时间:2024年05月14日 18:30:45 中财网

原标题:思瑞浦:2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Improving Governance and Driving Product Upgrade Improving Quality to Consolidating Operation through Innovation Become a Quality ModelAbout This Report
Letter from Chairman
Corporate Governance 15 Innovation and R&D 28 Quality Control 362023 Highlights 04
ESG Governance 24 Lean Management 41
Intellectual Property
Aligned UN SDGs 06
Information Security
About 3PEAK
Working Together for People-oriented for Developing Green
Industrial Prosperity a Better Future Products and PracticingLow-Carbon Operation
Future Outlook Customer Service 43 Employees’ Rights and Interests 50 Clean Technology Development66 61
Distributor Management Employee Development Hazardous Substances ControlGlossary of Terms 67 45 54
Supplier Management 46 Employee Care
Indicator Index 70 58 Energy Saving and Emission Reduction 65Reader’s Feedback 70 Industry Development 48 Employees' Health and Safety 59About This Report
This is the 3rd Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report issued by 3PEAK INCORPORATED (Stock code: 688536.SH) to provide our stakeholders with comprehensive information on the company's ESG
practices and related performance.
About This Report
This is the 3rd Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report issued by 3PEAK INCORPORATED (Stock code: 688536.SH) to provide our stakeholders with comprehensive information on the company's ESG
practices and related performance.
This Report has been prepared in accordance with the No. 1 Self-regulatory Guidelines of the Shang-This Report is an annual report for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2023 (hereinafter hai Stock Exchange for Listed Companies – Standardized Operation, Guidelines on the Global referred to as “the Reporting Period” ). To enhance the readability of the Report, some contents or
Reporting Initiative (GRI)’s Sustainability Reporting Standards (2021), the United Nations 2030 data related to the previous or subsequent year are referred to in this Report.Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting for Chinese Enterprises 5.0 (CASS-ESG 5.0) Index and the Social Responsibility Management System for Electron-ic Information Industry (SJ/T 16000-2016).
For the convenience of description and reading, 3PEAK INCORPORATED and its subsidiaries are referred to as “3PEAK”, “The Company”, or “we”.
This Report is based on 3PEAK, and the This Report can be read online or download-scope of the Company's Annual Report Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn) and the The qualitative and quantitative information used in this Report is derived from 3PEAK's public unless otherwise noted. ocial website of 3PEAK (www.3peak.com).information, internal documents, and relevant statistics. Unless otherwise stated, the currencies involved in the Report are measured in RMB.
2023 Highlights
2023 Highlights
To better serve global customers and markets, 3PEAK has upgraded its brand. Our website has been changed to www.3peak.com. The original brand identity, combined with the classic
black and silver colors, better reects 3PEAK’s technological, modern, international, and simple but elegant brand image.
Our innovation projects were in full swing this year and we launched many high-performance and high-quality products.
This year, our excellent product quality earned us many certications and a good reputation from customers. Encouraged by those honors, In the year, we expanded our industrial layout and broad- we will work harder in the future. ened our product coverage.Two series of 3PEAK TPS32 MCU products were mass-produced TPR50 voltage reference won the “China TPT1145Q was selected in the “Chip to 3PEAK won the Auto Electronic Innova- and put on the market. Chip” Excellent Technological Innova- E-Town” 2023 Automotive Chip Top 50 tion Enterprise Award tion Product Award Backed by 3PEAK’ s outstanding mixed-signal processing capabil- ities, the TPS32 mixed-signal microcontrollers are better-de-and focusing on testing high-end wafers and nished chips.
