01 Coexistence with Nature
Create a Brighter Future
01 02
Chairman’s Message Green Operation and Environ- Product Innovation and Tech-02
12 20
ment Management nological Advancement
Global Layout for a
Response to Climate Change Clean Technologies and Green
Brighter Future
12 21
and Dual Carbon Commitment Products
Sustainable Development
Resource Conservation and Ef- Excellent Quality and Building a 08
16 22
?ciency Improvement Solid Foundation
Compliant Discharge and
Green Operation
Be Upward and Pursue Be Worthy and Be Kind and Build
03 Win-Win Business 04 Develop with Talents a Harmonious Society05
Corporate Governance and Risk Employee Rights and Compli- Responsible Procurement and 27 35 45
Management ant Employment Con?ict Minerals
Business Ethics and Integrity Compensation Bene?ts and Rural Revitalization and Chari-29 37 47
Compliance Workplace Happiness table Endeavors
Information Network Security Talent Attraction and Training 31 40
and Privacy Protection Resource
Industrial Exchanges and In- Safety Culture and Guarding
33 42
dustrial Development Well-being
Appendix. GRI
Standards Index
About This Report
This Report is the 2023 sustainability report released by Wingtech Technology Co., Ltd, with the aim of presenting the Company's
practice information and related performance in sustainable development to our stakeholders.Reporting Scope Data Description
The content of the Report covers Wingtech and its subsidiaries. The Report covers the period from January 1, 2023 to The data and cases cited in this Report are sourced from o?cial documents, statistical reports, and annual reports of the
December 31, 2023, with an annual publication cycle. To enhance the timeliness, comparability and completeness of the Company and its subsidiaries. Unless otherwise speci?ed, the amounts shown in this Report are presented in RMB, and
Report, some of the content may be extended to the previous and future years. amounts of foreign currencies have been converted into RMB according to the foreign exchange rate announced by the
Bank of China on December 31, 2023.
Currency Exchange rate
Terms USD 7.0827
De?nition of words
The Group refers to Wingtech Technology Co., Ltd. and its subsidiariesThe Company, we, us,
Reporting Principles
refers to Wingtech Technology Co., Ltd.
Wingtech, Wingtech Technology
The Report was developed with reference to the     (GRI Standards) released by the Global
Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB),   
     Wingtech Communications,
refers to Wingtech Mobile Communications Co., Ltd.
  ?Product Integration Business Sector
 - (Revised 2021) released by the Shanghai Stock Exchange,  
Nexperia B.V., an overseas operating entity under Nexperia
Nexperia, Nexperia Semiconductor,
refers to  €   (SJ/T16000-2016) released by the China Electronics
Semiconductor Business Sector
Industry Standardization Technology Association, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China and the disclosure
Guangzhou Delta Image Tech Co., Ltd. and Zhuhai Delta
requirements of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Delta refers to
Image Tech Co., Ltd.
Reporting Period refers to
January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023
Renminbi Yuan, Renminbi Ten Thousand Yuan, and
RMB, Ten Thousand RMB, Hundred
refers to
Release Method
Renminbi Hundred Million Yuan, respectively.
Million RMB
The Report is released on our o?cial website (http://www.wingtech.com/) in electronic form. The Report is prepared in
? ???
refers to
both Simpli?ed Chinese and English. If there is any discrepancy between the two versions, the Simpli?ed Chinese version
shall prevail.
? refers to ???refers to --? € 
Integrated Design & Manufacture, a semiconductor company
Contact Information
IDM refers to
operating mode integrating design and manufacturing
If you have any questions or suggestions about the content of this Report, please contact us in the following ways.
Original Design Manufacturer develops,designs and
ODM refers to
O?cial website: http://www.wingtech.com/cn
manufactures products according to client's requirements
Email: [email protected]
IoT refers to
Internet of Things
Address: No. 777, Yazhong Road, Nanhu District, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang ProvinceNote:The Semiconductor Business Sector of the Group also publishes the sustainability report. For more detailed Postal code: 314000
Chairman’s MessageSustainability Management Committee and the ESG and Sustainability Management Working Group made up of Board members and senior executives. They are responsible Chairman’s MessageSustainability Management Committee and the ESG and Sustainability Management Working Group made up of Board members and senior executives. They are responsible Zhang Xuezheng
management mechanisms, and continuously enhancing Wingtech's sustainable Chairman and CEO of Wingtech
development capabilities. In 2023, we appointed an additional female independent director, bringing the proportion of female directors to 40% and female supervisors to Chairman and CEO of Nexperia
Operating Condition
Global Layout for a Brighter Future
We keep innovating and boosting the accomplishment of our goals in a steady manner. With continuous improvement of core competitiveness
and pro?tability, the Company has established a good brand image in the market, while winning wide recognition in the industry.
While adhering to the core values of "Be Upward, Be Kind, Be Sunshine", Wingtech makes sustained e?orts to become a technology product
manufacturer spearheaded by semiconductor innovation and founded on a hardware circulation platform. We are committed to becoming a
highly competitive global industry leader and giving back to shareholders, clients, employees, and society.

