
时间:2024年06月06日 19:07:11 中财网


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Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report
Address: 100 meters west of the intersection of Kegong Road and Wenbo Road, Huling High-tech Zone, Jiyuan City, Henan Province, ChinaEnhancing Party Development 29 Priority on Safety, Safeguarding 73Table of Contents
to Strengthen the Foundations Occupational Health
Safety Management 75
of Growth
Emergency Preparedness 77
Strengthening Party Building to Consolidate
Occupational Health 79
Development Foundations 31
Safety Education 79
Governance through the General Meeting of
Shareholders, Board of Directors, and Board
of Supervisors 34
Risk Control and Management 36
Business Ethics 37
Rights and Interests of Shareholders 39
About This Report 03 Glance at Qingshuiyuan 09
Company Pro?le 11
Message from the Chairman 05 Corporate Culture 11
Low-carbon Environmental Pr- 41 People Orientation, 81
Milestones in 2023 11
otection, Building a Greener Creating a Ful?lling Workplace
Performance in 2023 07 Company Structure 12
Compliant Employment 83
Future Together
Milestones 13
Employee Rights and Interests 85
Environmental Management 43
Honors 15
Employee Empowerment 87
Management of Environmental Risks 45
Sustainable Development Management 17
Employee Care 89
Resource Management 50
Compliant Discharge 52
Actions against Climate Change 55
Promotion of Environmental Awareness 55
Future Prospects 97 Topic: 19
Professional Eminence, Painting
Commitment to Integrity and 57 Heartfelt Passion, 91
Annex 99
the Ecological Pictures Together
Indexes 99
Innovation, Crafting Superior Fostering Shared Prosperity
Industrial Water Treatment 20
Feedback Form 101
Rural Revitalization 93
Ecological Conservation 24
Contribution to Education 94
Scienti?c and Technological Innovation 59
Charitable Fundraising
Product Quality 65
Lawful Tax Payment 95
Customer Service
Volunteer Services 96
Supplier Management 70
Public Welfare Outlook 96
About This Report
Organization Scope and Appellation Description
This is the second Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report issued by Henan Qingshuiyuan Technology Co., This report covers Henan Qingshuiyuan Technology Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries. The scope of this report is consistent
Ltd. (“the Company”), with a focus on disclosing the Company's environmental, social, and governance philosophies, with that of the Company's Annual Report. For the ease of expression and readability, “Henan Qingshuiyuan Technology
practices and achievements in 2023. This report informs stakeholders about the operations of the Company, aiding share- Co., Ltd.” is also referred to as “Qingshuiyuan”, “the Company” or “we” in this report. Furthermore, the “country” and
holders, partners, employees, and the general public in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the Company. “government” in this report refer to the People's Republic of China and its administrative agencies.
Company Name Abbreviation
Henan Qingshuiyuan Technology Co., Ltd. Qingshuiyuan, the Company or weHenan Tongsheng Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. Tongsheng EnvironmentalReporting Period
Shaanxi Ande Technological Industry Co., Ltd. Ande Technology or Shaanxi AndeJiyuan Qingyuan Water Treatment Co., Ltd. Qingyuan Water TreatmentThis report covers the period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. To enhance the readability of this report, some
statements and data may be appropriately referred to previous years or extended beyond the Reporting Period. H2Q INC H2Q
Jiyuan Siweida Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. SiweidaHenan Shuiyunzong Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd. ShuiyunzongQingshuiyuan (Shanghai) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. Qingshuiyuan ShanghaiPreparation Basis
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
China National Standardization Administration Committee (CNSA) Guidelines for Preparing Social Responsibility Reports
Data Sources and Reliability Assurance
(GB/T 36001-2015)
Guidelines on China' s Corpora te Social Responsibility Report issued bs (CASS-ESG 5.0) y the Chinese Academy of Social
The data disclosed in this report are all sourced from public information, internal documents, and statistics from relevant
Sciences (CASS)
functional departments of the Company. This report doesn't contain any false records, misleading statements, or material
GRI Sus tainability Reporting S issuedtandards (GRI Standards) by the Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB)
Shenzhen Stock Exchange Guidelines NO. 2 Self-regulation for Companies Listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange-Standard
ized Operation of Companies Listed on GEM
Access to this Report
You may access and download the electronic version of this report at the websites of Shenzhen Stock Exchange (http://ww-
