
时间:2024年08月29日 02:32:46 中财网

Stock Code: 000761 Abbreviation: Bengang Bancai Announcement No.:2044-050 Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2024 of Bengang Steel
Plates Co., Ltd.
I. Important Notice
This Semi-Annual Report Summary is taken from the full text of the Semi-Annual Report. Investors are advised to
carefully read the full text of the Semi-Annual Report published on the media designated by China Securities Regulatory
Commission in order to fully understand the Company’s operation results, financial position and future development plan.

Non-standard auditor’s opinion
□ Applicable √Not applicable

Plans for profit distribution on ordinary shares or conversion of capital reserves into share capital proposed to the Board
during the reporting period
□ Applicable √Not applicable
The Company plans not to pay cash dividends, issue bonus shares, or increase capital by converting reserves.

Plans for profit distribution on preference shares for the reporting period approved by the Board □ Applicable √ Not applicable
II. Company Profile and Main Financial Index
1. Company profile

Stock abbreviationBengang Bancai, Bengangban BStock Code000761、200761
Stock exchange for listingShenzhen Stock Exchange  
Contact person and mannerBoard secretarySecurities affairs Representative 
NameZheng ZhengliChen Liwen 
AddressNo1-1 Gangtie Road, Pingshan District, Benxi City, Liaoning ProvinceNo1-1 Gangtie Road, Pingshan District, Benxi City, Liaoning Province 
Email[email protected][email protected] 

2. Main Accounting Data and Financial Index
Retrospective adjustment to or restatement of the accounting data for prior years by the Company due to change of
accounting policies and correction of accounting errors
□ Yes √ No
Unit: yuan

 This reporting periodSame period in previous yearIncrease or decrease in this reporting period over the previous year
Operating income28,364,539,286.8030,567,409,205.03-7.21%
Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company-1,550,950,137.71-1,004,945,623.68-54.33%
Net profit attributable to the shareholders of listed company after deducting non- recurring gain/loss-1,621,652,605.92-1,007,279,338.85-60.99%
Net cash flows generated by operating activities1,095,091,396.544,662,637,281.81-76.51%
Basic earnings per share-0.3775-0.2446-54.33%
Diluted earnings per share-0.3775-0.1558-142.30%
 At the end of this reporting periodAt the end of previous reporting periodIncrease or decrease at the end of this reporting period over the previous year
Total assets45,631,488,543.5446,181,979,851.06-1.19%
Net assets attributable to shareholders of the listed company15,462,920,341.5617,009,969,496.07-9.09%

3. Number of shareholders and shareholding
Unit: Share

Total number of common shareholders at the end of the reporting period47,365The total number of preferred shareholders voting rights restored at the end of the reporting period (if any)0   
Shareholding of shareholders holding more than 5% or top 10 shareholders      
Name of the shareholderNature of shareholderHolding PercentageNumber of shares held at period-endRestricted shares heldNumber of pledged or frozen shares 
Benxi Steel & Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.State-owned legal person58.65%2,409,628,0940Pledged110,000,000
Bengang Group Co., Ltd.State-owned legal person17.95%737,371,5320Not Applicabl e0
Guan HuiDomestic natural person0.71%29,081,2000Not Applicable0
Zhang WenyouDomestic natural person0.47%19,168,1670Not Applicable0
Gao TaoDomestic natural person0.38%15,440,0000Not Applicable0
Lyu RuijunDomestic natural person0.29%12,000,0050Not Applicable0
Basic Pension Insurance Fund Combination 804Others0.29%11,823,6000Not Applicable0
Ma YonghuaDomestic natural person0.24%10,022,4570Not Applicable0
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company LimitedForeign legal person0.24%9,964,5340Not Applicable0
Zhou WeiDomestic natural person0.22%8,995,3000Not Applicable0
Notes to relationship or ‘action in concert’ among the top 10 shareholders.Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. has a related relationship with Benxi Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd., and is a concerted action person stipulated in the "Administrative Measures for the Acquisition of Listed Companies". It is unknown to the Company whether there is any related connection or ‘Action in Concert’ as described by Rules of Information Disclosing Regarding Changing of Shareholding Status of Listed Companies existing among the above shareholders.     
Shareholders among the top 10 participating inGuan Hui holds 1,081,200 shares of the Company's stock through an investor     

securities margin trading (if any)general account and 28,000,000 shares of the Company's stock through an investor credit securities account. Zhang Wenyou holds 19,168,167 shares of the Company's stock through an investor credit securities account. Zhou Wei holds 163,500 shares of the Company's stock through an investor general account and 8,831,800 shares of the Company's stock through an investor credit securities account.
Shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares, the top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of unrestricted tradable shares
participating in the refinancing business and lending shares □ Applicable √ Not Applicable
The top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of unrestricted tradable shares have changed compared with the previous period
due to lending/repayment of refinancing
□ Applicable √ Not Applicable
4. Changes of Controlling Shareholders and Substantial Controller Change of holding shareholder
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no change of holding shareholder in the reporting period. Change of substantial controller
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no change of substantial controller in the reporting period. 5. Total preferred shareholders of the Company and shares held by top ten shareholders □ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no Preferred Shares during the reporting period.
6. Information about the corporate bonds
√Applicable □Not applicable

(1)Basic information of Bond

Name of BondBond abbreviationBond CodeIssue dateMaturity dateBalance of Debt (10 thousand Yuan)Interest rate
Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Convertible BondBengang Convertible Bond127018th 29 June 2020th 28 June 2026563,101.71st 1 year: 0.6%; nd 2 year: 0.8%; rd 3 year: 1.5%; th 4 year: 2.9%; th 5 year: 3.8%; th 6 year: 5.0%.
(2)Financial indicators as of the end of the reporting period Unit:10 thousand Yuan

Item30 June 202431 December 2023
Debt asset ratio64.77%61.89%
ItemCurrent periodPrevious period
EBITDA Interest Coverage ratio-1.792.33

III. Significant events
On June 20, 2023, the company disclosed the "Major Asset Replacement and Related Transaction Plan" to carry out asset replacement
with Benxi Iron and Steel Company, intending to acquire 100% equity of Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Mining Co., Ltd., and intending
to dispose of all assets and liabilities of the listed company except for retained assets and liabilities. The difference between the assets
to be acquired and the assets to be disposed of shall be made up by one party to the other in cash. At present, the company is conducting
further demonstration and communication and negotiation on the transaction plan. After the relevant matters are determined, the
company will convene the board of directors again for deliberation.