时间:2024年07月19日 16:42:08 中财网

原标题:厦门象屿:Xiangyu 2023 Environmental Social and Governance Report

customers, suppliers, employees, the public and other stakeholders.· United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) · Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI Standards) issued by Global Sustainability Standards Board
Reporting Cycle and Period · Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting for Chinese Enterprises (CASS-ESG 5.0) issued by the

Currency Unit Description
This Report covers Xiamen Xiangyu and its subsidiaries. For ease of expression and reading, the subsidiaries herein
All the financial data herein are denominated in RMB.
Abbreviation Full Name
Xiamen Xiangyu, the Company, we, us, our Xiamen Xiangyu Co., Ltd.Xiangyu Superchain Xiangyu Superchain Supply Chain Development Co., Ltd.Xiangdao Logistics Xiangdao Logistics Corporation
Xiangyu SOE Nantong Xiangyu Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd.Xiangyu New Energy Xiamen Xiangyu New Energy Co., Ltd.

Xiangyu Resources Xiamen Xiangyu Resources Co., Ltd.
Hubei Chuxiang Hubei Chuxiang Supply Chain Group Co., Ltd.
Xiamen Great Corporation Great Corporation (Xiamen)Co., Ltd. cninfo.com.cn.Zhuoyu Supply Chain Xiamen Zhuoyu Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.Xiangyu Zhengfeng Tangshan Xiangyu Zhengfeng International Logistics Co., Ltd
Xiangming Oils Rizhao Xiangming Oils Co., Ltd.
Xiamen Singamas Xiamen Singamas Import & Export Trading Co., Ltd.PIL Total Logistics Xiamen Xiangyu PIL Total Logistics Co., Ltd. Fax: 0592-5051631E-mail: [email protected]
Anyang Xiangdao Anyang Xiangdao Logistics Co., Ltd.
Shaanxi Xiangdao Shaanxi Xiangdao Logistics Co., Ltd.
Liangshan Xiangyu Liangshan Xiangyu Supply Chain Co., Ltd.

of business ethics and supervision mechanism to ensure strict we have established effective incentive mechanisms to growth in value for our shareholders, investors, employees,
compliance of our business activities with laws, regulations and acknowledge and reward the efforts of every employee, business partners and the broader society.
Chairman of Xiamen Xiangyu Co., Ltd.:
ethical standards. We are committed to becoming an industry enhancing their sense of belonging and happiness. Our goal
Deng Qidong
benchmark in corporate governance, always prioritizing the is to grow alongside our employees, enabling every employee
protection of the interests of all investors, especially minority to find space for growth at Xiamen Xiangyu, realize their self-
shareholders, with high standards of transparency and fairness, worth, and together build a better life.
laying a solid foundation for the Company's sustainable

to Undertakings
Main Business
5 Concepts 5-star Behaviors
? Assume Responsibility and Take
? Risks First
We are committed to becoming a world-class supply chain service company and focus on providing one-stop supply
? Building a Firm Foundation in
chain solutions for manufacturers. Our core services include procurement and supply of raw and auxiliary materials,
? Be Pragmatic and Efficient
the Market
distribution of finished goods, shearing and processing, logistics services, supply chain finance, and information
? Be Customer-oriented
? Cooperation for Win-win Results
consultations. We pursue ongoing self-innovation to ensure supply chain's stability and efficiency, promote industry
? Be Open and nclusivev
? Innovative Development
development in a more efficient and sustainable way, and jointly grow and create value with customers.
? Be Pleasant and Straightforward
? Two-wheel Drive
Including metal minerals, Including integrated Including shipbuilding, agricultural products, logistics, agricultural mineral processing, and energy chemicals, and products logistics, and grease processing, etc.new energy, etc. railway logistics, etc.

China Logistics
among China's Top 50 Logistics ESG Model Enterprise Obtained special credit of RMB 10.6 billion for customers through "Yu Lian Tong Digital Supply
Chain Service System"
Enterprises 2023 2023

·Expand market to achieve business growth
· Business Expansion · Maintain steady operation to ensure continuous profitability and · Economic Returns dividends
ESG Governance System
· Normative Governance · Keep high-standard governance to ensure integrate, accurate, and · Sustainable Development complete information disclosure
· Achieve balanced development and contribute to social well-beingWe have established a sound ESG management structure, under which the Strategy (Investment and Development)
Committee of the Board of Directors and its subordinate ESG Executive Committee are the supervision and guiding
· Stable Supply of Goods · Ensure the continuity and reliability of the supply chainCustomers
bodies, the ESG Management Office is the overall management body for daily ESG work, and subsidiaries are the
· Sales Expansion · Explore diversified markets and enhance distribution capabilitiesESG management to effectively integrate ESG into our daily operation activities.· Protection of Rights and
· Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employeesInterests
· Create a safe and healthy working environment
Employees · Occupational Health and Safety
· Provide a platform for continuous learning and career growthESG Management Structure of Xiamen Xiangyu
· Training and Promotion
· Ensure fair remuneration and comprehensive benefits
· Remuneration and Benefits

responsible for reporting and advising the Board of Directors· Performance in Good Faith · Adhere to the spirit of the contract and perform the contract · To identify risks and opportunities related to the Company's sustainable Partners · Business Ethics and according to law
development, conduct research, analysis and risk assessment on the Company's Transparency · Advocate ethics and commit to information transparencyESG issues, guide and supervise the formulation and implementation of the Company's ESG policies and objectives, and submit them to the Board of Directors for consideration and approval
·Community Development · Engage in the community development to promote local prosperity· To review and report to the Board of Directors on the ESG reports of the CompanyCommunity ·Environmental Protection · Advocate green action to protect the future of the earth(Key members of relevant functional departments)
The Public and Progress progress in a timely manner
· Its members are composed of relevant personnel from relevant functional Media · Assuming Environmental · Take responsibility for coordinating environmental departments and subsidiaries of the Company
· Responsible for providing support to the ESG Executive Committee, implementing and Social Responsibilities protection with social and economic development