3PEAK’ s Automotive-Grade Test Plant is designed to test
Laboratory Centre accredited by Awarded ISO 26262:2018 ASIL D Aligned UN SDGs
We strive to be a respected leader in analog and embedded solutions for the semiconductor industry, and we have always believed that the long-term creation of value depends on the sustainable development of our
business. While continuing to develop under the values of “Integrity, Responsibility, Collaboration, Innovation and Growth”, we actively respond to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and contribute
to global sustainability, taking into account the expectations of our stakeholders and reality.People-oriented Developing Green Products and
Chapter Improving Governance and Focusing on Quality Improvement Working TogetherDriving Product Upgrading
for a Better Future Practicing Low-Carbon Operation
Consolidating Operations to Become a Quality Model for Industrial Prosperitythrough Innovation

Uphold high standards, strict
Improve the level of corpo- Adhere to independent
Adhere to the establish- Increase investment in clean
Create an equal, inclusive,
requirements, and adhere to
rate governance, enhance development and innova-
ment of fair, trustworthy, technologies and green prod-
and diverse workplace envi-
product development, to
ESG management capabili- tion, cultivate R&D and
and mutually-benecial ucts, promote energy conser-
ronment, provide employ-
provide the most competi-
ties, enhance the core com- innovation teams with core
Responding cooperative relations with vation and emission reduc-ees with rich and diverse
tive products for global cus-
petitiveness of enterprise, competitiveness, and drive
to SDGs customers, suppliers, and tion, strictly control hazardous welfare policies and devel-
tomers with high-quality
and promote sustainable continuous breakthroughs
other stakeholders to joint- substances, promote green
opment opportunities, and
product and service.
development of enterprise. in technology and products.
ly promote the prosperity oce, and share sustainable
jointly build a diversied
and development of the green life.
corporate culture.

Reect for improvement

Think big
Seek long-term success

Strive for excellence Put the customer rst

Development Strategies and Layout
Development Strategies
Signal chain technology reach the international advanced level Strengthen the power management product line Invest in mixed signal product line
Develop more categories of signal chain products with Expand the power management product seriesImprove the digital chip design capability and
higher levels of integration
increase investment in embedded processor devel-
Advance the platform-oriented development of
Narrow the gap with international advanced peer enter- the Companyprises
Achieve synergy between product lines to provide
customers with comprehensive solutions
Enhance industrial collaboration Global layout and developmentFocus on fundamental and core technologies
Increasingly invest in the development of automo- Continue to introduce high-quality suppliers at Introduce outstanding talents and advance R&D
tive-grade, isolation, and other IPs and technologies home and abroad and cooperate with suppliers globally
extensively and in depth
Perform prospective research on process and devices, Establish global technical service and sales packaging design, automated testing, and other pro- Meet customized high-end product testing needs networks to serve an increasing number of inter-
cesses by building self built testing plant national customersBuilding R&D and Sales Networks Worldwide sales Technical innovation High quality test plantand support by global talent pool for automotive products


Sales center
R&D and innovation are essential for 3PEAK's steady R&D centerand rapid development. The Company is generous
Domestic sales center
Shanghai Xi'an
in R&D investment and has established eight R&D
Singapore Beijing, Shanghai, Xi'an,
centers in Shanghai (Zhangjiang, Lingang, and Cao-
Hangzhou, Shenzhen,
Main Sales Oces
hejing), Suzhou, Chengdu, Beijing, Tianjin, Hang-
zhou, Xi'an, and Singapore respectively, to perform
R&D Sites
Overseas sales center
Signal Chains Power Management
Product Matrix
Universal Operational Hall Signal Temperature High-Speed Low Precision Resistance Network Isolated Data Converter Clock Buer
Amplier Conditioning AFE Sensor Jitter Clock Amplier
High-Speed OPA Precision SAR ADC CAN Transceiver LVDS Transceiver Low-Noise OPA Precision SD ADC RS485 Transceiver High-Speed Bus
High Common-Mode
Current-Sensing I2C Interface Extension/
High-Speed ADC RS232 Transceiver High-Voltage Switch Voltage Dierence Precision DAC Logarithmic Amplier
Amplier Level Switching
Multi-Channel RF Power
High-Speed DAC Analog Switch Digital Isolator Video Filter Power Detection AFE Isolation InterfaceAmplier Control AFE
Low Dropout Linear Battery Monitoring Boost-Buck
Buck Converter Isolated Driver Electricity Meter Boost Converter Power SwitchRegulator System AFE Converter
Power Up and Multi-Channel Power
Power Reset Monitor Buck-Boost Converter Hot Swap Controller Watchdog Ethernet Power Supply Electronic Fuse
Down Sequence Control Management PMIC
Ideal Diode System Monitor Isolated Power Supply Voltage Reference Motor Driver Battery Charger Gate Driver Battery Protector
Automotive-Grade MCU
Corporate Governance
Governance Structure
3PEAK strictly adheres to the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Securities Law of the To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Company, shareholders, and creditors and
People’ s Republic of China, the Rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange for Stock Listing on the STAR Market, to regulate our organization and actions, we have established and improved the Articles of Asso-
the Guidelines No.1 of the STAR Market of Shanghai Stock Exchange for Self-regulation of Listed Compa- ciation, the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors, the Rules of Procedure of the Board of
nies - Standardized Operation, and other laws and regulations. We have established a comprehensive Supervisors, the Rules of Procedure of the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Working Rules
governance structure and system which maintains compliance with regulations, standardizes corporate for Independent Directors, and other rules. These rules dene the responsibilities and authorities,
operations, enhances corporate value, and seeks win-win outcomes in promoting sustainable develop- rules of procedures, and working methods of our departments and bodies at all levels as well as
ment strategies. ensuring the separation of decision-making, executive, and supervisory functions. Since our
public listing, we have established the corporate governance structure consisting of the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, and management, as General Meeting of
well as rule-based and scientically based operating and decision-making mechanisms to guide Shareholders
our high-quality and sustainable development.

