
时间:2024年06月03日 15:56:26 中财网


The Development of DBN
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
On December 28, two people with The DBN Expert Committee headed by DBN brought forward the strategy of "complementary Jiangxi Taihe DBN was Taihe DBN was rated Funds were raised to establish The DBN Agricultural Science Research
RMB 20,000 founded DBN at two Professor Yang Sheng, a well-known advantages for a famous brand" and rolled out entrusted and Beijing Kegao as a local benchmark- the Agricultural Research Award Institute was established
offices animal nutrition expert, and consisting cooperation nationwide DBN was founded setting company Fund (now the DBN Science
We funded the China Farmers University
of another 14 professionals and and Technology Award) that
The DBN culture system was created
The first DBN Science and Technology
scholars was established rewarded researchers who
The DBN Scholarship was established in five Award ceremony was held in Beijingcontributed to agricultural
agricultural colleges and universities nationwide
science and technology
2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001
DBN was recognized as the National Certified Corporate Technology Center In 2004 and 2005, DBN The Expert
Dr. Shao was selected DBN was rated as the National DBN (Beijing) Science and by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of was rated as one of Committee of the
as one of the Top 10 Key Enterprise in Agricultural Technology Park in Huairou, Beijing Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology, etc the Zhongguancun Top DBN Plant Fund Outstanding Entrepreneurs Commercialization by the Ministry was built20 Enterprises for two was established
in Zhongguancun of Agriculture, the Ministry of
DBN was approved to establish the postdoctoral research center at the consecutive years
Finance, and other ministries
Haidian Zone of Zhongguancun Science Park
The DBN Science and Technology Award was registered as a corporate sci-tech award in the Ministry of Science and Technology and was officially included in the national science and technology award system2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Dabeinong Group was DBN was shortlisted for the second batch of "Pilot Innovative Enterprises" by the Ministry of Science and Dr. Shao Genhuo was awarded among the Top 10 DBN was listed on Shenzhen Stock The DBN Love Fund was established
restructured and officially Technology, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, Economic Figures for promoting the development of Exchange (stock code: 002385)
The DBN Science and Technology
renamed as Beijing Dabeinong and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions the feed industry in the past three decades of reform
DBN was approved to set up the DBN Award was qualified to recommend Technology Group Co., Ltd and opening up
DBN was named the Pilot Innovative Enterprise at Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park by Academician and Expert Work Center technological achievements for national
The DBN Party Branch was the Beijing Municipal People's Government, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Chinese DBN was jointly rated as the National Innovative awards, the only private enterprise with
established Academy of Sciences Enterprise by the Ministry of Science and the qualification to directly nominate the
Technology, the State-owned Assets Supervision national science and technology awardDr. Shao Genhuo, Chairman of DBN, was recognized as one of the Zhongguancun Top 20 New Leadersand Administration Commission of the State Council,
DBN donated cash and medicine worth RMB 5.35 million to the Sichuan earthquake-stricken areaand the All-China Federation of Trade Unions
2017 2013 2012
2016 2015 2014
General Secretary Xi Jinping and other CPC Politburo comrades visited Zhongguancun to inspect the The Company launched a new
DBN (Wuhan)
DBN and Renmin University of DBN was shortlisted into DBN was awarded the honorary development of strategic emerging industries, and Dr. Shao Genhuo, a leader in agricultural technology model of "business wealth
Science Park and
China jointly established the China the first batch of National title of 2013 Poverty Alleviation innovation, made a presentation about the frontier development of agricultural biotechnology and the latest community" and worked with
DBN (Daxing)
Anti-poverty Research Institute Demonstration Bases for Ambassadorscientific and technological innovation achievements of DBN to Xi Jinping and his colleagues business partners for common
Science Park were
Agricultural Science and
Dr. Shao Genhuo was selected DBN won the honorary title of developmentAccompanied by Han Changbin, former Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and Zhang Laiwu, former Vice
Technology Innovation
as a leading entrepreneur of Beijing Excellent Academician
Minister of Science and Technology, Wang Yang, then Vice Premier of the People's Republic of China and a
and Integration
Zhongguancun High-end Leading and Expert Work Center
member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, inspected the Jinse
Talents Gathering Project
Nonghua seed research base to understand the development of modern seed industryThe Party Committee of DBN was established, and Dr. Shao was elected as the first Party Secretary2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Dr. Shao Genhuo was appointed as the Honorary President of Shanxi Agricultural DBN (Bohai) Science and Technology Park was DBN Phoenix Accompanied by Yu Kangzhen, The Party Committee of DBN signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the
inaugurated International Counselor of the State Council DBN won the title of Beijing Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Innovation Park and former Vice Minister of Advanced Community-level Party Cai Qi, then member of the Political Bureau of DBN ranked tenth in the 2021 evaluation of national The Dabeinong Branch of the Party School of the Beijing Association for Science
started construction the Ministry of Agriculture and Organizationthe CPC Central Committee and Secretary of the corporate technology centers by the National and Technology was inaugurated as the first branch of the Beijing Association for
in Zhongguancun Rural Affairs, the then Vice
Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Li Jiheng, The first primary school sponsored Development and Reform Commission Science and Technology


