
时间:2024年07月02日 18:21:54 中财网

Stock Code:200771 Stock ID: Hangqilun B Announcement No. 2024-48
Hangzhou Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd.
Resolutions of the 6th Meeting of the 9th Supervisory Board
The members of the Supervisory Board acknowledge being responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the announcement. Not any false record, misleading statement or significant omission carried in this announcement.

The notice for calling of the 6th meeting of the 9th supervisory Board of Hangzhou Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd. was served on June 26, 2024, and the meeting was in the July 2, 2024 in the meeting room No.305 of turbine power Building of the Company. the meeting was held by way of onsite meeting voting. All of the 3 supervisors presented the meeting. The supervisors examined and voted on the proposals at the meeting. The secretary of the Board Li Guiwen observed the meeting. The meeting procedures are legal and complying with the Company Law and Articles of Association.
The meeting was hosted by chairman of the Supervisory Board Ms. Zhang Weijie. The following proposals were examined at the meeting and passed by open ballot. 1. Proposal on Changing the Accounting Firm
The proposal was adopted by 3 votes in favor, 0 vote objection and 0 vote waived. After verification, the board of supervisors of the Company considers that Grant Thornton Certified Public Accountants (LLP) (hereinafter referred to as "Grant Thornton") has the experience of providing audit services for a number of listed companies, can meet the requirements of the Company's financial audit, has independence, and has the professional ability to be competent for the Company's financial audit work in 2024. It’s agreed to engage Grant Thornton as the Company's auditor for 2024.
For details of the proposal please refer to the announcement disclosed by the company on http://www.cninfo.com.cn on July 3, 2024(Announcement No.:2024-49). This proposal is subject to examination of the Second Provisional Shareholders’ Meeting of 2024.
Documents available for inspection
1. Resolutions of the 6th Meeting of the 9th Supervisory Board This announcement is hereby made.

The Supervisory Board of Hangzhou Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd. July 3, 2024