no instances occurred which harmed the rights and interests of minority shareholders.During the Reporting Period, 3PEAK total held
Board of Directors
General Meetings of
meetings of the Board of meetings of the Board of
The Company operates on scientically based decision-making and selects Shareholders
Directors Supervisors
directors in strict accordance with the conditions and procedures set out in 2 9 8
the Articles of Association to ensure that the selection is transparent, fair, During the Reporting Period, 3PEAK total held
Board of Directors
General Meetings of
meetings of the Board of meetings of the Board of
The Company operates on scientically based decision-making and selects Shareholders
Directors Supervisors
directors in strict accordance with the conditions and procedures set out in 2 9 8
the Articles of Association to ensure that the selection is transparent, fair, Independent Directors and 1 female Director. Our Directors full their duties diligently by carefully reviewing and approving proposals, as well as safe- meetings of the Audit meetings of the Remuneration meeting of the Strategy
Committee and Appraisal Committee Committee
guard the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and shareholders, particularly minority shareholders. The Independent Directors adhere to the 6 3 1
Working Rules for Independent Directors and provide the Company with comprehensive and constructive development advice based on their exper-tise. During the Reporting Period, 3PEAK convened 9 meetings of the Board of Directors to discuss the Proposal of the Company to Issue Shares, Pay Board of Supervisors
Cash to Acquire Assets, and Raise Funds, the Proposal on the Company’s 2022 Annual Prot Distribution Plan, the Proposal on the Company’s 2023 Supervisors are appointed and adheres to the rules of procedure, deliberation methods, and voting procedures out in the
Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Draft) and Its Summary, the Proposal on the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Articles of Association, to ensure they work eciency and make
Company’ s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2022 and scientically based decisions. With the leadership of the Shareholders' General Meeting and the support and cooperation of
among other important matters.
