
时间:2024年09月19日 00:40:40 中财网


iFLYTEK Co., Ltd. Interim Report 2024 (English Simplified Version) Section I Important Notice, Contents and Definitions
The Board of Directors, Supervisory Board, and all senior management members of iFLYTEK Co., Ltd. (the "Company") collectively guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the information in this Interim Report, affirming the absence of any false records, misleading statements, or significant omissions, and accept full joint and severable legal accountability for its contents.
Liu Qingfeng, the Company's Chairman; Wang Ming, the person responsible for accounting; and Zhao Linyue, the head of the accounting department (accounting supervisor), hereby declare that the financial statements in this Interim Report are authentic, accurate, and complete. All directors were present at the Board of Directors meeting that reviewed this Interim Report.
In "Section III: Management Discussion and Analysis," under "X. Company's Risks and Countermeasures," the Company analyzes potential risks it faces along with corresponding countermeasures, and invites investors to pay attention to these details.
The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends, issue bonus shares, or convert capital reserves into share capital.

Section I Important Notice, Contents and Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 2
Section II Company Information and Financial Highlights ..................................................................................................................... 7
Section III Management Discussions and Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 10
Section IV Corporate Governance ......................................................................................................................................................... 42
Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility ............................................................................................................................. 45
Section VI Significant Events ................................................................................................................................................................ 54
Section VII Changes in Shares and Shareholder Information ................................................................................................................ 66
Section VIII Preferred Shares ................................................................................................................................................................ 71
Section IX Bonds ................................................................................................................................................................................... 72

List of Documents for Inspection
1. Financial statements signed and sealed by the legal representative, the person responsible for accounting, and the head of the accounting department.
2. Originals of all company documents and announcements publicly disclosed in the newspapers designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) during the reporting period; and
3. The original Interim Report 2024 signed by the Chairman.


Termrefers toDefinition
Artificial Intelligence (AI)refers toArtificial Intelligence (AI) is an emerging field of technical science that involves the research and development of theories, methods, technologies, and application systems aimed at simulating, extending, and enhancing human intelligence. AI refers to artificial programs or systems capable of perceiving, recognizing, deciding, and acting like humans. Perceptual intelligence enables machines to "hear and speak, see and recognize," primarily involving technologies such as speech synthesis, speech recognition, image recognition, and multilingual voice processing. Cognitive intelligence allows machines to "understand and think," encompassing services such as educational evaluations, medical diagnostic aids, judicial assistance in courtrooms, intelligent customer support, and machine translation.
iFLYTEK Sparkrefers toKnown as iFLYTEK Spark, this is a new-generation cognitive large language model (LLM) launched by iFLYTEK. It possesses cross-domain knowledge and language understanding capabilities, capable of understanding and executing tasks based on natural conversational interactions. It continuously evolves from massive data and extensive knowledge to achieve a full-process closed loop from proposing and planning to solving problems. iFLYTEK Spark has seven core capabilities: text generation, language understanding, knowledge-based Q&A, logical reasoning, mathematical ability, coding ability, and multimodal capacity. iFLYTEK Spark is empowering various industries, accelerating application implementation, collaborating with leading companies in multiple fields to set benchmarks for LLM applications, and co-creating the Spark ecosystem with individual users, developers, and corporate institutions.
Intelligent Speechrefers toThis technology enables machines to "listen and speak" like humans. It encompasses technologies such as speech recognition (automatically converting speech to text), speech synthesis (automatically converting text to speech), voiceprint recognition (identifying the speaker), and language recognition (identifying languages and dialects). These technologies are part of perceptual intelligence within artificial intelligence and serve as the core supporting technologies for the transformation of human-machine voice interaction.
Speech Synthesisrefers toThis technology automatically converts text to speech using machines.
Speech Recognitionrefers toThis technology automatically converts speech signals into text and related information using machines.
Speech Evaluation (Spoken Language Evaluation)refers toThis technology enables machines to automatically assess pronunciation levels, detect errors, and provide correction instructions.