Remuneration and Appraisal Committee Directors Audit Committee Strategy (Investment and Development) Committee Senior Management Qualification Appraisal Committee anager Safe Production e Team) Committee Budget Control Committee                   
pervisors Board of y of the rd agement ittee t Review General ittee (Executi sformation ittee                   

major violation of laws and regulations occurred on the part of the Company, demonstrating our firm commitment
Number of Directors 9 8.33
to operation compliance and social responsibility.
Percentage of Independent
33.33% 35.85%
Responsibilities of Three Governance Bodies of Xiamen XiangyuDirectors

Xiamen Xiangyu was Selected as the 2023 Best Practice Case of Corporate Governance by China Association for Public Companies
Note: The industry indicator is constructed by selecting 6 representative listed companies (including CITIC Metal, C&D, WZ Group,
Xiamen ITG, Xiamen Xiangyu and Zheshang Development) in the field of commodity supply chain service in the A-share market as

Qi Weidong Vice Chairman and General Manager 1,222,800
Zhang Shuili Director 210,000
Information Disclosure and Investor Relations
Lin Junjie Director 0
Wu Jie Director 0
Wang Jianli Director 0
Information Disclosure
Xue Zuyun Independent Director 0
Liu Bin Independent Director 0
We disclose our material information in accordance with laws and regulations, departmental rules, normative
Liao Yixin Independent Director 0
documents of the stock exchange and the Articles of Association. We have developed the Information Disclosure
Su Zhuquan Deputy General Manager 0
Management System to improve the management and quality of our information disclosure. The information
disclosed by us is true, accurate and complete, and our shareholders can get equal access to our material
Cheng Yiliang Deputy General Manager 940,500
information. We continue to strengthen the management of insider information and organize the registration of
Fan Chengyang Deputy General Manager 935,400
Chen Daizhen Deputy General Manager 1,140,000 interests of investors.Zheng Luyu Deputy General Manager 855,000
Key Performance

During the reporting period,we disclosed 84 reports, including 4 regular reports (Chinese and English versions disclosed simultaneously) and 80 interim announcements.    
To regulate related-party transactions, we have formulated the Related-party Transaction Management Regulations,
which clearly stipulates the definition, decision-making, disclosure, punishment and other matters of related-party
transactions, and defines the responsibilities and obligations of the directors, supervisors, senior management,
Investor Relations Management
shareholders and other personnel of the Company. We perform related-party transaction procedures in strict
compliance with the Related-party Transaction Management Regulations. Related directors and related shareholders
shall abstain from voting in the review procedures of the board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders.
In accordance with the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, the Securities Law of the People's Republic
We summarize and disclose, by classification, the actual performance of daily related-party transactions in our
of China, the Working Guidelines for the Relationship Between Listed Companies and Investors, the Articles of
annual report and semi-annual report. We also stipulate matters related to related-party transactions in the
Association and other relevant laws, regulations, rules and systems, we have formulated the Investor Relations
Regulations for Management of Raised Funds to ensure that related-party transactions are voluntary, equal, fair,

During the reporting period,we organized 1 offline performance briefing, 2 online performance briefings, 1 Open Day activity for investors, and 1 activity for minority investors, and participated in 1 online collective reception day under the jurisdiction of Xiamen, and 2 special telephone conferences; we participated in 31 strategy meetings organized by major sellers and conducted face-to-face communication with more than 300 mainstream investment institutions. We also received more than 50 researches from more than 200 institutions (on-site or online).        
 During the reporting period,we answered more than 300 calls from investors, handled more than 100 emails of investor relations, and responded to 50 questions from investors on SSE E-interactive, with a response rate of 100%.       

2022 and 2023 Q1 Performance Briefing In May 2023, 2022 and 2023Q1 Performance Briefing of Xiamen Xiangyu was held in Shanghai, which attracted more than 200 institutional investors, shareholders, industry analysts and media workers to witness the comprehensive review and panoramic outlook of Xiamen Xiangyu for the commodity supply chain industry. This briefing introduced our "Yu Lian Tong" digital supply chain service system and agricultural industry-level supply chain service system, and invited a number of industrial customers and analysts, such as Haid Group, Tongwei, Chinalco, and Sanyuan Paper, to have in-depth exchanges and share their experience and feelings of using our 2022 and 2023 Q1 Performance Briefing of Xiamen Xiangyu supply chain services.
"I AM A SHAREHOLDER" Activity of Shanghai Stock Exchange for Minority Investors - A Visit to Xiamen Xiangyu On August 22, 2023, Shanghai Stock Exchange and Huafu Securities organized the "I AM A SHAREHOLDER" activity, in which 24 minority investors and industry analysts of Huafu Securities were invited to pay a visit to Xiamen Xiangyu. During the activity, Liao Jie, secretary of the board of directors of Xiamen Xiangyu, introduced our main business, business model and future strategic plans to investors and analysts present in detail. Investors also visited our corporate culture space and inquired about our performance growth points, future development plan and other questions. "I AM A SHAREHOLDER" in Xiamen XiangyuRisk Management System
Awards About Investor Relations
We are optimizing the risk management strategy to build a comprehensive risk management system, that is, the "one
body, two wings and three engines" mode, to ensure the steady development of business. With a focus on this core (未完)