
时间:2024年06月18日 12:06:12 中财网


obtained from official documents and public information of the company. The monetary amounts mentioned in the report, unless otherwise specified, are stated in Chinese Yuan (RMB). The company is responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the content of this report. Scope of the Reportobtained from official documents and public information of the company. The monetary amounts mentioned in the report, unless otherwise specified, are stated in Chinese Yuan (RMB). The company is responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the content of this report. Scope of the Report23 Standardizing Corporate Governance 37 Delivering Quality Services Responding to Climate Change 77 Responsible Supply Chain
Risks and Opportunities of Climate Change 77 Supplier Management23 Corporate Governance 37 Improving Service System 55
Greenhouse Gas Emission Management 78 Integrity in Procurement59
Risk and Compliance 39 Improving "Quantity, Quality,
Improving Environmental Management 79 Strengthening Safety Management61
29 Risk Management and Efficiency" Management
Environmental Management System 79 Safety Management System
30 Tax Management Inproving Customer Satisfaction
Energy Consumption and Management 87 Occupational Health and Safety64
31 Business Ethics Practice 42 Addressing Customer ComplaintsWater Resource Management 88 Safety Training and Drills
Anti-corruption 42 Protecting Customer Privacy
Emission Management 91 Employee Growth
Anti-unfair Competition 43 Specializing in Intelligent Storage34
Waste Management 91 Employee Rights and Benefits
and Transportation
Ecological Protection and Land Management 95 Employee Development68
Improving Innovation Management
Developing Green Storage and Transportation 101 Employee Care69
Building a Digital Platform
Green Technology Innovation 102 Incentives and Assessment
Protecting Intellectual Property
Environment-friendly Process Upgrades 103 Building a Harmonious Society71
Expanding Environmental Protection Business
Environmental Protection Concepts and Practice
Environmental Protection Public Welfare Activities
105 Annual Performance
Environmental Protection Education and Promotion
109 GRI Index
Recently, I gave a speech titled "The Path of Righteousness in the Changing World - Learning and Growing in Adversity" to all employees within the company. Taking this opportunity, all GR people collectively looked back on the key milestones Message from Chairman in the development of the company. Our first tank storage project began in a banana field on Lisha Island, Humen, Dongguan. At that time, the GR people overcame numerous difficulties such as manpower shortage, lack of funds, and technology, and after 7 years, they successfully built our first warehouse area - Dongguan Evergrowing Terminal. They also overwhelming industrial cluster advantage nationwide, laying a solid foundation for the company's future development.
Chairman of Guangdong Great River Smarter Logistics Co., Ltd.In the past year, we steadily made progress and continuously advanced the construction work of the chemical warehouse project.
Currently, the main construction of the chemical storage facilities in Chengdu and Nantong is progressing smoothly. It is expected that they
Lin Haichuan
will be put into operation seccessively in the near future, providing strong support for the company's business expansion. Meanwhile, new
construction and expansion projects for chemical warehouses in Changzhou, Changshu, and other areas are also advancing vigorously. With
the rapid growth of GR's secondary business, we will open up a broader space for performance growth for listed companies, consolidate GR’s
leading position in the chemical storage and logistics market, and significantly enhance our competitiveness in the industry.
Dear shareholders of Guangdong Great River Smarter Logistics Co., Ltd.,: In terms of value-added services, Guangdong Great River Smarter Logistics Co., Ltd. has comprehensively promoted the "smart customer
service" in various warehouse areas, and the income has continued to grow. Nantong Power Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd. and Taicang Power
As of the end of 2023, Guangdong Great River Smarter Logistics Co., Ltd. has a total of 10111 shareholders. This number
Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd. have achieved new breakthroughs in the operation of tank cleaning and sewage reception and treatment stations
represents not only 10111 solid trusts but also 10111 firm support and expectations. Every shareholder is an indispensable
integrated platform for warehousing and distribution, marking the official extension of Guangdong Great River Smarter Logistics Co., Ltd.'s resources, driving the company to constantly pursue excellence in all aspects. Externally, we leverage the advantages of multiple