w.szse.cn) or Henan Qingshuiyuan Technology Co., Ltd. (http://www.qywt.com.cn) to learn more information about Qings-
Message from the Chairman
In an environment brimming with changes and challenges, we must Looking back on the year, we adhered to green, intelligent and e?cient development, promoted industrial innovation with
strive vigorously and positively to achieve better results or accom- scienti?c and technological innovation, and shaped new momentum and advantages for high-quality development. Fur-
plish our goals. thermore, we continuously advanced the construction of the Qingshui Fine Chemical Industrial Park, deepening coopera-
tion between industry, academia, and research institutions, and made breakthroughs in the construction of scienti?c
2023 was the ?rst year for us to fully implement the guiding princi- research projects and the development of new products. Our e?orts were intensi?ed in building a talent pool, implement-
ples of the 20th CPC National Congress, and also a year when we ing democratic decision-making for management teams and business objectives, and promoting health initiatives for all
faced numerous challenges and forged ahead with determination. employees. We also actively practiced social responsibility, closely followed the national strategy of rural revitalization,
In the year, we made concerted e?orts, tackled di?culties, e?cient- organized public welfare donations, community services and equipment donations, and promoted social development
ly coordinated and sustained our actions, and achieved signi?cant with practical actions, making a contribution to building the community of a shared future for mankind.
improvements in ?elds of Party building leadership, business devel-opment, safety production, project construction, scienti?c research The year 2024, marking the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China, is a critical year for us to steadfastly improve
innovation, transparent bidding and procurement, revenue increase operational management quality and e?ciency, enhance performance, and accelerate development. We will continue to
and expenditure reduction, enhancement of corporate culture, and uphold the core philosophy of “being a centurial enterprise bene?ting the society and serving the world”, promote the
ful?llment of social responsibilities. deep integration of Party building with production and operation, and unwaveringly adhere to the principles of legality
and compliance. Taking the investor as the foundation, we will e?ectively protect the interests of small and medium-sized
investors, emphasize actual performance, strengthen the responsibility, abide by the bottom line, and promote the sus-
tainable improvement of our corporate governance level as a listed company.Steadfastly committed to the unswerving development of science and technology, we will focus on innovating the envi-
ronmental protection industry chain centered around water. Emphasizing our core business, our e?orts will be directed
towards driving forward the construction of research platforms, facilitating the application and translation of research
?ndings, and nurturing the development of key talent. With the in-depth implementation of the strategy of enhancing cor-
porate strength with talents, our aim is to establish a robust and high-quality talent pool to fortify the foundation of our
growth. By expanding and deepening cooperation and exchange with scienti?c research institutes, colleges and universi-
ties, we seek to create an innovative pattern of integration between industry, academia, research institutions, and the
application of research results.
We will pursue high-quality development, uphold altruistic sentiments, and actively explore the construction of a new
ecology that help us achieve mutual assistance and cooperation with all stakeholders. Learning from excellent ESG gover-
nance practices of peers, we aim to unite stakeholders, foster innovation, and prioritize both economic and social impact.
Our focus is on balancing the value of society, investors, employees, and customers, actively taking on social responsibili-
ties, emphasizing environmental preservation and sustainable development, integrating ESG governance into our busi-
ness operations and growth strategies, and enhancing our competitiveness in the industry.Hard work in spring brings early fruits, while diligence yields results in autumn. Embracing the vibrant and verdant year of
2024, we will anchor our goals, activate the “accelerator button” for innovative development, promote quality with inno-
vation, move towards new directions, continuously open up new paths, shape new advantages, and cultivate and develop
new productive forces. Together with our extensive network of partners and investors, we endeavor to promote mutual
growth and strive towards a shared and prosperous future. Our commitment lies in contributing as a vital force in the pur-
suit of China's modernization.
Henan Qingshuiyuan Technology Co., Ltd.