  Net cash ?ow from operating activ1ties was RMB 5.82billion Up by 250.48%  
    Core values Be Upward , Be Kind , Be Sunshine
household electrical appliances and automotive electronics. As a company listed on the A-share market in China with the stock code 600745, Wingtech has accumulated extensive industry experience over the years. We have established a robust supply chain management system and
Global Layout Wingtech goes global through endogenous development and international mergers and acquisitions. We actively explore the new development path of Chinese enterprises toward globalization and accelerate their global layout. Global Layout Wingtech goes global through endogenous development and international mergers and acquisitions. We actively explore the new development path of Chinese enterprises toward globalization and accelerate their global layout. Development History
The Product Integration Business Sector started to specialize in mobile phone solution design in 2006. Since then, we have been gradually
Looking ahead, Wingtech will accelerate vertical integration, increase investment and improve our innovation ability with semiconductors as
transformed from an independent design house (IDH) to an ODM, integrating R&D design, and manufacturing. We are now a world-leading
the leading capability. We will also empower part and product integration, comprehensively improve the core competitiveness of complete
mobile phone ODM. In 2019, we successfully acquired Nexperia to enter the fray of the semiconductor IDM ?eld, connecting upstream suppliers
products, provide clients with best-of-class products, and strengthen our competitive advantage.with downstream clients, and became a global product company (GPC). At present, we persisted in driving growth through innovation,
focusing on the "AI+" strategy. We formulated clear AI Phone and AI PC technology roadmaps and actively collaborated with customers to
integrate AI into various ?elds such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, IoT, household electrical appliances and automotive electronics. Not only
did the Group achieve breakthroughs in technology, but it also actively embraced the concept of sustainable development, striving to balance
the economic, social, and environmental aspects in its business activities.through semiconductor and component
innovation, empower product integration
business, comprehensively boost product
launched world
competitiveness, achieve sustainability, and
premiere 5G
promote the Company's strategic transformation
into a great product company

First Curve Second Curve Third Curve Fourth Curve
Honorable Moments Honors of Wingtech Customer RecognitionHonorable Moments Honors of Wingtech Customer Recognition

Capital Market Recognition Industry Associations To ful?l our social responsibilities and promote industry development collaboratively for mutual bene?t, the Group actively maintains close ties The Company have been included in a number of mainstream indexes inside and outside China, including the FTSE Russell Flagship Index, with industry associations and various sectors of society. We participate in industry associations and alliances such as China Federation of MSCI Global Standard Index, SSE 180 Index, and CSI 300 Index. Those honors fully demonstrate our market position as a blue-chip technology Electronics and Information Industry, the China Semiconductor Industry Association, the China advanced semiconductor industry innovation stock and re?ect our in?uence in the capital market. alliance, and the China Automotive Chip Industry Innovation Strategic Alliance. Additionally, we actively engage with chambers of commerce and associations in regions such as Hubei, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Yunnan, e?ectively leveraging Wingtech’ s role in the synergy of Meanwhile, we attach great importance to sustainable development as evidenced by our ESG ratings from MSCI, Sustainalytics, Re?nitiv, Wind, the electronics and semiconductor ?elds. and Quantdata.Capital Market Recognition Industry Associations To ful?l our social responsibilities and promote industry development collaboratively for mutual bene?t, the Group actively maintains close ties The Company have been included in a number of mainstream indexes inside and outside China, including the FTSE Russell Flagship Index, with industry associations and various sectors of society. We participate in industry associations and alliances such as China Federation of MSCI Global Standard Index, SSE 180 Index, and CSI 300 Index. Those honors fully demonstrate our market position as a blue-chip technology Electronics and Information Industry, the China Semiconductor Industry Association, the China advanced semiconductor industry innovation stock and re?ect our in?uence in the capital market. alliance, and the China Automotive Chip Industry Innovation Strategic Alliance. Additionally, we actively engage with chambers of commerce and associations in regions such as Hubei, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Yunnan, e?ectively leveraging Wingtech’ s role in the synergy of Meanwhile, we attach great importance to sustainable development as evidenced by our ESG ratings from MSCI, Sustainalytics, Re?nitiv, Wind, the electronics and semiconductor ?elds. and Quantdata.
 China Federation of Electron- ics and Information Industry (CFEII) micon- China Auto ovation Industry Inno Alli are Shanghai tion Circuit Indust Hubei Federation of Industry and Commerce Hubei Provincial Chamber of Commerce
 China advanced semicon- ductor industry innovation alliance
 Shanghai Software Industry Association Hubei Industry Hub Chamb
Sustainability Governance Framework
Sustainable Development Management
To facilitate the long-term and sustainable development of its business, Wingtech Technology employs scienti?c management mechanisms to
create lasting value for all stakeholders. During the Reporting Period, Wingtech Technology strategically upgraded its sustainable development
governance structure, establishing a four-tier governance framework comprising the Board of Directors("the Board"),ESG and Sustainable
Wingtech Technology is committed to promoting the concept of sustainable development, actively ful?lling social responsibilities, and creating
Management Committee, ESG and Sustainable Management Working Group, and the Implementation Team of Business Sectors, spanning the
long-term value for all stakeholders. Integrating the concept of sustainable development into our routine operations, we strengthen our
process of "governance, decision-making, execution, and implementation". For speci?c responsibilities, please refer to the o?cial website of
sustainable development capabilities while continuously improving the business value to achieve sustainable operation goals.
the Group. The Group's Board of Directors supervises the ESG management performance assessment and progressively links the ESG
management performance assessment mechanism, and continuously improving indicators with the performance of relevant management
levels, empowering sustainable value creation with a heightened sense of responsibility.Sustainability Governance Framework of Wingtech
Sustainability Strategy

