
时间:2024年08月23日 19:45:43 中财网

第一节 重要提示
1.1 本半年度报告摘要来自半年度报告全文,为全面了解本公司的经营成果、财务状况及未来发展规划,投资者应当到http://www.sse.com.cn/网站仔细阅读半年度报告全文。

1.2 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证半年度报告内容的真实性、准确性、完整性,不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。

1.3 公司全体董事出席董事会会议。

1.4 本半年度报告未经审计。

1.5 董事会决议通过的本报告期利润分配预案或公积金转增股本预案无
第二节 公司基本情况
2.1 公司简介
股票种类 股票上市交易所 股票简称 股票代码 变更前股票简称

 上海证券交易所 董妙可蓝多 会秘书 600882 证券
上海市浦东新区金桥路1398号金台大厦 10楼    
电子信箱 [email protected] [email protected]


2.3 经营情况的讨论与分析


(一) 报告期内主营业务运营情况

2024年上半年    2023年上半年    业务 收入变动
13,876.207.23%417.920.63%3.01%25,166.6712.22%– 357.12– 0.53%– 1.42%– 44.86%
14,910.907.77%1,470.572.22%9.86%16,327.727.93%1,382.592.04%8.47%– 8.68%
191,868.05100.00%66,131.10100.00%34.47%205,966.66100.00%67,759.96100.00%32.90%– 6.85%
2024年半年度报告摘要 (二) 报告期内主要经营举措 为推动公司可持续发展,公司紧密围绕「产品引领、品牌占位、渠道精耕、管理升级」四大核心策略,持续 聚焦产品引领性开发、加大品牌建设投入力度,不断推进渠道拓展及下沉深耕,进一步加强管理升级,推 动公司市场份额持续提升,夯实公司在中国奶酪领域的领先优势。 1、 产品引领 公司秉承「以消费者为导向,用工匠精神,做极致产品」的经营理念,不断加大研发投入,持续提升研发能 力。公司与国内多所高校和研究机构保持紧密合作,此类合作项目推动了公司产品研发创新,提高了产品 竞争力。公司在研发、检测检验能力以及现代化生产能力方面的投入,为「产品引领」策略奠定了坚实的基 础。公司对原料采购、生产加工、产品运输、终端陈列等全链条实行严格的全面质量管理,为「产品引领」 策略提供了坚实的保障。公司坚定以消费者为导向,不断进行产品创新,持续完善奶酪产品矩阵,实现「人 群破圈」和「场景破圈」,进一步巩固奶酪品类领导者地位。 报告期内,即食营养奶酪方面,公司丰富了低温产品矩阵,推出0蔗糖奶酪小粒,慕斯奶酪杯,一口奶酪以 及原制手撕奶酪。同时在常温产品矩阵上,也推出以花入酪、0蔗糖、轻负担的花酪棒,不断拓宽常温奶酪 产品品类,推出年轻人的第一口咸味奶酪零食鳕鱼奶酪条,以及休闲零食芝士时光系列产品,产品一经上 市就广受好评。 六款新品:花酪棒、奶酪小粒、一口奶酪、慕斯奶酪杯、鳕鱼奶酪条、手撕奶酪
2024年上半年    2023年上半年    业务 收入变动
100,848.6161.84%50,140.7578.04%49.72%107,477.6265.35%56,131.9184.11%52.23%– 6.17%

2024年上半年各类奶酪业务收入同比情况 2024年上半年各类奶酪业务毛利同比情况

1,200 600

1,000 500
800 400
600 300
200 100
0 0
2024年半年度报告摘要 报告期内,公司在行业的贡献获得了社会各界的高度认可,先后获得「2024福布斯中国年度好品牌TOP 50」 「2024正和岛年度标杆企业」「贤城优品商标授权书」等多个奖项和认证。产品研发创新上,妙可蓝多「马斯 卡彭奶酪关键技术及其相关装置的研究与应用」获得中国乳制品工业协会和国际乳品联合会中国国家委员 会联合颁发的「技术进步一等奖」;慕斯奶酪杯荣获首届「上海时尚出品创新产品」称号;拉丝奶酪片在第26 届中国国际焙烤展上获得「创新产品奖」。公司不仅在国内屡获奖项,更是在国际上崭露头角。妙可蓝多金 装奶酪棒和哈路蜜煎烤奶酪斩获三大国际奖项「iSEE创新品牌百强榜」「iSEE全球美味奖」和「iSEE产品&品 牌类铜奖」。 2024福布斯年度好品牌TOP 50 马斯卡彭获得技术进步一等奖 三大国际奖项3、 渠道精耕