the Board of Directors and senior management, the Board of Supervisors actively carries out its work with the aim of safe-
The Board of Directors convenes meetings, discusses, votes on proposals, guarding the legitimate rights and interests of the company and all shareholders. Specically, it supervises the Company’ s
and makes decisions in accordance with the Company Law of the People’s operations, nancial conditions, and related-party transactions, as well as the performance of duties by senior management
Republic of China and the Articles of Association. The Board of Directors has in accordance with the law. During the Reporting Period, the Board of Supervisors held 8 meetings.4 ad-hoc committees, namely, the Audit Committee, the Remuneration and To raise compliance awareness and enhance duty-performing capabilities of our Directors, Supervisors, senior management,
Assessment Committee, the Strategy Committee and the Nomination Com-and other relevant personnel, the Company requires them to actively participate in regulatory training in regards to informa-
mittee. They assist the Board of Directors in fullling its decision-making and Information Disclosure
Investor Relations
Transparent disclosure is an essential part of good corporate governance and A robust communication channel serves as a bridge between 3PEAK and investors. For this reason, we have developed and
sustainable development. It helps to protect investors’ interests, maintain continuously improved the Investor Relations Management Policy to standardize our investor communication activities and
market stability, and build trust. To ensure that all shareholders, especially daily communication. Through performance presentations, investor communication meetings, the General Meeting of Share-
minority shareholders, have equal rights to know and participate in major holders, the investor hotline, email, and SSE E-interactive, we actively communicate with investors on major matters such as
matters of the Company, 3PEAK has formulated and improved the Informa-our business performance and patiently addressing their concerns.tion Disclosure Management Policy and the Signicant Information Reporting Investor Hotline:021-58886086
Policy following the laws and regulations such as the Administrative Measures E-mail:[email protected]
for the Disclosure of Information of Listed Companies and the Rules of Shang-hai Stock Exchange for Stock Listing on the STAR Market and based on the Focusing on generating returns for investors, the Company has established a scientically based, sustainable, and stable
realities of the Company. We actively fulll information disclosure obligations shareholder dividend distribution mechanism to ensure that investors receive a reasonable return on their investment. We
and disclose information in a true, accurate, complete, and timely manner. regularly formulate a new dividend payment plan every three years. During the Reporting Period, 3PEAK formulated the Divi-
The Company carefully manages its insider information including operating dend Payment Plan for the Next Three Years (2024-2026) to maintain the continuity and stability of prot distribution policies.
and nancial data and registers insiders in accordance with laws and regula-tions such as the Provisions on the Registration and Management Policy for During the Reporting Period, 3PEAK
Insiders of Listed Companies and our Insider Registration and Management Policy.
Held Answered 41 Held 4
During the Reporting Period
performance presentations for investor questions on teleconferences with 3PEAK disclosed
small and medium investors SSE E-interactive institutional investorsInformation Disclosure
Investor Relations
Transparent disclosure is an essential part of good corporate governance and A robust communication channel serves as a bridge between 3PEAK and investors. For this reason, we have developed and
sustainable development. It helps to protect investors’ interests, maintain continuously improved the Investor Relations Management Policy to standardize our investor communication activities and
market stability, and build trust. To ensure that all shareholders, especially daily communication. Through performance presentations, investor communication meetings, the General Meeting of Share-
minority shareholders, have equal rights to know and participate in major holders, the investor hotline, email, and SSE E-interactive, we actively communicate with investors on major matters such as
matters of the Company, 3PEAK has formulated and improved the Informa-our business performance and patiently addressing their concerns.tion Disclosure Management Policy and the Signicant Information Reporting Investor Hotline:021-58886086
Policy following the laws and regulations such as the Administrative Measures E-mail:[email protected]
for the Disclosure of Information of Listed Companies and the Rules of Shang-hai Stock Exchange for Stock Listing on the STAR Market and based on the Focusing on generating returns for investors, the Company has established a scientically based, sustainable, and stable
realities of the Company. We actively fulll information disclosure obligations shareholder dividend distribution mechanism to ensure that investors receive a reasonable return on their investment. We
and disclose information in a true, accurate, complete, and timely manner. regularly formulate a new dividend payment plan every three years. During the Reporting Period, 3PEAK formulated the Divi-
The Company carefully manages its insider information including operating dend Payment Plan for the Next Three Years (2024-2026) to maintain the continuity and stability of prot distribution policies.
and nancial data and registers insiders in accordance with laws and regula-tions such as the Provisions on the Registration and Management Policy for During the Reporting Period, 3PEAK
Insiders of Listed Companies and our Insider Registration and Management Policy.
Held Answered 41 Held 4
During the Reporting Period
performance presentations for investor questions on teleconferences with 3PEAK disclosed
small and medium investors SSE E-interactive institutional investors175 81 94
Organized major investor Paid RMB
meetings,which were
documents announcements annexes to
attended by
as dividends (including taxes)
since the IPO
Internal Control and Risk Management
Fully aware of the importance of internal control and risk management to corporate governance, 3PEAK carefully carries out the internal control of business operations and analyzes risks from the external environ-
ment, internal operations, and business perspectives, to improve operational eciency and eectiveness as well as promote high-quality development of the Company.