Image Recognitionrefers toThis technology uses computers to process, analyze, and understand images to recognize objects and patterns across various models.
Machine Translationrefers toThis is the process of using a computer to translate text from one natural language (the source language) to another (the target language). It is also known as automatic translation.
Natural Language Understandingrefers toAn important branch of research in computer science and artificial intelligence, it focuses on the theories and practices that enable effective communication between humans and computers using natural languages. Its ultimate goal is to enable computers to understand and use natural languages, such as Chinese and English, to facilitate natural language communication between humans and machines. This aims to replace part of human mental labor, including information retrieval, answering questions, excerpting documents, compiling
  data, and handling all other tasks related to natural language.
“Super Brain 2030” Planrefers toLaunched in 2022, this ambitious plan sets a strategic roadmap for advancing the company’s technological and product development over the medium to long term. This visionary plan aims to develop a complex intelligent system based on cognitive intelligence that enhances human-machine collaboration and self- evolution. This plan focuses on creating machines that surpass human perceptual abilities, deeply understand specialized domain knowledge, and continuously evolve autonomously. These machines are envisioned to fully perceive humans and their environments, possess emotional intelligence, and demonstrate flexible mobility and multi-dimensional expression. Aimed at integrating advanced family companion robots into numerous households, the core objective of this plan is to leverage artificial intelligence to address emerging social challenges and meet essential future demands, positioning iFLYTEK as a leader in global AI innovation.

Section II Company Information and Financial Highlights
I. Company Information

Stock NameiFLYTEKStock Code002230
Stock exchangeShenzhen Stock Exchange  
Company Name in Chinese科大讯飞股份有限公司  
Name Abbreviation in Chinese (if any)科大讯飞  
Company Name in English (if any)iFLYTEK CO.,LTD  
Name Abbreviation in English (if any)iFLYTEK  
Legal Representative of the CompanyLiu Qingfeng  
II. Contact Information

 Secretary of the BoardRepresentative
NameJiang TaoChang Xiaoming
Contact address666 West Wangjiang Road, High-tech Development Zone, Hefei666 West Wangjiang Road,High-tech Development Zone, Hefei
TelephoneCompany Hotline: 4000-199199 Investor hotline: 0551-67892230Company Hotline: 4000-199199 Investor hotline: 0551-67892230
E-mail[email protected][email protected]
III. Other Relevant Information
1. Change to contact information
Is there change to the Company's registered address, office address and postal code, company website, email
address during this reporting period?
□ Yes √ No
No change has occurred to the Company's registered address, office address and postal code, company website,
email address, etc., during the reporting period. For details, please refer to the Company’s 2023 Annual Report.
2. Change to outlets and websites for disclosure and the location where copies of this Interim Report is kept
Is there any change to the outlets and websites for disclosure and the location where copies of this Interim Report
is kept during this reporting period?
□ Yes √ No
The websites of the stock exchange and media outlets where the Company discloses its Interim Report, as well as
the location where copies of this report are kept, have not changed during this reporting period. For details,
please refer to the Company’s 2023 Annual Report.
3. Change to other relevant information
Is there any change to other relevant information during this reporting period? □ Yes √ No
IV. Financial Highlights
Does the Company need to retroactive adjust or restate accounting data for previous years? □ Yes √ No

ItemH1 2024H1 2023Change (increase/decrease)
Operating Revenue (RMB yuan)9,324,545,041.147,841,552,405.1718.91%
Net profit attributable to the Company's shareholders (RMB yuan)-400,665,617.2173,571,996.11-644.59%
Net profit excluding non-recurring profits and losses attributable to the Company's shareholders (RMB yuan)-483,098,935.79-304,109,160.61-58.86%
Net cash flows from operating activities (RMB yuan)-1,535,556,254.51-1,528,741,829.11-0.45%
Basic earnings per share (RMB yuan)-0.17360.0318-645.91%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB yuan)-0.17290.0318-643.71%
Weighted average return on net assets (%)-2.36%0.44%-2.80%
ItemEnd of H1 2024End of 2023Change (increase/decrease)
Total assets (RMB yuan)38,256,440,253.3837,831,122,978.151.12%
Net assets attributable to the Company's shareholders (RMB yuan)16,656,438,953.5817,032,284,511.72-2.21%
Note: For more reasons behind the changes in net profit attributable to the Company's shareholders and net profit
excluding non-recurring profits and losses attributable to the Company's shareholders, please refer to "III.