service chain into the field of hazardous goods transportation. warehouses, broad layout, and regional superiority to vigorously promote innovative and specialized services such as "live storage, live
With the steady development in 2023, the storage capacity of Guangdong Great River Smarter Logistics Co., Ltd.'s tanks has increased by redemption" and damage-free transfer. Internally, we continuously carry out benchmarking studies, and through the management model
617,000 cubic meters compared to 2022, a YoY growth of 14.67 %. As of now, Guangdong Great River Smarter Logistics Co., Ltd. has a total of of centralization, we quickly promote and replicate effective valuable experiences to achieve continuous iteration of management.
1044 storage tanks with a total capacity of 5.1869 million cubic meters. It also has 14 docks and operates in a chemical warehouse area of New Journey Unfolded for Future Prosperity
64,900 square meters. Additionally, there is an under-construction chemical warehouse area of 94.1 thousand square meters. Guangdong One of the major reasons why Guangdong Great River Smarter Logistics Co., Ltd. is able to maintain a leading position in the
Great River Smarter Logistics Co., Ltd. has a total land area of nearly 6200 mu in 14 major chemical storage bases nationwide, which are industry is due to our consistent high level of strategic focus. Based on the petrochemical warehousing industry, which has significant
strategically located in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Yangtze River Delta, Bohai Rim, Southeast Coastal, and barriers such as "financial barriers," "resource barriers," "qualification barriers," and "time barriers," we have been steadfastly expanding
Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle. These locations are the most economically active and concentrated areas for the petrochemical in the field of chemical warehousing since the establishment of our first storage area, Dongguan Evergrowing Terminal. This major
industry in China. With significant scale and geographical advantages, the company is able to fully leverage the cluster effect and synergy direction will not change in the long term. We are committed to continuously promoting the business model of "dual core business of
effect of the industry. dock tanks and chemical warehouses + value-added services" towards a deeper level. We aim to thoroughly understand the chemical
Intelligent Warehouse Area and High-efficiency Development warehousing industry chain through "focus" and explore the industry's competitive moat through "expansion", in order to ensure that our
Over the past year, we have been unwavering in promoting technological innovation and committed to the construction of a smart library company maintains a leading position in the fierce market competition.
zone. By continuously improving the automation, informatization, and intelligence level of the warehouse, the safety management has been As the saying goes, "After endless sifting and straining, the purest gold remains." At the beginning of 2024, although our business
strengthened, the operational efficiency has been enhanced, the customer service has been optimized, and the profitability has been performance still ranks at the top of the industry, our profits have been impacted to a certain extent due to the overall pressure
significantly increased. Currently, we will seize the opportunity to cultivate and develop "new productive forces" at the national and provincial on the industry. However, we expect that as the economy continues to improve, our performance will return to normal more
levels. We will actively promote the technological transformation and innovation work in other warehouse areas. The goal is to forge our own quickly.
"new productive forces" for the long-term development of GR. We will create a unique CR feature in the industry and export the GR model. Moreover, during the relatively weak demand for chemical storage, we predict that mergers and acquisitions in the entire industry
In addition, we also pay close attention to the development of artificial intelligence, a cutting-edge technology, and actively explore will further accelerate. Some high-quality wharf tank assets will enter the market seeking opportunities for acquisition, which
its application in our industry. We will increase investment in artificial intelligence technology and integrate it with intelligent library zone will bring us more M&A opportunities.
construction, business process optimization, and improvement of customer services to achieve more efficient, accurate, and GR now has a healthy cash flow, and with the reduction of bank interest rates, our capital costs will also decrease. The advantage in