Chairman & President: Wang Zhiqing


Company Structure Company Pro?le
Honors Most In?uential Brand in the Ind- Advanced Primary-Level Party 2022 Advanced Enterprise in Con- Outstanding Private Enterprise in Civilized Unit in Jiyuan Demonst- ustry - Henan Qingshuiyuan Tech- Organizations of Jiyuan Dem- Outstanding Party Branch in 2022 tribution to Economic Developm- Jiyuan Demonstration Zone ration Zone nology Co., Ltd. onstration Zone ent Advanced Unit in “Thousands of May 4th Red Flag Youth League 2022 Advanced Enterprise in High Member of Henan Environmental Advanced Unit in Donation for Caring Enterprise for Justice and Enterprises Prosper Thousands Committee of Jiyuan Demonst- -Quality Industrial Development Federation Education Courage of Villages” Campaign ration Zone
Investors and ShareholdersEnhancement of Protection of Risk Management Shareholders’ Rights and Interests Fair Access to InformationImprovement of Enhancement of Internal Control Communication with Investors Timely Information Disclosure     
SuppliersFair and Open Integrity and Reciprocity Procurement Contributing to Industry DevelopmentWin-win cooperation Participation in the Development of Open and Transparent Industry Standards Procurement Mechanisms     
CustomersSatisfaction with Assurance of Diverse Demands Product Quality Supply of High-Quality ServiceGuarantee for Improvement of Product Supply Service Quality Emphasis on Quality Supervision Mechanisms     
Media and PublicInformation Disclosure Good Media RelationsResponse to Media Organization of Inquiries Open Day Events     
Social OrganizationsFocus on Community Co-building of Harmon- Development ious CommunitiesEngagement in Participation in Public Welfare Activities Community Building     
EmployeesCompensation and Health and safety bene?ts Training and Develo- Democratic Governance pmentRe?ning compensat- Sound Training and ion and bene?ts packages Development System Protection of Emplo- Organization of Emp- yee Health and Safety loyee Activities     
     Governmental or Regulatory AgenciesLawful tax payment Compliant operation Facilitating economic growthResponse to Govern- Enhancement of ment Calls Government-Enterp- Compliance with Relevant rise Communication Laws and Regulations
Higher Education Institutions and Research InstitutesInitiation of Technical Provision of Employ- Exchanges ment OpportunitiesImprovement of School- Organization of Enterprise Cooperation Campus Job Fairs     


Intelligent Service of Shuiyunzong Treatment and Resource Utilization of Complex Industrial Wa-stewater
Seizing the opportunity of the new round of technological development, the Company is committed to transforming from The Company has grasped the industry's technological bottlenecks, overcome key technical challenges, and formed a
a production-oriented enterprise to a modern environmental protection intelligent service provider. Based on nearly technical and equipment system including advanced oxidation, e?cient oil-water separation, e?cient biochemistry,
thirty years of service experience in the water treatment industry, the Company independently developed the Shuiyun- membrane application, salt separation, and zero discharge. Additionally, in combination with some softening pretreat-
zong Industrial Internet platform - Water Treatment Intelligent Service System which integrates sensor technology, arti?- ment technologies, we produce salt solids with extremely low moisture content and package them for external delivery,
cial intelligence technology, and the Internet technology to solve problems encountered in the production and service achieving true “zero discharge” of wastewater. The Company mainly provides technical consultation, process design, envi-
processes. ronmental protection equipment, engineering construction, and commissioning operation solutions for industries such as
petrochemicals, coal chemicals, electricity, iron and steel, coking, and non-ferrous metal smelting.