Analysis of Core Business Activities: 1. Overview" under Section IIII below. V. Differences in Accounting Data under Chinese and International Accounting Standards 1. Differences in Net Profit and Net Assets in Financial Reports Prepared Under IFRS and CAS
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There were no differences in net profit and net assets between financial reports prepared under the International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS) during this reporting period.
2. Differences in Net Profit and Net Assets in Financial Reports Prepared Under Overseas Accounting Standards and CAS
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The company did not experience any differences in net profit and net assets between financial reports prepared
under overseas accounting standards and the Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS) during this reporting period.
VI. Non-recurring Profits and Losses: Items and Amounts
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In RMB yuan

Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets (including the write-off of provisions for impairment losses)-1,382,878.19
Government grants recorded in current profits or losses (excluding those that are closely related to the company’s normal operations, comply with national policies, and are consistently provided in a predetermined standard amount or quota that have a lasting impact on the company’s profits and losses)62,849,478.72
Gains or losses from changes in the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading and derivatives, and investment income from the disposal of these assets and liabilities, except for effective hedging related to the Company’s96,777,872.51
normal operations 
Gains or losses on entrusting others with investment or asset management318,402.59
Other non-operating incomes and expenses, except for the above items-64,580,341.20
Less: Income tax impact12,177,641.51
Impact on non-controlling interests (after tax)-628,425.66
Clarification of other items of profits and losses qualified as non-recurring profits and losses □ Applicable √ Not applicable
There are no other profits and losses that meet the definition of non-recurring profits and losses.

Clarification of circumstances where non-recurring profits and losses, as listed in Explanatory Announcement No.
1 on Information Disclosure for Publicly Traded Companies — Non-Recurring Profits and Losses, are categorized as recurring profits and losses
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company does not have any circumstances where non-recurring profits and losses, as listed in Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Publicly Traded Companies — Non-Recurring Profits and
Losses, are categorized as recurring profits and losses.

Section III Management Discussions and Analysis
I. Business Highlights During This Reporting Period
1.Industry Overview
The Company complies with the disclosure requirements for the software and information technology services industry as stipulated in the Guidelines of Self-Regulation for Companies Traded on Shenzhen Stock
Exchange No. 3: Industry Information Disclosure.
Since 2023, the emergence of cognitive large language models like ChatGPT have demonstrated significant
advancements towards general artificial intelligence, marking a major technological leap in AI development.
This has triggered a global surge in large language models, attracting major tech companies, significant
governmental interest, and widespread industry adoption, which collectively highlight the vast potential of these
technologies to initiate a new growth era. In April 2023, Goldman Sachs forecasted that generative AI, driven by
these large language models, would increase global GDP by 7% over the next decade, amounting to nearly 7
trillion US dollars. Further emphasizing this trend, Gartner's October 2023 report predicted that over 80% of
businesses will deploy generative AI by 2026.