“Three-route development of three hundred personnel”aims to encourage 100 company key personnel to join the CPC, support 100 CPC members to become company key personnel, and empower 100 technical key personnel to become experts in their field. The campaign strengthens the CPC member talent team and enables Party members to play a leading role. So far, a total of 43 company key personnel have joined the CPC, 74 CPC members have been promoted as company key personnel, and 37 technical key personnel have gained the title of experts. More than 70% of middle and senior managers are CPC members, with the Party Committee and the board sharing the same group of members. The Company has shaped a pattern of “two structures but one core team” for Party building and corporate management.
Through the selection of top10 Party members, pioneering female entrepreneurs, worker models, and young entrepreneur models, we encourage employees to do their best in production and business operation, stimulate the vitality of party members, and develop the dynamics where everyone learns from the best to give play to the leading role of Party members.
As required in the building of corporate culture, the Party Committee carries out activities such as raising the national flag once a week, singing the national anthem at official meetings, and organizing Party members and cadres to receive training at revolutionary bases to integrate the CPC culture into the culture of DBN Group. At the same time, we improve the evaluation system, implement credit-based management of Party members, and establish multiple training platforms such as the group’s intranet, Party building official account, and Party member chat groups.●
The crop science and technology industry held more than

Nearly 660,000 customers received seed business services
8,750 visits

We take the lead in the establishment of the “Protein Feed Biomanufacturing Innovation Consortium”, which engages 110
member enterprises

● ●
1,831,970.99 tons of CO e Scope 1 GHC emissions 311 tons medical waste emissions2
● ●
271,982.73 tons of CO e Scope 2 GHC emissions 3,450,000 tons total waste water emissions2
ESG Highlight ● ●
2,103,953.72 tons of CO e total GHG emissions 40,793 tons COD reduction2
● ●
69,755.48 tce total energy consumption 2,718 tons reduction of ammonia nitrogenEnhancing Industrial Competitiveness

Building a Happy Family
Revenue of crop technology business reaches RMB 1.405 billion, year-on-year increases 48.84%, seed sales of crop

Revenue of feed technology business reaches RMB 24.02 billion, year-on-year increase 7.76%, nearly 100 production bases ● ●
18,465 employees in total 20 full-time safety personnel
have been established for the feed technology business nationwide, and more than 10 million tons of production capacity in
the feed technology business
● ●
4,567 female employees RMB 160,000 invested in safety facility improvement●
Revenue of pig farming business reaches RMB 5.702 billion, year-on-year increases 4.31%, 6.0487 million pigs put to market
● ●
100% labor contract signing rate 459 female employees entitled to maternity leaveby the pig farming business’s holding and share holding and participating enterprises● ●
100% social insurance coverage rate 203 employees have paternity leaveFostering the Driving Force of Scientific and Technological Innovation● ●
9.32% employee promotion rate 140 children of employees won the DBN Scholarship for College Entrance Examination and Unified National
● ●
2 state-level laboratories 4 subsidiaries under the national seed industry matrix● Graduate Entrance Examination and RMB 406,000
RMB 19,005,000 invested in training in 2023
scholarship granted
● ●
4 key corporate laboratories certified by the Ministry of The Company had 2,991 R&D personnel, R&D personnel
● ●
Agriculture and Rural Affairs accounted for 16.2%
More than 270,000 training hours in total DBN Love Fund funded employees with RMB 2.56 million ● ●
13 other provincial and ministerial R&D platforms R&D investment reaches RMB 834 million and accounted