Non-ferrous metal smelting Zero Discharge of Desulfuriz- Third-party Operation of In- The Water Treatment Intelligent Service System is based on online water quality monitoring sensors, intelligent terminal ation Wastewater from Pow- dustri-al Wastewater Treat- equipment for water treatment, cloud service modules, and intelligent operation systems. In a service mode of “back-end er Plants ment Facilities system + on-site hardware equipment + operation and maintenance team control and management”, it achieves online monitoring of industrial water treatment systems, intelligent dosing, network transmission, abnormal alarm, and remote Demineralized Water control, helping customers improve quality and e?ciency and achieve energy conservation and emission reduction. The Shuiyunzong Industrial Internet Platform can be widely applied across various industries. There are potentially hundreds of thousands of users among enterprises above the designated size in China, providing a market opportunity of hundreds of billions yuan for intelligent water treatment services. EPC Projects for Desalinated Water Stations and Backup Sys-Wastewater Treatment Ecological Conservation
Sewage Treatment Plants Small and Medium-Sized Sewage Treatment for Villages and Towns Targeting small and medium-sized domestic wastewater treatment markets such as towns, schools, communities, hospi- tals, and tourist destinations, the Company, through independent development and introduction of advanced foreign technologies, has developed an integrated technology and equipment system consisting of three series: QSYB Improved Oxidation Ditch, QSY-DMB Dual-Membrane Bioreactor, and QSY-MABR Membrane Aeration Bio-reactor, aiming to lead the transformation of low-cost operation in small and medium-sized domestic wastewater treatment. Part of New Integration Projects Jinkai Synthetic Ammonia Sewage Treatment Plant Industrial Cluster Sewage Treatment Plant in Luyi County with an Annual Capacity of Millions Tons (Treatment Capacity: 20,000 tons/day) (Treatment Capacity: 20,000 tons/day) Integration Project in Yuyang Village, Sili Town Integration Project in Gaozhuang Village, Sili Town (Treatment capacity: 100 m3/d) (Treatment Capacity: 90 m3/d) Shizhuang Sewage Treatment Plant in Ruzhou City Second Sewage Treatment Plant (Treatment Capacity: 25,000 tons/day) in Yichuan County, Luoyang City (Treatment Capacity: 20,000 tons/day) Integration Project in Zhang Village, Sili Town Integration Project in Xiashenmiao Village, Sili Town(Treatment Capacity: 30,000 tons/day) (Treatment Capacity: 30,000 tons/day)(Treatment Capacity 50 m3/d) (Treatment Capacity 50 m3/d)
Ecological Restoration
Adhering to the development philosophy of protecting the ecological environment, the Company utilizes business advan-
tages to continuously promote ecological protection work, undertaking various ecological environmental projects such as
river channel governance, wetland oxidation ponds, and landscape construction.

of Tongsheng grasps the new development stage, implements the new devel- registered Party members, including 36 formal opment philosophy, and constructs a new development pattern, members and 17 probationary members. Addi- consistently guiding enterprise development with Party building tionally, there is 1 prospective member and 41 and promoting high-quality enterprise development with activists of the Party application. high-quality Party building. Deepening Theoretical Learning Carrying out Party Building Activities The General Party Branch of the Company attaches great importance to the ideological education of party members, and The Company values the implementation of Party building culture and conducts a series of themed activities on Party organizes thematic study seminars and lectures to promote theoretical learning continuously. days in diverse forms, increasing the appeal of theme education, tempering Party spirit, and strengthening the initiative and enthusiasm of Party members for learning. Conducting Thematic Education and Publicity Organizing Themed Party Day Activities On March 17, Zhang Jingjiang, a member of the Party On September 14, the General Party Branch of the Com- On June 29, to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the On December 2, to inspire and guide the cadres and Working Committee and a member of the Development pany held a kick-o? meeting for studying and imple- founding of the Communist Party of China, the General employees to appreciate the contemporary signi?cance and Reform Commission and Statistics Bureau in the menting the themed education of Xi Jinping Thought Party Branch of the Company organized a series of of the “three classics”, and to draw spiritual strength Demonstration Zone, gave a thematic lecture on the on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New activities themed “Praising the New Era, Following the and motivation, the Company held a speech contest guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress in Era, to thoroughly study and implement General Secre- Party”, including arranging more than 20 Party mem- themed “rereading red classics and embracing the the party member activity room of the Company. Mid- tary Xi's important instructions on the theme educa- bers to visit and learn at the Yugongyishan Red Educa- spirit of the times”. Over 100 people participated in dle-level leaders and all party members of the Company tion. tion Base. the contest. attended the training. Planning Party Building Work
Governance through the General Meeting of
Shareholders, Board of Directors, and Board
2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and a new starting year for Qingshuiyu-
of Supervisors
an to create a new business situation. The Company has formulated the key work plan for the Group's General Party
Branch for 2024 based on realities, to further strengthen the advanced nature of the Party and the construction of grass-
roots party organizations, fully leverage the role of the Company's General Party Branch and various party branches as
Good corporate governance is the cornerstone to realize sound operation. To establish a sound, scienti?c, and e?ective
?ghting fortresses, and the exemplary role of party members and cadres.governance system, the Company strictly adheres to the Comp any Law of the People's Republic of China, the Securities
Law of the P eople' s R epublic of China, the Go v ernanc e Code f or Lis t ed Comp anies , and related laws and regulations, con-
tinuously improving and optimizing our management system and structure. During the Reporting Period, the Company
revised governance systems such as the Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure for General Meetings of Share
Strengthening thematic education and enhancing the combat e?ectiveness of party or-holder. s.