Continuous breakthroughs in AI development and its vast potential for growth are providing strong momentum across the entire industry chain, transforming AI from a beneficial supplement to a core driver of
digital and intelligent industry transformation. This shift moves the focus from “+AI” to “AI+”. As a pivotal
force in the latest industrial revolution, AI is rapidly becoming as fundamental as water and electricity,
empowering diverse sectors and promoting societal progress and development. In terms of industry policy, artificial intelligence has been included in China’s National Program for
Medium and Long-term Science and Technology Development (2021-2035), which serves as a prominent example of the robust government support for the sustained development of the AI industry. ? January 31, 2024: During the 11th collective study session of the 20th Politburo of the CPC Central
Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the need “to strengthen scientific and technological
innovation, especially original and disruptive innovations, accelerate the efforts to boost self-reliance
and strength in science and technology, and do a good job in making breakthroughs in core technologies
in key fields, so that original and disruptive scientific and technological innovations can emerge one
after another, and foster more momentum for the development of new productive forces." ? March 2024: The government work report delivered to the National People's Congress further proposed
to "step up R&D and application of big data and AI” and to launch its AI+ initiative, underscoring the
critical role of AI in promoting economic and social development. ? June 2024: The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Cyberspace Administration of China, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the National Standards Committee jointly issued the Guidelines for Comprehensive, Standard and Systematic Development of the Artificial
Intelligence Industry (2024)," demonstrating a strong commitment to the systematic planning of AI development efforts and accelerating the establishment of a standards system that aligns with the high-
quality development goals of the AI industry and empowerment for “AI+”. ? July 4, 2024: Premier Li Qiang of the State Council, at the 2024 World AI Conference and High-level
Meeting on Global AI Governance, announced that China will work to achieve the innovative development of artificial intelligence.
? July 2024: The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee emphasized "boosting self-reliance and strength in science and technology," "fully leveraging the strengths of the new system for
mobilizing resources nationwide to improve China’s performance innovation across the board," "developing new productive forces characterized by high technology, high efficiency, and high quality,"
"updating policies and governance systems that promote the development of strategic industries like
next-generation IT and AI," and "recognizing the principal role of businesses in technological innovation, establishing mechanisms to nurture and grow leading technology companies," reflecting the
CPC Central Committee's resolve to support technological innovation. The gradual introduction and implementation of supportive industry policies will fuel the advancement of
China's AI technology and the accelerated development of the industry, ultimately supporting the high-quality
development of China's economy. A favorable policy and macro environment is emerging for enterprises to drive
core technology innovation and the scaled industrial implementation of artificial intelligence. 2.Business Overview
Since its inauguration, iFLYTEK has adhered to a "reaching for the sky, rooted on the ground" development
strategy. "Reaching for the sky" refers to maintaining a leading international position in core technologies, while
"rooted on the ground" involves the scaled industrial application of technological achievements. The Company
continues to focus on core underlying AI technologies such as intelligent speech, natural language understanding,
multimodal intelligence, and cognitive intelligence, managing to always remain at the cutting edge of the world.
It actively promotes the research and development of AI products and their application in various industries,
committed to making machines that can listen, speak, understand and think, and creating a better world with AI.
iFLYTEK launched its advanced large language model, known as “iFLYTEK Spark”, on May 6, 2023, building on its long-term development of foundational core technologies. This model is undergoing continuous,
rapid enhancements and iterations. Through rigorous, systematic, and authoritative evaluations, iFLYTEK Spark
has established itself as a leader among testable large language models developed by Chinese companies. It now
serves as the foundational platform for the Company's AI industrialization, playing an increasingly crucial role
across various business sectors and in the operation of its open platform. iFLYTEK has adopted a two-prong “platform + business” approach, positioning itself as a leader in China’s
AI industry. Through the iFLYTEK Open Platform, one of the first national new-generation AI open innovation
platforms, the Company empowers developers with 708 AI capabilities and delivers comprehensive AI solutions.
This initiative is continuously broadening the AI industry ecosystem, with a particular focus on key sectors such
as education, healthcare, smart cities, telecommunications, automotive, and finance. iFLYTEK sets practical,
scalable, and verifiable benchmarks for AI applications, establishing sustainable “strategic bases”. Additionally,
the Company has secured a prominent market position and reliable revenue streams through consumer products,
including AI learning devices, smart notebooks, recorders, translators, hearing aids, and iFLYREC .