Internal Control
In accordance with the Basic Standards for Enterprise Internal Control and the supporting guidelines, 3PEAK has developed
Human resources and Capital and
Corporate governance
Investment management Financing management
compensation management expense management
and improved a set of internal control policies and proce-
dures, and standardized internal control processes. We strictly follow the control processes to carry out activities and miti-gate potential risks. Additionally, we engage internal and
external personnel to test and review our internal control and audit performance every year. We also continuously improve
Sales and accounts
the internal control management systems for corporate gov- Procurement andR&D management
Asset management Inventory management
receivable management
accounts payable management
ernance, human resources and compensation management,
capital and expense management, and investment manage-
During the Reporting Period, the Company eectively identi-
ed and analyzed the potential risks that may rise by consid-ering its internal business characteristics and the industry-spe- Financial report and Government subsidy Information technology
Contract management Tax management
disclosure management management general controls
cic features. As a result, we added or optimized manage-
ment processes including nancial report management,
Internal Control System
inventory management, R&D management, sales and
accounts receivable management, and information technolo-
Risk Management

etc.: Operations management Internal control and oversight Internal auditProactively identies and prevents risks in operations Coordinates risk management eorts and designs, directs Reviews high-risk internal areas and veries whether the
and oversees risk management Company is involved in any signicant legal or regulatory Improves the risk identication and management capabili-
breaches or major risks
ties of business units, and strengthens the risk management Integrates internal control and management into our daily
awareness and accountability of front-line personnel operations and product development processBCM Risk Management Business Continuity Policy and Management Commitment In order to maintain business continuity, improve the Company’s risk prevention and control capabilities, and eectively respond to various emergencies, 3PEAK has formulated the Business Impact Analysis and Risk Analysis Control Procedure. This is aligned with BCM Guidelines - to improve internal management,
  Supply Chain BCM
 Organization & Responsibility, Resource Diversity and Sustainable Development 
the requirements of all stakeholders, and protect the interests of all stakeholdersTrade Compliance
We strictly comply with the export control, sanctions laws, and regulations applicable in China and in the countries and regions where we operate. We have formulated and improved the Management Policy for
Export Control and Sanctions Compliance and established an audit and evaluation mechanism. Under this mechanism, audits and evaluations are organized by the Compliance Management Working Group and
led by the Compliance Department. This has standardized our trade compliance requirements and enforcement measures and helped us better adapt to changes in the external macro-environment and reduce
business risks. Our trade compliance management is under the overall direction of the General Manager, organized and coordinated by the Compliance Management Working Group, and implemented by the
Legal Department. Other relevant business units will perform their compliance duties and responsibilities in accordance with the relevant policies and guidelines.
We continue to optimize the trade compliance management process and have integrated it into Holistic assessment for risk identication
Special audit and timely recti-
our OA system to assess and record the compliance status of our partners and products in real Trade Compliance
We strictly comply with the export control, sanctions laws, and regulations applicable in China and in the countries and regions where we operate. We have formulated and improved the Management Policy for
Export Control and Sanctions Compliance and established an audit and evaluation mechanism. Under this mechanism, audits and evaluations are organized by the Compliance Management Working Group and
led by the Compliance Department. This has standardized our trade compliance requirements and enforcement measures and helped us better adapt to changes in the external macro-environment and reduce
business risks. Our trade compliance management is under the overall direction of the General Manager, organized and coordinated by the Compliance Management Working Group, and implemented by the
Legal Department. Other relevant business units will perform their compliance duties and responsibilities in accordance with the relevant policies and guidelines.
We continue to optimize the trade compliance management process and have integrated it into Holistic assessment for risk identication
Special audit and timely recti-
our OA system to assess and record the compliance status of our partners and products in real time. This enables the digital control of our compliance status and day-to-day operations as well as improves the eciency and eectiveness of our trade compliance management as far as possi-Conduct overall assessment of Organize special audits of the spe-ble. During the Reporting Period, we summarized and reported on our trade compliance practices the compliance performance of cic departments/businesses from each month and monitored, assessed, and reported on new regulations and their impact more 3PEAK’ s business units, identify time to time based on their operat-than 10 times. Meanwhile, the Company provided training on export control and economic sanc-compliance risks, and improve ing performance and make timely tions compliance for all employees, specialized training for specic departments, and export con-compliance capabilities. corrections to avoid omissions and trol training for management personnel, to raise their awareness of trade compliance.risks.
