
时间:2024年05月23日 21:10:38 中财网


environmental protection
General Manager Statement
Governance System Standardization 21 31
Risk Control Improvement
23 Green Production Promotion 34



Stakeholder Communication 17
Democratic Communication Promotion
48 76
Importance Issue Recognition

Product Quality Control Employee Growth Promotion
52 77
Customer Rights and Interests Protection Employee Health Protection55 81
Information Security Protection Employee Care Strengthening
63 85

Creating a harmonious new future
2024 Outlook 93

  Shenzhen ZKTeco Shenzhen ZKTeco Biometric Identification Technology Co., Ltd.
employees and their families through our employee interest free housing loan program, achieving a win-win situation for
enterprise development and employee well-being; at the same time, in order to enhance the happiness of employees
While focusing on the three main businesses, ZKTECO actively explores innovative applications of AI and digital
among the new industry groups born in the 1990s and 2000s, the Company has provided apartment style dormitories for
technology for high-quality upgrading of the industry, and continues to invest in smart retail business, proposing the
employees in Guangdong ZKTECO Park. The dormitories are adjacent to the National Forest Park and have family
environmentally friendly concept of "ZKTECO's good screens for beautiful new life". In product innovation, we
suites. In addition, we have daycare centers in ZKTECO Tangxia Park and Guangdong ZKTECO Park, eliminating
advocate for "good products being green", applying green energy technology to various products, and achieving the goal
worries for employees with young children; the Company has a good execution culture in providing assistance to
of emission reduction and low-carbon through daily efforts. Realizing green production and low-carbon operation has
disadvantaged employees and their families, employee holiday benefits, and daily cultural promotion, so that every
always been our direction. We will introduce advanced environmental protection technologies and equipment in new
employee can truly feel the warmth of the Company.
production bases, continuously optimize production processes, reduce pollutant emissions, and improve resource
utilization efficiency. The new bases implement a water recycling system, with an environmental purification system
Looking ahead to 2024, ZKTECO will continuously improve corporate governance, uphold dreams, and maintain
established throughout the entire production process. In addition to actively upgrading environmental protection
courage; adhere to honesty and achieve success. The Company will deepen high-quality development, become a
core biometric technologies such as fingerprints, palm veins, palmprints, facial features, finger veins, and iris with
Company Profile
computer vision, radio frequency, IoT, cloud computing and other technologies. It provides smart terminals, industry
application software, and platforms with object detection, identity recognition and verification functions to multiple
ZKTECO CO., LTD. was established in 2007 and was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2022 with the
stock code "301330". The Company is headquartered in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province. As of December
fields such as commerce, transportation, finance, education, healthcare, and government affairs.31, 2023, it has 4,106 employees worldwide, including more than 1,200 R&D personnel and more than 1,100
foreign employees. The Company has 42 branches/subsidiaries in Chinese Mainland and 47 controlling subsidiaries overseas, covering more than 100 countries and regions worldwide.Relying on the global ecosystem of R&D, manufacturing, and sales services, the Company actively deploys the field of
smart retail cloud services while deeply cultivating the three major business sectors of smart entrance and exit, smart
2022 Development History On August 17, ZKTeco was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. 2019 The Company upgraded 2013-2014 multimodal BioCV algorithm; 2017 Multimodal palm recognition algorithm was honored as one of the top ten 2023 1998-2002 The intelligent license plate launched. access control brands in China's ZKTeco has started the digital The founding team has successively recognition system, intelligent public safety product industry. transformation of enterprises, with launched independently developed visual perception system, and

   Quality Gender Reduce Good health education equality inequality and well-beingEmployee Rights and Interests Safeguarding Democratic Communication Promotion Employee Growth Promotion Employee Health Protection Employee Care Strengthening
Stakeholder Communication Importance Issue Recognition
The Company values the rights and interests of stakeholders such as investors, customers, employees and partners. In
ZKTeco analyzes its own sustainable development challenges based on national policies, industry trends and company
the process of business development, the Company actively establishes various effective communication channels with
strategies, while paying attention to ESG rating indicators in the capital market. It establishes a mechanism for
stakeholders, understands and timely responds to their expectations and demands.identifying important issues and determines annual important issues through analysis of internal and external