Figure 1: Overview of iFLYTEK’S key businesses
3.Major Business Developments During this Reporting Period
iFLYTEK’s Large Language Model:iFLYTEK Spark
As China's leading artificial intelligence company, iFLYTEK has built the country's State Key Laboratory
for Cognitive Intelligence and the National Engineering Research Center of Speech and Language Information
Processing. The Company has exceptional expertise in deep learning and natural language processing.
Significant early technological breakthroughs include the first AI systems to pass China's National Practicing
Physician Qualification Examination and China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters (CATTI) at
level II for Chinese-English interpreting, and machine reading comprehension capabilities that exceeded the
average human performance in the SQuAD 2.0 challenge.
Building on its long-term expertise and robust foundations in AI, iFLYTEK launched its large language
model, known as 'iFLYTEK Spark', on May 6, 2023, which continues to be upgraded iteratively. In numerous
rigorous, scientific, and authoritative third-party evaluations, iFLYTEK Spark consistently ranks first among
testable large language models developed by Chinese companies. For instance, according to an evaluation report
by the Xinhua Institute released in August 2023, iFLYTEK Spark topped the overall rankings with the highest
IQ and the strongest tool efficiency capability among Chinese large language models. Furthermore, a report by
the Development Research Center of the State Council in January 2024 stated that iFLYTEK Spark possesses the
best comprehensive capabilities among Chinese models and is internationally first-class. Continual upgrades and iterations of iFLYTEK Spark: On January 30, 2024, iFLYTEK Spark V3.5, an open
model trained on China's first fully domestic TH/s computing platform Feixing-1, was released, surpassing
ChatGPT-4 Turbo in language understanding, mathematical abilities, and voice interaction capabilities,
possessing 96% of ChatGPT-4 Turbo’s code and 91% of GPT-4V’s multimodal understanding capabilities.
Additionally, iFLYTEK has released its first voice model using iFLYTEK Spark’s foundational capabilities,
surpassing OpenAI Whisper V3 across 37 languages in voice recognition and elevating the MOS score by 0.25
on average across 40 languages in voice synthesis, achieving a near-human synthesis MOS of 4.5 with 83%
human likeness.
On April 26, iFLYTEK released iFLYTEK Spark V3.5, which supports long texts, extended mixed media content, and long voice inputs. This update introduced the iFLYTEK Spark image-text recognition model,
featuring multi-emotion hyper-realistic synthesis and single-sentence voice replication capabilities.
On June 27, iFLYTEK Spark V4.0 was released. iFLYTEK Spark V4.0 is the only fully autonomously controlled, domestically powered (trained on China's first fully domestic TH/s computing platform Feixing-1)
open large model in China, and it matches up comprehensively with ChatGPT-4 Turbo. iFLYTEK Spark 4.0
excels in 8 out of the 12 mainstream test sets in Chinese and English, both domestic and international. iFLYTEK
Spark's voice model made further breakthroughs, possessing dialogue capabilities in 74 languages/dialects
without the need for switching, solving the challenges of voice recognition under strong interference, and
capable of voice transcription in challenging and complex circumstances. Strengthening domestic computation foundations to ensure the sustainable development of AI in China: iFLYTEK, listed on the US Entity List and successfully countering extreme pressures, has gradually
achieved full autonomy in core technology research and product development. The core capabilities developed
under these conditions have given iFLYTEK a first-mover advantage in developing autonomously controllable
large language models. In collaboration with Huawei, iFLYTEK is building computation foundations for general
AI in China, placing domestic large models on a platform of self-developed hardware and software, achieving
full autonomous control over the core technological infrastructure of these large models. On October 24, 2023, iFLYTEK, in collaboration with Huawei, announced the official launch of Feixing-1,
China's first fully domestic trillion-parameter computing platform designed to support the training of large
language models. On January 30, 2024, iFLYTEK released its updated large language model, iFLYTEK Spark
V3.5, which is a hundred-billion-parameter model trained on the Feixing-1 platform. This model boasts
outstanding performance indicators within China, confirming the reliability of Feixing-1. Then, on June 27,
iFLYTEK launched SparkV4.0, also based on Feixing-1. This update enhanced seven core capabilities and
achieved parity with ChatGPT-4 Turbo, further demonstrating the effectiveness of this computational platform.