Business Ethics and Anti-Fraud
Additionally, we are developing and improving anti-fraud policies, such as the Anti-Fraud and Whistleblowing Policy. We des-
3PEAK upholds high ethical standards, strictly adheres to local laws and ignated the Audit Department as the permanent anti-fraud body responsible for organizing and implementing anti-fraud
regulations in countries where we conduct business activities and requires practices within the Company. We are committed to eradicate bribery, kickbacks, insider trading, abuse of power, and the like,
all employees to understand and adhere to business ethics at work. We the Company encourages internal and external stakeholders to report non-compliant acts. We have an anti-fraud and whis-
have established a Business Ethics Committee consisting of representatives tle-blowing email box ([email protected]) for all stakeholders. We have also continuously improved the whistle-blowing pro-
from the Audit Department, the Finance Department, the Human Resourc-cess to ensure that matters reported are handled fairly and impartially.es Department, and the Legal Department. The Business Ethics Committee is responsible for formulating and revising policies and procedures on busi-ness ethics, reviewing and monitoring the implementation of these poli- Review the report for admissibility upon receipt and determine the investigation
method based on the complexity of the case.
cies and procedures, analyzing, investigating, and handling our business ReceivingEscalate to the Business Ethics Committee. The Audit Department investigates the reports
ethics related issues and disputes. It also holds regular meetings to review case independently or with support from the Human Resources and other depart-our major business ethics matters. ments.
We have developed the Code of Ethical Business Conduct which provides detailed principles adhering to the code of business ethics, avoiding of During the investigation, the person reported shall provide information as requested Investigation and
and will be subject to inquiries, interviews and other investigations.conicts of interest, anti-corruption, anti-bribery practices, as well as outlin-evidence collection
Issue the investigation reports and handling opinions after the investigation is done.ing the manners of handling gifts, hospitality, and other matters. All employees of the Company are required to strictly abide by it in their day-to-day work and business activities. At the same time, we extend the Submit the investigation report and handling opinions to the Business Ethics Commit-code of ethical business to our partners and have formulated the Code of tee for a decision.
Escalation for
Conduct for Suppliers’ Social Responsibility and the Code of Clean Supplier Employees found to have committed fraud will be subject to administrative disci-handling
plinary action in accordance with the relevant regulations. If the act is a criminal Conduct, setting out the ethical conduct requirements for all of our suppli-oence, it will be referred to the judicial authorities for prosecution.ers. To eliminate bribery in business, we require suppliers to sign integrity agreements to foster a transparent cooperation environment.
Whistleblowing and Handling Procedures
While continuously improving its policies and procedures, the Company actively promotes awareness of business ethics and a culture of integrity among employees. We conduct regular online and oine
anti-fraud training for all employees every year. During the Reporting Period, we conducted an anti-fraud training, and 100% of our employees attended. The training introduced employees to the concept of fraud,
the anti-fraud and whistle-blowing mechanism, as well as the gift refusal and registration rules which eectively raised the anti-fraud awareness of all employees.
In addition, our Internal Control Department assesses the internal control system and process every year, with business ethics and anti-fraud risks also evaluated. Through identifying risks, setting control targets,
and performing control activities, we continue to improve the internal control system to ensure that our operation and decision-making processes are consistent with compliance requirements and business ethics.
ESG Governance
ESG Governance Structure
Scientically based and sound ESG governance is the cornerstone of integrating the Building a robust ESG governance structure is the cornerstone of a company’s sustainable growth. To facilitate
concept of sustainable development into the daily management and operations of the the long-term eectiveness of our sustainability management system, we have established a three-tier ESG
company. We gradually build and improve the ESG management method by the com-governance structure consisting of the Board of Directors, the ESG Working Committee and the Executive
munication between internal and external stakeholders and continuously improving the Departments as the decision-making, coordinating and implementing bodies, respectively. company's ESG governance capability, and strive to promote the sustainable develop-ment of the economy and society.