intelligent operational management. funding will provide us with a guarantee to firmly promote the M&A development strategy. As our scale continues to expand,
Leading Safety and Environmental Performance with Great Responsibility GR is expected to gain more say in the future market.
Over the past year, we have placed great importance on exploring and practicing in the area of ESG. ESG not only matters a Overall, this year, we plan to deepen our services in four core directions based on our established development strategy, striving to
company's economic efficiency, but also its social responsibility and sustainable development. As a forward-thinking public company, create greater value for our customers.
especially in the key field of chemical warehousing, we are well aware that the sustainable development of a company depends on a First, expanding from commercial base to industrial database. We will firmly follow the development trend of the
reverence for the environment, a commitment to social contribution, and a continuous pursuit of excellence in governance. petrochemical industry park, establish close cooperation with large-scale petrochemical enterprises, create professional
Guangdong Great River Smarter Logistics Co., Ltd. always integrates the ESG concept throughout the entire process of the supporting warehouses, and seek opportunities for mergers and acquisitions of industrial warehouses.
company's development, committed to creating more value for society, the environment, and shareholders. Second, expanding from the domestic market to the international market. We will actively seek to acquire overseas high-quality
In the field of safety and environmental protection, we consistently practice the HSE culture of GR, treating safety and chemical storage projects in order to provide more diversified and globalized warehouse logistics services, enhance the company's
environmental protection as the lifeline of our business operations. We are also actively promoting the construction of a digital HSE international competitiveness.
management system, prioritizing HSE management and achieving precise control over all aspects of HSE management work. Third, expanding towards the role of integrated warehousing and distribution solution provider. We will participate in the
In terms of public welfare and charity, we continuously practice corporate social responsibility in areas such as poverty alleviation, reconstruction of the supply chain, providing customers with integrated and coordinated one-stop warehousing and logistics
education funding, and environmental protection through the Hao Shan Public Welfare Foundation, the 620 GR Public Welfare Day, the solutions through the integration and coordination of resources.
GR Spark Volunteers, and various local public welfare organizations. Fourth, extending our business service to new energy and green chemistry industry rather than only stay in fossil fuels and
In the field of social services, as the president unit of the Dongguan Listed Companies Association, Guangdong Great River Smarter traditional chemical industry. We will focus on the warehousing demand for key varieties such as biodiesel, liquid ammonia, and
Logistics Co., Ltd. will continue to play a leading role in 2023. Leveraging its own experience and resources, it will help the association green methanol to seize future market opportunities.
fully leverage its role as a bridge between the government and enterprises and contribute to the high-quality development of the Focus allows us to resonate with the industry, while innovation enables us to symphonize with the times. GR continues to
Dongguan capital market. deeply cultivate the petrochemical storage and logistics industry, committed to providing solid storage and logistics support for the
Management Improvement, Learning Through Benchmarking efficient operation of the chemical industry chain.
In the past year, against the backdrop of a generally sluggish industry, Guangdong Great River Smarter Logistics Co., Ltd. has We aim not only to become a benchmark enterprise in HSE that is recognized by employees, respected by society, and
focused on honing its internal capabilities and cultivating its foundation, constantly improving efficiency within its management. leading the industr, but also to grow into a globally leading century-old enterprise, ensuring a thriving and everlasting
In terms of reducing costs and increasing efficiency, the management aims to optimize the allocation of human resources to business.
enhance the collaborative efficiency of the team and the individual work effectiveness. Through strengthening scientific investment Finally, we would like to thank all the GR shareholders for your unwavering attention and support!