    Policies and regulations Benchmarking researchProcess for identifyi Company fundamentals Analysisng important issues Industry best Practice benchmarkingExternal public opinion Analysis
Government and regulatory agenciesOperate in accordance with laws and regulations Support local development Protect the environmentEnhance corporate governance Accept regulatory review Persist in protecting the environment     
CustomersProduct quality and safety Optimize customer service Privacy and information securityProvide high-quality products Provide high-quality services Respond to customer demands     
PartnersAdhere to business ethics Honest cooperationBuild a responsible supply chain Adhere to business ethics     
EmployeesTraining and development Basic rights and interests protection Health and safety Humanistic concernConduct internal training Ensure salary and benefits Occupational health management Employee care measures     
 Public welfare and charity Community public welfare Promote regional development      
Steady for far- reaching Opening up a new development pattern We continue to improve the level of corporate governance, striving to achieve comprehensive strengthening of standardized governance, risk control, investor relationship management, and compliant operations, and establish a more sound, transparent and efficient governance system to ensure the sustainable development of the Company. Our Actions Governance System Standardization Risk Control Improvement Investor Relationship Management Adhering to Compliant Operations Responsive SDGs2023 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report
Governance System Standardization
Governance Structure Operation of the Three Boards
The Company has always adhered to compliant operations and strictly followed the requirements of laws and
Board of Shareholders
regulations such as the "Company Law of the People's Republic of China", the "Measures for the Administration of
Independent Directors of Listed Companies", the "Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies", and the
The Board of Shareholders is the highest authority of the Company. The Company convenes and holds the General
"Rules Governing the Listing of Shares on the ChiNext Market of Shenzhen Stock Exchange", forming a modern
Meeting in strict accordance with the provisions and requirements of the "Articles of Association" and the "Rules of
corporate governance structure where the Board of Shareholders, Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, and
Procedure for Shareholders' Meeting". All shareholders of the Company, especially small and medium-sized
management are separated, supported and balanced. At the same time, the Board of Directors has established a Salary
shareholders, are entitled to equal rights and fully exercise their voting rights. During the reporting period, the Company
and Assessment Committee, a Strategy and Development Committee, an Audit Committee, and a Nomination
held one annual general meeting and four extraordinary general meetings, and a total of 17 proposals were deliberated
Committee, which have played a good role in further standardizing the operation of the Company. The Company has
and approved.
developed an effective business model that is adapted to the actual situation, with standardized and orderly management
of all aspects, clear division of labor in the organization, and sound and clear functions.Board of Directors