Empowering the iFLYTEK Open Platform, Accelerating AI Ecosystem Development: On its Open Platform, the Company offers 708 AI capabilities and foundational capabilities of its large language model to
developers/teams, fostering an ecosystem with an API matrix and a comprehensive third-party plugin market. It
also engages in industry collaborations and empowerment initiatives with startups and universities. From January
30, 2024, when iFLYTEK Spark V3.5 was released, to June 30, 2024, the number of developers on the iFLYTEK Open Platform grew from 5.98 million to 7.06 million. The platform also supports more than 400,000
overseas developers and 580,000 large model developers. For enterprises, the Company is enhancing industry
empowerment, developing innovative applications of iFLYTEK Spark together with over 360,000 corporate
clients, and has partnered with leading companies like Chery Automobile, Pacific Insurance, Bank of
Communications, National Energy Group, and China Mobile to create benchmarks in industry-specific large
model applications, accelerating industrial upgrades.
To accelerate the development of an original developer ecosystem, iFLYTEK launched the first open-source
large model, Spark-13B, on January 30, 2024. This model provides developers, universities, and businesses with
a comprehensive, independent, controllable, and free Spark optimization suite. It is not only highly optimized for
domestic computational resources but also delivers leading application performance in various scenarios. This
supports enhanced academic collaborations and industry explorations. Enabling diverse business applications: Since the official release of iFLYTEK Spark, it has achieved
significant industrial application results across various business areas of the Company, including education,
healthcare, consumer platforms, smart cities, and telecommunications. 1. Smart Education
In the field of education, guided by its commitment to "using artificial intelligence to aid education and
provide personalized instructions to realize dreams," iFLYTEK works to address major educational issues. By
deeply integrating AI technologies in educational and teaching scenarios, and leveraging its foundational large
model technologies, iFLYTEK provides targeted and convenient services to students, teachers, and education
administrators at all levels. This facilitates the accumulation and application of data in the teaching and learning
processes, helps reduce burdens and increase efficiency for teachers and students alike, and thus promotes
educational progress. Currently, iFLYTEK's smart education products are used in 32 provincial regions across
China as well as in overseas markets like Japan and Singapore. iFLYTEK's smart education endeavors revolve around the goals of "reducing student homework burden while improving learning quality; reducing exams while scientifically assessing learning effectiveness; and
promoting balanced education development while aligning with the goal of building a technologically advanced
nation." In line with national and regional strategies for achieving digital transformation in education and high-
quality educational development, iFLYTEK systematically constructs a business system tailored to customers on
three sides: G (government), B (business), and C (consumer): G-side business mainly focuses on regional
development, including the county/district level, offering comprehensive education solutions for local
educational administrators and customized solutions for individual school teachers and students; B-side
business primarily targets school infrastructure, offering smart blackboards, smart classrooms, big data-driven
targeted teaching assistance, English listening and speaking classes, digital homework, and innovative education
solutions; and C-side business primarily aims at parents as direct purchasers, offering products such as AI
learning devices, personalized learning guides, and after-school services. In his report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping
promised to “promote the digitalization of education and build a society and country of learning where lifelong
learning is pursued by all.” It was the first time that “digitalization of education” was included as a goal in an
official report delivered to the national congress of the CPC. In January 2024, Chinese Minister of Education
Huai Jinpeng stressed at the 2024 World Digital Education Conference that China “needs to place high
importance on the digitalization of education, treating it as a crucial breakthrough for pioneering new pathways
in educational development and shaping new advantages.” On May 24, Deputy Minister of Education Wu Yan
announced at the Digital China Summit that China would implement an action plan to advance the application of
large AI models in the education sector. This plan includes accelerating the development of an education-specific
large AI model, designed to harness AI's capabilities to enhance personalized learning experiences. This