(2) 持续推进「数智妙可」建设,提升企业运营效率

(3) S&OP体系继续深化,提效降本

(4) 夯实全面质量管理体系,强专业守护品质

股东性质持股比例 (%)持股数量持有有限 售条件的 股份数量 
2.5 截至报告期末的优先股股东总数、前10名优先股股东情况表
□ 适用 ? 不适用
2.6 控股股东或实际控制人变更情况
□ 适用 ? 不适用
2.7 在半年度报告批准报出日存续的债券情况
□ 适用 ? 不适用
第三节 重要事项

□ 适用 ? 不适用
2024 Interim Report Summary
1.1 This interim report summary is extracted from the full text of the interim report. To have a full understanding of the business performance, financial condition and future development planning of the Company, investors should read carefully the full text of the interim report that is published on the website at http://www.sse.com.cn/.
1.2 The board of directors (the “Board”), the supervisory committee, the directors, the supervisors and senior management of the Company warrant that there are no false representations or misleading statements contained in, or material omissions from, this interim report; and jointly and severally accept full responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information contained therein.1.3 All members of the Board attended the Board meeting.
1.4 This interim report is unaudited.
1.5 Proposal for profit distribution or proposal for conversion of common reserve fund into share capital during the reporting period resolved and approved by the BoardNil
2.1 Company Profile
Stock profile
Stock abbreviation
Stock type Stock exchange Share abbreviation Stock code before change
 Shanghai Stock Exchange SecretaryMilkground to the Board 600882 Securities affair
Xie Yi    
10/F, Jintai Building, No. 1398, Jinqiao Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai    
Mailbox [email protected] [email protected]

At the end of the reporting periodAt the end of previous year

During the reporting periodThe same period of previous year
2024 Interim Report Summary
2.3 Discussion and Analysis on Operation
In the first half of 2024, the Company actively promoted various operating measures and recorded operating
income of RMB1,922.7162 million, and the operating income in the second quarter achieved a quarter-on-
quarter increase, among which the cheese business improving for two consecutive quarters and achieved a
positive year-on-year increase. Factors such as decline in procurement cost of raw material of the Company
led to an increase in gross profit margin compared with that of the same period of the previous year, at the
same time, in the first half of the year, the Company also synchronized the promotion of various cost
reduction and efficiency enhancement measures, both the selling expense rate and the management expense rate decreased year-on-year, coupled with the existence of a minority shareholders’ equity and
other factors in the same period of the previous year, the net profit attributable to shareholders of the
Company amounted to RMB76.7783 million during the reporting period, representing a substantial increase
of 168.77% compared with that of the same period of the previous year. The Company’s net cash flow from
the operating activities also improved significantly to RMB240.4914 million, representing a significant increase
of 436.51% compared with that of the same period of the previous year.During the reporting period, the Company paid close attention to market changes and seized market opportunities, took the initiative to adjust its business strategy, steadily deployed a series of measures and
promoted a series of operational measures. Based on Kantar Worldpanel’s household sample group, the
market share of the Company’s cheese segment was further increased, ranking first in the industry steadily.
(I) Operation of main business during the reporting period
The operations of the main business of the Company by products during the reporting period are as follows:
Unit: RMB0’000