Stakeholder Communication
Materiality Assessment
Taking the opinions of stakeholders into account, we have established a standardized communication mechanism to understand the Wingtech Technology actively engages in materiality assessments by regularly inviting stakeholders to ?ll out surveys and other means to
expectations and requirements of stakeholders in a timely manner through diversi?ed communication and exchanges. We also strive to analyze signi?cant ESG risks in operational processes, clarifying issues of importance to its own business and stakeholders, and highlighting
maintain positive relationships with our stakeholders. When making strategic decisions, we prioritize the concerns of stakeholders and work them in the Report.
towards mutual bene?ts and positive outcomes for everyone involved.Research Con?rmation of
Stakeholder Communication
Materiality Assessment
Taking the opinions of stakeholders into account, we have established a standardized communication mechanism to understand the Wingtech Technology actively engages in materiality assessments by regularly inviting stakeholders to ?ll out surveys and other means to
expectations and requirements of stakeholders in a timely manner through diversi?ed communication and exchanges. We also strive to analyze signi?cant ESG risks in operational processes, clarifying issues of importance to its own business and stakeholders, and highlighting
maintain positive relationships with our stakeholders. When making strategic decisions, we prioritize the concerns of stakeholders and work them in the Report.
towards mutual bene?ts and positive outcomes for everyone involved.Research Con?rmation of

   r la c

High Materiality to the Company Very High
Response to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Responding to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), we continuously improve sustainability management from the
environmental and social perspectives, contributing to the realization of the global sustainable development blueprint.
UN SDGs The Company's Key Initiatives Report Sections Report Sections The Company's Key Initiatives UN SDGs

We realized responsible production Be Innovate to
Be Worthy and
We are dedicated to ensuring equal
Develop with Talents
employment opportunities for all and
application of clean technologies. ——Clean Technologies
——Employee Rights and
providing labor protection and care for our
and Green Products
Compliant Employment
female employees.
We engaged in volunteer services, social
assistance, education assistance, Be Kind and Build a
Be Sunshine for Coexistence Promote water conservation and recycling, psychological health assistance and Harmonious Society
with Nature seek alternative water sources, and protect
other charitable activities to o?er help to ——Rural Revitalization and——Resource Conservation rare water resources.
poverty-stricken and vulnerable Charitable Endeavors
and E?ciency Improvement

We promoted research driven and
innovation empowered development,
Be Innovate to We are fully committed to protecting the
Be Worthy and
Be Sunshine for
Coexistence with Nature
How to protect the environment and shared homeland is becoming a common challenge for all countries, industries, and enterprises worldwide. In response to the national’s call, we stick to the path of green and low-carbon development. We focus on protecting the ?nite resources of the earth and contribute to building a sustainable community by improving environmental management system, proactively protecting water resources and improving water stress management, addressing climate change, and deploying innovative plans. The Board of Directors, the highest governance body of the Group's environmental management, is responsible for supervising the Group's commitment and performance on key issues such as climate change, environmental protection, water resources and water stress management, energy management and waste management.Key Performance
Be Sunshine for
Coexistence with Nature
How to protect the environment and shared homeland is becoming a common challenge for all countries, industries, and enterprises worldwide. In response to the national’s call, we stick to the path of green and low-carbon development. We focus on protecting the ?nite resources of the earth and contribute to building a sustainable community by improving environmental management system, proactively protecting water resources and improving water stress management, addressing climate change, and deploying innovative plans. The Board of Directors, the highest governance body of the Group's environmental management, is responsible for supervising the Group's commitment and performance on key issues such as climate change, environmental protection, water resources and water stress management, energy management and waste management.Key Performance
Contributions to UN SDGs
Response to Climate Change and Dual Carbon Commitment
Green Operation and Environment Management
The climate change response and "dual carbon" commitment demonstrate that we shoulder our responsibilities for global sustainable