ESG Management
The Board of Directors, as the highest decision-making body of ESG work, is responsible for formulating the Company's ESG stra-As an IC designer, we insist on integrating ESG management into all aspects of our busi-
Strive to reduce the environ- mental footprint of our operations by designing green products or products that contribute to environ- mental improvement 
 Provide innovative prod- ucts and services, create an enterprising work- place environment, and produce talents for the industry
Maintain sustainable and stable governance and oper- ation and actively create value for shareholders 
Stakeholder Communication
3PEAK places great emphasis on communication with stakeholders and has established a regular communication mechanism. By adopting various communication approaches, we can understand and respond to
the expectations and requirements of stakeholders in a timely manner, including governments and regulators, shareholders and investors, industries and institutions of higher learning, customers, suppliers, employ-
ees, communities, and the public. In doing so, we aim to foster a collaborative environment of mutual benets and win-win outcomes.
Government and Regulatory Shareholders and Investors Industry and University Customers Suppliers Employees Environment

Daily communication with
Hotline and email inquiries
Participate in industry
Customer research and
Investor exchange
Green products
Sta meeting and annual
Institutional inspection meetings
Promote industry-uni-
Green oce
Technical support and Supplier audit
Daily regulatory SSE E-interactive communi-
Communication technical seminars
Employee satisfaction
communication cation Strictly control
Supplier communication
survey and opinion
harmful substances
mechanism Customer service hotline
Policy implementation Disclosure of interim
Supplier training
announcements and Qualication
Customer satisfaction
Information disclosure
Regular sta training
periodic reports certication
Employee welfare and club
General meeting of
building activities
During the Reporting Period, 3PEAK achieved these major breakthroughs and advances in R&D:R&D Process Management

 Identify new product development needs, perform feasibility analysis, prepare the Product Project Approval Report and submit it to the project review meeting for review.
 Design chips according to the indicators and requirements set out in the Product Project Approval Report.
 Test the function, performance and stability of the prototype to assess whether the product meets design standards and expectations.
 Initiate the trial production of products, collect and analyze data to optimize test methods, and dene specic require- ments for mass production control.
Intellectual Property By using external patent databases and considering its realities, 3PEAK has built an ecient intellectual property management system that meets its business needs. The system helps to improve the 3PEAK is active in protecting intellectual property rights, including patent rights, trademarks, and eciency and accuracy of patent information searches and identify market opportunities and techni- copyrights, and is committed to regulating intellectual property management activities in its busi- cal risks in a timely manner. In addition, 3PEAK has taken a number of patent management measures ness operations. To this end, 3PEAK is strengthening the application for and maintenance, use, and to accurately identify and avoid potential patent risks. To enhance employees’ intellectual property protection of intellectual property rights and improving the eciency and performance of intel- lectual property management, thereby ensuring that the Company’s innovation achievements awareness and patent mining ability, we regularly conduct patent-related training and policy promo- are eectively protected and strongly supporting the Company’s continuous innovation and tion to provide strong support and guarantee for our innovation. market competitiveness. Management System Patent risk management and control Patent training In order to regulate patent management, promote technological innovation, and obtain more Prepare the Risk Avoidance Project Organize training on intellectual prop- independent intellectual property rights, we have formulated internal policies including the Intel- Approval Guidelines and other risk control erty policies and patent review policies, procedures to intensify the management inventor experience sharing, and train- lectual Property Manual and the Patent Incentive Measures in accordance with relevant laws and and control of intellectual property risks ing on patent mining and new policies regulations, such as the Patent Law of the people’s Republic of China and the Detailed Rules for the for relevant personnel Investigate possible infringements and Implementation of the Patent Law of take action to prevent them Promote intellectual property rules during onboarding training for new the People’s Republic of China. The aim Monitor the situation where our product employees may infringe the intellectual property is to stimulate the enthusiasm and rights of others, analyze possible disputes creativity of employees and increase and the extent of damage to the Compa- ny, and propose preventive plans our output of intellectual property achievements. At the same time, we have established a robust intellectual Key Patent Management Initiatives at 3PEAK property management and certica- tion system and passed the annual We monitor the use of our intellectual property rights in real time to detect infringements of our intel- audit under the GB/T 29490-2013 lectual property rights in a timely manner, collect and preserve evidence, and take legal action, including Enterprise Intellectual Property Man-litigation, depending on the seriousness of the infringement. During the Reporting Period, we were not (未完)