decisions, multiple measures are taken to ensure that every penny can generate the maximum efficiency. In addition, by rationalizing the
use of funds, the management aims to continuously improve the efficiency of fund utilization and financial management level.
In terms of team building, continuous improvement and optimization of talent management and motivation mechanisms are carried
out. Through more scientific and reasonable management methods, the potential of each employee is stimulated to achieve resonance

Company Profile Corporate Culture
Corporate culture is a vital component of a company's core competitiveness, including 6 major cultural aspects:
The company is an innovative petrochemical product logistics and comprehensive service provider, mainly

transportation, loading and unloading, and warehousing.
Pursue mutual benefits through
Transit and Other Services
complementing each other's strengths
including lightering, transit, direct unloading of vehicles and ships, and ship supplies, etc., without involving warehousing processes.
and helping each other to make progress
HSE Culture

inbound and outbound goods during the storage period;
customer satisfaction
Culture Culture
Give more praise and encouragement
including intelligent customer service, cabin cleaning and wastewater treatment services, goods warehousing and exchange services,
Offer more suggestions and ask more questions
Leading Culture
hazardous chemical vehicle road and port services, and other servicesTank cleaning and sewage treatment service
Smart customer service
customers can achieve electronic trading, online transfer, The company uses its own terminal to build a water-based cleaning Leading enterprise
and storage of goods' property rights by using the station to provide professional cargo hold cleaning services for
leading team, leading management, leading talent, leading conceptcompany's smart customer service system. The smart liquefied vessels; the wastewater generated from the tank cleaning
leading benefits
customer service system provides customers with safe, is finally transported to a dedicated sewage treatment facility after
efficient, and convenient transaction services. being received and stored, and then discharged up to standard.
Company Vision Company Mission Company Values
Goods circulation and exchange service Hazardous chemical vehicle road port serviceRelying on the cluster advantages and large inventory of According to national regulations and entrusted by government
Integrate high-quality resources to provide
warehouses in various locations, providing customers with departments, providing qualification certification inspections, vehicle Build a development platform for employees Integrity
During the reporting period As of the date of this report
During the reporting period As of the date of this report