In the first half of 2024    In the first half of 2023    Increase or decrease in operating revenue
Operating revenuePercentageGross profitPercentageGross profit marginOperating revenuePercentageGross profitPercentageGross profit margin 
14,910.907.77%1,470.572.22%9.86%16,327.727.93%1,382.592.04%8.47%– 8.68%
191,868.05100.00%66,131.10100.00%34.47%205,966.66100.00%67,759.96100.00%32.90%– 6.85%
2024 Interim Report Summary (II) Major operating measures during the reporting period In order to promote its sustainable development, the Company continued to focus on leading-edge development of product, increased investment in brand building, continued to promote channel expansion and cultivation and further drove management upgrading, keeping in close up with the four core strategies of “product leadership, brand occupation, extensive channel cultivation and management upgrading”. These initiatives have promoted the continuous increase of the Company’s market share and consolidated its leading advantages in China’s cheese industry. 1. Product leadership Upholding the business philosophy of “consumer-orientation, craftsman spirit, and producing best-in-class product”, the Company constantly enhanced investment in research and development and maintained research and development capacity improvement. The Company maintains close cooperation with many universities and research institutes in China, and such cooperation projects have promoted product R&D and innovation of the Company and improved product competitiveness. The Company’s investment in research and development, testing and inspection capability and modern production capability has laid a solid foundation for the “product leadership” strategy. The Company implemented strict full-process quality management on the entire chain from raw material procurement, production and processing, product transportation to terminal display, providing strong support for the “product leadership” strategy. Consumer-oriented, the Company resolutely and constantly carries out product innovation, and continuously improves the cheese product matrix, to realize “customer base expansion” and “application scenarios expansion”, and further consolidate its leading position in the cheese category. During the reporting period, in terms of instant nutrition cheese segment, the Company has enriched its low-temperature product matrix with the launch of zero sucrose cube cheese, mousse cup cheese, one-bite cheese (一口奶酪) and natural string cheese (原制手撕奶酪). Meanwhile, in the room temperature product matrix, we also launched the flower-flavor cheese lollipop with flower inside the cheese, zero sucrose, light burden, and continuously broadened the room temperature cheese product category, launched the first salty cheese snack for the youngster, codfish cheese lollipop, as well as casual snacks cheese series products, which were widely welcomed once they were launched. Six new products: flower-flavor cheese lollipop, cheese granules, one-bite cheese, mousse cup cheese, codfish cheese bar, string cheese
In the first half of 2024    In the first half of 2023    Increase or decrease in operating revenue
Operating incomePercentageGross profitPercentageGross profit marginOperating incomePercentageGross profitPercentageGross profit margin 
100,848.6161.84%50,140.7578.04%49.72%107,477.6265.35%56,131.9184.11%52.23%– 6.17%
2024 Interim Report Summary
In the first half of 2024, instant nutritional products represented by cheese lollipop recorded revenue of
RMB1,008.4861 million during the reporting period due to the impact of the external environment, representing a year-on-year slight decline. The family consumption series achieved revenue of RMB171.8702
million, basically flat. While the catering industry series achieved revenue of RMB450.4532 million leveraging
on the Company’s strength in R&D services and supply chain, representing a year-on-year increase of
13.77%. Meanwhile, the manifestation effect and the drop in price of raw materials have driven significant
increase in the gross profit margin of the Company’s catering industry series.YoY change in revenue of various cheese YoY change in gross profit of various cheese segments in the first half of 2024 segments in the first half of 2024
Unit: RMB million Unit: RMB million
In the first half of 2023 In the first half of 2023
1,200 600
In the first half of 2024 561.32 In the first half of 2024
1,000 500
600 300
400 200
200 100
53.05 52.98
0 0
Instant nutrition Family consumption Catering industry Instant nutrition Family consumption Catering industry
series series series series series series
2024 Interim Report Summary During the reporting period, the Company’s contribution to the industry was highly recognized by all sectors. The Company has been awarded a number of awards and certifications, such as “2024 Forbes China Good Brand of the Year TOP 50”, “2024 Zhenghe Island Benchmarking Enterprise of the Year”, “The Trademark License of Xiancheng Youpin”. In terms of product research, development and innovation, “Research and application of key technology and related devices of Mascarpone cheese” of Milkground won the “First Prize of Technological Progress” jointly issued by China Dairy Industry Association and Chinese National Committee of the International Dairy Federation. Mousse cup cheese was honored as the first “Innovative Product of Shanghai Fashion Outlet”. Shredded cheese slices won the “Innovative Product Award” at the 26th China International Bakery Exhibition. The Company has not only won many awards in China, but also stood out internationally. Milkground boutique cheese lollipop and Halumi grilled cheese have won three major international awards, being “iSEE Top 100 Innovative Brands”, “iSEE Taste Award”, and “iSEE Bronze Award” in the Product & Brand Category. 2024 Forbes China Good Brand Mascarpone won First Prize Three major international of the Year TOP 50 for Technological Progress awards3. Intensive channel cultivation