The Board of Supervisors is the highest supervisory body of the Company, responsible to the Board of Shareholders. The
Company formulates election procedures for supervisors in accordance with relevant regulations and the Articles of
Association. According to the relevant requirements of the "Rules of Procedure for the Board of Supervisors", the
supervisors shall conscientiously fulfill their duties and supervise the production and operation, financial operations, as
well as the directors and other senior management of the Company. During the reporting period, there were 3 members of
the Board of Supervisors, including 1 employee supervisor. The Company held 9 supervisory board meeting and
reviewed 23 proposals.
Risk identification Risk Control Improvement The Company has established a systematic and effective risk assessment and identification system based on strategic objectives and development ideas, combined with industry characteristics. According to control objectives, relevant functional departments of the Company extensively and continuously collect various external information, including collecting historical data, paying attention to changes that have occurred or will occur to macroeconomic environment Internal Control and policies, competitors, new technologies and products, internal operations, etc. The collected information is promptly identified for risks, achieving control over risks. Internal control system In 2023, the Company completed the preparation of the "2022 Annual Internal Control Self Evaluation Report" and Risk assessment disclosed it one time according to the "Basic Norms for the Internal Control of Enterprises" and its supporting guidelines, as well as other internal control regulatory requirements We evaluate the severity and frequency of identified risks, and confirm them based on the evaluation criteria of the Risk . Within the benchmark date of the internal control evaluation report, there were no significant deficiencies in the and Opportunity Control Procedure. The confirmation of risk severity and frequency is used to determine the risk Company's internal control, and effective internal control was maintained in all major aspects. The Company's "Self- coefficient, and then the measures to be taken for the risk are determined based on the risk coefficient. evaluation Report on Internal Control in 2023" was prepared and disclosed in 2024. We have established an effective We differentiate the severity of risks into five severity levels: very severe, severe, more severe, moderate, and mild. internal control system to achieve full coverage of all aspects and links of the Company's operations, forming a When evaluating the severity of risks, the severity level is divided into five levels based on the violation of laws, standardized management system that can effectively prevent and timely detect and correct major risks, defects and regulations, and product standards, the severity of personal injury, the amount of property damage, the time of important deficiencies that may arise during the Company's operations. shutdown, and the radiation range that affects the Company. In addition, we define the frequency of risk as 5 levels: very rare, rare, occasional, sometimes, frequent. The frequency Internal control system of risk occurrence is quantitatively confirmed by evaluating the frequency of uncertain factors, the frequency of risk occurrence, and the possible frequency of occurrence, as the evaluation criteria for risk frequency. The Company has established an internal control system based on the Company's "Articles of Association", with core structures such as the "Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meeting", the "Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors", and the "Rules of Procedure for the Board of Supervisors". It covers procurement management, production management, product sales, external investment, R&D, administrative management, and other aspects, ensuring that all work has rules to follow, preventing and resolving various risks in the daily operation of the Company, and improving operational efficiency and profitability.Risk countermeasures
Risk countermeasures


carbon Exploring a new era of environmental protection We always adhere to the ecological and environmental protection concept of "Clear waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", and regard protecting the environment and conserving resources as our own responsibility. We continue to improve our environmental management level, strengthen energy conservation and emission reduction, promote water resource protection, and contribute to reducing pollution and emissions. Our Actions Environmental Management Strengthening Green Production Promotion Green Technology R&D Responsive SDGs
Environmental policy The Company complies with regulatory requirements and implements pollution prevention; reasonably utilizes resources and continuously improves the environment

Creative and innovative Cultivating new driving forces for development We attach great importance to technological innovation, continuously increase investment in R&D, cultivate innovative talents, improve product quality control system and customer service management system taking customer needs as the guide, and provide high- quality products and services, to continuously improve customer satisfaction, and create company value. Our Actions ? Technological Innovation Promotion ? Responsible Supply Chain Building ? Product Quality Control ? Customer Rights and Interests Protection ? Information Security Protection Responsive SDGsR&D talent

Number of R&D personnel by educational background
Bachelor's degree Person 642 702 794 Master's degree Person 56 66 75 Doctor Person 2 1 1
Number of R&D personnel by gender
Male Person 901 884 956 Female Person 230 241 270
Number of R&D personnel by age
R&D Centers 4

Collaborative R&D mechanism
Strategic Objectives for R&D
Collaborative R&D mechanism
Strategic Objectives for R&D

Innovation platform construction

For 12 consecutive years Approved and recognized as a national high-tech enterprise
ZK Teco
Open Lab
Engineering Experimental Center Encouraging R&D and innovationEngineering Experimental Center Encouraging R&D and innovationFocusing on advanced R&D, with innovation as the foundation, ZKTeco's R&D Experimental Center is dedicated to
The Company continuously improves its technology innovation incentive mechanism, formulates the "ZKTECO Patent
advancing technology R&D. It has more than 20 laboratories, including electronic laboratory, optical laboratory,
Application and Reward Measures", and further standardizes the management of technology rewards. Through various
communication laboratory, wireless laboratory, reliability laboratory, etc. It can conduct basic research from raw
incentive measures, the Company encourages employees to actively participate in R&D and innovation, improve the
materials, devices, single boards and complete machines, creating a systematic capability foundation.
Company's core competitiveness and market share, and achieve long-term development of the Company.The Guangdong Biometrics and Security Technology Engineering Technology Research Center is the only provincial-
We set up incentive policies such as project sprint incentives, patent bonuses, and project assessment bonuses to reward
level engineering center in the biometric industry in Guangdong Province. Relying on the talent team and research
and commend innovative projects and talents on a monthly or annual basis, maximizing employees' innovation
equipment of ZKTECO, the center accelerates the transformation of scientific research achievements into real
enthusiasm. In addition, we provide employees with salary standards that match their abilities, organize annual job
productivity with the goal of building a provincial-level first-class research platform for deep integration of biometrics
qualification evaluations, and determine their positions and salaries based on the results of ability evaluations.
by researching and developing key common technologies in the industry, thereby promoting industrial technological
Ecological innovation fund
progress. Participation in industry seminars
To build and improve the computer vision field, multi-dimensional perception smart terminals, scene interactive robots,

