
时间:2024年06月06日 17:35:35 中财网


About This Report Report Introduction Compilation Basis This report is the ?rst Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) This report is compiled in accordance with the Shenzhen Stock report released by Changzhou Evergreen Technology Co., Ltd. (here- Exchange's Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listed Company Self-Regula- inafter referred to as "Evergreen Technology," "the Company," "we," tion Guidelines No. 1 - Standard Operation and Listed Company etc.). It aims to provide regular and systematic disclosure to stake- Social Responsibility Guidelines, as well as referencing the Interna- holders such as shareholders and investors, local governments and tional Organization for Standardization's Guidance on Social Governance Section Environmental Section 27 Social Section 4113
About Evergreen Technology
Responsibility as the Foundation Practicing Environmental Protection Creating the Future Together03
Company Pro?le
Constructing a New Corporate Order Pursuing Sustainable Development Embracing Social ResponsibilityPursuing Excellent Quality
Corporate Governance Deepening Green Management 29
15 43
Development Milestones
Optimizing Resource Utilization
ESG Governance 17 33 Building a Happy Workplace 52
Corporate Culture
Waste Management Collaborating with Partners to
Business Ethics and Anti 21 36 64
Achieve Mutual Success
Major Achievements 09
Addressing Climate Change
and ESG Highlights of 2023
Information Security
Key Performance
Index Table 80
Reader Feedback Form 83
Environmental, Social and Governance Report Chairman's AddressChairman's Address

Marching triumphantly and seizing opportunities as they arise.Evergreen Technology, as a leading domestic provider of light-
After decades of highs and lows, every step forward made by Evergreen cannot be separated from the care and assistance
weight “sandwich” composite materials, is always committed to providing lightweight, energy-e?cient, environmentally friendly, safe,
of lifelong friends, from the encouragement and guidance of industry experts, and most importantly, with the trust and
reliable, and comfortable composite products for applications such as rail transit and architectural decoration. Deeply aligned with
support of our customers. Evergreen will always be grateful to you, and with you Evergreen will shine even brighter!

national strategies like "carbon peak and carbon neutrality" and "new infrastructure," we always adhere to the corporate culture of
"Loyalty, Diligence, Dedication, and Caring" We prioritize both social and economic bene?ts, insisting on the integration of social and
economic responsibilities, and steadily moving towards our vision of becoming a globally leading and excellent enterprise!

2023 is the ?rst year of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Under
the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, Evergreen Technology bears in mind its origi-
nal aspiration and mission, unswervingly promotes the development of manufacturing, and strives to become a global leader in the
high-quality manufacturing of lightweight "sandwich" composite materials. We seize the opportunities of the times, strive to explore
high-quality development paths, and make positive contributions to promoting the progress of the composite material industry and
the sustainable development of society.

Corporate Governance 15 Governance Section ESG Governance 17 Business Ethics and Anti-corruption 21 Information Safety 25 Benchmarking against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 01Responsibility
as the Foundation
The Chairman of the Company is Establishing and continuously Constructing a New Corporate Order
female, with women comprising improving the ESG management
of the board of directors. framework, with the board of direc-This brings diverse perspectives tors as the highest decision-making the highest decision-making the highest decision-making
and experiences to the Company's body for ESG mattersbody for ESG mattersbody for ESG matters. The Strategy
decision-making process, demon- Committee assists the board of strating the Company's commit- directors in formulating and super-ment to gender equality and diver- vising ESG strategies.
Inviting various stakeholders to Directors, supervisors and senior participate in substantive issue executives participated in training surveys, resulting in the collection a total of 18 times, with a total of of questionnaires. After anal- 116 participants and a cumulative Key Issues
ysis, materiality matrix were drawn. duration of hours.Compliance Governance Anti-corruption Business Ethics

The Company strictly adheres to the requirements of relevant laws, regulations, and normative documents such as the Company Law
Evergreen Technology considers board diversity as a key factor in enhancing board e?ciency, maintaining competitive advantage,
of the People's Republic of China, the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Guidelines for Corporate Governance
and supporting sustainable development. To promote board diversity, the Company comprehensively considers various factors when
of Listed Companies. We have established and improved the Company's Articles of Association, the Independent Director System, and
screening board candidates, such as professional experience, skills, knowledge, gender, age, cultural background, ethnicity, and years
internal control regulations, in accordance with legal requirements. Continuously enhancing the corporate governance structure
of service, to build a diverse board structure. Currently, the board members possess expertise in various ?elds including economics,
ensures the establishment of a clear and e?cient corporate governance mechanism with clear responsibilities and powers.
law, accounting, etc. Several directors also hold the European Adhesive Specialist (EAS) certi?cate. As of the end of the reporting
period, the chairperson of the board is female, the board consists of 9 members including 3 independent directors, with women com-