    NNaannttoog g BBaassee 
   CChhaannggssu u BBaassee  
 LLiisshhaaddaao o BBaassee     
Annual Honors and Awards Awards from Government Agencies / Non-profit Organizations Guangdong Great River Dongguan Evergrowing Terminal Dongguan Evergrowing Terminal Taicang Power Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd Taicang Power Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd Smarter Logistics Co., LtdAdvanced Collective for Donating to 2022 Annual Class A Chemical 2023 Dongguan Jiangsu Model Outstanding Contribution Promote Education in the Narcotic Substance Unit Healthy Enterprise Workers' Home Enterprise in Taicang City in 2022 2022-2023 Academic Year Communist Party Committee and Dongguan Public Security Bureau/Dongguan Dongguan Patriotic Hygiene Jiangsu General Labour Union Communist Party Committee of People's Government of Jingfeng Town Emergency Management Bureau/Dongguan Campaign Committee Taicang City/Taicang Municipal Narcotic Chemicals Management Association People's Government Taicang Power Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd Taicang Power Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd Taicang Power Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd Taicang Power Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd Taicang Power Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd2021-2022 Annual Suzhou Labor Suzhou Worker Suzhou March Eighth 2022 Top Ten Advanced Jiangsu Standardized Security AAAA-level Reputation Vanguard Red Flag Collective Service Enterprises Archives Unit Honor Certificate Suzhou Municipal Bureau of Human Resources Suzhou General Labour Union Taicang Archives Taicang Port Economic and Technological Suzhou Women's Federation and Social Security/Suzhou Office of the Leading Development Zone Management Committee Group for Construction of Social Credit System Taicang Power Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd Taicang Power Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd Taicang Power Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd Nantong Power Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd Nantong Power Shell Petrochemical Co., LtdAdvanced Enterprise in Safety and 2022 Top Ten Tax-paying Terminal 2022 Specialized Trading Advanced Collective in Environmental Protection Work Worker Vanguard Enterprises in Taicang Port Enterprise in Taicang Port Safety Work in 2022 in Taicang Port in 2022 Working Committee of the Communist Working Committee of the Communist Party of Working Committee of the Communist Party of China Nantong General Labour Union Rugao City Transportation Bureau Party of China Taicang Port/Management China Taicang Port/Management Committee Taicang Port/Management Committee of Committee of Taicang Port, Jiangsu of Taicang Port, Jiangsu Taicang Port, Jiangsu Nantong Power Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd Nantong Power Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd Nantong Power Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd Nantong Great Smart Changshu Great River2023 Advanced Unit for High-quality 2023 Advanced Team in Advanced Unit in Fire Advanced Unit in Port Excellent Environmental Service Development Safety (Emergency) Work Facility Security in 2022 Safety Work in 2023 Management Enterprise Rugao City Transportation Bureau Rugao City Transportation Bureau Rugao Fire Safety Committee Office Rugao City Transportation Bureau Changshu Ecology and Environment Bureau, Suzhou City Changshu Great River Changshu Great River Changshu Great Smart Nanjing Great Rive Changzhou Great River Petrochemical Terminal Co., LtdAdvanced Grassroots
2022 Outstanding Advanced Collective in Advanced Unit in Fire2022 Four-Star Enterprise
Service Enterprise Party Organization Firefighting Work in 2022 Safety Work in 2023Industry Association Awards and Honors Guangdong Great River Changzhou Great River Changzhou Great River Petrochemical Terminal Petrochemical Terminal Smarter Logistics Co., Ltd Dongguan Evergrowing Terminal Taicang Power Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd Top 10 Enterprises in Modern Corporate Social Responsibility AAAA Logistics Enterprise Meritorious Member Unit Worker Pioneer Role Model Service Industry in 2022 Contributing Enterprise China Occupational Safety and China Federation of Logistics China Federation of Logistics Health Association and Purchasing and Purchasing Changzhou General Labour Union Working Committee of the Communist Party of China Changzhou National Hi-Tech District; Management Committee of Changzhou National Hi-Tech District Nantong Power Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd Nantong Power Shell Petrochemical Co., Ltd Nantong Great Smart Changzhou Great River Changzhou Great River Petrochemical Terminal Petrochemical Terminal Safety Management Enterprise Three-star Green Port Three-star Green Port China Federation of Logistics Jiangsu Comprehensive Jiangsu Comprehensive and Purchasing Transportation Association Transportation Association Special Taxation 2022 Innovation Award in 2022 Breakthrough Award Changzhou Great River Changshu Great River Changshu Great Smart Petrochemical Terminal Co., Ltd Administrative Committee of Changzhou Administrative Committee of Changzhou Binjiang Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Binjiang Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Safety Equipment Technology Most Promising Enterprise 2023 Advanced Unit Innovation Enterprise Changzhou Great River Changzhou Great River Changshu Narcotic Chemicals China Federation of China Federation of Petrochemical Terminal Petrochemical Terminal Industry Association Logistics and Purchasing Logistics and Purchasing Clean Enterprise in 2022 2022-2023 Advanced Grassroots Party Organization Media Awards and Honors Administrative Committee of Changzhou Communist Party of China Changzhou Binjiang Guangdong Great River Guangdong Great River Binjiang Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Economic Development Zone Working Committee
ESG Governance System
ESG Governance Framework
The company has always adhered to the corporate The company has established a scientific ESG management system, actively carries out ESG management work, and promotes the long-term sustainable
mission of "building a development platform for development of the company. The Board of Directors Strategy and Sustainableevelopment Committee fulfills the regulatory responsibilities for sustainable
employees, providing quality services to customers, development and establishes a Sustainable Development Leadership Task Force to effectively promote ESG governance at Guangdong Great River Smarter
creating comprehensive value for society, and achieving Logistics Co., Ltd.substantial returns for shareholders." It values the deep

 Audit Committee 
 Strategic and Sustainable Development Committee Compensation and Evaluation Committee Nomination Committee 
Decision-Making Level Management Team Executive Layer

ESG GoalsESG Goals

Stakeholder Engagement
The company attaches great importance to communication with various stakeholders, fully respects and safeguards their legitimate rights and interests. In response to the characteristics of different stakeholders, the company
has established diverse and efficient communication channels, aiming to ensure stakeholders' right to information and proactively understand and respond to their concerns and demands.
Communication Requests Issue response
Stakeholders Methods of Communication
· Comply with laws and disciplines
· information disclosure(未完)