Core technological advantages
Participated in the Biometric Technology

Main R&D achievements Participation in industry standard developmentMain R&D achievements Participation in industry standard developmentZKTeco combines basic R&D of biometrics with application R&D. The Company was awarded the titles of "
Participating in the formulation of industry standards and norms can enable the Company to grasp the forefront of
Guangdong Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise" and "Guangdong Intellectual Property Demonstration
industry development direction and carry out technology development and product layout in advance. Since its
Enterprise" by the Guangdong IP Protection Association (GDIPPA) in 2018 and 2019, respectively. During the
establishment, the Company has been focused on the R&D of biometric technology, and is one of the main participants
reporting period, XIAMEN ZKTECO was awarded the title of "National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise".
in drafting and revising multiple technical standards and specifications in the industry.In the fields of facial feature, palm vein, palmprint, fingerprint and iris biometric technology and its applications,

Summary Table of Standards Formulated with Participation of ZKTeco in 2023
Participating social organizations
Intellectual property protection

quality of purchased materials, provide stable sources of goods, and improve the competitiveness of the Company's
Quantity Table of Suppliers of ZKTeco in 2023
Supplier assessment

the Company has conducted interviews or on-site coaching, and output the "Minutes of Supplier Quality Problem
Counseling Meeting". For suppliers who score last 5 in consecutive assessments, the Company has considered reducing
orders and eliminating them.
Supplier access
Supplier classification

Clean procurement
Supply Chain Security Management
Clean procurement
Supply Chain Security Management

embers Team me rce Execu pment Procure ger Mana ponsible Supp le procurementTeam me mbers Manager of tive Certific ment Depart ger Emergency re y Chainmbers Team m Material Quality ation ent sponse teamTeam mbers PMC anager
Providing high-quality products is the Company's unremitting pursuit. In order to establish and improve the quality
management system of ZKTeco, improve product quality, enhance the competitiveness of the enterprise in the
ZKTeco always adheres to the concept of sustainable development throughout the procurement management process.
international market, and elevate the Company's management level to a new level, we have prepared the "Quality
Before establishing a cooperative relationship with suppliers, both parties need to sign agreements such as the
Management Manual" as a guiding document for the Company to implement quality management, and carry out quality
"Environmental Protection Agreement", the "Commitment Letter for Non Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights",
planning, quality control and quality improvement activities following the principle of customer satisfaction, in
and the "Commitment Letter for Non Use of Hazardous Substances". In addition, before adding suppliers to the
accordance the "IS09001:2015 Quality Management System Requirements" and the "QC080000:2017 Hazardous
Company's "Qualified Supplier List", suppliers are required to provide the Environmental Compliance Declaration, the
Substance Process Management (HSPM) System Requirements" standards, and combined with the actual situation of the
Material Composition Declaration, and the Third-party Environmental Testing Report completed by laboratories with
ISO/IEC 17025 certification qualifications.

procurement process, the Company ensures that the source of materials is legal and compliant. In order to promote and
regulate the active fulfillment of corporate social responsibility by partners in the supply chain, we have signed a "CSR
Quality objectives Quality risk management
Quality objectives Quality risk management

Inspect and


before considering
Product Quality System Certificate(未完)