In terms of channel construction, for the retail offline channel, the Company continues to carry out dealer
classification management, optimise the layout of dealers across the country and continuously improve the
dealer service system. The Company carries out hierarchical operation of retail terminals and continues to
intensively cultivate modern channels to further improve operational efficiency and effectively increase
single-store output. The distribution channel has expanded outlet coverage, increased display area and
enriched product matrix. At the same time, the Company vigorously develops special channels such as
bakery, snacks specialty retailers, maternity, and increase resource investment in new retail channels. During
the reporting period, the Company’s new shredded cheese and one-bite cheese were firstly launched in
FamilyMart (全家) and 711 convenience stores. Offline cheese flash stores in 30 cities made full use of the
image of brand spokespersons, peripherals, etc., to empower retail terminals and renew the brand image of
the channel side. As of 30 June 2024, the Company has established partnership with 4,790 dealers in total,
and its sales network covered approximately 800,000 retail terminals.2024 Interim Report Summary
(2) Constantly promoting the construction of “digital Milkground”, and improving operational efficiency
The Company continued to promote its work in relation to “digital Milkground”. In April, the Company
launched a comprehensive budget management information project, which is a key step in the Company’s
digital transformation in 2024 through scientific modelling to achieve the “business-finance integration” and
“business-information integration”. The digital marketing platform project was relaunched in June, which will
further empower the Company’s overall marketing system, supply chain system and production system, and
enhance the overall operational efficiency of the enterprise by linking the big data information of the front,
middle and back office, and realising the collection, statistics, analysis and presentation of the data. The
Company will keep deepening its informatization and marketing digital construction, empowering the business and helping the enterprise to develop rapidly with high quality.(3) Further deepening the S&OP system to improve efficiency and reduce costsDuring the reporting period, the Company has continued to deepen the S&OP system, and further improved
the reconstruction of the entire value chain operation process from procurement to sales. According to the
characteristics of fast-moving consumer goods markets, the Company implemented flexible scheduling and
precise orders to guarantee supply by closely following the sales market demand, to maximize the freshness
of products in the market. With the continuous improvement of plan management, the Company has significantly improved efficiency and reduced costs.
(4) Improving integrated quality management system, strengthening profession and maintaining quality
The Company has formed the “SDS-ACT Quality Management System” based on years of quality system operation practice and guided by needs of consumer and customers, in combination with laws and regulations as well as quality management system standards. All five factories under the Company have
passed the quality management system IS09001, food safety system certification FSSC22000, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) and other management system certifications, among which,
Shanghai Zhixiang Factory (上海芝享工厂) and Shanghai Zhiran Factory (上海芝然工厂) introduced and passed the integrity management system certification in 2023, Shanghai Zhixiang Factory (上海芝享工厂)
and Changchun Factory (长春工厂) passed the organic product certification, and Shanghai Zhiran Factory
(上海芝然工厂) passed the halal certification. Meanwhile, the Company has established a quality traceability
information system, forming a one-product-one-code traceability system.

Nature of shareholderShareholding ratio (%)Number of shares heldNumber of restricted shares held 
Domestic non-state- owned legal person36.63187,569,2220Nil
Domestic natural person14.8676,103,6320Pledged
Domestic natural person1.125,725,7000Nil
Domestic non-state- owned legal person1.035,280,0000Pledged
Domestic natural person1.015,189,9650Nil
Domestic natural person0.552,802,0000Nil
Overseas legal person0.542,789,4740Nil
Domestic natural person0.502,537,9570Nil
2024 Interim Report Summary
2.5 Total Number of Holders of Preference Shares and Information on Top Ten Holders of Preference Shares as at the End of the Reporting Period
□ Applicable ? Not applicable
2.6 Change in the Controlling Shareholder or the De Facto Controller□ Applicable ? Not applicable
2.7 Bonds Subsisting on the Date of Approval of the Interim Report□ Applicable ? Not applicable
The Company shall, based on the principle of materiality, disclose the material changes in the Company’s
operating conditions during the reporting period, and matters occurred during the reporting period that have
had and are expected to have a significant impact on the Company’s operations in the future.□ Applicable ? Not applicable