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Satisfy global clients' requirements for environmental protection in products and production.
We provide disclosure on our e?orts and advancements in addressing climate change risks, with reference to the TCFD framework. This
    Indicators and goals
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Certi?cation
With the watchful eyes on our operational performance in environmental protection and sustainability, the Group strictly abides by the
?????, the ????? -
?, the ???? ???, and the ‰? ? (WEEE),
the CA65 Proposition the ? €-, and other laws and regulations, and has formulated and promulgated the
? ?…? ??‘…  ?’’  and other administrative
documents. In order to mitigate the environmental impact of our business operations, the Group has established a comprehensive environmental
management system in accordance with ISO 14001. As of the end of the Reporting Period, our Semiconductor Business Sector and Product
Integration Business Sector were both granted certi?cation by the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. Meanwhile, our manufacturing
sites for both of our business sectors, as well as the headquarters of the Semiconductor Business Sector, have all certi?ed ISO 45001 Occupational
Health and Safety Management System certi?cation. In addition, some of Nexperia's factories have also obtained the ISO 50001 Energy Management
System certi?cate, such as the operating site located in Hamburg, Germany. The Group has established a sound environmental management structure to enhance the e?ciency and e?ectiveness of the environmental
management system. Semiconductor Business Sector has assigned a global environment, health, and safety (EHS) manager to execute the
Real Estate and Facilities Management has been assigned to be responsible for the e?ectiveness of the EHS management system and social
responsibilities. Product Integration Business Sector has established the Safety Production Committee to supervise the safety and environmental
protection management e?orts at all levels. The EHS implementation of each department is in charge of by the Safety and Environment
▎Strategies and Risks Management
The sustainable development of Wingtech will be impacted by both risks and opportunities arising from climate change. To better combat
climate change in a strategic manner, we have identi?ed the following transformational risks, physical risks, and opportunities that may arise
in the future.

  The use of clean technology and the implementation of low-carbon emission technology requirements have the risk that the technical speci?cations of products and product quality will not meet the standards after the new process/equipment is put into production.
  The sustainability requirements of clients for product design involve the selection of materials, energy consumption design, and product quality design in the process of product research and development. There is a risk that the Company may not be able to fully satisfy clients' requirements for product performance in recycling and repair.
  The failure of satisfying the evaluation requirements of stakeholders during the transition to sustainable development may increase the risk in our reputation and litigation.
  Extreme environments or severe natural disasters may damage manufacturing facilities or even halt the operation and spread to distribution channels and the supply chain, which may pose a signi?cant negative impact on our products and revenue. The degree of immediate disaster impacts depends on the geographical location, and some of Wingtech's plants are located in areas vulnerable to storms and ?oods.
  Rising temperatures, rising sea levels, and water stress may limit our access to water and energy resources, increase our cost, and heighten supervisory constraints.
Category of opportunities Description Countermeasure
Technological improvement and renovation in the production process will be We will facilitate the introduction of new technologies in the production process,
helpful in increasing our manufacturing e?ciency and reducing manufacturing reduce the negative environmental impact of production and manufacturing, and
costs. increase capacity utilization and output e?ciency through technological improvement.

The incentive policies of governments for renewable energy will help us accelerate the transformation of the energy structure and reduce operation costs.
The transformation to low-carbon products has brought about a trend for products and services, which will give us opportunities in the development of electric vehicles and green energy.
We maintains a smooth communication channel with existing clients to keep us updated on their sustainability requirements. The sustainability management work proceeds in an orderly manner. Carbon emission monitoring and reducing programs are promoted at a steady pace.
With improved capability in the response to climate change risks and in sustainability development, we will lead and enable upstream enterprises to some extent during the operation, so that the operation of suppliers can be more sustainable and stable, thereby guaranteeing the resilience of the supply chain system.
With the action plan for carbon emission reduction already
established, we continue to strengthen our risk identi?cation and Execution and supervision
08 01
standards & requirements
Organize personnel training
07 02
energy conservation
The action plan
reduction of
Facilitate green production
Apply an energy management platform
06 03
Implement major energy-saving projects
05 04
explore green products

Resource Conservation and E?ciency Improvement(未完)