initiative aims to achieve the long-standing goal of personalized education, adapting teaching methods and
materials to the needs and abilities of individual students. On July 19, Minister Huai Jinpeng stated at a press
conference held by the CPC Central Committee that China is committed to advancing the development of smart
campuses, deploying large AI models tailored for the education sector to enable mass personalized education and
foster innovative and personalized teaching methods, aiming to substantially enhance the quality of education to
meet the public's expectations. This initiative represents a strategic effort to integrate advanced technologies into
educational activities, thereby enhancing educational outcomes and experiences across the country. The
aforementioned policies have created a favorable environment for the seamless integration of information
technology and educational practices through advanced artificial intelligence applications. Furthermore, these
policies offer strong support for iFLYTEK’s deployment of comprehensive, scenario-based smart education
1.1 Promotion of region-specific personalized education solutions During the reporting period, iFLYTEK significantly expanded its personalized teaching solutions in five
regions: Fugu County in Shaanxi Yulin, Zhuji City in Zhejiang, Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone in Fujian,
Jingzhou City in Hubei, and Changchun City in Jilin. These efforts supported the “Double Reduction” initiative
as part of China’s ongoing education reform, notably with a smart homework project in Xiaoshan District,
Zhejiang. Collaborating with the Hubei Provincial Department of Education, iFLYTEK helped establish a
provincial-level education data center, setting benchmarks and advancing the digital transformation and quality
development of education. To date, iFLYTEK’s personalized education solutions have been implemented in over
60 cities, districts, and counties, proving effective in reducing workload and increasing efficiency for teachers
and students alike. This scaled application has increased the efficacy of regional teaching management through
digital tools, with intelligent teaching assistants significantly easing teachers' grading and planning burdens.
Additionally, it has developed student-centered learning profiles, increased teaching effectiveness, tailored
instruction to individual learning needs, and shifted away from rote learning methods. These widespread
applications have markedly enhanced teaching quality in these regions. In the same period, intelligent grading technology has been successfully applied in paper grading for college
entrance exams across 14 provinces and cities. In 2024, the application of this technology in paper grading
extended to cover college entrance exams in one additional province and 3 cities, along with the middle school
exams in 3 more prefecture-level cities. Now, it covers college entrance exams in 25 provincial regions and
middle school exams in 111 cities, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of grading. 1.2 Enhancing product value in school scenarios
In the classroom, the “Three New” teaching reform is deepening with an extensive roll-out of personalized
and innovative teaching methods. In response, iFLYTEK has upgraded and integrated its previously separate and
independent smart classroom and smart window products into a unified, green, safe, and intelligent “classroom
product system”. This integration has led to the creation of a new brand of intelligent equipment that consolidates
high-quality teaching resources and tools across various scenarios. This comprehensive digital and intelligent
system is designed to better cater to the primary teaching environments, continuously enhancing the quality of
education and creating sustained value for users.
In the field of intelligent equipment, the launch of iFLYTEK Spark 4.0 has redefined classroom screens via
the Spark Smart Blackboard. This technology incorporates multi-modal understanding and recommendation,
fully natural interaction, virtual assistant learning, and intelligent recording and sharing, four key features that
transform traditional blackboards into AI teaching assistants. In the realm of lesson preparation and delivery, the
Spark Teacher Assistant has expanded its capabilities in subjects like mathematics, English, and Chinese,
introducing new real-time recording and classroom analysis tools that now serve nearly ten thousand teachers.
Data indicates a 56% increase in the efficiency of resource retrieval and presentation creation, with a satisfaction
rate exceeding 85%. Moreover, the latest generation of smart classrooms, which connect large screens to students’
mobile devices, enhances teaching efficiency and effectiveness through an integrated teaching and evaluation
system. This system supports the innovation of teaching methods and improves overall teaching quality.