● ●
147,000 trainees covered DBN Scholarship awarded 619 students RMB 1.138 for 2.50% to operating costs
● ●
30 national high-tech subsidiaries 21 intellectual property protection activities held, covering
● ●
12 health and safety training DBN Fellowship awarded 201 teachers RMB 250,000 about 2,100 participants


ESG Management
ESG management effectiveness
DBN has explored a new and green sustainable development path over the past 30 years, which resulted in the alignment of In 2023, DBN further strengthened its ESG management by formulating and implementing normative systems and guidance
ecological, economic, and social benefits, and created a new round of revolution in the agricultural industry. We make the full manuals, dynamically identifying and controlling ESG risks and opportunities in production and operation, and establishing an
integration of CSR fulfillment and business operations into corporate development strategy with proactive actions, contributing to efficient coordination, communication, and decision-making mechanism. The Company conducted a series of training to enhance
China’s strength in agriculture at a faster pace. its sustainability management and strengthened employees’ awareness of sustainable development. Employees are inspired to
work and live more sustainably and group their ideas and forces to promote sustainability management in all processes.
ESG management structure
Developing the DBN ESG Systems
To standardize the ESG work processes, we have developed the DBN ESG Systems and the DBN ESG Manual. They cover the
In 2023, DBN established the Strategy and ESG Committee under the Board of Directors, with the chairman serving as
Company’s strategic goals at the economic, environmental, and social levels and detail implementation strategies, monitoring,
the managing director to coordinate ESG-related matters. The committee aims to improve our environmental, social, and
and evaluation mechanisms to ensure our sustained progress in various fields. The implementation of sustainability systems
governance (ESG) performance and enhance core competitiveness and sustainability capabilities.and the manual promotes the implementation of various sustainability measures in a more orderly manner and will achieve
harmonious coexistence and common prosperity of the economy, environment, and society in the future.

Plans for China Animal Husbandry Industry

Gove re Sh and E Cu Indu p En Co t and rsLaw-abiding and compliant operation Support for industrial development Taxation according to laws Improving corporate governance Preventing business risks Protecting the rights of investors Protection of basic rights Employee career development Employee care Occupational health and safety Product service quality Protection of legal rights Better customer service Win-win cooperation Compliance with industry norms Business ethics Reducing pollution Addressing climate change Protecting water resources Ecological protection Common prosperity Charity Community developmentContinuously strengthening enterprise compliance management Responding to national policies Paying tax proactively Profit distribution Improvement of risk management The General Meeting of Shareholders Periodic report SZSE Easy Interaction platform Roadshow Performance briefing A competitive salary system Featured employee benefits Various forms of incentives Training & exchanges and provision of promotion channels Optimizing the product quality management system Improving product after-sales service Providing agricultural technology services Meeting the diverse needs of consumers Building a responsible supply chain “Company + eco-farm “mode Distribution Partners Meeting Distribution Partners survey Career wealth community Carbon inventory and verification Energy conservation and emission reduction Integration of planting and breeding Excrement recycling Environmental information and risk disclosure Industrial assistance Donation Volunteer activities Launch of charitable projects

In terms of hybrid corn business, DBN’s subsidiaries Beijing Fengdo High-Tech Seed Industry Co., Ltd., Sichuan Chuandan
Seed Industry Co., Ltd., and Yunnan Datian Seed Co., Ltd. leverage their respective advantages to promote Nonghua 803,
Chuandan 99, and Luodan 297 corn varieties and foster new growth drivers. They advance scientific research, production, and
Business development
marketing. In 2023, Beijing Fengdo High-Tech Seed Industry Co., Ltd, was recognized as a specialized and sophisticated SME
in Beijing.
DBN’s crop technology business covers corn seeds, rice seeds, soybean seeds, biotechnology, seeds of commercial crops,
and seed gene editing. Considering seed demand in the medium and long run brought by corn, rice, soybean, and vegetable (未完)