Fully apply theoretical knowledge to practical work, continuously improve the work and service capabilities of
The Company has established a governance structure with the General Meetings of Shareholders as the highest authority
cadres, further transform the work style, and strengthen the combat e?ectiveness of grassroots party organiza-
tions. and the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors as the core, and has strictly regulated the mode of “operating
through the General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Directors, and Board of Supervisors”, to ensure that the Compa-
ny's major decisions are lawful, compliant, truthful and e?ective.Strengthening organizational construction and consolidating grassroots fortresses
n and Strategy C ommitteemmitteeNomination dent R&D C Bidding a curemen Informati Engineeringommittee Audit Co Supervisio enter Audit Depa nd Pro- Center Technolog n Center Quality De Department
 of the Pres irectors President’s O?ce ctors O?ce Human Resources Department vestment Marketing and Com- t merce Department Planning and Finance Department Legal Department Corporate Culture Department Safety and Environmental Protection Department erformance During the Reporting Period, the Compan 7 meetings of the Board of Directors ani 
General Meeting of Shareholders
Risk Control and Management
The General Meeting of Shareholders is the highest authority of the Company. The Company convenes and holds general A sound risk prevention and control system is the fundamental guarantee for the Company's long-term stable operation.
meetings in strict accordance with the Rules of Procedure for Gener al Meetings of Shareholders and relevant systems to The Company continues to deepen compliance work in the course of daily operations, constantly improves our internal
ensure that all shareholders, especially small and medium-sized shareholders, enjoy equal status and fully exercise their control system as well as risk management and control capabilities, reduce all potential corporate governance and opera-
rights. Directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company can attend the meetings and communicate with tional risks, and safeguards our sound development.
shareholders on important issues.
Board of Directors Internal Control
The Board of Directors is the operational decision-making body of the Company. During the Reporting Period, the Compa- To strengthen internal audit supervision, promote healthy and orderly economic activities within the Company, and
ny revised the Rules of Procedure of the Bo ard of Directors, the System of Work of Independent Dir theectors, Working improve operational management levels and economic e?ciency, we have established the Supervision and Audit Depart-
Rules of the Secr etary of the Bo ar d of Dir ec tor s and other relevant systems in accordance with the latest regulations to ment, and a more complete and e?ective internal control system.

Risk Response Construction with Integrity
The Company integrates risk prevention and control deeply with operational management, implements risk management The Company has established a Supervision and Audit Department as a standing anti-fraud institution responsible for
and internal control norms, strengthens the construction of risk prevention and control management systems, and contin- organizing and implementing anti-fraud e?orts, including establishing and implementing anti-fraud control mechanisms,
uously enhances our ability to identify and control risks. In light of the established development strategy and di?erent conducting anti-fraud promotion campaigns, and handling and investigating anti-fraud complaints. This ensures the
stages of development and business expansion, the Company comprehensively, systematically, and continuously collects achievement of the Company's business objectives and its stable and healthy development, further protecting the legal
relevant information. We promptly identify, analyze, and evaluate risks in the areas of safety, environmental protection, rights and interests of the Company and its shareholders.