Evergreen Technology continuously improves its governance system to enhance governance standards, ensuring stable operations
and high-quality development. The Company has established a governance structure centered around the shareholders' meeting, the

tee and the Strategy Committee - to standardize corporate governance and strengthen daily operational management and deci-
sion-making on major matters. The management team strictly implements the resolutions of the board of directors, striving to achieve
Evergreen Technology, guided by investor demands, has established the Information Disclosure Management System and the Investor
annual production and operational goals and enhance lean management while optimizing the industrial structure. Each governance
Relations Management System. These systems clearly de?ne the scope of information disclosure, the process for external information
entity of the Company has clear division of responsibilities and boundaries, operates independently, collaborates, and checks and
submission, and con?dentiality measures to ensure the authenticity, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of company information
balances each other.
disclosure. To establish e?ective communication channels with investors and potential investors, the Company has not only set up an
investor relations management section on its corporate website but also receives and promptly responds to investor inquiries and
During the reporting period, the Company held a total of 4 shareholders' meetings, 10 board meetings, and 9 supervisory board meet-
suggestions via email and the Interactive Easy platform. Additionally, the Company has established dedicated investor consultation
ings. The various special committees held a total of 10 meetings, and the independent directors held 1 special meeting. A total of 123
telephone and fax lines to facilitate investor inquiries, safeguard investor rights, and enhance good relations with investors.
proposals were deliberated, reviewing, deciding on, and approving matters related to the company's operations and development.
During the reporting period, the Company disclosed a total of 41 announcements, all of which were truthful, accurate, and complete,

 times 10 board meetingstimes 9 supervisory board meetingstimes 10 special committees meetingstimes 1 independent directors special meeting

Environmental, Social and Governance Report Governance Section
Evergreen Technology adheres to sustainable development as its core, dedicated to promoting the healthy development of society.
The long-term sustainable development of Evergreen Technology relies on the trust and support of stakeholders. The Company has
We continuously explore and improve the Company's Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) system, gradually enhancing its
identi?ed key stakeholders including shareholders and investors, government and regulatory agencies, customers, employees, suppli-
ESG governance level, and actively responding to the expectations of various stakeholders, working together to create a better future.
ers, industry partners, and communities. In order to understand and respond to the needs of various stakeholders in a timely manner,
the Company actively communicates with them through various channels, taking their opinions and demands as driving forces for
continuous improvement of ESG management.。

During the current year, the Company has identi?ed important stakeholders that interact with its operations, and speci?c communica-
Evergreen Technology attaches great importance to ESG governance and continuously improves the Company's ESG management
tion matters and channels are outlined in the table below:
framework and operating mechanisms. The Company clari?es the responsibilities of the board of directors and the Strategy Commit-
tee in ESG governance, establishing the board of directors as the highest decision-making body for ESG, with the Strategy Committee

Government and regulators Paying taxes in accordance with the law Drive employment Comply with the business Promote economic development Undertake social responsibility Disclosure of information Daily communication and reporting Co-operation with regulatory bodies for veri?cation Participation in government research activities Policy implementation Visits and research Issuance of compliance certi?cates
Environmental, Social and Governance Report Governance SectionResponse and

Suppliers Maintain long-term good co-operation Procurement is fair and transparent Procurement with integrity Compliance with business ethics Develop procurement management practice Open and fair bidding Supplier vetting Daily communication Visit and research  
      Moderately material issues Highly material issues Product Safety and Quality Occupational Health and Safety Product Eco-Friendly R&D Innovation Employee Rights and Bene?ts Business Ethics Compliance & Governance Talent Training and Development Industry Promotion Anti-Corruption Waste Management Talent Attraction and Retention Responsible Sourcing Tax Transparency Community Communication Intellectual Property Protection Public Welfare Donation Energy Management Combating Climate Change Greenhouse Gas Emissions Employee Diversity Biodiversity Conservation Low level material issues
Industry Partners Mutually Bene?cial and Win-Win Open communication channels Promote the development of the industry Active association activities Participation in industry conferences  