Regarding schooling data services, in response to the ongoing implementation of the “Double Reduction”
policy, the increasing demands of exam management, and the broader context of digital education, iFLYTEK has
upgraded and integrated its digital teaching products, which were originally designed for independent use in
exams and homework support. This integration has resulted in the creation of a comprehensive and efficient
“schooling data service system”. This system extends across all school-related scenarios, both inside and outside
of the school environment, benefiting a variety of educational roles including administrators, teachers, and
students. It delivers continual value by reducing workload and meeting the personalized educational needs of
In the area of teaching management, iFLYTEK's “resource and supervision management” platform helps to
optimize the design and distribution of teaching resources for balance and efficiency. In examinations and
homework management, iFLYTEK's “precise exam and digital homework” system dramatically reduces the time
taken to design an exam paper from 2 hours to under 10 minutes. Additionally, the newly introduced iFLYTEK
Spark Smart Grader cuts down grading time for all subjects and question types from 90 minutes to just 5 minutes.
This system enables a teacher to scan, grade, and analyze an entire class's papers within 10 minutes, reducing the
workload significantly. It improves the adaptability of educational content by about 30%, delivering personalized
homework tailored to individual learning needs and reducing ineffective practices. In the area of after-school service, empowered by iFLYTEK Spark, a course platform provides a wealth of
quality course resources and content for teachers and students, greatly reducing the burden of teachers in lesson
preparation. Additionally, the “Inquisitive Classroom” module, which integrates cognitive big model of
iFLYTEK Spark and digital virtual person technology, can respond instantly to every child's curiosity in class
and after class, effectively alleviating the contradiction between the limited knowledge reserve of front-line
teachers and the infinite curiosity of students, encouraging students to dare to ask questions, be good at asking
questions. The “Inquisitive Classroom” boasts an effective answer rate of over 98%. To date, after-school
services have covered over 13,000 schools in more than 460 districts and counties nationwide, gradually
narrowing the urban-rural gap, promoting balanced regional development, and driving the paradigm shift from
traditional knowledge teaching to cultivating students' capabilities and comprehensive qualities. At the same time, in alignment with the national initiative to pursue education, technology, and talent
development goals at the same time, iFLYTEK has introduced a comprehensive science education solution to
integrate science education in basic schooling. This solution includes high-quality course resources, AI teaching
tools, project-based inquiry systems, digital inquiry environments, and expansive social classrooms that bridge
home, school, and community. Additionally, it focuses on building a culture of science and technology among
educators. These support teachers in delivering effective science lessons, enhance students' science and
technology literacy, and inspire children to pursue their dreams of becoming scientists by instilling a passion for
science in their hearts.
In response to the national initiative to enhance digital education and universal digital literacy, iFLYTEK
has introduced a technology curriculum solution centered around experimental teaching and guided by
curriculum standards. This solution utilizes the cognitive big model capabilities of iFLYTEK Spark to address
the challenges in teaching, learning, and evaluating information technology subjects. It significantly enhances the
efficiency of teachers' preparation for experimental teaching, cutting down preparation time from 4 hours to just
30 minutes. This not only boosts student engagement but also nurtures future talent equipped with digital literacy
and innovative skills, aligning with national educational goals. 1.3 Promoting AI self-learning aids for students
Since its launch, iFLYTEK’s AI Learning Machine has been a leader in its market segment, introducing a
personalized and effective learning method, and consistently maintaining the highest Net Promoter Score (NPS)
in the industry. Amidst fierce competition, the market share and brand recognition of iFLYTEK’s AI Learning
Machine have continuously grown. With the release of the upgraded iFLYTEK Spark V4.0, the smart learning
machine now features an enhanced AI-based 1-on-1 tutoring function, pioneering a new interactive mode that
encourages children to think and ask questions proactively. In line with the 2022 curriculum standards, which
emphasize respecting individuality and autonomous learning, iFLYTEK has partnered with renowned national
institutions to develop high-quality learning content closely aligned with these standards, including AI-enhanced
courses in Chinese writing, intensive reading, cognitive development, and elementary mathematics, bringing (未完)