五 粮 液(000858):2023年度ESG报告

时间:2024年05月31日 19:35:52 中财网

原标题:五 粮 液:2023年度ESG报告

ESG Governance Communication with stakeholders
Based on its status, Wuliangye identifies categories of stakeholders, values their concerns, builds a regular communication mechanism with them,
and continuously improves its management level.
In the context of increasing global sustainable development risks and the accelerating pace of policy transitions in various countries, Wuliangye
has incorporated sustainable development into the whole process of production and operation. With ESG building as the starting point, the
Company has comprehensively enhanced its sustainable development capabilities by focusing on the three major themes of environmental
protection, social responsibilities, and corporate governance. Paying close attention to various stakeholders, Wuliangye has established and
Stakeholders Issues of concern Communication form
maintained a regular two-way communication mechanism, clarified stakeholders' needs, and continuously optimised the impact on various
stakeholders. At the same time, in order to enhance ESG level in a more targeted manner, the Company took topics as a starting point, upheld the
Tax payment according
principles of "Financial Materiality" and "Impact Materiality" to identify ESG material topics, and continuously improves ESG building methods
to laws;
and paths on the basis of these topics to ensure the Company's sustainable development.Compliant operation;
Anti-corruption; Stock exchanges meeting;
? ?
Governments and
Promotion of economic Government meeting;
? ?
Government visit
ESG concept
Increasing employment;
Climate action;
Rural revitalisation

Protection of minority
Shareholders and investors
shareholders' rights and
Responding to investor calls, emails, and online

Health and safety; Employee satisfaction surveys;
? ?
Career development; Interviews;

On-site visits;
Food safety;
Visitor reception;

Fair and equal
On-site visits;

Pollution prevention and
Various information disclosure platforms and reports;
Energy conservation and ?
The public
emission reduction;
Company official website, official account, etc.
Public welfare and
charity activities

Promoting the Programme of High-quality & Fast Growth to Reinforcing R&D and innovation to lead the industry
Enhance Development Momentum
Wuliangye made every effort to drive the programme of high-quality & fast growth to continuously enhance development momentum, and Wuliangye adheres to innovation-driven quality and expands brand influence and promotes the industry through the building of innovation
achieved milestones during the Reporting Period. platforms, technological R&D, and product innovation.
Promoting the Programme of High-quality & Fast Growth to Reinforcing R&D and innovation to lead the industry
Enhance Development Momentum
Wuliangye made every effort to drive the programme of high-quality & fast growth to continuously enhance development momentum, and Wuliangye adheres to innovation-driven quality and expands brand influence and promotes the industry through the building of innovation
achieved milestones during the Reporting Period. platforms, technological R&D, and product innovation.
Milestones of the programme of high-quality & fast growth

gateway for world-class Baijiu manufacturers was completed, The intra-station construction of the renovation project of the and the foundation of the commercial area was under
110-KV power transformation and distribution system was construction.completed. Persons million in RMB
2,576 322
The foundation construction of the project of the Chinese
Baijiu cultural sanctuary was in progress.

The production ceremony of the 100,000-tonne ecological distilling project (Phase I) under the Wuliangye's The 2023 Wuliangye Annual Conference of Innovation

All kinds of activities, such as quality training and education, the "Quality Month" series activities, and the building of QC teams, were carried The 48th ICQCC, on the theme of "Innovation and Vitality, Lighting up the Beauty of Quality", was held in Beijing in October out to strengthen product quality and safety, raise employees' awareness of product safety, constantly optimise production procedures, enhance the 2023, bringing together nearly 3,000 participants from around the world to showcase excellent projects of quality innovation and quality control system, and promote knowledge in compliance with the relevant national and regional laws and standards.training every year to further advocated and deployed by internal QC teams. Specifically, award--Gold Award--at the Presentation Contest.
consolidate the professional national authorities every year the QC teams consist of The 48th ICQCCknowledge and skills of full- by holding "Quality Month" employees from workshops time and part-time personnel activities every September. or workplaces who explore in food quality management corporate business strategies,
and the relevant positions, policies and objectives, and on-build a professional quality site problems to improve quality,
and continuously reinforce its economic benefits and propose food quality and safety. quality improvement solutions. The Company organised members of the HACCP team, procurement and acceptance personnel, detection personnel, full-time (part- time) food quality and safety managers, measurement managers, and standardisation managers to carry out training of professional knowledge, such as food quality and safety, detection and inspection, and measurement and effective raise the participants' awareness of quality and relevant skills.
The Company held the 2023 "Quality Month" in September 2023, on the theme of "Remaining True to the Original Aspirations for Quality and Distilling Harmony with Wuliangye", to raise all employees' awareness of quality and effectively improve its overall quality control. The Company Implemented the Publicity, Training, and Competition of Liquor Quality Skills--Written and Practical AssessmentsPracticing green procurement for sustainable ecologyPracticing green procurement for sustainable ecology
supplier access.
The latest standards and requirements of the state,

In order to help strategic partners guaranteeing stable supply and farmers understand and master the quality standards of raw grain enterprises with customised bases, testing procedures and practical skills, and properly conduct preliminary quality control during raw grain collection and storage, the Company organised two sessions of "Training in Standards for Raw Grain Enterprises with Conducting supplier training to improve supplier service Customised Bases in Districts and Counties in Yibin in 2023" in July 2023, benefiting more than 230 suppliers and farmers.The Company organised sessions of training and exchanges
? 14
Training in Standards for Raw Grain Enterprises

The Company held the "Wuliangye Lecture" activity, during which Professor Zhang Bin, following the Guidelines of the 20th CPC

the community-level Party organisations of
Demonstration Training Session for Excellent Secretaries of Primary-level Party Wuliangye.
Final of the "Party Lecture Starts" Open Class & "Micro Party Lecture by Party Branch Secretaries" Arena Contest in Yibin
Perfection of corporate governance and improvement of governance efficiency Structure Chart of the Company
The Company has established a corporate governance structure with the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors, the
General Meeting of Shareholders
Supervisory Committee and the General Managers' Office Meeting as the core, and has formulated a number of policy documents such as the
Articles of Association, the Rules of Procedure for the General Meeting of shareholders, the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors, the
Rules of Procedure for the Supervisory Committee, and the Rules of Procedure for the General Managers' Office Meeting to clarify the functions,
powers and obligations of the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, and the Management, ensure

   Financial Management Department Strategy Development Department     Security Department Safety Production Supervision DepartmentLogistics Service CentreDepartmentEnergy and Environmental Protection Management Department Investment and Technical RenovationInternational Cooperation Department Energy and Environmental ProtectionTechnology Research Centre International Cooperation DepartmentSupplies Procurement CentrePersonnel Education & Training CentreInformation Management Centre Personnel Education & Training CentreWuliangye Personnel Management CentreConvergence Media Centre Wuliangye Personnel Management CentreDesign Centre Quality Management DepartmentQuality Testing CentreWuliangye Brand Project DepartmentMarket Management Department Wuliangye Brand Project Department