and quality during production and operation processes based on our realities, and actively formulate countermeasures to
ensure comprehensive control over signi?cant risks a?ecting the operations of the Company. The Company places great emphasis on strengthening employees' awareness and understanding of anti-corruption,
extensively conducting anti-corruption training and promotion campaigns for all employees to deepen their understand-
ing of the importance of business ethics and to foster a culture of integrity.Safety Risks Environmental Risks Quality Risks

actions. The Company strictly enforces the mechanism of avoidance. During the deliberation of related transactions, a?li-
ated directors and shareholders must avoid voting to ensure the fairness of the transactions.Reporting and Whistleblower Protection
The Company has set up reporting channels such as email to encourage employees to actively report any violations of
Business Ethics
discipline and various fraudulent or infringing actions. Simultaneously, the Company strictly adheres to the principles of
con?dentiality and protection of whistleblowers, preventing the disclosure and dissemination of whistleblowers' identi-
ties, whistleblowing materials, and other private information, and prohibits and punishes any retaliatory actions against
The Company prioritizes the construction of corporate business ethics, strictly complies with national laws and regula-
tions such as the Anti-Unf air Competition Law of the P , eople's Republic of China and formulates the Regulations on

Environmental Management Responsibility
Green production
The Company's environmental management structure is based on the Responsibility System for Environmental Protec-
tion , with the Safety and Environmental Protection Department responsible for the daily management of the Company's
The Company strictly adheres to green production standards and requirements and implements clean production practic-
environmental protection e?orts. The main leaders of the Company, departments, and workshops are the primary
es. By continually improving designs, using clean energy and raw materials, employing advanced technologies and equip-
responsible parties for environmental protection work at their respective levels. All levels of management implement the
ment, enhancing management, and utilizing resources comprehensively, it reduces pollution at the source. This increases
principles of “whoever is in charge should be responsible” and “production oversees must oversee environmental protec-
resource e?ciency and minimizes or prevents the generation and emission of pollutants during production and product
tion” to carry out environmental management tasks. To further strengthen environmental supervision and management,
usage, thus mitigating or eliminating risks to public health and the environment.regulate employees' environmental protection behaviors, and prevent pollution incidents, the Company incorporates
environmental protection into assessments to implement environmental responsibilities.Green Processes: Developing Processes for Green Chelating Agent ProductsEnvironmental Requirements and Goals
The company has developed a green, biodegradable chelating agent that, through performance studies, demonstrates
To become an environmentally friendly enterprise and prevent all types of environmental accidents, the Company has excellent calcium-binding properties. It remains stable across a wide pH range and e?ectively chelates heavy metal
Management of Environmental Risks
Investigation of Environmental Hidden Dangers
The Company places high importance on environmental risk management. Following requirements from documents such To ensure the e?ective control of environmental hazards during operational activities and prevent environmental pollu-
as the State Emergency Response Plans f or Environmental Emer and thegencies Measures for the Administration of the tion incidents, the Company has developed and strictly implements the Environmental Risk and Hidden Danger Investiga-
Filing of Emergency Response Plans for Environmental Emergencies in Enterprises and Public Institutions (for Trial Imple- tion and Manag . ement System It classi?es and actively investigates environmental hidden dangers, promptly identifying
ment a tion) , it has established a comprehensive emergency response mechanism for environmental emergencies covering and addressing various issues. The Company has also formulated the Responsibility System for the Investigation and Man-
agement of Environmental Hidden Dangers
aspects such as environmental risk analysis, environmental hidden danger elimination, clear emergency response respon- to clarify duties within the environmental hidden danger investigation pro-
sibilities, and emergency response measures. cess, ensuring the e?ective execution of various tasks.
Self-Monitoring for Environmental Protection
Tiered management
All of the Company's plants have environmental self-monitoring plans in place, as required by their Pollution Discharge
. These plans use a cPermits ombination of manual and automated modes to monitor exhaust gas, wastewater, noise, soil,
and groundwater. Regular manual monitoring and real-time automated monitoring are conducted to ensure thorough

Monitoring of the Exhaust Monitoring of the Hazardo- Outlet of the HEDP Unit us Waste Discharge Outlet

 sal Plan for Specialized Emerge l Emergencies for Environmenncy Response Plan Comprehensive Em al Emergencies Plan for Environm ic Environmental Risks ic Environmental Risks nvironment Risks Solid Wastes
During the Reporting Period, we organized employees in key positions to study and master the content of the emergency (未完)